Rapid urban population growth is one of the major characteristics of contemporary population patterns of countries of the Third World and of Africa in particular. Although Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, the spectacular growth of its urban population, particularly those of cities is worrying in view of the weak economic capacities of these societies to manage such a situation. (Aliou , 2001).Family planning process is adopted as one of the major process of controlling the population growth in a particular region considered to be overpopulated. This paper however looked at the process/methods of designing for family planning clinics in hospitals in north-eastern Nigeria. However, this study was carried out through the information sourced from reconnaissance survey, an on-spot assessment of the questionnaires. Each questionnaire was to obtain information on background information on adequacy of available space, structural changes and a checklist for maintenance, Also references was made to some family planning clinic hospitals in the north-eastern Nigeria with a view to design standard family planning clinic hospitals in the north-eastern Nigeria.
- Page(s): 01-30
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- ADEDOKUN AdeJoseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun-State, Nigeria
[1]. Aliou, A. (2001). Equity and Access To Quality Care In Urban Areas. Urban Health Project Abidjan, Bamako, Conakry, Dakar and Niamey. Pp 1-33, November. [2]. Andrew, A. Fisher, J. L & John, S. (1985). Guidelines for Overcoming Design Problems in Family Planning Operations Research. Studies in Family Planning. Vol. 16, No. 2 pp. 100-105. [3]. Bongaarts, J, John C, John ,W. T, Jane, T, Monica, D. G. (2012). Family Planning Programs for the 21st Century: Rationale and Design. New York: Population Council. [4]. Bruce, J. (1990). Fundamental elements of quality of care: A Simple Framework’ Studies in family Planning,Vol. 20, No. I , Pp.61-91 [5]. Cumberlege, G. (1995). Studies in the functions and Designs of Hospital” Oxford University Press A.L.A’s ‘Architectural Graphic Standard’ Edited by Ramsey and Sleeper A.A 7th Edition John Wiley and Sons. [6]. Handbook for Family Planning Operations Research Design, (2009). Elements of Family Planning Success Toolkit. [7]. Jain, A. K. 1989. Fertility reduction and the quality of family planning services. Studies in Family Planning. Vol.20, No.1, Pp I -16. [8]. Oyekanmi, F.D and Adedokun A, (1997). Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Contraceptive Users and their Perception of the Quality of Service in the North—Eastern.Federal Ministry of Health Ikeoja N.P 1980” A New Geography of Nigeria.
ADEDOKUN Ade "Designing For Family Planning Clinics in Hospitals in North-Eastern Nigeria" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.01-30 2013
The problem of voltage sags and Swells and its severe impact on sensitive loads is well known. To solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is one of the most efficient and effective modern custom power devices used in power distribution networks. This paper described DVR principles and voltage correction methods for balanced and/or unbalanced voltage sags and swells in a distribution system. Simulation results were presented to illustrate and understand the performances of DVR under voltage sags/swells conditions. The results obtained by simulation using MATLAB confirmed, which significantly affect the quality of power supplies.
- Page(s): 31-36
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Ms.Santoshi GuptaM.Tech Student, Department of Electrical Engineering NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology, Bhopal, India
- Prof.Paramjit Kaur Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology, Bhopal, India
[1].Paisan Boonchiam and Nadarajah MithulananthanUnderastandings of dynamic voltage restorer through matlab ieee trnascations on power electronics vol.15dec 2012 [2]A. Ghosha nd G. Ledwich,P ower Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. [3]mehmet tilmay,ahmet teke,ugras cume :simulation & modeling of dvr cukurova university :01330 balcali adana turkey [4]chellali benachaiba ,brahim FERDI:voltage quality improvement using dvr :electrical power quality & utilization journal volno:12008 [5]pedro roncero sanchez ,jose Enrique IEEE Enrique acha senior member IEEE:A versatile control scheme for a dvr for power quality improvemet :IEEE TRANSCATIONS ON POWER DELIVERY:VOL 24 NO1 JANUARY2009 [6]Praveen J Bisnu muni bheel corporate :review of dvr for power quality improvement :IEEE 2012:NOV 2-6 [7]chi jen huang ,shyh-jier-huang senior member ,IEEE & fu sheng pai:design of dvr with disturbance filtering enhancement :IEEE TRANSCATIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS VOL18.NO5.SEPTEMBER 2003
Ms.Santoshi Gupta, Prof.Paramjit Kaur "A Review Paper on Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.31-36 2013
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETS) are transient networks of mobile nodes, connected through wireless links, without any fixed infrastructure or central management. Due to the self-configuring nature of these networks, the topology is highly dynamic. In general, routing protocols for MANETs are designed based on the assumption that all participating nodes are fully cooperative. Wireless Mobile ad hoc Networks suffer from a great efficiency loss due to the individual nodes that are constrained by the resources such as battery power and bandwidth. Misbehaving nodes makes the routing process a tedious task. One such routing misbehaviour is that some selfish nodes will participate in the route discovery and maintenance processes but refuse to forward data packets. A threat to such multihop transmission is posed by selfish nodes, which may drop others packets to save their own bandwidth and battery life. Therefore, packet forwarding is a fundamental problem for wireless ad hoc networks.This proposed method implements a context-free protocol that does not rely on observation and selfish behavior detection. Given a path, a context-free protocol can transmit packets through it without knowing whether the intermediate nodes are selfish or not. In this method, the data of a packet should be encrypted and the identity of the destination should only be revealed after all nodes forwarded the packet cooperatively. Multi hop acknowledgement N-ACK is used in this scheme to detect misbehaving nodes.
- Page(s): 37-41
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Vani A.Hiremani Computer Department, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India
- Snehal S. Jadhav Computer Department, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India
[1] Parkavi Murphy John I, Dr.P.Vivekanandan 2”A framework for Secure Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks “,IEEE-International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012. [2] 1P. Purniemaa, 2K. Manikandan, 3M.A.Saleem Durai ”A Framework for Security Enhancement in Mobile-Ad-hoc Network” IJCST Vol. 2, Iss ue 2, June 2011. [3] R.Balakrishna1, U.Rajeswar Rao2 , G.A.Ramachandra2 , M.S.Bhagyashekar3 “Trust-based Routing Security in MANETS”, R. Balakrishna et al. / (IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 03, 2010 [4] Rutvij H. Jhaveri1 , Ashish D. Patel2 , Jatin D. P,Bhavin I. Shah4 armar3 “ MANET Routing Protocols and Wormhole Attack against AODV”, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.4, April 2010 [5] M.N.Karuppusamy “Efficient Dynamic Nature Routing for Improving Node Lifetime in MANET “,International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, Vol.8, Iss.8, Dec2012 [6] Rizwan R. Rangara ,Rupika S. Jaipuria ,Gauri N.Yenugwar1, Prof. P M. Jawandhiya2 “ Intelligent Secure Routing Model For MANET ” IEEE-2010. [7] Karthik Sadasivam1 Vishal Changrani2 T. AndrewYang3 “Scenario based Performance evaluation of secure routing in MANET”. [8] Sumati Ramakrishna Gowda , P.S Hiremath “Secure Routing Schema for Manet with Probabilistic Node to Node forwarding” IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 3, No 1, May 2013. [9] Karim El Defrawy and Gene Tsudik “PRISM: Privacy-friendly Routing In Suspicious MANETs (and VANETs)” IEEE-2008.
Vani A.Hiremani, Snehal S. Jadhav "Context-free Protocol and N-ACK scheme for Secure Routing in MANET " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.37-41 2013
Steganography is the skill of hiding the existence of data in other transmission medium to attain secret communication. It does not restore cryptography but quite boost the security using its obscurity features. We have proposed a Steganography technique in this paper. Biometric characteristic used to apply steganography in images. Here important data is implanted within image which will give an outstanding secure location for data hiding. Different steps of data hiding can be applied by cropping an image interactively. With the help of cropping an improved security than hiding data without cropping the whole image, so cropped region works as a key at decoding region. So with this object oriented steganography we track area of given images with the higher security and satisfactory PSNR. Modern steganography goal is to keep its mere presence undetectable. Encoding and decoding process for the conversion of original image to stego image and vice versa can be implemented using BASE 64 algorithmic strategies.
- Page(s): 42-47
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Dr. Vivek Sharma Head , Deptt of CSE, VNS Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., India
- Hariom C. Agnihotri Research Scholar VNS Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., India
Dr. Vivek Sharma, Hariom C. Agnihotri "Data Hiding in encrypted Image by DWT " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.42-47 2013
Cloud computing technology has been looked upon as the next-generation architecture of IT solution. It enables the users to move their data and application software to the network which is different from traditional solutions. The distributed architecture of cloud data storage facilitates the customer to get benefits from the greater quality of storage and minimized the operating cost. Due to this IT services are not under logical, physical and users' controls, it brings many new different security challenges. Ensuring data storage security is one more urgent of them. The representative network architecture for cloud data storage includes a third party auditor which affords trustful authentication for user to operate their data security in cloud. This technology also brought numerous possible threats including data confidentiality, integrity and availability. To address these problems a homomorphic based model of storage is proposed, which enable the customer and a third party auditor to perform the authentication of data stored on the cloud storage. This model performs the verification of huge file’s integrity and availability with less consumption of computation, storage and communication resources.
- Page(s): 48-53
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Shefali AroraUniversity of Mumbai Saraswati College of Engineering Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India
- Prof. Dipti PatilUniversity of Mumbai Pillais Institute of Information Technology Panvel, Navi Mumbai, India
[1] M.Vanitha, R.Raju, “ Data Sharing: Efficient Distributed Accountability in Cloud Using Third Party Auditor”, (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-5, April 2013 [2] Balakrishnan.S, 2Saranya.G, 3Shobana.S, 4Karthikeyan.S, “Introducing Effective Third Party Auditing (TPA) for Data Storage Security in Cloud”, IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2011 [3] Qian Wang and Cong Wang and Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou, Jin Li “Enabling Public Auditability And Data Dynamics For Storage Security in Cloud Computing” in IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 2011, vol. 22, no. 5 [4] Muralikrishnan Ramane and Bharath Elangovan, “A Metadata Verification Scheme for Data Auditing in Cloud Environment”, International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture(IJCCSA), Vol.2, no.4, August 2012. [5] Wang, Sherman, Kui, Lou, “Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage", INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 14-19 March, 2010. [6] Y. Deswarte and J.-J. Quisquater, “Remote Integrity Checking,” in Sixth Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems (IICIS) (S. J. L. Strous, ed.), pp. 1–11, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1 2004. [7] M. A. Shah, M. Baker, J. C. Mogul, and R. Swaminathan, “Auditing to keep online storage services honest,” in Proc. of HotOS XI., Usenix, 2007. [8] R. C. Merkle, “Protocols for public key cryptosystems,” Security and Privacy, IEEE Symposium on, p. 122, 1980. [9] R. Curtmola, O. Khan, and R. Burns, “Robust remote data checking,” in StorageSS ’08: Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshopon Storage security and survivability, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 63–68, ACM, 2008. [10] Y. Zhu, H. Wang, Z. Hu, G.-J. Ahn, H. Hu, and S. S. Yau, “Cooperative provable data possession.” Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2010/234, 2010. https://eprint.iacr.org/. [11] Q. Wang, C. Wang, J. Li, K. Ren, and W. Lou, “Enabling public verifiability and data dynamics for storage security in cloud computing,” in 14th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, pp. 355–370, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, September 2009. [12]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homomorphic_encryption
Shefali Arora, Prof. Dipti Patil "Preserving Privacy of Cloud Data in Public Auditing (IJLTEMAS)" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.48-53 2013
Use of fiber reinforced polymer in civil engineering is increasing rapidly. Various types of fibers are used such as glass, carbon, aramid, steel and basalt. Basalt fiber is formed by melting of basalt rocks, which are being applied in construction industry for various purposes. The various experimental investigations for determination of properties of basalt fibers are discussed in present work. This paper, reviews in detail the application of basalt fiber in civil engineering field.
- Page(s): 54-58
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Gorde Pravin JaysingM. E. student, Civil Engineering Department, Pad. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Deepa A. JoshiAssistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department,Pad. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
[1] Professor G. L. Sheldon, “Forming Fibres from Basalt Rock”, Platinum Metals Rev., 1977, 21, (1). [2] Vladimir B. Brik Research & Technology, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, Basalt Fiber “Composite Reinforcement For Concrete”, IDEA Program Transportation Research Board National Research Council March 1997. [3] Yun-Hae Kim, Jun-Mu Park, Sung-Won Yoon, Jin-Woo Lee, Min-Kyo Jung, and Ri-Ichi Murakami, “The Effect of Moisture Absorption and Gel-coating Process on the Mechanical Properties of the Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composite”, International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 1(3) (2011) 148-154https://dx.doi.org/10.5574/IJOSE.2011.1.3.148. [4]R Singaravadivelan, N Sakthieswaren and Dr.K.L Muthuramu, “Experimental Investigation on the Behaviour of Flexural Strengthening of Beam Using Basalt Fiber”, International Conference on Automotive, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ICAMME'2012) Penang (Malaysia) May 19-20, 2012. [5]R. singaravadivelan, P.chinnadurai, G.karthikeyan, Dr.K.L.Muthuramu and Dr.N.V. Ramamoorthy, “An Experimental Study has been carried out to Evaluate the Behavior of Concrete Elements using Basalt Chopped Strands Fiber”, International Conference on Chemical, Bio-Chemical and Environmental Sciences (ICBEE'2012) December 14-15, 2012 Singapore. [6] Wu Zhishen, Wang Xin, Wu Gang, “Advancement Of Structural Safety And Sustainability With Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymers”, Proceedings of CICE 2012 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering Rome, Italy, 13-15 June 2012 © International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC). [7] Dr.Anil Patnaik, “Applications of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Reinforcement for Transportation Infrastructure”, https://provenperformancechemicals.com/pdf/University_of_Akron_Oh_Basalt_Testing.pdf [8] Dr. Richard Parnas, PI, Dr. Montgomery Shaw, Co-PI, Qiang Liu, Student Assistant “Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”, The New England Transportation Consortium August, 2007 NETCR63 Project No. 03-7. [9] Hamadallah M. Al-Baijat, “Comparison between Composite Beam of Limestone and Basalt Concrete”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 3, No. 3, 2009. [10] Eythor Thorhallsson, Arngrimur Konradsson, “Concrete Cylinders Confined with Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer” , https://www.ru.is/media/sel greinar/ BFRP Confined Cylinders _ AK_ERT.pdf. [11]https://www.laseroptronix.se/exoma/basaltinformation%20%20.pdf [12] https://www.b-composites.net/280.html [13]https://www.junantai.com/en/products/basalt/basalt_fiber.htm [14] https://www.basalt-mesh-fiber.com/ [15]https://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/69684069/geocomposite-reinforced-granular-working-platform-situ-testing [16]https://www.scribd.com/doc/95576286/Fire-Resistant-Properties-of-Woven-Fabric-Geocomposites-Modified.
Gorde Pravin Jaysing, Deepa A. Joshi "Review on Application of Basalt Fiber in Civil Engineering" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.54-58 2013
Today much importance is given to the acoustical environment. Noise control and its principles play an important role in creating an acoustically pleasing environment. This can be achieved when the intensity of sound is brought down to a level that is not harmful to human ears. Achieving a pleasing environment can be obtained by using various techniques that employ different materials. One such technique is by absorbing the sound. Fibrous, porous and other kinds of materials have been widely accepted as sound absorptive materials. This paper review and describes how the physical prosperities of materials like fiber type, fiber size, material thickness, density, airflow resistance and porosity can change the absorption behavior. The effect of surface impedance, placement / position of sound absorptive and compression, on sound absorption behavior of materials was also considered. The sound absorption of different fibrous materials was experimentally tested. The result shows the relationship between the sound absorption and airflow resistance, material thickness, air gap and attachment film. Higher airflow resistance always gives better sound absorption values but for airflow resistance higher than 1000 the sound absorption have less values because difficulty movements of sound wave through the materials. The creation of air gap, 5mm, 10 mm behind the absorptive material increases sound absorption coefficient values in mid and higher frequencies. There is not much difference seen between 5 mm air gap sample and 10 mm air gap sample. Moreover, maxima peak for different air gap is different (higher the air gap distance, maxima peak shift towards lower frequency.
- Page(s): 59-64
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Sudarshan ShindeDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pune, India
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Sudarshan Shinde "Acoustic Performance of Sound Absorptive Materials and Influencing Factors" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.59-64 2013
In recent years, lack of adequate transmission capacity, limitations in constructing new transmission lines, growing concern to the environment and emerging electricity market structure have led to the increased use of Distributed Generation (DG), in the form of smaller size generators installed at the power distribution level close to the end users. Many DG systems employ renewable resources for electricity generation and, thus, help in mitigation of the adverse environmental impacts, being experienced due to the fossil fuel based centralized generating plants. Among the renewable DG systems, Photo-Voltaic (PV) solar systems have attracted considerable attention and investment in several countries. The installation of low (<10kW) and medium (<100kW) power PV generation systems is, particularly, increasing at the Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks. Power outputs of PV arrays depend on solar insolation, atmospheric temperature and the voltage level at which it is operating. The process of extracting maximum power from the PV array by adjusting its terminal voltage is called circule method of optimization techniques. In this thesis, low (5.6kW), and medium power (32.5kW) PV arrays have been considered for integration at the 1-Phase and 3-Phase lines of the LV system, respectively,using two-stage (DC-DC boost converter and DC-AC voltage source inverter) configuration of the PV system. The DC-DC boost converter is responsible for boosting the voltage andensuring circule method of optimization techniques of the PV array. The Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) controls its output current to remain in phase with the grid voltage to supply power at unity power factor.
- Page(s): 65-71
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Dayavanti SisodiaM.Tech Scholar Jnit, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Mukesh Kumar GuptaM.Tech Guide Associate Prof., Jnit, Jaipur, v
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Dayavanti Sisodia, Mukesh Kumar Gupta "Modeling and Control of Grid-Connected by Photovoltaic System using Matlab" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.65-71 2013
In this paper object tracking for real time video is developed which, demonstrates the motion compensated video processing by using sum of absolute differences. First an object has taken as reference object or image then the next successive object is compared with the reference object or image. Each time the successive object is compared with the reference object and produces an absolute difference, then the summation of all these differences shows its sum of absolute difference. This difference shows the change in the two images. Finally by using negative threshold, the change in the motion of sum of absolute differences in the object image is shown. A simulink model is also developed for object tracking for real time video.
- Page(s): 72-77
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Madhvi Bagga Panwar ECE Deptt., Madhav University, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India
- Priyanka Goyal ECE Deptt., Madhav University, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India
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Madhvi Bagga Panwar, Priyanka Goyal "Object Tracking For Real Time Video Using MATLAB" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.72-77 2013
Classification is a data mining and machine learning task aimed at building a classifier using some training instances for predicting classes for new instances .Building effective classification systems is one of the central tasks of data mining. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are among the most popular and successful classification algorithms The SVM approach to machine learning is known to have both theoretical and practical advantages. The accuracy of an SVM model is largely dependent on the selection of the model parameters such as C, Gamma and P. There are a number of parameters such as C, Degree and Gamma that apply to the SVM model and the selected kernel function. Kernel techniques have long been used in SVM to handle linearly inseparable problems by transforming data to a high dimensional space. Selecting the optimal values can significantly impact the accuracy of the model. This paper aims to establish an accurate SVM classification model for Medical prediction, in order to make full use of the invaluable information in clinical data, especially which is usually ignored by most of the existing methods when they aim for high prediction accuracies. This paper presents a comparison among the different SVM kernels with different parameters on the three medical data sets. The empirical results demonstrate the ability to use more generalized kernel functions and it goes to prove that the polynomial and RBF kernel’s performance is consistently improved with suitable parameters like degree and gamma. Experimental results show that kernel selection greatly improves the quality of classification.
- Page(s): 78-85
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- G. Ravi KumarResearch Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Sri Krishnadevaraya University,Anantapur-515 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Dr. G.A RamachandraAssociate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur-515 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
- K.NagamaniResearch Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool-518 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
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G. Ravi Kumar, Dr. G.A Ramachandra , K.Nagamani "An Efficient Classification System for Medical Diagnosis using SVM" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.78-85 2013
This paper presents space vector based pulse width modulation (SVPWM) algorithm for voltage source inverters fed AC drives by using the concept of offset time. To reduce the harmonic distortion and to increase the dc bus utilization of the inverter when compared with the sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) algorithm, this paper has been focused on the implementation of space vector based PWM algorithm. The proposed PWM algorithm have been developed by using the instantaneous phase voltages and hence reduce the complexity involved in the conventional space vector approach. Moreover the proposed algorithm can be easily extended to multilevel inverters. To validate the proposed algorithm, numerical simulation studies and THD analysis has been carried out on v/f controlled induction motor drive and results are presented.
- Page(s): 86-91
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- M. KhaimullaPG Student, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- G.Srinivasa RaoAssistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- D.NagarajuSr.Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- P ShashavaliAcademic Assistant, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTUCE,Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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M. Khaimulla, G.Srinivasa Rao , D.Nagaraju ,P Shashavali "Generalized PWM Algorithm for Three Phase n-Level Voltage Source Inverter Fed AC Drives " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.86-91 2013
Traditional or Unsmart grid is dead. Two way high- speed, secure and reliable wireless-communication is highly desir- able for smart grid. So communication networks play a key role in smart grid .Critical information like power-usage, billing-data, grid-status, control-messages etc are frequently communicated among smart grid elements. The cyber attacks against smart grid corrupts the security of smart grid. Thus this paper summarizes wireless communication technologies widely used in smart grid and possible smart grid Cyber security issues, Vulnerabilities, attacks and their detection in brief.
- Page(s): 92-98
- Date of Publication: December 2013
- Rajiv BhatiaDept. of Information Technology Terna Enggineering College Nerul, Navi-Mumbai 400-706, , India
- Varsha BodadeDept. of Information Technology Terna Enggineering College Nerul, Navi-Mumbai 400-706, India
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Rajiv Bhatia , Varsha Bodade "Smart Grid: Wireless Communication and Cyber Security " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 12, pp.92-98 2013