The basic assumption for the design of mechatronic devices is the acquisition by the device itself which is responsible for the lower levels of the process (task) to allow the user to focus on higher-order functions. Mechatronic device structure can be considered at two levels: abstract, consisting of the conjunction of partial functions of the main function device and the specific plane, consisting of the combined structural parts and assemblies, which are natural carriers of various functions involved. The integration of mechatronic device structure is a result of links among 'smart' teams which communicate and cooperate. The linking mechanical structure, sensors, actuators and information processing occur as a result of mass flow of streams, of energy and information.
- Page(s): 01-03
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Steve DimonScholar, Monash University, VIC, Australia
[1] [2] Bradley, Dawson et al., Mechatronics, Electronics in products and processes, Chapman and Hall Verlag, London, 1991. [3] Karnopp, Dean C., Donald L. Margolis, Ronald C. Rosenberg, System Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2006. ISBN 0-471-70965-4 Bestselling system dynamics book using bond graph approach. [4] Cetinkunt, Sabri, Mechatronics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007 ISBN 9780471479871 [5] James J. Nutaro (2010). Building software for simulation: theory and algorithms, with applications in C++. Wiley. [6]
Steve Dimon "Design of Micro Opto-Mechatronics System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.01-03 2014
This paper aims to improve and design a safety device for overload protection of a boom access platform system. It also includes stopping avoidable movement of the cage. If the total weight inside the cage is reached its limit or over its limit than boom must stop working otherwise it may cause damage of boom or a person working inside the cage. This paper is to improve the safety device of a boom access platform. It provides a useful insight of safety devices. 3D design tools have been used to design a platform cage and to analyze it. The outcome of this work will be a critical assessment of the current projection device, bench marking of possible solutions and recommendations for implementation. This will provide the benefit of safety of operator/s, quality of work as well as many other advantages to the manufacturer. .
- Page(s): 04-11
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Mr Bhavesh Kumar PoshiyaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Madhav University, Abu Road, India
1. Akinci, K. T. 'Transformation of a 4Dproduct and process model to generatemotion of mobile cranes', Automation inConstruction, 18 (4), pp. 458-468. 2. Artiba 'International Journal of finite element analysis', finite element analysis, 19(3), pp. 195-196. 3. Gere, M.; Timoshenko, S in Edition, F. (ed.) Mechanics of materials London: Chapman and Hall. 4. M.M. Topa, H. G. a. N. S. K. 'Fatigue failure prediction of a rear axle housing prototype by using finite element analysis', Engineering Failure Analysis, 16 (5), pp. 1474-1482. 5. Mandal, S. K. A. a. M. 'Performance of EAs for four-bar linkage synthesis', Mechanism and Machine Theory, (0094114X). 6. Marsavina, L. s., T; Constantinescu, D (2011) 'polyurethane foams behaviour. Experiments versus modelling', Advances in Strength of Materials, 399 (5), pp. 123-130. 7. Noorani, R. I. 'Study of design optimization through advanced general element analysis', American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division PD, 80 (8), pp. 41-47. 8. Ronalds, B. F. T., David J.; Pinna, Rodney 'On the relationship between platform topology, topside weight and structural reliability under storm overload', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63 (8), pp. 1016-1023. 9. Shishkovsky, I. 'Stress strain analysis of porous scaffolds made from titanium alloys synthesized via SLS method', Applied Surface Science, 50 (11). 10. Ulrich, T,; Eppinger, S in Edition, F. (ed.) Product Design and Development. New York: Mc Graw Hill. 11. Yao, Y. Z. a. S. 'Understanding design activities through computer simulation', Advanced Engineering Informatics, (14740346). 12. Zhu, P. J., 'Four-function principle for optimization design of green high performance massive concrete', Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 20 (4), pp. 93-96. 13. Zairi, M. ‘Benchmarking for best practice : continuous learning through sustainable innovation’ Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann.
Mr Bhavesh Kumar Poshiya "“Investigate and design an overload Protection system for a Powered Access Platform”" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.04-11 2014
Any sound which irritates can be called as noise. As with any occupational hazard, control technology should aim at reducing noise to acceptable levels by action on the work environment. Such action involves the implementation of any measure that will reduce noise being generated, and/or will reduce the noise transmission through the air or through the structure of the workplace. Major noise sources in a noisy portable I. C. engine driven generator set have been identified. The separation of engine combustion and mechanical noise indicated that their contribution was almost equal. The main noise sources were considered to be mechanical in nature. In general, the larger the vibrating panel, the more sound is radiated from the surface. Sound pressure level measurements performed to identify major noise sources in the engine when exhaust will duct away. For noise reduction muffler, silencer, vibration control, barriers and enclosures can be used and should be considered at the design stage. A of method of noise reduction is depends upon the application of an I. C. Engine. Such as for generator enclosure, barrier along with absorptive material with total enclosure will provide better noise reduction than a partial enclosure. In vehicles muffler, silencer is used along with absorptive material. It is advisable and better to consider noise control measures at the design stage itself rather than after the product is manufactured and installed. This paper presents the different methods of noise reduction of an I. C. Engine.
- Page(s): 12-16
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- S. R. PatilAssistant Professor A.I.S.S.M.S.C.O.E., Mechanical Engg. Department, Pune, India
- S. S. Shinde Assistant Professor A.I.S.S.M.S.C.O.E., Mechanical Engg. Department, Pune, India
1) N. Tandon, B. C. Nakra, D. R. Ubhe and N. K. Killa, ―Noise Control of Engine Driven Portable Generator Set‖, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 307-328, 1998 2) R. Boonen, P. Sas, ―Development of an active exhaust silencer for internal combustion engines‖, K.U.Leuven, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, division PMA, Celestijnenlaan 300B, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium. 3) G. Mylsami, N. Nedunchezhian, ―Experimental Study of Diesel Engine Exhaust Noise Reduction with Perforated Endplate Muffler‖, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X, Vol.77 No.3 (2012), pp.393-401. 4) M. Rahman, T. Sharmin, A F M E. Hassan, and M. Al Nur, ―Design and Construction of a Muffler for Engine Exhaust Noise Reduction‖ Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005. 5) Hoda S. Seddeq, ―Factors Influencing Acoustic Performance of Sound Absorptive Materials‖, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(4): 4610-4617, 2009 ISSN 1991-8178. 6) N Tandon, ―Noise-reducing designs of machines and structures‖, Sadhana, Vol. 25, Part 3, June 2000, pp. 331-339. 7) Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, ―Vehicle Noise and Vibration Control,‖ 8) Professor Colin H. Hansen, Dr Berenice I.F. Goelzer ―Engineering Noise Control‖, Department of Mechanical Engineering World Health Organization University of Adelaide South Australia 5005.
S. R. Patil , S. S. Shinde "Noise reducing Methods for an I. C. Engine: A Review " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.12-16 2014
Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmer and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited understanding of the principles of software. The objective of this research paper is to evaluate and analyze the performance of some testing tools and compare them to determine their effectiveness and reliability, used in software testing. In this research paper, two testing tools: WAPT and NEOLOAD are described, Which are implemented on a web application. WAPT is a load, stress testing tool that provides an easy to use & cost effective way to test any website. Whereas , the NEOLOAD is a tool that measures performance and behavior of the system under load. The performance of these testing tools is evaluated and compared and their results will help in adoption and usage of these tools.
- Page(s): 17-24
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Dr.Naveen Hemrajani Head(CSE), JECRCU, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Shreya Purohit M.Tech Computer Science, JECRCU, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Dr.Naveen Hemrajani, Shreya Purohit "A Sustainable Approach for analyzing load testing tools " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.17-24 2014
This paper presents an overview of wireless networks, with emphasis on the most popular standards: IEEE802.11. The arrival of wireless technology has reduced the human efforts for accessing data at various locations by replacing wired infrastructure with wireless infrastructure and also providing access to devices having mobility. Since wireless devices need to be small and bandwidth constrained, some of the key challenges in wireless networks are Signal fading, mobility, data rate enhancements, minimizing size and cost, user security and (Quality of service) QoS.
- Page(s): 25-31
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Ritika TandonAssistant Professor, EC Depatment MIT, Moradbad, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Alpana Singh Assistant Professor, EC Depatment MIT, Moradbad, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Saurbh Khanna Assistant Professor, EC Depatment NIT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Pragati GuptaAssistant Professor, EC Depatment MIT, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Ritika Tandon , Alpana Singh , Saurbh Khanna , Pragati Gupta "Wireless Communication Networks and Technical Challenges" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.25-31 2014
Text Summarization is the process of reducing a text document in order to create a summary that retains the most important points of the original document. Text summarization can be single document text summarization and a multi document text summarization. This paper contains a large literature review in the research field of Text Summarization. In this paper we study about the single document text summarization. Here we study statistical or linguistic sentence scoring methods. Scoring sentence is extracted using different methodologies. Also study different type of summaries. Evaluate the summary using the ROUGE method. It is standard method for evaluating the system generated summary with the human generated summary.
- Page(s): 32-36
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Prashali GuptaDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering AIM & ACT, Banasthali University Jaipur, Rajasthan,India
- Yogesh kumar MeenaDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering Maliviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Rajasthan,India
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Computational Linguistics, 17(1):21-48. [27] Ferreira, R., Luciano de Souza Cabral, Lins, R. D., Gabriel Pereira e Silva, Freitas, F., George D.C. Cavalcanti, Lima, R., Steven J. Simske, Favaro, L. (2013). Assessing sentence scoring techniques for extractive text summarization.
Prashali Gupta, Yogesh kumar Meena "Sentence based scoring method for extractive document based summarization review" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.32-36 2014
The photogalvanic effect in electrochemical cells, employing Bromothymol blue as photosensitizer, Triton X-100 as surfactant and Oxalic acid as electron donor, was experimentally investigated. Seven different standard H-cell configurations were set-up by modifying the electrolyte. Long-term open-circuit voltage measurements were conducted in order to test the stability of the cells. Light on-off reproducibility experiments were also carried out during lengthy cell operations. The photopotential and photocurrent generated by this cell were 910 mV and 180 μA, respectively. The effect of various parameters likes pH, light intensity, diffusion length, reductant concentration, dye concentration, etc. on the electrical output of the cell has been studied. The current voltage (i-V) characteristics of the cell have also been observed and a tentative mechanism for the generation of photocurrent has been proposed. Performance of the cell was determined in dark at its power point.
- Page(s): 37-45
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Veer SinghResearch Scholar, Department of Chemistry, SH. JJT University, Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) INDIA
- Mahaveer GenwaDepartment of Chemistry, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi), Shivaji Marg, Karampura, New-Delhi, Delhi-110015, INDIA
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Veer Singh, Mahaveer Genwa "Photogalvanic Effect in Aqueous Bromothymol Blue - Triton X-100 - Oxalic acid Systems: Conversion of Sun Light into Electricity" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.37-45 2014
The Construction Technology will raise the sector to a higher world beating level of performance and competitiveness. This will be achieved by analysing the major challenges that the sector faces in terms of society, sustainability and technological development. Research and innovation strategies will be developed to meet these challenges engaging with and mobilising the wide range of leading skills, expertise and talent available to us within our industry over the coming decades, in order to meet the needs of the Society.
- Page(s): 46-48
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Prem Prakash GautamDepartment of Civil Engineering Madhav University, Abu Road, India
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Prem Prakash Gautam "Planning Of Residential & Industrial Construction Technology" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.46-48 2014
One role of banks in rural development is to provide financing for the area to be developed. The banks will also provide financing for consumers looking to purchase homes in the area. Banks also have options for consumers to open savings and checking accounts, as well as other loan products. Rural development is mandatory for a country. First step towards is to inculcate the habit of investing & saving they should create awareness that why savings is important.
- Page(s): 49-52
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Deepak Boora Commerce Lecturer, Vivekanand P.G. College Bhadra, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan, India
- Pawan Kumar Research Scholar, JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
- Dr. Shiv Ram Singh Jhajharia N.D.B. Government College Nohar HMH Rajasthan, India
[1] C Gomez – Financial Markets Institutions And Financial Services Prentice-Hall 2008 Retrieved 2012-07-11 ISBN 8120335376 [2] A Chavez Irapta, Et Al – Introduction to Asia: History, Culture, and Civilization Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2005 Retrieved 2012-07-11 [3] "Evolution of Payment Systems in India =Reserve Bank of India". [4] Cooke, Charles Northcote (1863) The rise, progress, and present condition of banking in India. (Printed by P.M. Cranenburgh, Bengal Print. Co.), pp.177-200. [5] Reference [6] Austin, Granville (1999). Working a Democratic Constitution – A History of the Indian Experience. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. p. 215. ISBN 0-19-565610-5. [7] "ICICI personal loan customer commits suicide after alleged harassment by recovery agents". Retrieved 2010-07-28. [8] "Karnataka / Mysore News : ICICI Bank returns tractor to farmer’s mother". Chennai, India: The Hindu. 30 June 2008. Retrieved 2010-07-28. [9] "ICICI’s third eye : It’s Indiatime". Retrieved 2010-07-28.[dead link] [10] "Computerisation of banking sector". [11] "MICR technology". [12] "Committee on Computerisation in Banks (1988)". [13] INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM. I.K INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT. LTD. 2006. ISBN 81-88237-88-4. [14] NSNR-Bank-on-Rural-India.htm [15] [16]
Deepak Boora, Pawan Kumar, Dr. Shiv Ram Singh Jhajharia "Role of Rural Area in Development of Banking Sector for Future Scenario" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.49-52 2014
The growth in power electronics has impacted many loads that traditionally were considered linear in nature. As a result, the number of nonlinear loads has increased and is expected to increase dramatically in the years ahead. With increasing quantities of non-linear loads being added to electrical systems, it has become necessary to establish criteria for limiting problems from system voltage degradation. This paper presents the power quality problems, issues and related international standards. The presentation is done with giving a thorough knowledge of harmonics, power quality indices, parameters effecting electric power etc. Latest research work in giving different international standards for different type of power quality problems is also been given. This is important for design engineers and researchers in power quality to know the international standards used for power quality.
- Page(s): 53-58
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Avinash PanwarAssistant Professor, Madhav University, Abu Road, India
[1] “IEEE Recommended Practices and requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems,” IEEE Std. 519-1992. [2] “Electromagnetic Compatibility, Part 3: Limits- Sect.2: Limits for Harmonic Current Emission,” IEC 1000-3-2, 1st ed., 1995. [3] “Draft Guide for Harmonic Limits for Single-Phase Equipment,” An Internet Search on www. [4] Power Electronics, Mohan, Underland and Robbins, John Wiley and Sons, 1995. [5] M. McGranghan, “Power Quality Standards: an Industry Upadate,” An Internet Search on www. [6] Antti T., “Power Quality Improving with Virtual Flux-Based Voltage Source Line Converter,” An Internet Search on www. [7] D.D. Sabin and A. Sundaram, “Quality Enhances Realiablity,” IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1996, pp. 34-41. [8] M. Jovanovic and D.E. Crow, “Merits and Limitations of Full-Bridge Rectifier with LC Filter in Meeting IEC 1000-3-2 Harmonic-Limit Specifications,” in Conf. Rec. of IEEE-APEC 1996, pp. 354-360. [9] T. Key and J.S.Lai, “Analysis of Harmonic Mitigation Methods for Building Wiring Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, PE-086-PWRS-2-06-1997, July 1997, pp. 1-9. [10] P. W. Hammod, “A New Approach to Enhance Power Quality for Medium Voltage AC Drives,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1997, pp. 202-208. [11] S. Buso, L. Malesani, P.Mattabeli and R. Veronese, “Design and Full Digital Control of Parallel Active Filters for Thyristor Rectifiers to Comply with IEC-1000-3-2 Standards,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1998, pp. 508-517. [12] D.O. Koval, W. Xu, and J.salmon, “Power Quality Charcteristics of Rural Electric Secondary Power Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 35, No. 2, 1999, pp. 332-338. [13] J.S.Lai and F.Martzloff, “Coordinating Cascaded Surge Protection Devices: High-Low Versus Low-High,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1993, pp. 680-687. [14] T. Key and J.S.Lai, “Comparison of Standards Limiting Harmonic Distortion in Power Systems,”IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1993, pp. 688-695. [15] M. B. Hughes, J. S. Chan, and D. O. Koval, “Distribution Customer Power Quality Experience,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appli, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1993, pp. 1204-1211.
Avinash Panwar "Power Quality Issues, Problems and Related Standards" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.53-58 2014
Every decision made in a business has financial implications, and any decision that involves the use of money is a corporate financial decision. Defined broadly, everything that a business does fits under the rubric of corporate finance. It is, in fact, unfortunate that we even call the subject corporate finance, because it suggests to many observers a focus on how large corporations make financial decisions and seems to exclude small and private businesses from its purview. A more appropriate title for this discipline would be Business Finance, because the basic principles remain the same, whether one looks at large, publicly traded firms or small, privately run businesses. All businesses have to invest their resources wisely, find the right kind and mix of financing to fund these investments, and return cash to the owners if there are not enough good investments.
- Page(s): 59-64
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Deepak Boora Commerce Lecturer, Vivekanand P.G. College Bhadra, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan
- Pawan Kumar Research Scholar, JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
- Dr. Shiv Ram Singh Jhajharia N.D.B. Government College Nohar HMH Rajasthan
1. The Investment Decision of the Corporation, Prof. Don M. Chance 2. 3. 4. Budgeting 6. Corporate Finance: First Principles, Aswath Damodaran, New York University's Stern School of Business 7. 8.
Deepak Boora, Pawan Kumar, Dr. Shiv Ram Singh Jhajharia "Corporate Finance " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.59-64 2014
One needs a lot of patience and time on hand to read Anita Desai’s books. Not because they are difficult reads, but because they make you ponder, mull, stop in between and reflect on your state of mind and heart, and just make you come back to the book/s in bits and parts. Anita Mazumdar Desai (born 24 June 1937) is an Indian novelist and the Emerita John E. Burchard Professor of Humanities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As a writer she has been shortlisted for the Booker Prize three times; she received a Sahitya Akademi Award in 1978 for her novel Fire on the Mountain, from the Sahitya Akademi, India's National Academy of Letters;[1] she won the British Guardian Prize for The Village by the Sea.
- Page(s): 65-69
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Pawan KumarResearch Scholar, Department of English, SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
- Dr. Nazir Ahmad Reshi Research Scholar, Department of English, SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
[1] "Sahitya Akademi Award – English (Official listings)". Sahitya Akademi.[dead link] [2] "Guardian children's fiction prize relaunched: Entry details and list of past winners". 12 March 2001. Retrieved 2012-08-05. [3] Anita Desai". Retrieved 2012-06-21. [4] "A Brief Biography of Anita Desai". Melissa Culross '92 (EL 34, 1991).[dead link] [5] "Notes on the Biography of Anita Desai". Elizabeth Ostberg. 12 February 2000. Retrieved 2012-06-21. [6][page needed] [7] Baumgartner's Bombay, Penguin 1989. [8] Anita Desai at the Internet Movie Database [9] "Guardian children's fiction prize relaunched: Entry details and list of past winners". 12 March 2001. Retrieved 2012-08-05. [10] Desai, Anita (1937–)". Retrieved 10 August 2010 [11],-The-Peacock.html [12] [13] [14] [15]
Pawan Kumar, Dr. Nazir Ahmad Reshi "Anita Desai: Cry The Peacock “A SERIES OF SITUATIONS ARISE IN MAN WOMAN RELATIONSHIP”" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.65-69 2014
Rural banking is banking that is done in an area that is not close to towns or cities, making it difficult for those who need to conduct banking business. Many times a bank's agent will come to the rural area to offer basic banking services. Rural banking is not as prevalent in the U.S. as it is in rural areas of India, Africa and some other countries. The goals of Rural Banks are to provide banking services to the rural/village population of India. Gramya banks or Grameen banks are banks in India that provide banking services for the rural population in India. There are a total of 32 Grameen banks.
- Page(s): 70-76
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Deepak BooraCommerce Lecturer, Vivekanand P.G. College Bhadra, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan
- Pawan KumarResearch Scholar, JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
- Dr. Shiv Ram Singh JhajhariaN.D.B. Government College Nohar HMH Rajasthan
1. 2. 3. Hoggson, N. F. (1926) Banking Through the Ages, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company. 4. "The world's second oldest bank—and its plans for the future" 5. 6. 7. 8. RBI sells Nabard stake to govt". 15 October 2010. Retrieved 28 December 2011. 9. "Nabard Rural Innovation Fund | Agriculture and Industry Survey". Retrieved 2010-09-01. 10. NABARD – SDC rural innovation fund". Retrieved 2010-09-01. 11. "National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development". Retrieved 2010-09-01. 12. "Nabard can help change face of rural India". The Hindu Business Line. 28 June 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-01.
Deepak Boora, Pawan Kumar, Dr. Shiv Ram Singh Jhajharia "Role of Banking in Rural Area" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.70-76 2014
India is the second largest country of this world in population. The youth constitutes about 34% of total population of India. The youth are the most vital human resource of the nation on whom the present and future of the country depend. The responsibility for change, progress and innovation lies on their shoulders. The youth have the zeal to initiate revolutions. The youth of our country also played a significant role in the freedom struggle. Youth can make or mar society. Low status of women in society, high degree of illiteracy and denial of basic amenities to the rural folk has been a result of unawareness among the masses about their rights and privileges. The schemes framed by the government for their benefit never reach the needy. The educated youth should initiate steps to teach the illiterate people in their neighborhood. They could teach them elementary reading and writing and also educate them about hygiene and the need for cleanliness. They should also be informed about the harmful effects of drinking, smoking and chewing tobacco. Definitely the youth power can do a dramatically change in the country if it is used in a positive way. But at the other side if negative energy of youth is coming forward towards the society it can destroy the development structure of country. The best and the first and foremost way to strengthen our youth are to provide them education. Not just any kind of education, but the right kind of education which makes them scientific, logical, open-minded, self respecting, responsible, honest and patriotic. Without these virtues being developed, our youth cannot walk in the desired way and they will remain in a deep slumber of complacency.
- Page(s): 77-85
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Kamal Kumar VyasAssistant Professor, Govt. Engineering College , Bikaner, India
- Mahendra Kumar VyasPh.D. (Research Scholar) In University Management
Kamal Kumar Vyas, Mahendra Kumar Vyas "Igniting Young Minds For An Emerging India" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.77-85 2014
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a new and very challenging research field for embedded system design automation, as their design must enforce stringent constraints in terms of power and cost. WSN node devices have until now been designed using off-the-shelf low-power microcontroller units (MCUs), even if their power dissipation is still an issue and hinders the wide-spreading of this new technology. In this paper, we propose a new architectural model for WSN nodes (and its complete design-flow in synthesizable VHDL). Our approach combines hardware specialization and dividing the ALU operation in MSB and LSB unit operations at the same clock cycle thereby reducing the latency of processor and also a low-power solution for WSN node processor design.
- Page(s): 86-92
- Date of Publication: January 2014
- Priyanka Sao Gyan Vihar School of Engineering and Technology ,SGVU, Jaipur, Rajasthan,India
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Priyanka Sao "An Alternate Design for Wireless Sensor Network Node Processor" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 1a, pp.86-92 2014