“Green” is the word of the day. The government, companies and consumers in general know the importance of the environment and the contribution done by all to degrade it. It becomes very much crucial now to alter the way of living to save the existence of our own. And marketing can do wonders to bring this change. What is required is to identify the needs and wants of consumers and the variables which affect them the most.
This paper identifies those variables and the effect of each on consumer’s green buying behaviour. There are eight such variables namely eco-labels, eco-brands, environmental advertising, environmental awareness, green product, green price, green promotions and demographics. Each variable is equally significant for the green marketer. He should know which variable to emphasize more as per the market segment he is concentrating. This paper gives a vivid description of each variable.
- Page(s): 01-08
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Dr. Meghna SharmaFaculty International Business and Strategy,
Amity International Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India. - Prachi TrivediResearch Scholar,
Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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Dr. Meghna Sharma, Prachi Trivedi "Various Green Marketing Variables and Their Effects on Consumers' Buying Behaviour for Green Products" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.01-08 2016
Pyrolysis of aquatic prostate herb (Achyranthes paludosa) was performed in a semi-batch reactor made of Pyrex glass to determine the characteristics and yields of liquid and solid products. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out at the temperatures ranging from 4000C to 6000C at a constant heating rate of 20 0C min-1. The maximum liquid product yield of 38.52 % (by weight) was obtained and had the calorific values 9.97 MJ/kg for Achyranthes paludosa respectively. The thermal degradation of achyranthes paludosa was studied in atmospheric pressure by TGA. The chemical composition of the bio-oil and bio-char was investigated using 1H-NMR, FT-IR, GC-MS and SEM–EDX. The chemical characterization showed that the bio-oil obtained from achyranthes paludosa can be potentially valued as a fuel and chemical feedstock or blended with diesel after upgrading.
- Page(s): 09-16
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Neelanjan BhattacharjeeDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
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Neelanjan Bhattacharjee "Bio-oil Production from Fast Pyrolysis of Aquatic Prostate Herb (Achyranthes paludosa)" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.09-16 2016
We are in globalised economy and in this globalised competitive environment the most important and unique factor is its manpower. So it is said that the success of any organization is fully dependent on its human resource. Banks also follow this principle. This study is conducted to understand employee empowerment status in respect of various demographic factors such as age, income , qualification, education and many more. It is assumed that a satisfied and happy employee is the biggest resource of any organization . Bank is a service based industry and its employees are responsible for its huge productivity and profitability. Empowered employees work with positivity and takes decision more confidently which results better. But status of employee empowerment is still a question , so this study is initiated to understand the level of employee empowerment in HDFC Bank of New Delhi. Some dimensions which are considered here are like leadership , motivation, performance , job satisfaction , issue of control , employee participation with demographic factors like age, income, education, gender , designation. The study used independent sample t-test to find the variation, if any among overall employee empowerment level with different demographic factors . Data is collected from 220 respondents and it results that employees are satisfied and feels that the organization support employee empowerment.
- Page(s): 17-24
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Manisha JindalResearch Scholar, Department of Business & ManagementShri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, UP, India
- Dr. Niraj GuptaResearch Guide, Department of Business & ManagementShri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, UP, India
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- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
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Using one scalar potential and one vector potential and interpreting the vector potential suitably for the radial magnetic field the nonrelativistic problem of scattering of an electric charge by a fixed dyon has been studied and scattering solutions and cross section have been obtained.
- Page(s): 30-33
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Gaurav BhakuniDepartment of Physics, Kumaun University, Nainital-263002, Uttarakhand, India
- Shuchi BishtDepartment of Physics, Kumaun University, Nainital-263002, Uttarakhand, India
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Gaurav Bhakuni and Shuchi Bisht "Nonrelativistic Scattering of an Electric Charge in the Radial Field of a Fixed Dyon" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.30-33 2016
The new technology alternative energy is considered as renewable energy and used to reduce cost of fuel of non-renewable energy sources generation this intern reduces the environmental effect. Wind power has a key role in reducing GH (green house) gas emissions. Today Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) is commonly used where the axis of rotation is parallel to the ground and the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). The is focused on primarily on VAWT, These devices operate on any direction wind flow and require much less space than a traditional HAWT ,in future VAWT beats the other sources of energy. VAWTs dominate over HAWTs, such as:
1) Simple construction.
2) Reduces cost of construction,
3) They can accept flow from any direction, Relatively low and constant wind strength VAWT work well. VAWTs include both a drag-type and lift type configurations.
In this work we attempt to design and fabricate a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.
- Page(s): 34-38
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Prakash L. ChavanAssistant professor, Electrical Engineering Dept., AMGOI, Vathar-Tarf- Vadgaon Maharashtra, India
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- Swapnil ShindeB.E Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, AMGOI, Vathar-Tarf- Vadgaon Maharashtra, India
- Dnyanasagar KambleB.E Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, AMGOI, Vathar-Tarf- Vadgaon Maharashtra, India
- Amol GaikwadB.E Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, AMGOI, Vathar-Tarf- Vadgaon Maharashtra, India
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Prakash L. Chavan, Sujeet Nivale, Swapnil Shinde, Dnyanasagar kamble, Amol Gaikwad "Design and Development of Novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.34-38 2016
Multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a division of operations research that explicitly evaluates multiple criteria in decision making environment. In our day to day life there are typically multiple criteria that need to be solved in making decisions. Cost always stands first inthe criteriafor making decisions. Quality is the criterion that conflicts with the cost. Cost and customer satisfaction are the other two conflicting criteria. In management we are interested in getting high returns at the same time reducing our risk. The stocks that have potential of bringing high returns typically also carry a high risks of investment. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) was one of the first systematic techniques for failure analysis. It was developed by an engineers in the late 1950s to study problems that may arise from miss using of military systems. FMEA is a first step of effectiveness study of a system. It involves in reviewing as many components and subsystem as possible for identifying the failure modes and their causes and effects. FMEA deals with the qualitative aspects of a system. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a tool to transform user demands from qualitativeinto quantitative parameters. QFD is designed to back up the planning process and to focus on features of a new product, market segments, and company or technology development needs.
- Page(s): 39-41
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- N.Senthil KannanAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- D.Naveen PrasadU.G Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- R. Nirmal KumarU.G Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- R.S.PremvishnuU.G Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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N.Senthil Kannan, D.Naveen Prasad, R. Nirmal Kumar, R.S.Premvishnu "A Review of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Tools" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.39-41 2016
The aim of recommender system is to provide services and product to the user to improve the customer-relationship management. Researchers recognize that recommendation is a great challenge in the field of Business, education, government and other domains. So it is essential that high quality, review of current trends, not only in the theoretical research result but also in practical developments should be conducted in recommender systems. This paper summarizes the related recommendation techniques..
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- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
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- Mrs.Shilpa BiradarAssociate Professor, Department of Information Technology Dr.AIT, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Ms. Anusha U A , Mrs. Shilpa Biradar "Recommender Systems: A Survey" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.42-45 2016
Generally, successful completion of construction projects requires many important processes and one of them is the bidding process. During the bidding process, selecting the most appropriate contractors to execute the project seems to be quite difficult. Contractor selection plays a vital role in the overall success of any construction project. Clients generally need the best criteria in selecting contractors in order to get best results in term of cost, time, and quality for their projects. The project often get delayed and show time and cost overruns as a consequence. The importance of bidding documents, good bidding process and the selection of contractor are some of the important prerequisites for the successful completion of project. The aim of the study was to identify factors in the bid process management that any lead project success. Subsequently, these factors were ranked by expert for their importance and ability to influence the project results. Two brainstorming sessions were organized for identifying factors, one with a government organization which executes a large number public project mainly through cost based selection and second with a private developers organization which hires contractor through quality based selection process. Twelve factors were shortlisted through this process and they were given importance ranking by experienced professionals. The mean value and the descriptive statistics were worked out to rank the factors.
- Page(s): 46-49
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Prof. P. D. FegadeCivil Engineering Dept.
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Prof. P. D. Fegade, Prof. P. P. Bhangale "To Study Efficient Bid Process Management for Construction Projects" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.46-49 2016
“Virtual Reality (VR)” was proposed by Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research (1989). Alternate names for VR are virtual environment (VE), cyberspace (proposed by William Gibson), artificial reality, augmented reality. VR simulates the virtual world around you that makes user think of being in a real world (virtually created). A true virtual environment must include immersion and interactivity. Virtual reality uses HMD (Head Mounted Devices), PCs and graphics software to perform immersion and input devices such as joystick, datagloves and different kind of sensors for user interaction.
Virtual Reality is an emerging technology that has application areas such as Real estate, manufacturing of vehicles, training program for the military, in medicine doctors can train for surgical procedure and diagnosing the patient with fear and other conditions, virtual games. This paper also includes innovative ideas that can be implemented using any of three (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality as well as Holograms).
- Page(s): 50-54
- Date of Publication: 31 January 2016
- Devendra MishraInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
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Devendra Mishra "Virtual Reality" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1, pp.50-54 2016