Factors that Affect how well Police Officers do their Jobs: A Case Study from the Royal Malaysian Police's Johor Contingent Headquarters

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Ayu Kamareena Abdullah Thani
Nurhidayah Rosely
An Nur Nabila Ismail
Nik Mohamad Shamim Nik Mohd Zainordin
Mira Qerul Barriah Muhamad
Nur Azreen Farihah Ahmad

Abstract: This study investigates the determinants of job performance, specifically focusing on work stress, social support, and emotional intelligence.   Data were acquired from 326 police officers in Johor. The results indicate a significant correlation between work stress, social support, emotional intelligence, and police job performance. Furthermore, the regression analysis demonstrates that emotional intelligence emerged as the most influential predictor of job performance. The implication of this study highlights the significance of emotional intelligence in improving job performance among police personnel in Selangor. The report continues by emphasizing the need for future research to provide a more thorough investigation into forecasting job performance, specifically within the setting of Malaysia.

Factors that Affect how well Police Officers do their Jobs: A Case Study from the Royal Malaysian Police’s Johor Contingent Headquarters. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(12), 250-257. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.131223



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Factors that Affect how well Police Officers do their Jobs: A Case Study from the Royal Malaysian Police’s Johor Contingent Headquarters. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(12), 250-257. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.131223

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