Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: The Nigerian Experince

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Njoku, Chinwendu Shedrack
Ikwuoma, Sunday Udochukwu
Olemeforo, Ernest Ifeanyichukwu
Olelewe, Eusebius Chinedu

Abstract: Terrorism has become a contemporary issue in Africa and in Nigeria particularly. This paper therefore examined terrorism and counter-terrorism measures in Africa with emphasis on Nigeria. Methodologically, dada used for this study was sourced through the qualitative methods of data collection which relied mainly on secondary sources for data collection. This involved the use of literature materials such as textbooks, journal articles, newspapers, seminar papers (published and unpublished), etc., as well as the internet. Data gathered was sourced content and descriptive analysis. The study established that several counter-terrorism measures have been put in place at both national and continental levels to reduce if not eradicate in totality the spate of terrorism but these measures have not been able to achieve the desired results as terrorism has continued to thrive. The failure of these measures anchors on government insensitivity and/or lack of political will to address issues of unemployment, get rich quick syndrome, failed family values and other national questions like power sharing, uneven development and prebendal politics, proliferation of small arms and light weapons, as well as porous borders. The study recommended that Africa must establish a Continental Terrorism Management Center (CTMC) at continental level, while governments at all levels in Nigeria must as a matter of urgency address socio-economic deprivation and the severe wealth inequality among its people that provides recruitment centers for these terrorist groups.

Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: The Nigerian Experince. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 14(2), 77-86. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2025.1402009



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How to Cite

Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: The Nigerian Experince. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 14(2), 77-86. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2025.1402009

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