Brain-Drain in Health Sector: Towards Sustainable Healthcare Development in Nigeria: A Study of Selected State Hospitals in Ogun State.
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Keywords: Brain Drain, Sustainable Development, Healthcare Delivery

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Brain-Drain in Health Sector: Towards Sustainable Healthcare Development in Nigeria: A Study of Selected State Hospitals in Ogun State. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(7), 103-110.


Abstract: This study investigates the impact of brain drain in the health sector on sustainable healthcare development in Ogun State, Nigeria, focusing specifically on selected state hospitals. The research was conducted across several state hospitals with the entire medical staff forming the target population. Utilizing a random sampling strategy, data were collected from a sample of 278 healthcare professionals, determined through Taro Yamane sampling techniques from a population of 912. Data collection was facilitated through a systematically designed containing 26-item questionnaire employing a four-point Likert scale. The reliability instrument was confirmed with a Cronbach alpha statistic, while its validity was assessed using component factor analysis. Descriptive statistics summarized the data, and inferential statistics were derived using simple linear regression analysis. The findings reveal a significant brain drain phenomenon, driven by factors such as inadequate remuneration, subpar working conditions, and limited professional growth opportunities. This has resulted in a critical shortage of healthcare providers, negatively impacting the quality and accessibility of healthcare services in Ogun state. The regression analysis further illustrates a strong correlation between brain drain and the deterioration of healthcare service delivery, which in turn hampers the region's progress towards sustainable healthcare development. The study recommends that the level of poverty must be reduce in the country; high pay incentives must be adequately provided by the government; initiatives that support youth in realizing their full potential must be developed; and a sound macroeconomic plan must be Implemented.

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