Optimizing User Interaction and Notification Efficiency in Smart Coin-Operated Printing Kiosk with Real-Time SMS Notifications and Interactive Features
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Interactive Features
Printing Kiosk
Real-Time SMS Notification
GSM Device
Arduino Microcontroller

How to Cite

Optimizing User Interaction and Notification Efficiency in Smart Coin-Operated Printing Kiosk with Real-Time SMS Notifications and Interactive Features. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(7), 181-189. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130722


Abstract: This study aims at designing and implementing a prototype coin-operated printing kiosk that will be able to run on an SMS notification system and GSM technology in error management and user interaction monitoring. The prototype kiosk was tested using a prototyping design with real customers to gauge accuracy, effectiveness, and learnability metrics. Data collection was done using a modified Prototype Demo Form and questionnaires based on Whiteside, Bennett, and Holtzzblatt's and ISO 9241 usability metrics. Results showed that the kiosk efficiently completes printing tasks and documents copies are well accounted for, and that the kiosk is user-friendly. The findings were that the kiosk offers realistic and convenient printing services within the school campus, therefore cutting down the number of times students need to leave campus over their printing needs.

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