Enhancing the Word Problem-Solving Skills Through Strengthening Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 11 Learners: An Action Research Study
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English and Math

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Enhancing the Word Problem-Solving Skills Through Strengthening Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 11 Learners: An Action Research Study. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(7), 208-211. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130725


Context and Rationale: Word problem-solving in mathematics is a crucial skill for Grade 11 students, as it integrates mathematical concepts with reading comprehension. Many students struggle with word problems, not due to a lack of mathematical ability, but because of difficulties in understanding the problem's text. Research indicates that reading comprehension directly influences the ability to solve word problems effectively (Smith & Jones, 2023). This action research aimed to explore the impact of targeted reading comprehension interventions on improving the word problem-solving skills of Grade 11 students.

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