Quality of Experience (QoE) in LTE GSM UMTS Mobile Networks

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Kum Bertrand Kum
Dr. Austin
Abstract: Quality of Experience (QoE) is a well-established methodology for measuring and understanding the overall level of customer satisfaction with a service, and has been presented as a way to improve telecommunication services. Even though QoE can be used to solve problems such as customer loyalty and optimisation of network resources in mobile networks, there is a great lack of knowledge on how mobile operators can take advantage of QoE and its potential benefits. This thesis explores the incorporation of QoE in mobile networks to improve their service offering from a technical, regulatory and business perspective. An important conclusion is that due to the nature of the challenges faced by the mobile industry, a QoE analysis cannot be limited to a technical discussion. A technical solution can be the first step to the first step to overcoming industry challenges. Mobile operators require new methods that integrate technical, market and business considerations to improve their service offer. A method analysed in this dissertation is a Customer Experience Management (CEM) platform. Given the technical, regulatory and business factors covered in this thesis, a CEM platform can be used by mobile operators to make a better use of QoE in their business operation. operators to make a better use of QoE in their business operation.
Quality of Experience (QoE) in LTE GSM UMTS Mobile Networks. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(9), 136-146. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130914



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How to Cite

Quality of Experience (QoE) in LTE GSM UMTS Mobile Networks. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(9), 136-146. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130914

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