Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K, Shyam Sundar.R September 2015 Page No.: 01-05
In view of increasing pressure on crude oil reserves and environmental degradation as an outcome, fuels like Biofuel may present a sustainable solution as it can be produced from a wide range of carbon based feedstock. Thepresent investigation evaluates Biofuelas a C I engine fuel. The objectives of this report is to analyze the fuel consumption and the emission characteristic of a twin cylinder diesel engine that are using Biofuel& compared to usage of diesel that are available in the market. This report describes the setups and the procedures for the experiment which is to analyze the emission characteristics and fuel consumption of diesel engine due to usage of the both fuels. Detail studies about the experimental setup and components have been done before the experiment started. Data that are required for the analysis is observed from the experiments. Calculations and analysis have been done after all the required data needed for the thesis is obtained. The experiment used C I engine with no load which means no load exerted on it. A four stroke Twin cylinder C I engine was adopted to study the brake thermal efficiency, brake specific energy consumption, and emissions at different loads with the fuel of Biofuel. In this study, the diesel engine was tested usingBiofuel. By the end of the report, the successful of the project have been started which is Twin cylinder C I engine is able to run with Bio fuel but the engine needs to run by using diesel fuel first, then followed by Bio fuel and finished with diesel fuel as the last fuel usage before the engine turned off. The performance of the engine using Biofuel compared to the performance of engine with diesel fuel. Experimental results of Bio fuel and Diesel fuel are also compared.
- Page(s): 01-05
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru
Professor (Thermal Power Engineering), Mechanical Engineering Department
RYMEC Bellary, Karnataka, India - Manjunatha K
Assistant Professor (Thermal Power Engineering), Mechanical Engineering Department
RYMEC Bellary, Karnataka, India. - Shyam Sundar.R
M.Tech (Thermal Power Engineering), Mechanical Engineering Department
RYMEC Bellary, Karnataka, India.
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Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K, Shyam Sundar.R. “Investigation and Performance Evaluation of Pine oil blended with Diesel using the Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine.” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.01-05 2015
Shantanu Dutta September 2015 Page No.: 06-10
Heat transfer by conduction (also known as diffusion heat transfer) is the flow of thermal energy within solids and non-flowing fluids, driven by thermal nonequilibrium (i.e. the effect of a non-uniform temperature field), commonly measured as a heat flux (vector), i.e. the heat flow per unit time (and usually unit normal area) at a control surface. Consider a square building wall which is made up of four different materials (refer Fig. 1). The wall is subjected to a hot temperature of 1000C (initial-condition) and is then subjected to various thermal boundary conditions and volumetric heat generation; as shown in a table below. By Computational Fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis i.e.Finite volume analysis for this state of Conduction ,we study the steady state temperature contours for the four different cases. We also analyse the heat transfer (positive for outward/heat-loss and negative for inward/heat-gain) from the different segments of the wall , total heat-gain, total heat-loss and energy balance; for the different cases. Finally we discuss the effect of volumetric heat generation on the results for the types [case C & D] of BCs and try to optimize our result.
- Page(s): 06-10
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Shantanu Dutta
Department of Mechanical Engg.
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur
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Shantanu Dutta “A Computational Study of A Multi Solid Wall Heat Conduction Made Up of Four Different Building Construction Materials Subjected to Various Thermal Boundary Conditions.” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.06-10 2015.
Archana B. Naval , Dr. D. K. Shedge September 2015 Page No.: 11-15
This paper presents a suspended hexagonal Antenna. The hexagonal antenna with stub tunes for a two frequencies 1.9GHz(used in PCS mobile applications) and 2.4GHz (used in Bluetooth application ).In this paper demonstrate the suspended structure of the antenna that enhance the bandwidth of the antenna 102 MHz for PCS and 172 MHz for Bluetooth. The design of the proposed antenna is tested by experimentally. To study the effect of different height of the air gap on the performance of the antenna.
- Page(s): 11-15
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Archana B. Naval
Department of Electronics Engineering
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India. - Dr. D. K. Shedge
Department of Electronics Engineering
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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Prof. Shubhangi Vitthal Gaikwad September 2015 Page No.: 16-20
The paper “A Study of Impact of Information Technology on Agriculture Sector in Order to Promote Agricultural Marketing in Pune City” gives importance to the various methods that influences the internal management of any company for doing Business in the Agriculture Sector in order to promote it. The result of the present research work/paper reveals that both the Buyers & Suppliers in a Marketing Chain or Distribution Channel uses Information Technology for developing and maintaining business relationships on large scale in order to promote the growth of agriculture sector. The noticeable thing is that suppliers adopt the IT methods of communication more quickly than the buyers in the agricultural based marketing. However, in the future, the new IT methods will definitely replace all the older methods of communication, especially in agro based companies or industries. Managers, therefore, need to understand the affect and impact of IT on the nature of communication in order to develop a strong relationship with outsiders.
- Page(s): 16-20
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Prof. Shubhangi Vitthal Gaikwad
Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Commerce
MAEER’S Arts, Commerce & Science College Pune, India
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Prof. Shubhangi Vitthal Gaikwad, “A Study of Impact of Information Technology on Agriculture Sector in Order to Promote Agricultural Marketing in Pune City.” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.16-20 2015
Sabita Mali September 2015 Page No.: 21-25
The Swarm Intelligence-based Reinforcement Learning (SWIRL) method is proposed in this paper to efficiently generate Artificial Neural Network(ANN) based solutions to various problems. An aritificial neural networks learning method for mobile robot localization, which combines the two popular swarm inspired methods in computational intelligence areas: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to train the ANN models. The most used artificial neural networks(ANNs) models is the well-known multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Training neural networks is a complex task for reinforcement learning methods .The training process of MLPs for pattern classification problems consists of two tasks , the first one is the selection of an appropriate architecture for the problem , and the second is the adjustment of the connection weights of the network. Recently artificial neural networks based methods are applied to robotic systems. An ANN was trained to estimate a robot’s position relative to a particular local object and to correct the pose estimates from odometry using ultrasonic sensors.
- Page(s): 21-25
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Sabita Mali
Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.
ITER, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
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Dr. R. K. Bhardwaj, Dr. S. K. Tiwari, Kailash Chandra Nayak September 2015 Page No.: 26-32
The process of selecting the best from the list of alternatives available for selection is called decision making. Decision either is a day-to-day decision or a sensitive one which has greater impact to the organization or society. The decision making method requires a systematic procedure to define parameters which are necessary to take final decision as well as focused on how to bringing accuracy for collecting data for different parameters. Sometimes predefined parameters are not sufficient to take accurate decisions in solving general or real time problems, hence there may be provisions to add more parameters to the existing set that may comes either as a new or generated from processing of existing ones. The decision required by the people for purchasing a house in a particular area always being a difficult task. Because such decision parameters carries different importance to different people. For example an employee needs a house very close to his office because the person is staying only with his wife but another employee of same designation and salary choose a house in remote location because he is staying with his father, mother, children and all children are studying in the schools which located in that area. To solve such problem is a difficult task, which needed an efficient mathematical analysis. The present study is focused on fuzzy soft set and how it will helpful in effective & efficient decision making of the people in a short time.
- Page(s): 26-32
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Dr. R. K. Bhardwaj
Deputy Director (R. & D.), Head, Department of Mathematics
TIT Group of Institutes, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India - Dr. S. K. Tiwari
Head of Department, Mathematics
Dr. C. V. Raman University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. - Kailash Chandra Nayak
M.Phil (Mathematics),
Dr. C. V. Raman University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
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Dr. R. K. Bhardwaj, Dr. S. K. Tiwari, Kailash Chandra Nayak, “A Study of Solving Decision Making Problem Using Soft Set” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.26-32 2015
Sunil Tiwari, Rakesh Kumar Katare September 2015 Page No.: 33-37
We have studied the structured pattern of PDN, Hex Cell & Hypercube through Graphical and Discrete structure for fabric of this architecture. That may be useful for calculate and analysis the connectivity and complexity of architecture. A data mapping algorithm using PDN has also been given in this paper. Which is may used to represent/map the direct link of node i. The topological properties of PDN/Hex Cell are reviewed and some lemmas are developed which may be beneficial for the future research. We are also tried to represent processor using binary and polynomial code for making circuit and calculate diameter of these architecture.
- Page(s): 33-37
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Sunil Tiwari
Department of Computer Science
A.P.S. University, Rewa (M.P), India. - Rakesh Kumar Katare
Department of Computer Science
A.P.S. University, Rewa (M.P), India.
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Sunil Tiwari, Rakesh Kumar Katare “A Study of Fabric of Architecture Using Structural Pattern and Relation” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.33-37 2015
Y. Anitha September 2015 Page No.: 38-41
In view of increasing pressure on crude oil reserves and environmental degradation as an outcome, fuels like Biofuel may present a sustainable solution as it can be produced from a wide range of carbon based feedstock. Thepresent investigation evaluates Biofuelas a C I engine fuel. The objectives of this report is to analyze the fuel consumption and the emission characteristic of a twin cylinder diesel engine that are using Biofuel& compared to usage of diesel that are available in the market. This report describes the setups and the procedures for the experiment which is to analyze the emission characteristics and fuel consumption of diesel engine due to usage of the both fuels. Detail studies about the experimental setup and components have been done before the experiment started. Data that are required for the analysis is observed from the experiments. Calculations and analysis have been done after all the required data needed for the thesis is obtained. The experiment used C I engine with no load which means no load exerted on it. A four stroke Twin cylinder C I engine was adopted to study the brake thermal efficiency, brake specific energy consumption, and emissions at different loads with the fuel of Biofuel. In this study, the diesel engine was tested usingBiofuel. By the end of the report, the successful of the project have been started which is Twin cylinder C I engine is able to run with Bio fuel but the engine needs to run by using diesel fuel first, then followed by Bio fuel and finished with diesel fuel as the last fuel usage before the engine turned off. The performance of the engine using Biofuel compared to the performance of engine with diesel fuel. Experimental results of Bio fuel and Diesel fuel are also compared.
- Page(s): 38-41
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Y. Anitha
ECE, Anna University
Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India
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Y. Anitha “VLC Based Contextual Indoor Navigation System using Arduino” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.38-41 2015
Maheshkumar R. Phogat September 2015 Page No.: 42-45
As per the vision of Government of India, Indian automotive industry should work in such a way, where it arises as the terminus of choice in the domain for design and manufacturing of automobiles with output reaching a level of USD 145 billion accounting for more than 10% of the GDP and providing additional employment to 25 million people by 2016. Thus, if above statement emerges as a truth, then purchasing power of Indians will increase – obviously – but problems related to it will also take a giant leap i.e. more no. of vehicles on road as well as more accidents. To overcome this problem various Indian OEM’s have geared themselves & have tried to lure customers by introducing various safety features in their newly launched products. This paper helps to understand why Indian automotive industry has started emphasizing more on safety & an answer to a question i.e. Whether OEM’s are really serious regarding providing safety at affordable price or they simply bluff about there achievements? Answer to this question will be accomplished with the help of comparisons on basic safety features (keeping some of the most important vehicle selection parameters in mind) in category of one of the fastest emerging vehicle segment in India i.e. mid-sedan.
- Page(s): 42-45
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Maheshkumar R. Phogat
Automobile Engineering Department
A D Patel Institute of Technology, New V V Nagar, Anand, Gujarat, India
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Maheshkumar R. Phogat “Current Emphasis on Safety by Indian Automotive Industry & Comparison of Various Safety Features in Fastest Emerging Vehicular Segment of Mid-Sedan” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.42-45 2015
Raman Patel, S.R. Sheikh September 2015 Page No.: 46-51
An inventory model with linear trend in demand and time varying holding cost is developed. Different deterioration rates are considered in a cycle. Shortages are allowed and completely backlogged. Numerical example is provided to illustrate the model and sensitivity analysis is also carried out for parameters.
- Page(s): 46-51
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Raman Patel
Department of Statistics
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India - S.R. Sheikh
Department of Statistics
V.B. Shah Institute of Commerce and Management, Amroli, Surat, India.
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Raman Patel, S.R. Sheikh “Deteriorating Items Inventory Model with Different Deterioration Rates and Shortages” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.46-51 2015
Haridas Kataria, Dr. Vikram Singh September 2015 Page No.: 52-55
Understanding the user’s behaviour in the telecommunication is very important towards improving the quality of information and the speed of accessing large-scale telecom data sources. Churn analysis is extremely helpful in developing a sustainable and robust strategy for customer retention in the telecom company. When the companies are aware of the percentage of customers who end their relationship with it in a given time period, they can easily come up with a detailed analysis of the causes for the churn rate. This helps in developing effective customer retention programs for the company. This paper proposes a novel technique for analysing the user’s behaviour using the Rough Set Theory.
- Page(s): 52-55
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Haridas Kataria
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Sirsa, India - Dr. Vikram Singh
Professor, Department of Computer Science
CDLU, Sirsa, India.
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Haridas Kataria, Dr. Vikram Singh “Analysing the Behaviour of a Telecom User using Rough Set Theory” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.52-55 2015
Alpesh Nema, D.K. Raghuvanshi, Priyanka Raghuvanshi September 2015 Page No.: 56-60
This paper presents a survey of various techniques to reduce the losses in the microstrip patch antenna. The designed antenna structures include several methods to reduce antenna losses in a microstrip antenna. Some of the methods such as multiple layered patches in microstrip antenna also increase its directivity by 4.2 dB. By using double negative substrate mutual coupling can be reduced by 14.2dB at the resonant frequency of 4.55GHz. The concept of an engineered conductor method which is based on using multiple laminated thin conductors is used for enhancing their gain by minimizing the ohmic loss. Experimental results are discussed to validate the concept.
- Page(s): 56-60
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Alpesh Nema
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
MANIT-Bhopal, India - D.K. Raghuvanshi
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
MANIT-Bhopal, India - Priyanka Raghuvanshi
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
R.G.P.V.–Bhopal, India
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Alpesh Nema, D.K. Raghuvanshi, Priyanka Raghuvanshi “Loss Reduction in Microstrip Antenna Using Different Methods” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.56-60 2015
Haridas Kataria, Vipul Pant September 2015 Page No.: 61-64
Load balancing in cloud computing systems is a big challenge now. As it is not always practically feasible or cost efficient to maintain one or more idle services just as to fulfill the required demands, jobs cannot be assigned to appropriate servers and clients individually for efficient load balancing. Here some uncertainty is attached while jobs are assigned. Our aim is to provide an evaluation study of some of the methods of load balancing in large scale Cloud systems, demonstrating different distributed algorithms for load balancing and to improve the different performance parameters for the clouds of different sizes.
- Page(s): 61-64
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Haridas Kataria
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science Engineering
Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Sirsa, India - Vipul Pant
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science Engineering
Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Sirsa, India.
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Haridas Kataria, Vipul Pant “Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Systems using Divisible Load Scheduling” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.61-64 2015
Rashmi Konda, Naresh Kumar September 2015 Page No.: 65-70
Ad hoc wireless sensor networks are thought provoking topic of research in general computing. Positioning of sensor network in aggressive environment is vulnerable to battery drainage attacks as it is not possible to recharge the sensor nodes. This paper explores on the class of resource depletion attack called the “Vampires” which deactivates the whole network by draining out the nodes’ battery power. These Vampire attacks are not specific to any protocol rather we find that all examined protocols are susceptible to Vampire attacks, which makes it difficult to detect. Here we make an attempt discussing methods to mitigate these type of attacks. In this approach forwarding as well as discovery phase of the protocol are considered to avoid attack. Here algorithm overhead is reduced and discovery phase is considered to avoid vampire attack.
- Page(s): 65-70
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Rashmi Konda
PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science Engineering
KITS, Markapur, A.P, India - Naresh Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering
KITS, Markapur, A.P, India
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Rashmi Konda, Naresh Kumar “PLGPa Approach to Alleviate Energy Draining Attacks in Adhoc Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.65-70 2015
Preethi T S, Nagaraj P, Siva Yellampalli September 2015 Page No.: 71-75
In this project, it describe the implementation of a new circuit-switched NoC designed specifically for FPGA-based systems. The flexible and lightweight advantages of this architecture are explained to quantify its area and performance benefits. The main motivation for choosing a circuit-switched network over packet-switched is its ability to maintain guaranteed throughput between nodes connected via virtual circuit. This technique is in direct contrast to packet-switched techniques, where significant variations in communication latency are often possible. This ability to give reliable high data rates between the nodes in a system that most need it was critical in this design decision. The circuit-switched networks are attractive option, which promises the high communication rates and predictable communication latencies. Here a new lightweight circuit-switched architecture called programmable NoC (PNoC) is described. In Fault detection, it identifies the faults in a router when detected, alternate routing path will be selected for successful transmission of data.
- Page(s): 71-75
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Preethi T S
Department of Electronics and Communication
VTU Extension Centre, UTL Technologies Ltd., India - Nagaraj P
Department of Electronics and Communication
VTU Extension Centre, UTL Technologies Ltd., India - Siva Yellampalli
Department of Electronics and Communication
VTU Extension Centre, UTL Technologies Ltd., India
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Preethi T S, Nagaraj P, Siva Yellampalli “Implementation of PNoC and Fault Detection on FPGA” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science vol.4 issue 9, pp.71-75 2015
D. V. Yadav, Prof. S.J. Madki September 2015 Page No.: 76-79
Centrifugal pumps are perhaps the most common type of pump in operation today. With many different configurations available, centrifugal pumps are widely-used because of their design simplicity, high efficiency, wide range of capacity and head, smooth flow rate and ease of operation and maintenance. These pump baseplates come in as many configurations, designs and styles as there are pump models. No matter the design, the main purpose of the baseplate is to mount the pump and driver together, while maintaining shaft alignment between the two pieces of equipment. This paper is about the work carried out to study and identify the most used baseplates for API centrifugal pumps for customer orders, analyzing the baseplate properties using Finite Element Technique, modification in baseplate and optimize the weight of the baseplate of one of the model of centrifugal pump to achieve cost reduction in baseplate fabrication.
- Page(s): 76-79
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- D. V. Yadav
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra, India - Prof. S.J. Madki
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra, India - Shyam Sundar.R
M.Tech (Thermal Power Engineering), Mechanical Engineering Department
Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Standard –
API Standard 610, Tenth Edition, 2004, “Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries,” American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. PP 59 TO 62
[2]. Journal Papers and books –
a. Grundfos White Paper, “Centrifugal Pump Baseplates” Journal of pump, Management & Technology, Vol.2, No. 2, April 2011
b. Amit V. Chavan and S.S. Gawade, “Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Base Frame for Rigidity”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol.3 No. 10, April 2011
c. J. Sokolowski, “An introduction to shape optimization”, Springer Series In Computational Mathematics, Berlin Heidelberg GmbH, New York, 1992, ISBN 978-3-642-58106-9, pp. 5-7
d. T.R.Chandrupatla and A.D. Belegundu ( 2004), “Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,” Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition.
e. S.Ramamrutham and R.Narayanan, (1967), “Strength of materials,” Dhanpat Rai publishing company (P) Ltd., 13th edition.
D. V. Yadav, Prof. S.J. Madki “Design, Analysis & Optimization of Baseplate of Centrifugal Pump System” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.76-79 2015
Dhanya G S, Swathi R, Rhituporna Sarkar, Chaithra Lekshmi K September 2015 Page No.: 80-83
In the present scenario, we face a huge issue sometimes as we may require cooking during late night or there may be huge invited guests at home or any other work related to our LPG. However it would be too late to realize the value of that gas unless we realize it is finished, by then it is too late as they normally take 2-3 days to deliver a new gas. The aim of our project is to design and develop a device which is capable of detecting the depletion of gas and book automatically, to switch off the regulator when the gas is not used and to track the status of cylinder delivery. The RFID enabled cylinder management system would help improve productivity, as well as improve the quality, reliability and efficiency of the cylinder management process. We use RFID tags in this project for checking the status of cylinder delivery. It is a solution for the society to conserve the energy in the best possible way. Making the cylinder automatic relieves home-makers from the pain they take whenever there is the utmost requirement for the cylinder and you do not know when the cylinder will go empty.
- Page(s): 80-83
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Dhanya G S
Assistant Professor, ECE Department
SSCE, India - Swathi R
Pre Final Year Student, ECE Department
SSCE, India - Rhituporna Sarkar
Pre Final Year Student, ECE Department
SSCE, India - Chaithra Lekshmi K
Pre Final Year Student, ECE Department
SSCE, India
[1] https://www.infosys.com/industries/resources/white-papers/Documents/rfid-gas-cylinder-management.pdf
[2] https://www.gasworld.com/directory/CompanySearchResults.aspx?mode=refine&category=Cylinder-Tracking-Software&categorycode=100748
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIR_sensor
Dhanya G S, Swathi R, Rhituporna Sarkar, Chaithra Lekshmi K “Automatic Gas Cylinder Management” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.80-83 2015
Swara Bipin Vashi September 2015 Page No.: 84-90
With the dramatic rise in heart disease among the people, there is a dire need to develop a method with high accuracy and precision. Patients with chest pain undergo extensive tests like stress test, contrast or radio tracer injection, radiation or catheterization. The above mentioned tests involve a lot of risk and do not produce immediate result. Magnetocardiography (MCG) is an effective tool to detect the electrophysiological activity of the myocardium which is rapid as well as risk free. The MCG recording system uses sensors called SQUIDs which enhances the accuracy by measuring the weak magnetic fields of the cardiac cycle. It has almost been 50 years since the first magnetocardiogram was recorded. Yet, due to lack of clinical trials, MCG is not used on regular basis. This review paper summarises its image acquisition process, advantages, applications, comparison with various tests and its future scope.
- Page(s): 84-90
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Swara Bipin Vashi
Department of Biomedical Engineering
LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India
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Swara Bipin Vashi “MAGNETOCARDIOGRAPHY-An Effective Tool for Heart Scan” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.84-90 2015
Manisha Raut, Pallavi Dhok, Shital Bramhe, Dhanashree Tajne September 2015 Page No.: 91-94
CBIR is used to search and retrieve the query image from wide range of databases. Many Features and algorithms can be used for efficient image retrieval. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) uses the visual contents of an image such as color, shape, texture, and spatial layout to represent and index the image. In this paper we survey a CBIR system. Discuss a various challenges in CBIR techniques. This paper surveys recent studies on content-based retrieval for multimedia databases from the point of view of fundamental issues. We review and discuss the advantages, disadvantages and application of these methods for images.
- Page(s): 91-94
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Manisha Raut
Department of Electronics And Telecommunication
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India - Pallavi Dhok
Department of Electronics And Telecommunication
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India - Shital Bramhe
Department of Electronics And Telecommunication
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India - Dhanashree Tajne
Department of Electronics And Telecommunication
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India
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Manisha Raut, Pallavi Dhok, Shital Bramhe, Dhanashree Tajne “Overview of Content Base Image Retrieval” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.91-94 2015
Deepak Patil, B.T.Salokhe, Mayuri Parit September 2015 Page No.: 95-96
In this review paper, logging of data such as temperature, pressure, vibration, camera image etc. which may be applicable to any industry where all these parameters has to logged on a certain interval. This paper is based on a demonstration model which shows how data logging operation can be performed from a distance using GSM 3G Technologies. This data logger is implemented using suitable Microcontroller. These data loggers can be interfaced with various sensors based on the requirement and can be connected to the various plants in the industries which require data logging. Since these data loggers use GSM 3G interface they are the best solution for logging data from furnaces, Chemical plants, petroleum wells etc. where it is highly hazardous to log the data manually.
- Page(s): 95-96
- Date of Publication: 30 September 2015
- Deepak Patil
Department of Electronics
T.K.I.E.T Warananagar, India - B.T.Salokhe
Department of Electronics
T.K.I.E.T Warananagar, India - Mayuri Parit
Department of Electronics
T.K.I.E.T Warananagar, India
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Deepak Patil, B.T.Salokhe, Mayuri Parit “Design of Remote Data Acquisition System Based On 3G” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 9, pp.95-96 2015