We develop a novel technique for resizable Hadoop cluster’s lower bounds, the template matching rectangular array of inverted Index summarization expressions. Specifically, fix an arbitrary hybrid kernel function f{0,1}n→{0,1} and let Af be the rectangular array of inverted Index summarization expressions whose columns are each an application of f to some subset of the variables x1, x2,…, x4n. We prove that Af has bounded-capacity resizable Hadoop cluster’s complexity omega(d), where d is the approximate degree of f. This finding remains valid in the MapReduce programming model, regardless of prior measurement. In particular, itgives a new and simple proof of lower bounds for robustness and other symmetric conjunctive predicates. We further characterize the discrepancy, approximate PageRank, and approximate trace distance norm of Af in terms of well-studied analytic properties of f, broadly generalizing several findings on small-bias resizable Hadoop cluster and agnostic inference. The method of this paperhas also enabled important progress in multi-cloud resizable Hadoop cluster’s complexity.
- Page(s): 01-19
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Ravi (Ravinder) Prakash GSenior Professor Research,
BMS Institute of Technology Dodaballapur Road, Avalahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India - Kiran MResearch Scholar,
School of Computing and Information Technology REVA University, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India
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Ravi (Ravinder) Prakash G, Kiran M "Problems on Inverted Index Summarization Expressions for Resizable Hadoop Cluster Channel and Cluster Complexity" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.01-19 2016
Steels having favorable properties are used in many industrial applications because of their low cost and ease of fabrication. The mechanical properties desired can be achieved by either alloying suitable elements or by various heat treatment processes. Heat treatment process is a combination of heating and cooling operations applied to metals and alloys to obtain desired properties. Hardening is a heat treatment process carried to increase hardness of steel by heating it above critical point and then allowing it to cool down by immersing in a quenching medium such as water or oil. By quenching in appropriate medium the mechanical properties of steel can be improved. Biodegradable oils are gaining popularity as quenching media because these are renewable, ecofriendly and are of low cost. In the present work, it is proposed to study mechanical properties of steel 5140 (EN-18) quenched in a blend of biodegradable oils. The specimen is heated to austenizing temperature of 820ºC-890ºC and held at that temperature for an appropriate soaking time and quenched in quenching media to cool down. Quenching media used is a blend of groundnut oil and neem oil in varying proportions. To this blend of quenchants metal salts in varying concentrations are added as quench accelerator. Specimens are then subjected to tempering at 540ºC - 680ºC to remove the brittleness and internal stresses. These specimen are then subjected wear, hardness and impact tests to evaluate its mechanical properties. By the process of quenching in biodegradable oil and tempering process it is expected to have improved mechanical properties as by conventional quenching and also show the effectiveness of biodegradable oils as quenchants with quench accelerators.
- Page(s): 20-24
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Sreeja VPG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- P DineshProfessor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- S B PatilAssociate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Sreeja V, P Dinesh, S B Patil "Study of Mechanical Properties of Steel Quenched in a Blend of Biodegradable Oils with Quench Accelerators" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.20-24 2016
The conventional focal point of health services research has been on non-information communication technology usages but now with the adoption of ICT, more physicians are able to access these telemedicine services in particular related to teledermatology system. In accumulation, such tele-services are stern for improving patient-to-doctor communication expediency and maintaining a excellent affiliation. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that determine physician’s acceptance of teledermatology services. In this study a research framework was examined to find out the applicability of the Technology acceptance model (TAM), in explaining physician’s decisions to accept the teledermatology system, in the health care context. For this purpose, the original version of the TAM Model, which included perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards usage, and usage intentions, is taken into consideration. The results stress the special importance of attitudinal factors i.e. attitude towards usage and perceived usefulness in determining physicians’ intention to use teledermatology systems. Physicians’ perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use are factors affect the attitude towards the use of the teledermatology system. The findings of the study can provide insights and implications relevant to technology acceptance research and teledermatology management in general.
- Page(s): 25-29
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Dr. Manoranjan DashFaculty of Management Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Dr. Jyoti Ranjan DasFaculty of Management Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Dr. Ayasa Kanta MohantyFaculty of Management Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India.
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Dr. Manoranjan Dash, Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Das, Dr. Ayasa Kanta Mohanty "Physician’s Acceptance of Teledermatology Services: An Empirical Study" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.25-29 2016
Engine life and performance can be improved with effective cooling. The cooling mechanism of the air cooled engine is mostly dependent on the fin design of the cylinder head and block. The heat is conducted through the engine parts and convected to air through the surfaces of the fins. Insufficient removal of heat from engine will lead to high thermal stresses and lower engine efficiency. As the air-cooled engine builds heat, the cooling fins allow the air to move the heat away from the engine. Low rate of heat transfer through cooling fins is the main problem in this type of cooling. In the present work, an attempt is made through analytical calculation to calculate temperature distribution, heat transfer through the fin, heat transfer without the fin and effectiveness. The results obtained for rectangular and triangular profile geometries are tabulated and discussed.
- Page(s): 30-32
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Syed KhaderbashaAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Muffakham jah College of Engineering and Technology, India
- Dr. Syed Nawazish MehdiProfessor & PhD Guide, Mechanical Engineering Department, Muffakham jah College of Engineering and Technology, India
- Dr. T.K.K.ReddyRector, JNTUH & Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, MJawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India
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Syed Khaderbasha, Dr. Syed Nawazish Mehdi, Dr. T.K.K.Reddy "Analytical Comparison of Cylinder Cooling Using Rectangular and Triangular Fins" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.30-32 2016
India is a subtropical country, which receives good amount of rain each year. Due to sudden and massive urbanization, the availability and supply of water for domestic purpose has introduced new challenges in urban water supply. Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable and reliable approach to manage the water in urban areas. In the recent years, rainwater harvesting is as statutory mandate during construction approval. Pervious concrete is a application oriented special concrete product, which has been effectively used to manage the surface run off in the shoulder, parking lane and other highway applications. In the present experimental study, efforts are made to use the pervious concrete as filtration medium for rainwater harvesting. The mechanical properties and permeability of pervious concrete are studied. A filtration medium model has prepared to study the permeability.
- Page(s): 33-35
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Shashi Kumara S.RDepartment of Civil Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Shashi Kumara S.R "An Experimental Study on Application of Pervious Concrete in Effective Rainwater Harvesting System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.33-35 2016
Milk has been a good source of various nutrients including different chemicals. In this paper quality of milk and comparative study of above chemicals present in the milk was done. Various milk samples was analyzed and found that solid not fat was low as compared to reducing sugar in the milk. Buffalo milk sample gave higher result as compeered to Cow milk sample. All these results compared to its World Health Origin value, reducing sugar and solid not fat were negligible.
- Page(s): 36-40
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
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Factors influencing the protein level in milk.Progressive Farming.1982; 2(6): 10-13. [13]. Indian dairy industry seen at Rs. 5 lakh cr. Indian Express [Internet] 2011, Nov 18.Acessed from https://www.indianexpress.com/news/on Feb 5, 2012. [14]. Aneja RP. Processing and distribution of buffalo milk. Proc. XXIII Int. Dairy Cong. held in October 8-12, 1990 in Montreal, Canada. 1: 383-396. [15]. Milk adulteration: HC issues notices to Maha govt, Centre. Food safety news. 2012 Jan 11.Acessed from https://www.foodsafetynews.com/on Feb 6, 2012. [16]. AOAC, 1997. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC, USA. [17]. James C S. 1995. Determination of the fat content of dairy products by the Gerber Method. Analytical. Chemistry of Food. Blackie Academic and Professionals, an imprint of Chapman and Hall, Glasgow, UK, pp: 93–95. [18]. Harding F. Milk quality. Blackie Academic and Professionals, an imprint of Chapman and Hall, Glasgow, UK.1995:157-158. [19]. Javaid SB, Gadahi JA, Khaskeli M, Bhutto MB, Kumbher S, Panhwar AH. Physical and chemical quality of market milk sold at healthline pISSN 2239-337X / eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 1: January - June 2014 PageTandojam, Pakistan. Pakistan Vet. J. 2009; 29(1): 27-31 [20]. Executive Summary on National Survey on Milk Adulteration. Accessed from www.fssai.gov.in/Portals/0/Pdf/sample_analysed.pdf on10 May, 2012. [21]. Memon AM., 2000. Physico-chemical and hygienic quality of milk supplied to the canteens of various hospitals in Hyderabad city. MSc Thesis, Sindh Agri. Univ, Tandojam, Pakistan. [22]. Kesenkas H , Akbulut N , Determination of milk quality produced from middle and large scale dairy farms and informal/street milk quality sold in Izmir J of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture .2010; 47(2): 161-169. [23]. Sreedhar S., Suresh Babu D. Milk Constituents and Microbial Analysis of Mixed Milk Samples in Rural Areas. Ind J of Vet Research.2009; 18(2):31-36. [24]. Lateef M, Faraz A, Mustafa MI, P. Akthar P , Bashir MK 2009. Detection of adulterants and chemical composition of milk supplied to canteens of various hospitals in Faisalabad city. Pak J Zool.2009;9: 139-142. [25]. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 –Accessed from www.drugscontrol.org/ on 19 May, 2012. [26]. Neumann, C., Harris, D.M. & Rogers, L.M. 2002. [27]. Contribution of animal source foods in improving diet quality and function in children in the developing world. Nutr. Res.,22: 193–220. [28]. Neumann, C.G., Bwibo, N.O., Murphy, S.P., Sigman, M., Whaley, S., Allen, L.H., Guthrie, D., Weiss, R.E. & Demment M. 2003. [29]. Animal source foods improve dietary quality, micronutrient status, growth and cognitive function in Kenyan school children: Background, study design and baseline findings. J. Nutr.,133: 3941S–3949S. [30]. Nyabila, M. 2010. Unlocking value of smallholder dairy through Hub Model – case of Kenya. Presentation. Available at: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/3004.Accessed 25 October 2012.OECD & FAO.2008. [31]. The OECD-FAO agricultural outlook 2008–2017[online]. Available at: https://www.oecd.org/trade/agricultural-trade/40715381.pdf. Accessed 24 October 2012.Parker, J. 2011. [32]. Doing more with less. The Economist, 24 February 2011. Available at: https://www.economist.com/node/18200606. Accessed 25 October 2012.Peacock, C. 2008. [33]. Dairy goat development in East Africa: a replicable model for Smallholders? Small Ruminant Res., 77(2–3): 225–238.Peduzzi, C.S.1990. [34]. Home and community gardens assessment: program implementation experience: The tip of the iceberg.VITAL Report No. TA-2. Arlington, VA, USA, Vitamin [35]. A Field Support Project (VITAL). 45 pp.Pradel, W., Yanggen, D. & Polastri, N. 2006. Trade offs between economic returns and methane greenhouse gas emissions in dairy production systems in Cajamarca, Peru. Livest. Res. Rural Dev.18(3), article #41. Available at: https://www.lrrd.org/ lrrd18/3/prad18041.htm. Accessed 25 October 2012.Rahman,F.H.1995 [36]. The status of rural women in China.Washington, DC, International Food Policy Research Institute. UN.2011. [37]. World population prospects, the 2010 revision[online]. United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs. Available at: https://esa.un.org/wpp/ index.htm. Accessed 22 November 2012.UNICEF. 1990. [38]. Strategy for improved nutrition of children and women in developing countries. Policy Review Paper E/ICEF/1990/1.6. New York, USA.UNICEF. 1998. [39]. The state of the world’s children. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press.Walingo, M. 2006. The role of education in agricultural projects for food security and poverty reduction in Kenya. Int. Rev. Educ. 52(3/4): 287–304. [40]. 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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Comparative Study of Buffalo Milk and Cow Milk Samples Containing Reducing Sugar and Solid Not Fat" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.36-40 2016
In this paper Drying shrinkage and Moisture movement test is conducted confirming to IS 1199 and IS 4031 for Pavement Quality Concrete and High Volume Fly Ash Concrete. The integrity of such properties can be assessed by using material non-destructive test method ― by using Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity Test. In continuation with above studies to correlate for the compressive strength of the concrete, Static Flexure test is also conducted for the beams cast at the laboratory.
- Page(s): 41-47
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Nitin KumarAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Shahaji PatilAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Pramod B VAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Dinesh B RAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Nitin Kumar, Shahaji Patil, Pramod B V, Dinesh B R "Evaluation of Drying Shrinkage on PQC and HVFAC with and without Steel Fibers" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.41-47 2016
Tardigrades popularly known as water bears are micrometazoans with four pairs of lobopod legs. They are the organisms which can live in extreme conditions and are known to survive in vacuum and space without protection. Tardigardes survive in lichens and mosses, usually associated with water film on mosses, liverworts, and lichens. More species are found in milder environments such as meadows, ponds and lakes. They are the first known species to survive in outer space. Tardigrades are closely related to Arthropoda and nematodes based on their morphological and molecular analysis. The cryptobiosis of Tardigrades have helped scientists to develop dry vaccines. They have been applied as research subjects in transplantology. Future research would help in more applications of tardigrades in the field of science.
- Page(s): 48-52
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Yashas R DevasurmuttR & D Centre, Department of Biotechnology, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
- Arpitha B MR & D Centre, Department of Biotechnology, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
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Yashas R Devasurmutt, Arpitha B M "An Introduction to phylum Tardigrada - Review" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.48-52 2016
Milk has been a good source of various nutrients including different chemicals. In this paper quality of milk and comparative study of buffalo milk and cow milk was done. Buffalo milk gave higher result as compared to Cow milk. All these results compared to its World Health Organization recommended value. Urea and cellulose were absent in all sample.
- Page(s): 53-55
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi, Pune, India
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Factors influencing the protein level in milk. Progressive Farming.1982; 2(6): 10-13. [13]. Indian dairy industry seen at Rs. 5 lakh cr. Indian Express [Internet] 2011, Nov 18.Acessed from https://www.indianexpress.com/news/on Feb 5, 2012. [14]. Aneja RP. Processing and distribution of buffalo milk. Proc. XXIII Int. Dairy Cong. held in October 8-12, 1990 in Montreal, Canada. 1: 383-396. [15]. Milk adulteration: HC issues notices to Maha govt, Centre. Food safety news. 2012 Jan 11.Acessed from https://www.foodsafetynews.com/on Feb 6, 2012. [16]. AOAC, 1997. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC, USA. [17]. James C S. 1995. Determination of the fat content of dairy products by the Gerber Method. Analytical. Chemistry of Food. Blackie Academic and Professionals, an imprint of Chapman and Hall, Glasgow, UK, pp: 93–95. [18]. Harding F. Milk quality. Blackie Academic and Professionals, an imprint of Chapman and Hall, Glasgow, UK.1995:157-158. [19]. Javaid SB, Gadahi JA, Khaskeli M, Bhutto MB, Kumbher S, Panhwar AH. Physical and chemical quality of market milk sold at healthline pISSN 2239-337X / eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 1: January - June 2014 PageTandojam, Pakistan. Pakistan Vet. J. 2009; 29(1): 27-31 [20]. Executive Summary on National Survey on Milk Adulteration. Accessed from www.fssai.gov.in/Portals/0/Pdf/sample_analysed.pdf on10 May, 2012. [21]. Memon AM., 2000. Physico-chemical and hygienic quality of milk supplied to the canteens of various hospitals in Hyderabad city. MSc Thesis, Sindh Agri. Univ, Tandojam, Pakistan. [22]. Kesenkas H , Akbulut N , Determination of milk quality produced from middle and large scale dairy farms and informal/street milk quality sold in Izmir J of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture .2010; 47(2): 161-169. [23]. Sreedhar S., Suresh Babu D. Milk Constituents and Microbial Analysis of Mixed Milk Samples in Rural Areas. Ind J of Vet Research.2009; 18(2):31-36. [24]. .Lateef M, Faraz A, Mustafa MI, P. Akthar P , Bashir MK 2009. Detection of adulterants and chemical composition of milk supplied to canteens of various hospitals in Faisalabad city. Pak J Zool.2009;9: 139-142. [25]. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 –Accessed from www.drugscontrol.org/ on 19 May, 2012. [26]. Neumann, C., Harris, D.M. & Rogers, L.M. 2002. [27]. Contribution of animal source foods in improving diet quality and function in children in the developing world. Nutr. Res.,22: 193–220. [28]. Neumann, C.G., Bwibo, N.O., Murphy, S.P., Sigman, M., Whaley, S., Allen, L.H., Guthrie, D., Weiss, R.E. & Demment M. 2003. [29]. Animal source foods improve dietary quality, micronutrient status, growth and cognitive function in Kenyan school children: Background, study design and baseline findings. J. Nutr.,133: 3941S–3949S. [30]. Nyabila, M. 2010. 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Trade offs between economic returns and methane greenhouse gas emissions in dairy production systems in Cajamarca, Peru. Livest. Res. Rural Dev.18(3), article #41. Available at: https://www.lrrd.org/ lrrd18/3/prad18041.htm. Accessed 25 October 2012.Rahman,F.H.1995 [36]. The status of rural women in China.Washington, DC, International Food Policy Research Institute. UN.2011. [37]. World population prospects, the 2010 revision[online]. United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs. Available at: https://esa.un.org/wpp/index.htm. Accessed 22 November 2012.UNICEF. 1990. [38]. Strategy for improved nutrition of children and women in developing countries. Policy Review Paper E/ICEF/1990/1.6. New York, USA.UNICEF. 1998. [39]. The state of the world’s children. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press.Walingo, M. 2006. The role of education in agricultural projects for food security and poverty reduction in Kenya. Int. Rev. Educ. 52(3/4): 287–304. [40]. 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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Comparative Study of Buffalo Milk and Cow Milk Samples Containing Urea and Cellulose" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.53-55 2016
Network security is one of the major concerns of world. We all know that the systems on the internet are increasing day by day and so the vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities must be found before the attacker. This can be done with the help of penetration testing. Penetration testing is used to check or evaluate the security posture of an organization or network. Its job is to provide the all round investigation for finding the vulnerabilities and security threats in different systems and networks. This paper explains the penetration testing and methodology for performing it. It also discusses the prevalent tools and techniques for information gathering and vunerability assessment. And finally penetration testing frameworks are analyzed so as to find the vulnerabilities so that patches can be made to fill and increase the security of system, network or applications.
- Page(s): 56-60
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Harmandeep SinghAssistant Professor, Department. of Computer Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala ,Punjab, India
- Dr. Surender JangraAssistant Professor, Department. of Computer Applications, GTB College, Sangrur, Punjab, India
- Dr. Pankaj Kumar VermaAssociate Professor, Department. of Computer Science, NIILM University Kaithal, Haryana, India
[1]. Deris Stiawan1, Mohd Yazid etc,” Penetration Testing and Mitigation of Vulnerabilities Windows Server”, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.18, No.3, PP.501-513, 2016. [2]. Suraj S. Mudalik,” Penetration testing: An Art of Securing the System (using Kali Linux)”, International Journal of advanced research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN: 2277 128X ,Volume 5, Issue 10, October-2015. [3]. Munir A. Ghanem,”BackTrack System: Security against Hacking”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, ISSN 2250-3153, Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2015. [4]. Jai Narayan Goel, BM Mehtre,” Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing as a Cyber Defence Technology”, 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing 2015 (Elsevier), Procedia Computer Science 57,pp 710-715, 2015. [5]. B. M. Mehtre, Sugandh Shah,”An overview of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing techniques”, Springer Journal of Computer, pp 27-49, 2014. [6]. E. Martins, M.I.P. Salas,” Security Testing Methodology for Vulnerabilities Detection of XSS in Web Services and WS-Security”, Elsevier, pp.133–154, 2014. [7]. NunoAntunes and Marco Vieira,” Penetration Testing for Web Services”,IEEE,ISSN: 0018-9162/14, 2014. [8]. Brandon F. Murphy,” Network Penetration Testing and Research”, NASA. John F. Kennedy Space Center, USRP Summer ,July 30 2013 [9]. N. Sklavos, A. Bechtsoudis,” Aiming at Higher Network Security through Extensive Penetration Tests”, Revista IEEE , Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2012. [10]. Shauvik Roy Choudhary, William G. J. Halfond, etc ,” Improving penetration testing through static and dynamic analysis”, Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/stvr.450, 2011. [11]. ElieBursztein, Jason Bau etc,” State of the Art: Automated Black-Box Web Application Vulnerability Testing”, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2010 [12]. Lloyd Greenwald and Robert Shanley,”Automated Planning for Remote penetration testing”, IEEE,ISSN: 978-1-4244-5239-2, PID: 901436, 2009. [13]. Shauvik Roy Choudhary, William G.J. Halfond etc,” Penetration Testing with Improved Input Vector Identification”, IEEE, ISSN: 978-0-7695-3601-9, 2009. [14]. Nitin A. Naik,Gajanan D. Kurundkar, Santosh D. Khamitkar, Namdeo V. Kalyankar, “Penetration Testing: A Roadmap to Network Security”, Journal of computing,vol1, Issue1, ISSN: 2151-9617, Dec 2009. [15]. Bing Duan, Yinqian Zhang, DawuGu,”An Easy-to-deploy Penetration Testing Platform” ,IEEE The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, ISSN: 978-0-7695-3398-8, 2008. [16]. Danny Allan, “Web application security: Automated scanning versus Manual penetration testing”,IBM web application security, 2008. [17]. Charles J. Kolodgy Gerry Pintal,”Automated Penetration Testing: Can IT Afford Not To? “, IDC, PID: 20516, jan-2007. [18]. K.K Mookhey, David Maynor etc., “Metasploit toolkit for penetration testing, exploit development and vulnerability research” Syngress press, ISBN 13: 978-1-59749-074-0, 2007. [19]. James S. Tiller,” The Ethical Hack, A Framework for business value Penetration Testing”, Auerbach publications, ISBN: 0-8493-1609-X, 2005. [20]. Matt Bishop and Deborah A. Frincke,” About Penetration testing”, IEEE SECURITY &PRIVACY, pno.1540-7993, pp. 84-87.
Harmandeep Singh, Dr. Surender Jangra , Dr. Pankaj Kumar Verma "Penetration Testing: Analyzing the Security of the Network by Hacker’s Mind" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.56-60 2016
This paper aims at exploring the true meaning of soft skills which are now days the most essential skills set for engineering graduates in India. Over the decades people have used different words for soft skills like communication skills, people’s skills or employability skills. For increasing the productivity of any educational institute development of human capital and the upgrading of the mentality and intellectual capacity of an institute must be the priority. In today’s fast running world and with the global environment of new millennium engineering graduates require an ever increasing range of skills. Soft skills and Hard Skills complement each other besides the fact that they are antonyms also. Soft Skills not only fulfill a role of shaping one’s life but it is an adequate skill beyond academic or technical knowledge.
- Page(s): 61-63
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- ShradhanjaliAssistant Professor, Amity University, Rajasthan, India
[1]. P.V. Dharmrajan, Rajkumar Pachigalla, (2012), “The significance of inculcating soft skills in students in the process of teaching hard skills.” [2]. V. Saravanan, (2009), “Sustainable employability skills for engineering professionals.” [3]. Marc J. Riemer, (2007), “communication skills for 21st century engineer.” [4]. Dr. Sna Farooqi, (2013), “Soft Skill- A tool for maximizing productivity in educational institute. [5]. Bernd Schulz, (2008), “The importance of soft Skill- Education beyond Academic Knowledge.” [6]. Inayatullah kaketoto, Hamdan Syid, (2013), “Beyond Technical Barriers – Oral Communication Barriers of Engineering Students of Pakistan for work place environment – Pre luminary Result.” [7]. Beverley Oliver, Beatrice Tucker, “Are our students work ready? – Graduate and Employer Feedback for comprehensive course review. Journals [8]. National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Arts and Education – ISSN No. 2277-1182 Vol. No.-1, Issue No.3 Webliography [9]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_skills#cite_note-4 [10]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_skills#cite_note-3
Shradhanjali "Soft Skills: An Overview & It's Effective Implementation" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.61-63 2016
Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. The solute is known as the dispersed phase and the solvent is known as the continuous phase. Other examples of emulsions include margarine, mayonnaise, cream, and salad dressing. A colloidal solution is when matter exists in a state of division in between a true solution, which is sugar in water, and a suspension, which is chalk in water. The characteristics of a colloid are small particle size, electrical charge, and affinity of the particles for water molecules. In milk, the whey proteins are in colloidal solution. This paper detects various types of adulteration present in milk products.
- Page(s): 64-66
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi, Pune, India
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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "To Find Types of Adulteration Present in Milk Products" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.64-66 2016
Fingerprint Analysis is one of the efficient biometric tool which is highly used to verify the identity of the user. Artificial neural networks consist of various sets of neurons which resembles the neurons in the human brains. ANN is most widely used in the fingerprint analysis because of quick learning Techniques. Usually the ANN is trained to determine the characteristics that will be occurring in the fingerprint and extraction of those characteristics. In the training phase the extracted characterizations are compared with the templates that will be present in the stored database. A wavelet is used to divide a continuous signal into a scalable component, this technique of wavelets help to determine and differentiate the mordant characteristics of the fingerprint.
- Page(s):67-70
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Kavitha S NAssistant Professor, Department of Information Science & Engg. R.V.College of Engineering Bengaluru, India
- Dr. S C Prasanna KumarProfessor, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. R V College of Engineering Bengaluru, India
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_recognition [2] Z. M. Win,“ Fingerprint recognition for the low quality images” , SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2011 Proceedings , Tokyo , 2011, p. 1133 - 1137. [3] M. Arantes,“ a system for fingerprint minutiae classification and recognition” , Neural Information Processing, ICONIP '02. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Proceedings , 2002,Vol 5, p. 1133 - 1137. [4] I. El-Feghi,“ Efficient features extraction for fingerprint classification with multi layer perceptron neural network” , Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2011 10th International Symposium on) , lasi , 2011, p. 1 - 4. [5] A. A. Altun,“ Recognition of finger prints enhanced by curvelet transform with artificial neural networks” Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2013. IWSSIP 2013. 15th International Conference on, Bratislava , 2013, p.421 - 424. [6] Zou Lihua.” a new fingerprint recognition approach using artificial neural network” , SICE E-Health Networking, Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (EDT), 2010 International Conference on, Shenzhen , 2010, p 295 - 298.
Kavitha S N, Dr. S C Prasanna Kumar "A Survey of Fingerprint Analysis using Artificial Neural Networks" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.67-70 2016
Speeding and drunken drive are the basic reasons for vehicle accident. Many lives could have been saved if emergency service could get accident information and reach in time and if drunken drivers are prevented from driving. Nowadays, GPS has become an integral part of a vehicle system. This paper proposes to utilize the capability of a GPS to send accident location to an Alert Service Center. The accelerometer will monitor speed of a vehicle and measure the impact of collision. Whenever the speed will be below the specified speed, it will assume that an accident has occurred. The system will then send the accident location acquired from the GPS along with the time and the speed by utilizing the GSM network. Also in this paper we check whether the person is drunken or not by using the MQ3 GAS sensor. In this system , sensor circuit is used to detect whether the alcohol was consumed by driver or not. When alcohol concentration is detected then vehicle’s information will go to traffic police through GSM and thus preventing accidents. This will help the rescue service to reach in time and save the valuable human life. This paper is based on EMBEDDED C programming using Arduino mega.
- Page(s): 71-74
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Asmita HDepartment of Information Science, PESIT South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Jathin SreenivasDepartment of Information Science, PESIT South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Nandini S KannanDepartment of Information Science, PESIT South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- SarithaDepartment of Information Science, PESIT South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
[1]. Malik, A.S., Boyko, O., Atkar, N. and Young, W.F. (2001) A Comparative Study of MR Imaging Profile of Titanium Pedicle Screws. Acta Radiologica, 42, 291-293. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/028418501127346846. [2]. Khan, A.M. and Tehreem, A. (2012) Causes of Road Accidents in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Development Studies, 1. [3]. Thompson, C., Whit, J., Doughenty, B., Abnight, A. and Schmidt, D.C. (2010) Using Smart Phone to Detect Car Accidents and Provide Situational Awareness Emergency Responses. The 3rd International ICT Conference on Mobile Wireless Middleware Operating Systems and Applications. [4]. Megalingam, R.K., Nair, R.N. and Pakhya, S.M. (2010) Wireless Vehicular Accident Detection and Reporting System. International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET). [5]. Syedul Amin, Md., Bhuiyan, M.A.S., Reaz, M.B.I. and Nasir, S.S. (2013) GPS and Map Matching Based Vehicle Accident Detection System. 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), Putrajaya, 16-17 December 2013. [6]. Wang Wei, Fang Hanbo , ―Traffic accident automatic detection and remote alarm device‖, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, pages: 910-913, 2011. [7]. Mr.S.Iyyappan and Mr.V.Nandagopal , ‖Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue with Intelligent Traffic Light System‖, published in International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Research,2013. [8]. K.Athavan; S.Jagadeeshwaran, G.Balasubraminan, N.Dinesh, G.Abhilash, G.Gokul ―Automatic ambulance rescue System‖, Proceedings of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pages:190-195, 2012. [9]. Amnesh Goel ,Sukanya Ray ,Nidhi Chandra, ―Intelligent Traffic Light System to Prioritized Emergency Purpose Vehicles based on Wireless Sensor Network ‖,published in International Journal of Computer Applications , Volume 40– No.12, February 2012 .
Asmita H, Jathin Sreenivas, Nandini S Kannan, Saritha "Accident Avoidance and Detection" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 5, pp.71-74 2016
The proposed model of automated cooking machine is the basic model which we further used in cooking or food industry. Because in food or cooking industry one could not able to provide manual faults. Recently everything is based on technology where we have to serve technology by automated systems .by this automation technology we can reduce the man power and with reducing the errors. And also we achieve the reduction of huge wastage of manual handling Up to now, most of the peoples are still cooking in the kitchen, which makes them fatigued and also makes air polluted. With the development of numerical control technology, it becomes more and more urgent to apply the related technology to the automated cooking field. As per recent technological need in food industry we are going to present the model for automated cooking machine. This automated cooking machine comprises with three systems viz, stepwise addition of ingredient’s, stirring, frying etc. An automated cooking machine includes a steel bowels, hot plate, oil and water pump, stirrer and a panel mounted adjacent to the machine. A program logic controller and HMI control each of the devices to carry out cooking process. With such an automated cooking machine can stir fry and deep fry like a human cook and easy to keep good repair.
- Page(s): 75-77
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Patel ReemaEmail: reemapatel05.rp@gmail.com
- Kunwar Jay Kumar D.Email: jaykumar1305@gmail.com
[1]. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol 9,No 12,December 2014. [2]. Future Smart Cooking Machine System Design . TELKOMNIKA, Vol.11, No.4, December 2013, pp. 827~834. [3]. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) details are available at https://wold.keyence.com/products/programmable_logic controllers/plc.html
Patel Reema, Kunwar Jay Kumar D. "Automated Cooking Machine using PLC and HMI" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 5, pp.75-77 2016
Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. This paper detects various types of adulteration present in the milk products..
- Page(s): 78-81
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley Gupta2Parvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi, Pune, India
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Mobile ad- hoc Network is used on that place where the installation of Network setup is not possible using wire & base infrastructure like centralize server. In this situation the up to date technologies apply called ad hoc network. The migration form wired network to wireless network has been a worldwide trend within the few decades. The various type of the upgrade wireless networks, Mobile Ad hoc Network is one of the needful and separate application like in any rescue operation, battlefield & all ad-hoc network. To achieve the good throughput, cooperative communication utilizes nearby terminals to broadcast the overhearing information, has a great potential to improve the transmitting efficiency in mobile ad hoc networks. Here we are explaining a trust concept using Finite state machine based on a MAC protocol which support the avoidance of packets collision using NAV setting in both data link layer and network layer (routing & link layers) of Mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs).
- Page(s): 82-84
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Vinay Kumar PandeyAssistant Professor, Computer Science Department, SKITM, Haryana, India
- Rajni Kant PandeyM.Tech Scholar, Department of ECE, Haryana, India
- Alka KaushikM.Tech Scholar, Department of CSE, Haryana, India
- Sumiran DaiyaM.Tech Scholar, Department of ECE, Haryana, India
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Vinay Kumar Pandey, Rajni Kant Pandey, Alka Kaushik, Sumiran Daiya "Enhance Security Model of MANET with Advance MAC Protocol Using NAV Setting" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 5, pp.82-84 2016
In today competitive business environment, Human Resources Innovation Capabilities are also the most important capabilities for an organization to growth and explore. If an organization have the innovation capabilities on the context of HRM that organization can survive well. Every business is facing challenges because of speedy development of Information technology and its envelopment in the business therefore for survival, a holistic innovation capabilities are required for an organization. Holistic innovation capabilities in term of technology, Human resources, marketing flexibility etc. The objective of this is to do an extensive review analysis of Human Recourses Innovation’s Capabilities. After doing literature review, the authors found out that few studies are available which are related to Human Recourses Innovation’s Capabilities and very less attention has been given by researchers in this context, therefore, the main aim of this study to do citations review analysis of all studies related to Human Recourses Innovation’s Capabilities and also found out the gaps for the future research.
- Page(s): 85-92
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Benu ChaudhryResearch Scholar, School of Management, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India
- Dr. Pawan Kumar VermaSchool of Management, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India
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Benu Chaudhry, Dr. Pawan Kumar Verma "Citations Review Analysis of Human Resources Innovation Capabilities" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 5, pp.85-92 2016
Sensors form a vital part of any measurement and control system. Currently available gas sensors detect gases at high temperatures, i.e. > 100oC. In the present work, efforts have been made towards developing sensors which provide higher sensitivity, comparatively low operating temperature and improved long-term stability at reduced cost. This is possible with the hybrid Thick Film Technology (TFT) which offers flexibility in the choice of materials and design, easy integration with electronic circuits and packaging. We have done a survey of different base materials, i.e. SnO2, TiO2 and ZnO for construction of these sensors. Out of which we have chosen SnO2 and TiO2 as basic sensing material. We have done the detection of different gases such as hydrogen, ethanol, and ammonia for detection purpose. The aim was to develop gas sensors which will detect gases at lower temperatures (<100oC). We have successfully done so using TiO2 and SnO2 sensors, but we have obtained better results using TiO2 i.e. gas detection in the range of 50 to 70 oC. In recent years, nanomaterials have been widely studied as potential candidates for the fabrication of gas sensors as they provide higher surface-to-volume ratio. The use of semiconductor oxide sensor fabrication is the preferred manufacturing process due to its better performance and potentially low cost.
- Page(s): 93-97
- Date of Publication: 31 May 2016
- Sharada N. OhatkarDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune – 411052.Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Sunit B. RaneCentre For Materials For Electonics Technology (C-MET), Pune – 411008
- Anuja A. AmbesangeDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune – 411052.Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Ankita A. MoreDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune – 411052.Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Shweta V. RaneDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune – 411052.Savitribai Phule Pune University
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Sharada N. Ohatkar, Sunit B. Rane, Anuja A. Ambesange, Ankita A. More, Shweta V. Rane "Nanostructured Metal Oxide Based Thick Film Sensors" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 5, pp.93-97 2016