The efficient localization complementing the services of wireless sensor networks holds promises of diverse application domains each with competing requirements. The resource constraints of WSN necessitate the efficient localization algorithm which optimizes the resource utilization at various network operation levels like data link layer, routing etc. Energy is scarcest reserve of low power sensing devices in WSNs. The existing localization algorithms might perform efficiently in smaller networks comprising of one or two hop networks but its performance degrades in multihop sensor networks. Towards improving the performance of WSN the localization algorithm is integrated with media access control (MAC) protocol of data link control of network operation. In this paper the localization algorithm is seamlessly combined with MAC protocol to optimize the performance of WSNs. The MAC scheme is basically targeted towards achieving load balancing, throughput and energy optimization. A detailed analysis of performances of a ranged based localization algorithm with various MAC standards was performed on the simulator tool NS-2 with varying application scenarios. With the observed data this is concluded that localization algorithm combined with MAC protocol performs more efficiently in terms of energy usage and positioning accuracy in comparison to localization algorithm without MAC. Thus a MAC protocol is instrumental to improve localization along with conserving the energy usage. The observed data further adds that the MAC protocol may also be utilized to enhance coverage and scalability of WSN localization.
- Page(s): 01-11
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Suman PandeyMember, IEEEKamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Suman Pandey "Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Using Localization Combined With MAC Protocol" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.01-11 2017
This paper displays a concise synopsis of steps required in appropriation of Information and correspondence innovation in instructive associations and its effect on both the instructors and understudies. The components impacting instructors to deject and acknowledge ICT are likewise talked about. The contextual investigations for the usage of ICT and reviews after the execution on the results as far as achieving instructive objectives are likewise highlighted.
- Page(s): 12-16
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Adarsha H Department of Mechanical Engineering, SET, Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- S C Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, SET, Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- Ramesh S Department of Mechanical Engineering, SET, Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- Harishanand K S. Department of Mechanical Engineering, SET, Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
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An ECG (Electrocardiogram) is a test used to determine the rhythmic activity of the heart. It checks for problems with the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. An ECG shows the heart’s electrical activity as line tracings on paper. To measure the electrical activity of the heart, electrodes are placed on the skin. Suspected myocardial infarction, seizures, etc. can be indicated by performing electrocardiography. Conventionally, 12-lead ECG is performed, where 10 electrodes are placed on the patient’s limbs and on the surface of the chest. The graph of voltage versus time produced by this noninvasive medical procedure is referred to as an electrocardiogram. The ECG signal is contaminated by various noises in various stages of ECG measurement. The presence of noise in an ECG trace complicates the identification analysis. The primary sources of noise in ECG are power line interface, electrode movement noise, motion artifacts, color noise, electromyography etc. Noise removal in ECG signal is vital as these noises alter the data carried by the signal. For proper diagnosis, a pure ECG signal is required. Hence, noise removal from an ECG signal plays a vital role in biomedical field. Once the noise sources are properly characterized and understood, different types of filter designs can be used to efficiently remove noise, while preserving as much of the underlying subject information as possible. Here, we use a combination of any discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and a thresholding method for denoising. Finally, SNR is calculated to find the efficiency of the algorithm used.
- Page(s): 17-22
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Madhukar B.NSenior Assistant Professor, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
- Megha S.RUG Student, B.E (ECE), New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
- Sithara T.R UG Student, B.E (ECE), New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
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With the early 20th¬century, the existence of new technology named Internet of Things (IoT) was stated which deals with the interconnection of things. We adopted this technology for our work to automate and manually control the home appliances making home a better-automated place without human intervention called Smart home. Here, in our work, this technology is supported by an android application installed in Smart Phones and WebPage for User-Interface (UI), various sensors to let appliances to talk, Arduino Uno as a central unit and Wi-Fi for connectivity between central unit and UI.
- Page(s): 23-26
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Bijay Shrestha Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Suman Mali Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Asha Joseph Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- K. John Singh Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Kiran Raj P Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
Bijay Shrestha, Suman Mali, Asha Joseph, K. John Singh, Kiran Raj P "Web and Android based Automation using IoT" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.23-26 2017
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of small sensor nodes in a geo-graphically distributed area to keep track of physical or environmental conditions. If each node in the network transmits the sensed data to the Base Station (BS), the energy consumption is very high which directly affects the network lifetime. By using clustering techniques, network lifetime can be prolonged by making Cluster Head (CH) to communicate with BS on behalf of other cluster members. We have proposed a Mobile Sink (MS) scheme where the sink node has more energy and resources compared to other sensor nodes. The sink node moves near the clusters and gathers the sensed data from the CH. Clustering is done and CHs are selected based on the Residual Energy (RE) parameter. Simulation results and analysis show that there is an improvement in throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio with reduction in energy consumption compared to schemes that use static sink or BS, where all the CHs communicate the gathered data from the clusters members to the static sink node. Thus mobile sink scheme increases the network lifetime by reducing energy consumption.
- Page(s): 27-32
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Rashmi G. MM. Tech Scholar, BNMIT, Bengaluru-70, Karnataka, India
- Mallanagouda PatilDepartment of CSE, BNMIT, Bengaluru-70, Karnataka, India
- Rajashekhar C. BiradarSchool of ECE, REVA University, Bengaluru-64, India
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MANET is infrastructure less and freelance network that consist varied nodes. MANET is mobile spontaneous network having ability to attach varied mobile nodes to every alternative. These nodes use wireless links to speak with one another. This temporary, low price network will connect little space folks, because it is temporary infrastructure less, having less variety of resources like low security live, low node life time and fewer authentication suggests that. The infrastructure less nature of painter makes it susceptible to varied attacks. Attacks square measure prone to occur if detective work and preventing algorithms fails to sight vulnerable threats and to seek out and take away malicious nodes. Thus, in MANET, attacks square measure significantly serious issue. during this paper, we've examined sure attacks in painter. Finally, we've compared some attacks exploitation some necessary parameters so self-addressed impact of attacks.
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- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
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Manpreet Kaur, Er. Manoj Kumar Review Paper on Impact of Attacks on MANET" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.37-39 2017
Medicines play a crucial role in maintaining health, preventing illness, managing, chronic conditions and curing disease. All Time Medicine (ATM) is a machine which delivers the medicine in emergency cases and ensure availability of drugs 24x7 and hence the name “All Time Medicine”. ATM will be very useful in saving life in case of an accident on highways, remote areas, rural areas and places where medical stores are not within the reach in case of emergency. At least first aid can be made easily accessible with the help of this system. This project consists of Advanced RISC Machine PIC micro controller which controls the other sub systems such as RFID Reader, Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), medicine dispenser, inventory control. RFID tag identifies the specific user. GSM sends the message to the inventory control when the medicines needs to be refill. Medicine Dispenser is the storage part of the machine, which stores the medicine.
- Page(s): 40-41
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Malashree.G Assistance Professor, Dept of EEE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bengaluru-45, Karnataka, India
- UbaidullaAssistance Professor, Dept of EEE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bengaluru-45, Karnataka, India
- Shilpa R S HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bengaluru-45, Karnataka, India
- Divya U HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bengaluru-45, Karnataka, India
[1]. Montaser N. Ramadan, Mohammad A. AI-Khedher and Sharaf A. Al-Kheder“Intelligent Anti-Theft and Tracking System for Automobiles”. International Journal ofMachine Learning and Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1. November 2012. [2]. NXP Semiconductors LPC2148 Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit microcontrollers data sheet. [3]. Survey paper on Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Trends by Christoph Jechlitschek, ( [4]. An Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert L Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Ninth edition, Pearson Education, Inc.2006
Malashree.G, Ubaidulla, Shilpa R S, Divya U "ATM (All Time Medicine) Counter For Medicine Self-Dispensing" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.40-41 2017
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to observe physical or environmental conditions. The economical use of energy supply in a sensing element node is most fascinating criteria for prolong the life time of wireless sensing network. Thus planning economical routing for reducing energy consumption is the vital issue. Leach is one of the basic protocols in the clustering technique where hierarchical routing protocols will be used for minimizing the energy consumed in aggregation and diffusing. We have surveyed the state-of art of various hierarchical routing protocols that have been developed from the LEACH. This paper provide light on a number of the improve version of LEACH protocol. Finally this paper concludes with some comparison of descendents of LEACH with LEACH protocol.
- Page(s): 42-45
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Kiranjot M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Engineering, YCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala Guru Kashi Campus, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India.
- Er. Manoj Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, YCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala Guru Kashi Campus, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India.
[1]. S. E. L. Khediri, N. Nasri, A. Wei, and A. Kachouri, “A new approach for clustering in wireless sensors networks based on LEACH,” Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 32, pp. 1180–1185, 2014. [2]. R. P. Mahapatra and R. K. Yadav, “Descendant of LEACH Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 57, pp. 1005–1014, 2015. [3]. N. Wang and H. Zhu, “An energy efficient algrithm based onLEACH protocol,” Proc. - 2012 Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Electron. Eng. ICCSEE 2012, vol. 2, pp. 339–342, 2012. [4]. W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “Energy-efficient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks,” Proc. 33rd Annu. Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., vol. 00, no. c, pp. 3005–3014, 2000. [5]. J. Gnanambigai, N. Rengarajan, and K. Anbukkarasi, “Leach and Its Descendant Protocols : A Survey,” Int. J. Commun. Comput. Technol., vol. 01, no. 3, pp. 15–21, 2012. [6]. A. Braman and G. R. Umapathi, “A Comparative Study on Advances in LEACH Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks : A survey,” Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Commun. Eng., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 5683–5690, 2014. [7]. W. B. Heinzelman, A. P. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “An application-specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks,” IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 660–670, 2002. [8]. Dembla.D Shivam .H: Analysis and Implementation of Improved - LEACH protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (I-LEACH).In: IJCSC,IJ, Vol. 4,No. 2, pp.8-12, September, 2013. [9]. hu.D,Cai.D:Research and simulation of energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor network. In: Proc. 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Quanzhou, China, 2010. [10]. Qian .L, Zhu.H: An Energy Balanced Clustering Algorithm Based on LEACH Protocol. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference On Systems Engineering and Modeling (ICSEM-13), Paris, France, pp-72-73, 2013 [11]. Jiman .H and Joongjin .K: T-LEACH: The method of threshold-based cluster head replacement for wireless sensor networks,” published in springer Inf Syst Front, DOI 10.1007/s10796-008-9121-4
Kiranjot, Er. Manoj Kumar "Review Paper on LEACH and Its Descendant Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.42-45 2017
Nowadays the users of android mobile are increasing rapidly, the works done by PCs are being implemented in smart phones. So E-learning is enhanced by M-learning. However, managing the exam and providing the security in open environment where each student has his/her own android device connected to a Wi-Fi network through which it is further connected to the internet can be a most challenging task. In such environments, various vulnerabilities may occur which may violate the exam such as students can exchange information over the network during exam time. Hence this paper aims to identify such vulnerabilities and provide the appropriate security services to ensure exam security.
- Page(s): 46-49
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Ramesh NagalDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Prakash NemkulDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Dipesh Kr. MandalDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Naveen KumarDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
- Asha JosephDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangalore Technological Institute, 560035, India
[1]. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Arvind Kumar Tiwari, “Design and Implementation of Secure Computer Based Examination System Based on B/S Structure” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN, 2016 [2]. Deepankar Vishwas Kotwal1, Shubham Rajendra Bhadke “Online Examination System” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2016 [3]. Yushuang Dong, Yingqun Liu,Beijing, “Design of Multi-Terminal Mobile Learning Platform” International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, 2016 [4]. N.Sendhil Kumar, Agarapu Raghavendra, “Secure Online Examination Management System Using Firewall Settings” SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE) – volume 2 issue 5 May 2015 [5]. Hongmei Nie,” Design and Development of the Online Examination System Based on B/S Structure” 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Computational Science(ICTCS), 2014 [6]. Kaiiali M., Ozkaya A., Altun H., Haddad H., & Alier M. (2016).Designing a secure exam management system (SEMS) for M-learning environments. IEEE Transaction on learning Technologies, 9(3), 258-271 [7].
Ramesh Nagal, Prakash Nemkul, Dipesh Kr. Mandal, Naveen Kumar, Asha Joseph "Android based Secure Exam Management System to Prevent Impersonation" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.46-49 2017
In this paper we are proposing for smart inverter integrating with raspberry pi which makes smart home .In this work a bi-level (Supervisory-Local) PV based micro grid configuration is proposed for low power residential applications. In the supervisory level a long-term control scheme is assigned to define the set points for local controllers. The local level is mainly formed from a set of controllers which are basically responsible to control the power electronic interfaces and converters. Within the supervisory level a dynamic price scheduling framework with load and solar energy forecasting is implemented using time series-based regression technique. In the local level, adaptive double mode controllers are developed to realize intelligent inverters with smart grid-tied (GT) capabilities and smooth transition between GT and stand-alone modes.
- Page(s): 50-53
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Megha A JoshiDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dr.Sri Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamy College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India
- Kavyashree SDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dr.Sri Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamy College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India
[1]. Charles Severence, “Eben Upton: Raspberry Pi”, vol.46, NO.10, pp. 14-16, 2013. [2]. “ An IOT based Smart Inverter” IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology [3]. Raspberry pi , [4]. “”, for solar smart inverter. [5]. Vamsikrishna Patchava, Hari Babu Kandala,, P Ravi Babu, “ A Smart Home Automation Technique with Rasp-berry Pi using IoT”. 2015 International Conference on Smart Sensors and Systems. [6]. “” Buck Boost conveter . [7]. Inverter ,“Power Electronics” from the text book of Mohammed Rashid
Megha A Joshi, Kavyashree S "IOT Based Smart Inverter Using Raspberry PI " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.50-53 2017
Most of the transportation and commercial activities are carried by railway network. Any trouble in this transportation increases crucial damage to the society also loss of human life. In general railway system to operate flawlessly constant monitoring of railway tracks, obstacle detection on the railway tracks and proper railway gate opening and closing without error is required. Currently railway track monitoring, obstacle detection and railway gate opening and closing is all done manually which is time consuming and not accurate, which involves high human errors. The monitoring process involves time and manpower for thousands of miles. Our proposed system is designed for continuous monitoring of railway track for crack detection and obstacles at the railway tracks using a combination of sensors. These sensors collect data and through computational false analysis the crack and obstacles are identified at the railway track. The collected data can help in finding the crack and obstacle at the railway track and avoid the major accidents of railway. In addition to it this prototype also provides an automated gate opening and closing system. This system saves time and is designed with low cost.
- Page(s): 54-56
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Chandra Shekar N BE in Electronic & Communication Engg, Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Ashwin Santhosh BE in Electronic & Communication Engg, Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Vidya D BE in Electronic & Communication Engg, Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Punith H P BE in Electronic & Communication Engg, Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Darshitha KS Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic & Communication Engg,Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
[1]. G. Kohila Warnan and R. Balamurugan, “ Prevention of Train Accidents using Android supported Embedded Systems”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016. [2]. Rajesh L V, Manjunath G Asuti and Mukunda Swamy M S, “Crack Detection and Collision Avoidance in Railway using ARM CORTEX”, IRF International conference 2016. [3]. Pranav Lad and Mansi Pawar, “Evolution of Railway Track Crack Detection System”, Robotics and Manufacturing Automation(ROMA), 2nd IEEE international symposium, 2016. [4]. Fatima Imdad, Muhammad Tabish Niaz and Hyung Seok Kim, “ Railway Track Structural Health Monitoring System”, 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2015. [5]. Karthik Krishnamurthi, Monica Bobby, Vidya V and Edwin Baby, “Sensor based automatic control of railway gates” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology 2015
Chandra Shekar N, Ashwin Santhosh, Vidya D, Punith H P, Darshitha KS "Railway Track Structural Health Analyzing System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.54-56 2017
This paper presents the methodology for the selection of optimal conductors and reconductoring, in radial distribution systems by comparative study of the results obtained by conventional or incremental cost method and Genetic algorithm method (GA).The objective is to minimize the cost of distribution network and minimize the power losses in the system and to maximize the total saving in cost of conducting material while maintaining the acceptable voltage levels. The conductor and reconductoring, which is determined by genetic algorithm method will satisfy not only the maximum current carrying capacity and maintain acceptable voltage limits. It is observed that the Genetic Algorithm gives more optimised cost as compared to conventional method.
- Page(s): 57-60
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Ravi Ranjan KumarRadha Raman Engineering College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Uttam KumarAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, RCIT, Bishrampur, Kosiar, Jharkhand, India
- Ravi Kumar RajalwalAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Radha Raman Engineering College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Uttam Kumar, Ravi Kumar Rajalwal "Dynamic Programming (G.A) & Incremental Approach Comparison for Reconductoring of Radial Distribution System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.57-60 2017
The mission of this project is to successfully apply this implementation in all sizes of educational organizations. Our corporate promises are; 1. Provide excellent human-machine relationship. 2. Provide the ability for robots to draw/write study related documents or figures. 3. Substantial growth in the field of e-learning. Our primary objective is to put forth vulnerable changes in educational environment by developing a new masterpiece that not only brings changes in mentioned field but also in the stream of ROBOTICS. Based on the user commands, the arm will be able to draw/write anything the user wishes to. This effort would definitely cause drastic change in e-learning .
- Page(s): 61-65
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Sharada PNAssistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, KNS Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
- Narasimha Muthy RMDepartment of Electronics & Communication, KNS Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
[1]. [IEEE] DOVE: Drawing over video environment, School of Computer Science, Carnage Mellon University, Pittsburgh. [2]. [IEEE] ROBOT BY VOICE: experiment on commanding an industrial robot using the human voice, university of Coimbra Portugal. [3]. [URL]: [4]. [URL]: [5]. [URL]: [6]. [URL]: [7]. [URL]: [8]. [BOOK] Robotics control, sensing, vision and intelligence, Authors: K.S Fu, R.C Gonzalez, C.S.G Lee [9]. Arduino programming notebook: Written and compiled by Brian W Evans
Sharada PN, Narasimha Muthy RM "Voice Recognised Freehand Drawing Robotic Arm" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.61-65 2017
QR codes, developed by a Japanese company, have been around for over fifteen years. With the advent of smart and Web capable mobile devices, we witness a steady growth of interesting commercial applications using QR codes. The main objective of our project is to provide people with a technology that can enable them to obtain information about anything by simply scanning the QR code. The scanning result in obtaining the text information of a particular specimen and this information is further converted into speech using specialized software.
- Page(s): 66-69
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Deepak MoortyElectronics and Communication Engineering, VVIET, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
- Munazza RumanElectronics and Communication Engineering, VVIET, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
- Nauman IrfanElectronics and Communication Engineering, VVIET, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
- Aishwarya K.RElectronics and Communication Engineering, VVIET, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
[1]. C. Law and S. So, “QR Codes in Education”, Journal Of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. (85-100), (2010). [2]. “Recognition of QR code by Mobile phones”, Yue Liu, Ju Yang and Mingjun Liu 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008 [3]. “Design and Implementation of Text To Speech Conversion for Visually Impaired People”, Itunuoluwa Isewon, Jelili Oyelade and Olufunke Oladipupo. [4]. “QR Code Technologies in Museum Exhibitions”, Sandra Medić, Nataša Pavlović* Received: July 2014 |Accepted: September 2014 [5]. “Design and Generation of Speech Generation System Using Matlab” International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2014 [6]. A Survey on QR Codes: in context of Research and Application Kinjal H. Pandya, Hiren J. Galiyawala, International Journal of merging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2014) [7]. “Evaluating the Use of Quick Response (QR) Code at Sulaimani University Libraries”, Ako Muhammad Abdullah*, Roza Hikmat Hama Aziz [8]. Implementation of Text to Speech Conversion, Chaw Su Thu Thu, Theingi Zin, Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2014 [9]. “QR code, Wikipedia”, [Online] [Retrieved 2102-02-09] [10]. H. Hanks, “Successful Scanning: A Guide to QR Code Best Practices”, (2012), The Agency Inside, PP. (1-18), [Online] Available: base/ qr code- wp.pdf
Deepak Moorty, Munazza Ruman, Nauman Irfan, Aishwarya K.R "QR Code Based Text To Speech Conversion" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.66-69 2017
This paper presents research that investigates the effects of mental fatigue on brain activity using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Since EEG signals are considered to be non-stationary, time-frequency analysis has frequently been used for analysis. The S-transform is a time-frequency analysis method and is used in this paper to analyze EEG signals during fatigue state. The output is compared with the EEG signals that are stored already in the system, so as to give the alert to the user about the fatigue state.
- Page(s): 70-72
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Madhukar B NECE Department, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Aksharamurali NECE Department, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Kevin GonsalvesECE Department, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Akhila VenugopalECE Department, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
[1]. "Analyzing neural time series data," by Mike X Cohen. [2]. "EEG signal processing," by Saeid Sanei and J.A. Chambers. [3]. "S transforms: time frequency analysis and filtering," by Nitin V George. [4]. A. Craig, Y.Tran, N.Wijesuria, & H. Nguyen, "Regional brain wave activity changes associated with fatigue," Psychophysiol. vol 49: 574-582, 2012. [5]. S.Ventosa, C.Simone, M.Schimmel, J.J.Danobeitia, & A.Manuel "The S-transform from a wavelet point of view," IEEE Trans Signal Processing, vol 56:2771-2780, 2008. [6]. S. M. Mallat, “A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing,” 2nd Edition, Reed – Elsevier India Private Limited, New Delhi, India, 2007.
Madhukar B N, Aksharamurali N, Kevin Gonsalves, Akhila Venugopal "Measuring a Mental Fatigue State by Analysis of EEG Signal Using S-transforms" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.70-72 2017
Use of solar radiations is the major obstacle in the application of thermal energy. Solar energy is one of the cleaner forms of renewable energy assets which achieve the need of people in the field of thermal energy. The study shows the use of solar energy with the help of CFD Analysis involving evacuated tube heat pipe which transforming radiation energy into useful heat. Presently use of nanofluids in solar thermal technology for heat transfer improvement is focus of interest. Geometry consists of two heat pipes. The working fluid used for heat pipe is water and Al2O3 respectively. The analysis conducted in ANSYS FLUENT 17. Temperatures at the outlet measured for both the cases. The heat absorption rate was more in the unit consisting Al2O3 as a working fluid inside the heat pipe. Thermal performance of nanofluid contains evacuated tube heat pipe solar water heater is improved than conventional evacuated tube heat pipe solar water heater (SWH). Also the effect of mass flow rate over the condenser and inclination angle on performance of evacuated tube heat pipe is also studied.
- Page(s): 73-77
- Date of Publication: 20 May 2017
- Prof. V. Y. ChaudharyDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM’s PVPIT, Pune University, India
- Bharat KalamkarDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM’s PVPIT, Pune University, India
- Prashant PatelDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM’s PVPIT, Pune University, India
- Jignesh MaliDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM’s PVPIT, Pune University, India
- Pratik PatelDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM’s PVPIT, Pune University, India
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Prof. V. Y. Chaudhary, Bharat Kalamkar, Prashant Patel, Jignesh Mali, Pratik Patel "CFD Analysis of Evacuated Tube Heat Pipe Solar Water Heater" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 5S, pp.73-77 2017