There is now ever increasing demand for fast deployment of network infrastructures as well as for fast transfer of large quantity of data. But this high demand has been greeted with network traffic called congestion. This congestion reduces the performance of the network due to also increase in packet loss. In cause of reducing this rise in the rate of packet loss to enhance the network performance, active queue management (AQM) techniques has been deployed. This AQM are router based technique for detection of traffic early in a computer network. The main ideas behind AQM is to detect traffic in the network and to alert the sender to minimize its rate of sending packets, thereby minimizing the amount of packets sent into the network and so control the impending traffic. In this paper three AQM congestion control algorithm like RED, SFQ, REM, are considered for survey and analysis with their limitations, advantages and disadvantages, in terms of delay, throughput and queue length, etc. The aim of this survey is to analyze three AQM algorithms, to have a clear view the best amongst them and on how to develop a new AQM algorithm (hybrid) that will give a better result compared to these existing algorithms.
- Page(s): 01-08
- Date of Publication: 12 September 2018
- EGBA IFEANYICHUKWU(B.Tech, M.Sc, IITP), River State College of Health Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Nigeria
- ALALIBO, TAMUNO-OMIE(B.Tech, M.Sc), Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Nigeria
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EGBA IFEANYICHUKWU, ALALIBO, TAMUNO-OMIE "Comparative Analysis of Three Active Queue Management (AQM) Techniques (RED, SFQ, REM) in Terms of Their Relative Effectiveness in Controlling Congestion in Networks" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.01-08 URL:
This work deals with comparison of the two axial compressor blades to improve the strength in two different materials using the CFD software. Here Axial Compressor was chosen because of its high efficiency and performance. Titanium and Nickel based alloy was proposed to material and angle of axial compressor blade is 60° & 2.5 mm thickness and 45° & 2 mm thickness was considered for analysis. A detailed flow and structural analysis was carried by CFD software. Results showed that Titanium having more strength compared to Nickel based alloy and more pressure occurred at 60° & 2.5 mm thickness compressor blade.
- Page(s): 09-12
- Date of Publication: 12 September 2018
- T.BharathanAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Trichy, India
- M. T. Jaffar Sathiq AliAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Trichy, India
- D. Pio CasmirAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Trichy, India
- A.SaravananAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Trichy, India
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T.Bharathan, M. T. Jaffar Sathiq Ali, D. Pio Casmir, A.Saravanan "Design and CFD Analysis of Compressor Blade" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.09-12 URL:
Extrusion is by far the most important and probably the oldest transformation and shaping process of thermoplastic polymers. To ensure a quality through extrusion process during manufacturing, it is essential to discover, control, and monitor all quality parameters. Some of the important parameters are state of equipments, working conditions, temperatures, pressures, quality of dies, materials and cooling medium. Instead of the truthful efforts from the manufacturers, still there are number of obstacles in the process which show the way to defects in the product. The purpose of this paper is to properly understanding the extrusion process and focus on the various defects and its impact on product quality.
- Page(s): 13-20
- Date of Publication: 14 September 2018
- Pankaj M.PatilStudent of M.E(Machine Design), Mechanical Engineering Department, SSBT COET, Bambhori-Jalgao, Maharashtra, India
- Prof. D.B. SadaphaleFaculty Member of Mechanical Engineering Department, SSBT COET, Bambhori-Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
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Pankaj M.Patil, Prof. D.B. Sadaphale "A Study of Plastic Extrusion Process and its Defects" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.13-20 URL:
High energy consumption of the cloud computing system of a data center is of great disadvantage to both the cloud service provider and the users or clients. To reduce the energy consumption of the data center, virtualization of the application machines is required to improve server utilization without compromising the quality of service. The paper considered multi objective approach: the migration of the virtual machine, utilization of server resources, distance between virtual machine in the physical machine, sources and destinations characteristics of the server for successful operation with minimal energy. The simulation of the model reveals significant reduction of energy consumption and improved quality of service.
- Page(s): 21-25
- Date of Publication: 16 September 2018
- Francis OkoyeComputer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
- Harmony Nwobodo Nzeribe Computer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
- Godwin OzorComputer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
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Francis Okoye, Harmony Nwobodo Nzeribe and Godwin Ozor "Genetic Algorithm based Optimized Energy Consumption Model for Virtual Machine Consolidation of a Data Center" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.21-25 URL:
This study examines the Economic Value Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA) which are two different approaches. EVA is a measure of firm’s profitable yield where it implied the gap between operating profits after taxes and total cost of capital. Since WACC takes care of financial costs of all sources of investor’s funds in a corporate, it is spectacular that profits after taxes should be considered to quantify EVA. The approach of MVA quantifies the modification in the market value of the firm’s equity capital with regard to equity fund. This consists of meaning, calculation and analysing of EVA and MVA in a sugar company.
- Page(s): 26-28
- Date of Publication: 16 September 2018
- Prof. Prayag GokhaleAssistant Professor Department of MBA, KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belgaum, Karnataka, India
- Ashwini KamateStudent of MBA, Department of MBA, KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belgaum, Karnataka, India
[1]. Andrew C Worthington West “Economic Value-Added: A Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature Asian Review of Accounting” (2001). [2]. ArvindGiritra and Surendra S. Yadav “Economic value-added: A New Flexible Tool for Measuring Corporate Performance Global journal of Flexible Systems Management”(2001), Vol. 2, No 1, page number 7-18 [3]. Dimitris&Christos Anastassis “The Validity of the Economic Value Added Approach: an Empirical Application Journal compilation © (2007) Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,” [4]. Dr. Anil K. Sharma “Economic Value-Added(EVA) – Literature Review and Relevant IssuesVol 2” No2; (2010)
Prof. Prayag Gokhale, Ashwini Kamate, "Impact of Operating Profit and Capital Charge on Economic Value Added and Analysing Market Value Added" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.26-28 URL:
In day-to-day management of the firm, it is essential to manage the inventory so as to maintain proper supply of goods at proper time. Inventory represents an important decision variable at all stages of product manufacturing, distribution and sales, in addition to being a major portion of current assets of many organizations. Too much and too low inventories bring down the level of profitability of an organization. Therefore, whether it is a manufacturing or merchandized organization, the goal should always be the same that is, to ensure the inventory is ready and at the same time inventory is at a low level. Inventory management is functional field of finance and production that covers the efficient and effective use of raw materials and spares which are consumed in producing the finished goods in manufacturing concern. A firm ignoring the management of inventories will be jeopardizing its long run profitability and may fail finally. The reduction in ‘excessive’ inventories carries a favourable impact on a company’s profitability.This paper consists of different parts where the inventory management concepts are discussed, and different inventory control techniques are discussed. This paper also introduces the various costs incurred due to the storage inventory, economic order quantities, stock levels, shortage costs, inventory methods.
- Page(s): 29-31
- Date of Publication: 16 September 2018
- Prof. Prayag P. Gokhale Asst. Professor, Department of MBA, KLE DR. M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka India.
- Megha B Kaloji Research Student, Department of MBA, KLE DR. M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka India.
[1]. Dr. Rakesh Kumar, “Economic order quantity model”, Global journal of finance and economic management, Vol.5 (2016). [2]. Serhii Z, “A literature review on models of inventory management under uncertainty” (2015). [3]. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) Volume 7, Issue 6 Ver. I (Nov. - Dec. 2016). [4]. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 17, Issue 4.Ver. VI (Apr. 2015). [5]. Sachin Agarwal, “Economic Order Quantity Model”, International Journal of Mechanical, Civil, Automobile and Production Engineering, Vol.5, Issue 12(2014).
Prof. Prayag P. Gokhale, Megha B Kaloji "A Study on Inventory Management and Its Impact on Profitability in Foundry Industry at Belagavi, Karnataka" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.29-31 URL:
Concrete is strong, durable, locally available building material widely used for construction. If the load applied on the concrete is more than their limit of resisting load, it causes strength reduction of concrete by producing the cracks. The entry of moisture and harmful chemicals into the concrete through cracks can result in decrement of strength and life. The strength and durability of the concrete can be improved by a technique involving bacterial induced calcite precipitation. Micro biologically induced calcite precipitation can heal cracks and improve the performance of the concrete. In this paper an attempt to study bacterial concrete, types and classification of bacteria, mechanism, merits, demerits and applications of bacterial concrete.
- Page(s): 32-35
- Date of Publication: 24 September 2018
- Kezy JoyPG student, Department of Civil Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur, Coimbatore- 641105, Tamil Nadu, India
- Dr. A.ThirumuruganAssociate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur, Coimbatore- 641105, Tamil Nadu, India
- Niranjani.SAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur, Coimbatore- 641105, Tamil Nadu, India
[1]. Dhanya. S, Soman. K, Smitha. M, Dr. Mercy Shanthi, Dr. Suji. D and Rajesh. A. R (2016) “Strength and Water Absorption of Bacterial Concrete Prepared with M.sand – A Study” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). [2]. Etaveni.Madhavi and D.Rahul Naik (2016) ““Strength Properties of a bacterial concrete when Cement partially replaced with flyash and GGBS” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET). [3]. K.Sriramya and L.Aparna (2017) “Bacterial Concrete Using Fly Ash as Partial Replacement” International Journal of Research. [4]. Nafise Hosseini Balam , Davood Mostofinejad and Mohamadreza Eftekhar (2017) “Effects of bacterial remediation on compressive strength, water absorption, and chloride permeability of lightweight aggregate concrete” Conctruction and building materials. [5]. Navneet Chahal and Rafat Siddique (2013) “Permeation properties of concrete made with fly ash and silica fume: Influence of ureolytic bacteria” Conctruction and building materials. [6]. RA. B. Depaa and T. Felix Kala (2015) “Experimental Investigation of Self Healing Behavior of Concrete using Silica Fume and GGBFS as Mineral Admixtures” Indian Journal of Science and Technology.
Kezy Joy, Dr. A.Thirumurugan, Niranjani.S "Experimental Study on Self Healing Concrete" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.32-35 URL:
Concrete is most commonly used construction material which is strong in compression and weak in tension. The major drawback of concrete is formation of cracks, which affects the serviceability of concrete. When the applied load exceeds the limit, cracks develops on the structure through which water, salts and other foreign matters enters into the concrete and leads to the failure of the structure. Bacterially induced CaCO3 precipitation has been proposed as an environmental friendly technique which can remediate cracks in concrete. Metabolic activities of bacteria in concrete can improve overall performance of concrete. In this paper an attempt to study bacterial concrete, types and classification of bacteria, mechanism, merits, demerits and applications of bacterial concrete.
- Page(s): 36-39
- Date of Publication: 24 September 2018
- Aparna DandapaniPG student, Department of Civil Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur, Coimbatore-641105, Tamil Nadu, India
- Dr. A.Thirumurugan Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur, Coimbatore- 641105, Tamil Nadu, India
[1]. Chithra P Bai and Shibi Varghese (2016) “An experimental investigation on the strength properties of fly ash based bacterial concrete” International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE). [2]. K. Nagajyothi, K. Shyam Chamberlin, SS. Asadi and M. Maheswara Reddy (2017) “Experimental study on bacterial rice husk ash concrete by incorporating quarry dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET). [3]. Nafise Hosseini Balam , Davood Mostofinejad and Mohamadreza Eftekhar (2017) “Effects of bacterial remediation on compressive strength, water absorption, and chloride permeability of lightweight aggregate concrete” Conctruction and building materials. [4]. Navneet Chahal and Rafat Siddique (2013) “Permeation properties of concrete made with fly ash and silica fume: Influence of ureolytic bacteria” Conctruction and building materials. [5]. Pradeep Kumar.A, Akila Devi, Anestraj.S, Arun.S and Santhoshkumar.A (2015) “An Experimental Work on Concrete by Adding Bacillus Subtilis” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering (IJETE). [6]. R.Sri Bhavana, P.Polu Raju and S.S Asadi (2017) “Experimental study on bacterial concrete with partial replacement of cement by fly ash” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET).
Aparna Dandapani, Dr. A.Thirumurugan "Development of Self Healing Concrete to Improve Durability of Structures" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.36-39 URL:
Brand switching also known as brand jumping refers to the process in which a customer changes from buying one brand of a product to buying another brand. In telecommunication sector, the brand switching cost is relatively low, so consumers easily switch to another network, which offers competitive prices and quality. The factor behind consumer brand switching includes negative experience of consumer due to poor product quality or service. The intention of this paper is to scrutinize the factors that influencing consumers switching the service provider in telecom industry. The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Government policies and regulatory framework implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have provided a conductive environment for service providers. This has made the sector more competitive, while enhancing the accessibility of telecommunication services at affordable tariffs to the consumers.
- Page(s): 40-46
- Date of Publication: 25 September 2018
- S MD. Salman Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Karakambadi Road, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Dr. Nalla Bala KalyanAssociate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Karakambadi Road, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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S MD. Salman, Dr. Nalla Bala Kalyan "A Study on Factors Influencing Brand Switching in Telecom Industry in India" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.40-46 URL:
Past efforts to relate the management of human resources to a firm's business strategy have taken three approaches: matching managerial style or personnel activities with strategies, forecasting manpower requirements given certain strategic objectives or environmental conditions, and presenting means for integrating human resource management into the overall effort to match strategy and structure. In this article, the literature on each of these approaches is reviewed, and a typology is presented that posits a reciprocal interdependence between a firm's business strategy and its human resources strategy Implications for research and practice are discussed.
- Page(s): 47-49
- Date of Publication: 25 September 2018
- B. Bhagya Laxmi Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Warangal Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal (Rural), Telangana, India
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B. Bhagya Laxmi "A Study on Retraining in The Light of Technological Changes" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.47-49 URL:
Purpose: - The purpose of this research is to find out that how relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty can influence a brand to build. Design /Methodology/approach: - Relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty are the cornerstones for any business including the retail business. This research is based on the reviewing various articles available on relationship marketing, brand loyalty &customer loyalty & its influence on retail brand management. Findings: -Relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty has strong impact on customer purchasing behavior. Hence it has a greater role to build any brand in retail industry. Practical Implication: - This research has explained the strong correlation between relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty and its impact on customer retention in retail brand management. Thus it is very important for any organization to focus on this aspect for improving the business in many folds.
- Page(s): 50-58
- Date of Publication: 26 September 2018
- Sanmoy ChatterjeeResearch Scholar, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
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Sanmoy Chatterjee "A Comprehensive Literature Review on Customer Loyalty, Relationship Marketing and Brand Loyalty and Its Impact on Customer Retention Policy in Retail Industry w.r.t TESCO Plc." International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.50-58 URL:
Purpose: - The purpose of this research is to discover those factors which lead to enhance the business success through effective use of some parameters like relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty. Design /Methodology/approach: - In this research the result of an empirical survey of 40 participants for three parameters has been taken for measuring the strength of the relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty. Findings: - The finding of this research is clarified that the positive impact of loyalty card programme on the overall customer purchasing behaviour is significant. To gaining and retaining the market position in the competitive environment relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty are play the important role. Practical Implication: - This research is tried to demonstrate how the relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty are important in the retail market. Originality/Value: - From a theoretical point of view the research result elucidate how relationship marketing, brand loyalty and customer loyalty are interlinked with each other. From a practical point of view, it explains why and how all those parameters are important in retail industry. The contribution of this project is to empirically demonstrate that those customs are holding the loyalty card having more relationship with the organisation compare to non-card holder.
- Page(s):59-71
- Date of Publication: 26 September 2018
- Sanmoy ChatterjeeResearch Scholar, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan (India)
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Sanmoy Chatterjee "A Comprehensive Analysis of Customer Retention in the Retail Industry: A Case Study of TESCO Plc." International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.59-71 URL:
When designing or developing the topology or structure of wireless sensor networks, it is of great importance considering prolonging the network lifetime. Energy crisis in the context of high cost, limited availability, inconvenience factors makes the research on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) an interesting one. In the quest to mitigate the effect in WSNs, considering the position of the source node, sink node and energy consumption on data transmission and receiving, the paper proposes the adaptive genetic algorithm-based optimization technique to balance the energy in the network system, hence prolonging the network lifetime. Simulation results demonstrate a significant additional two and quarter hour (135 mintes) longer lifetime of the nodes.
- Page(s): 72-74
- Date of Publication: 27 September 2018
- Chioma OlekaComputer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
- Uju Nduanya Computer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
- Francis OkoyeComputer Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
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Chioma Oleka, Uju Nduanya and Francis Okoye "Adaptive Genetic Algorithm-Based Network Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.72-74 URL:
Now a day’s open ground storey or soft storey is a typical feature in multistoried buildings constructions. These buildings are highly susceptible to earthquake and due to that loss of properties and casualty is there. So in this paper parametric study is performed on an example building with open ground storey to bring out the importance of explicitly recognizing the presence of soft ground storey in the analysis. Usually the most economical way to eliminate the failure of soft storey by adding shear walls. The shear walls are one of the most efficient lateral force resisting elements in high rise buildings. This paper deals with occurring of soft storey at lower level at high rise building subjected to earthquake has been studied. Also has been tried to investigate on adding of shear wall to structures in order to reduce soft storey effect on seismic response of building.
- Page(s): 75-79
- Date of Publication: 27 September 2018
- Prof. Patil S.S.Head of Civil Engineering Department, W.I.T. Solapur, Maharashtra – India.
- Sagare S.D.Student, M.E. (Structures), W.I.T. Solapur, Maharashtra – India
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This study focused mainly on the impact of information and communication technology infrastructure as a veritable tool for health care professionals in healthcare institutions in Port Harcourt metropolis. Descriptive research design method was employed. One hundred (100) Respondents (Healthcare Workers) participated in the research. Open and closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data and simple percentage was used to analyze the data. The result of the study revealed that (60%) of the respondents have not been trained in the use of ICT and only few of them use ICT in the course of carrying out their job (40%). On the average, hospitals were provided the required infrastructure (50%). The result also identified that ICT infrastructures have the potential to improve the quality and safety of health care professionals (80%). A strong and properly structured ICT help doctors/patients be more informed and better prepared to engage in decision making and to carry out their treatment plan as well as have great potential to reduce some administrative costs and burden (95%). Their establishments does not have properly structured ICT infrastructure (60%). Recommendations are that the health workers should be well trained; provided with the required ICT infrastructures/equipment. The study has been able to show that ICT infrastructure is a veritable tool for healthcare professionals for effective healthcare delivery.
- Page(s): 80-84
- Date of Publication: 29 September 2018
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- Alalibo, Tamuno-Omie(B.Tech, M.Sc), Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Nigeria.
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Egba Ifeanyichukwu, Amadi Gordon and Alalibo, Tamuno-Omie "The Impact of ICT Infrastructure: A Veritable Tool for Healthcare Professionals " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.80-84 URL:
This paper presents the impact of optical character recognition (OCR) for legal document notarization to enhance forensic studies. The notarized process will be done employing image processing techniques such as background filtration, binarization, morphological dilation, putative, matching among others for accuracy. The main aim of this research is to provide a novel and reliable bibliography to enhance criminal investigation. Some existing literatures will be reviewed, analyzed and a new system will be proposed. Use case diagram and other universal modelling languages will be used for the system modelling while matlab will be used for the system implementation.
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- Oleka Chioma VioletComputer Engineering, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
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Oleka Chioma Violet "The Impact of Optical Character Recognition with Putative Analysis for Legal Document Notarization in MATLAB for Forensic Analysis" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.85-92 URL:
This paper presents the design, construction and performance evaluation of steam boiler. It is aimed at improving an existing steam boiler through the incorporation of a heating element and a thermostat. The joining techniques and handling of the equipment for optimum usage was explained in details. The INVENTOR design shows the pictorial views, lines and dimensions for its mass production purposes. The electric steam boiler was put to test in order to determine its function ability and effectiveness through some experiment. When the electric steam boiler was tested, higher efficiency is obtained when compared with the already existing one. Therefore, it can be deduced that the constructed boiler can be operated with optimum efficiency when compared with existing one.
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- Date of Publication: 02 October 2018
- Adegbola Adeyinka Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
- Adeyemo Taiye Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
- Ojo Busayo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
- Adegoroye Ademola Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
- Faluade Bolarinwa Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
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Adegbola Adeyinka, Adeyemo Taiye, Ojo Busayo, Adegoroye Ademola, and Faluade Bolarinwa "Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of Electric Steam Boiler " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.93-100 URL:
Groundwater is of major importance to civilization, because it is the largest reserve of drinkable water in regions where humans can live. The pollution of groundwater by Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) has become an increasing concern with industrialization. Although steam injection has been developed as one of the remediation techniques, the need for its improved recovery efficiency using other methods has been a subject of continuous study. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of magnetic field on groundwater remediation using steam injection. The governing equations for simulation of three phase flow in groundwater were developed based on conservation of mass, momentum and energy. The incorporated steam injection as a flux source and magnetic field as a body force. Numerical model was subsequently developed by solving the equations using finite element technique. The model was first used to determine recovery efficiency of benzene in an aquifer containing sand of porosity 0.2 and permeability of 1 x 10-16 m-2 with steam injection at 0.01m3/s. Thereafter, recovery efficiency was determined for incidence of steam injection 0.01m3/s with varying magnetic field 0.2–0.4 T in step of 0.1 T. The numerical model was used to determine the recovery efficiency of ethanol for all the cases treated in numerical investigations of recovery of benzene. The numerical results for recovery efficiency of benzene using steam injection at 0.01m3/s was 71.77% while that with magnetic field at 0.2-0.4 T yielded 79.28-87.28%. The numerical results for recovery efficiency of ethanol using steam injection at 0.01m3/s was 74.75% while that with magnetic effect at 0.2-0.4 T yielded 80.61-86.22%. A combined application of steam injection with magnetic field appreciably enhances groundwater remediation. The study thus suggests that application of magnetic strength could be used as part of remediation plan for groundwater.
- Page(s): 101-111
- Date of Publication: 02 October 2018
- A.A. Adegbola Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
- A.A. DareDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
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A.A. Adegbola and A.A. Dare "Numerical Investigation of Groundwater Remediation using Steam Injection with Magnetic Effect" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.101-111 URL:
Fracture gets produced in a structure by either during the manufacturing process or in the course of the normal service life of the Structure. So, this paper is about the study of fracture Behaviour, when the structure is subjected to a Static load and Dynamic load. The structure chosen for this paper is flat plate because it can be assumed as an Aircraft Wing Structure. So, when Aircraft Wing Structure having a certain crack when subjected to dynamic Load. How the fracture will behave, whether it will propagate or not, what will be the maximum safe load for the operation. The Analysis is done on ABAQUS by J-Integral Method. .So that, instead of undergoing an expensive change of structure, it can operate in that safe region. Thus saving money, time and materials.
- Page(s): 112-118
- Date of Publication: 04 October 2018
- Sachin Saj T KAmrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore-641112, Tamil Nadu, India
- Shankar Saj T KAmrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore-641112, Tamil Nadu, India
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Sachin Saj T K, Shankar Saj T K "Comparative Fracture Study under Dynamic Conditions on a Flat Plate" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.112-118 URL:
Aluminium matrix composite are being used in various applications such as military, aerospace, electrical industries and automotive industries due to their superior physical and mechanical properties. The addition of reinforcements into the metallic matrix improves the stiffness, specific strength, wear resistance, creep and fatigue properties compared to the conventional engineering materials. This paper reports the effect of silicon carbide reinforcement in the aluminium alloy. Effect of silicon carbide reinforcement on AMCs on the various properties like tensile strength, strain, hardness, wear and fatigue are also studied in this paper.
- Page(s): 119-123
- Date of Publication: 04 October 2018
- Yathiraj KResearch Scholar, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- M.H. Annaiah Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Yathiraj K, M.H. Annaiah "Effect of Silicon Carbide Reinforcement on the Characteristics of Aluminium Matrix Composites: A Review" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.119-123
This study is Design to understand the role of Consumer Towards online Shopping. This paper analyzed the Different type Issue of Online Shopping. The Research main aim to Provide Theory of calculated in understanding the present attitude status of online shopping and evaluate the factor that affecting the online Shopping. The Study describes insights into Consumers online Shopping attitude and Preferences and Findings revel that online shopping brings optimum facility to the consumers.
- Page(s): 124-128
- Date of Publication: 05 October 2018
- Krishna Kant BhartiySTEP-HBTI, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Amarpal Kumar JaisawalSTEP-HBTI, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Krishna Kant Bhartiy, Amarpal Kumar Jaisawal "A Study of Consumer Attitude towards Online Shopping" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.124-128 URL:
The concept of customer relationship management and consumer behaviour are not new to various industrial verticals. It is equally interesting to know whether customer relationship management leads to better insights of the consumer behaviour or the vice versa i.e., understanding the consumer behaviour dynamics will lead to build a better customer relationship management. In the current paper, we have touched upon the types of consumer products based on consumer behaviour and the various factors that influence consumer behaviour. We have also discussed on the various consumer behaviour dynamics, knowledge of which will enhance the relationship levels and the CRM metrics that will bring in a positive change in consumer behaviour dynamics. We mentioned about the limitation of the research work and conclude on discussing the two Hypothesis proposed and in support of the arguments based on the feedback of the survey data.
- Page(s): 129-132
- Date of Publication: 05 October 2018
- V. Venkata NarayanaSenior Manager Marketing, ITC Limited, Hyderabad, India
- A. Kanaka DurgaProf & HOD-IT, Stanley College of Engg & Tech for Women, Hyderabad, India
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V. Venkata Narayana, A. Kanaka Durga "An Exploratory Research on Consumer Behaviour and Its Impact on Customer Relationship Management" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.129-132 URL:
The Goods and Services Tax was implemented on july1, 2017.GST was planned to implemented in April 2010, but it was postponed due to political pressures and lack of interest of stakeholders Traditionally India's tax regime relied heavily on indirect taxes. There are endless taxes in present system few levied by Centre and rest levied by state, to remove this multiplicity of taxes and reducing the burden of the tax payer a simple tax is required and that is Goods and Service Tax (GST). This paper throws an insight into the history of GST, Tax structure before GST in India, Goods & Services Tax Council (GSTC), Goods and services Tax Network (GSTN).
- Page(s): 133-136
- Date of Publication: 06 October 2018
- Hema NeelamAssistant Professor, Balaji Institute of Management Sciences, Narsampet - Warangal (Rural), Telangana, India
- Bhagya LaxmiAssistant Professor, WITS College, Telangana, India
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Hema Neelam, Bhagya Laxmi "GST and Its Outcome in India" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.133-136 URL:
- Cash is a vital firm asset in spite of the fact that coin and paper currency can be analyzed & taken care of the real piece of the cash of mainly implementation of bank financial report which tells to belongings to cash as unrelated to tangible property. The main aspect of cash management is to maintain an optimum cash balance. Efficient cash management processes are pre-requisites to execute payments, collect receivables and manage liquidity. Hence from the above recommendation may suggest that in maximum sense trade implies cash in hand and at the bank so far in the more extensive sense it is the deposit in banks, currency, bank draft. This paper aims to study the optimum cash balance required by the company by applying Baumol’s model.
- Page(s): 137-140
- Date of Publication: 06 October 2018
- Jyothi VashappanavarStudent of MBA Dept, KLE Dr MSSCET Department of MBA, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi, Karnataka, India
- Prof Prayag GokhaleAsst Prof. Dept of MBA, KLE Dr MSSCET Department of MBA, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi, Karnataka, India
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Jyothi Vashappanavar, Prof Prayag Gokhale "A Study on Management of Cash & Cash Equivalent in Co-operative Sugar Industry" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.137-140 URL:
The population growth and decay problems arise in the field of chemistry, physics, biology, social science, zoology etc. In this paper, we used Laplace transform for solving population growth and decay problems and some applications are given in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of Laplace transform for solving population growth and decay problems.
- Page(s): 141-145
- Date of Publication: 08 October 2018
- Sudhanshu AggarwalAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National P.G. College Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Anjana Rani GuptaProfessor, Department of Mathematics, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater noida-201306, U.P., India
- D.P. SinghAssistant Professor, Department of Botany, National P.G. College Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Nirbhaya AsthanaAssistant Professor, Department of Botany, National P.G. College Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Neeraj KumarAssociate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Shivalik College of Engineering, Dehradun-248197, U.K., India
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Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Anjana Rani Gupta, D.P. Singh, Nirbhaya Asthana, Neeraj Kumar "Application of Laplace Transform for Solving Population Growth and Decay Problems" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.141-145 URL:
Temperature is the key natural resource on which the others depend. It influences food production, ground water and energy availability. The main objective of the research study is modeling and forecasting of temperature in case of Mekelle, which is found in north western zone of Tigray region . The goal of this research study was to examine the temperature of Mekelle city in the past 26 years, at present and forecasting the temperature of the city for the coming about 10 years. Source of the data and type of data are secondary source of data and secondary data respectively. The data is collected from the national metrology agency of Tigray region branch recorded from 1991 to 2016 of 26 years.
- Page(s): 146-153
- Date of Publication: 08 October 2018
- Venkata Subbarao UppuDepartment of Statistics Adigrat University, Ethiopia
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Venkata Subbarao Uppu "Modeling and Forecasting of Average Yearly Temperature in Case of Mekelle City, Tigray, Ethiopia" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.146-153 URL:
License plate recognition (LPR) technique is a technique which is used to detect, identify and recognize the characters. This work focuses on recognition of Indian cars license plate recognition. This LPR system mainly consists of following sub stages Plate localization, Preprocessing of captured image, grouping of the characters, feature extraction, classification, associated testing and character recognition. In this work, we propose a novel hierarchical character recognition scheme based on supervised K-means and Support Vector Machine (SVM) which not only recognize clear images but also blurred license plate images. Supervised K-means has been used to classify characters into subgroups. Characters of subgroups are further classified by support vector machine based algorithm. Advantage of the proposed approach is to reduce the classes of characters in each subgroup and to further reduce their complexity. This improves accuracy of character recognition. Our algorithms were tested with 100 images both blurred and non blurred image cases captured on the road and parking lot. The algorithm designed exhibits 100% success rate in Indian license plate recognition.
- Page(s): 154-157
- Date of Publication: 10 October 2018
- Sheela C LoniStudent (PG), Dept. of Telecommunication Engineering Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
- S.J. Krishna PrasadAssociate Professor, Dept. of Telecommunication Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
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Sheela C Loni, S.J. Krishna Prasad "Development of Vehicle License Plate Recognition System Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Machine " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.7 issue 9, September 2018, pp.154-157 URL: