Coaches are considered as the safest mode of transport for children, but coach crashes result in a high number of fatalities per crash. In the United Kingdom (UK) alone 1218 children were injured in 381 coach crashes between 2005 and 2016. Schools in the UK rely on coach operators to provide vehicles for school trips. Between 2016 and 2017 alone, 78 coach operators’ licenses have been revoked without public inquiries in the UK due to operator’s non-compliance. There are only limited studies available, which examined the safety of children travelling by hired coaches in the UK. The safety of children travelling using hired coaches in the UK is investigated to identify the safety related issues. This is achieved through the analysis of existing literature, the national crash statistics, traffic commissioner reports and the views of relevant stakeholders. Sequential mixed-method exploratory research was used for data gathering and analysis. The results show that there is a critical knowledge gap within the stakeholders. The most significant safety issue identified is the stakeholders’ unawareness of drivers and coaches safety condition before and during school trips. This requires immediate attention before more children lives are put at risk.
- Page(s): 01-10
- Date of Publication: 17 June 2019
- Manoharan RamachandranDepartment of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth, UK.
- Reza SahandiDepartment of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth, UK.
- Simant PrakoonwitDepartment of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth, UK.
- Wajid KhanDepartment of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth, UK.
- Siti Aishah Mohd SelamatDepartment of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth, UK.
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Manoharan Ramachandran, Reza Sahandi, Simant Prakoonwit, Wajid Khan and Siti Aishah Mohd Selamat "Safety of Coach Based School Transport in the UK: A Study of Safety Compliance of Coach Operators and Trust of Stakeholders" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.01-10 URL:
The aim of this paper is to examine the causes of indiscriminate waste disposal in Karu township using two sources of data. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires and personal field observation while secondary data were obtained from literatures. One thousand and twenty questionnaires were returned successfully and analyzed using quantitative method of analyzing data and statistical method. Descriptive statistics in form of tables, charts, and graphs were used. The result from the administered questionnaires shows that insufficient disposal of facilities are the most dominating reason for indiscriminate disposal of waste in the study area with the total of 27% respondents and people careless attitude is 6% while distance of facilities from residents is 11% but 56% of the respondents choose all the question ask as the reason for indiscriminate dumping of waste. In pursuit of a cleaner and healthier environment, jobs can also be created and generated automatically by embarking on waste recycling which is the waste to wealth idea of managing waste. The use of the Recycle method will aid in the reduction of land, water and air pollution in the area, health risk will be drastically reduced, the environment will be saved from unhygienic embarrassment, money (revenue will be generated and natural resources will be preserved for the future generation. This is the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse method, which is the integrated solid waste management technique.
- Page(s): 11-18
- Date of Publication: 17 June 2019
- Andrew Noah ReignsDepartment of Geography, Federal University of Technology. Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
- Oguche Christopher JosephDepartment of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
- Samuel GwaniDepartment of Geography and Environmental Management, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
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Andrew Noah Reigns, Oguche Christopher Joseph, Samuel Gwani "Examining the Causes of Indiscriminate Waste Disposal in Karu Town, Nasarawa State, North Centrel, Nigeria" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.11-18 URL:
Simulation is a tool which helps to decide the performance measures of any real complicated system. Nowadays simulation plays an important role in engineering, medicine and other areas. Simulation is nothing but constructing a model which is similar to real system using software application interface. Simulation helps to study the behavior of system as well its own components very well. It is just a reference model which can be compared with the real system to know its potential highlights or some of the special features about the system. In this paper typical manufacturing system is considered for analyzing its performance and characteristics using PROMODEL software package. In this paper the objective is to study the arrival of materials in the shop floor and shipping of finished commodities from shop floor using simulation approach.
- Page(s): 19-24
- Date of Publication: 18 June 2019
- P.Sivasankaran Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry – 605 107, India.
- Devarajan B.Tech (Student) (Mechanical Engineering), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry – 605 107, India.
- Manoj B.Tech (Student) (Mechanical Engineering), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry – 605 107, India.
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P.Sivasankaran, Devarajan, Manoj "Simulation Applications in Manufacturing Systems Using Promodel" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.19-24 URL:
This study examines the performance of the traditional Chow test and the Milek permutation test for detecting structural break based on relative efficiency of their test statistic value. The aim of this study was to determine the method that performs best in terms of relative efficiency of the test values for the Standard normal distribution, Gamma distribution, and the Exponential distribution. The Milek permutation method for structural break was found to have a better relative efficiency of the test statistic value than the Chow test for the standard normal distribution, Gamma distribution, and the Exponential distribution.
- Page(s): 25-28
- Date of Publication: 18 June 2019
- Aronu, C. O. Department of Statistics, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State, Nigeria
- Nworuh, G. E. Department of Statistics, Federal University of Science and Technology (FUTO), Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
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Aronu, C. O., and Nworuh, G. E. "Determining the Relatively Efficient Test Statistic Measure between the Traditional Chow test and the Milek Permutation Test for detecting Structural break in Linear Models" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.25-28 URL:
Electro-chemical machining (ECM) process uses replica image of tool on the work surface with the chemical reaction through machining. ECM is one of the best methods for making U shaped cavity on worksurface, that are difficulty to other machining process. The aim present work is an attempt to making U shaped cavity using Rotary U-shaped copper electrode (tubular) in electrochemical machining. Material removal of making blind cavity which significantly reduces the machining cost as well as the operating and tooling cost in process of machining in ECM. AISI D2 tool steel material has been selected for making blind cavity with help of ECM. Machining parameters selected for this study are tool feed rate, diameter of electrode and voltage, with use of Taguchi design of experiment techniques.
- Page(s): 29-32
- Date of Publication: 20 June 2019
- Deepanshu ShrivastavaResearch Scholar, Dr. C. V. Raman University Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
- Shailesh DewanganAssistant Prof., Department of Production Engineering Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India
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Deepanshu Shrivastava, Shailesh Dewangan, "Experimental Investigation of Generating U Shaped Cavity on AISI D2 Tool Steel using ECM" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.29-32 URL:
This Project focuses on detection of unauthorized access to residential and commercial buildings when the residents are far away from the access gate of the house. The system is a simple and reliable touch activated security system and uses a touch sensor technology to revolutionize the standards of living. The system provides a best solution to most of the problems faced by house owners in their daily life. Due to its simple electronic components nature, it is more adaptable and cost-effective to construct
- Page(s): 33-37
- Date of Publication: 27 June 2019
- Enweliku David MaledoDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun Delta State, Nigeria.
[1]. Adamu, Murtala & Kolo, Jonathan & Olumide, Ijarotimi. (2012). A Simple and Reliable Touch Sensitive Security System. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications. 410.5121/ijnsa.2012.4512. [2]. Enweliku David Maledo (2019), Design and Implementation of Level Control Rig for Real Time Data Acquisition [3]. Marston Raymond (1998). Electronic Alarm Circuit Manual. .BPB Publication New Delhi. First Edition [4]. Robert L. Boylest and and Louis Nashelsky (2004). Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Eight Edition [5]. P.C. Sen. (2005). Power Electronics Tata, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi 24th Edition
Enweliku David Maledo "Design and Implementation of a Touch Activated GSM Base Alarm System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.33-37 URL:
Now a day's car parking has become a significant issue in urban areas with lack of parking facilities and increased amount of vehicles, due to this driver who is searching for parking space they were roaming around the city in peak hours. We can book the parking slots by using a mobile app. This prototype is developed using a sensor circuit, RFID and IoT. RFID used here to detect the car details, IR sensor is used to find the presence of the car and all details are collected from remotely through IoT. This system helps the user to find parking space availability with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology by providing parking free space information. Drivers can book the slots in advance and the parking information updated in server. This prototype developed for the parking system with less human interaction increases flexibility and security. This system is employable in airports and multiplexes parking, which saves time.
- Page(s): 38-40
- Date of Publication: 29 June 2019
- Gaikwad S. G.Department of Electronics, ME (II) Digital Systems, SVPM's C.O.E Malegaon (BK) – 413115, Maharashtra, India
- Prof. Kale S.D.Department of Electronics, SVPM's C.O.E Malegaon (BK) – 413115, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Baratam. M Kumar Gandhi* and M. Kameswara Rao, “A Prototype for IoT based Car Parking Management System for Smart Cities”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(17), May 2016. [2]. .Mr. Basavaraju S R, "Automatic Smart Parking System using the Internet of Things (IoT)", International Journal about Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2015 629, ISSN 2250-3153. [3]. F.I.Shaikh P.N.Jadhav, S.P.Bandarkar, O.P.Kulkarni, N.B.Shardoor, “Smart parking system based on embedded system and sensor network”, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), vol. 140, No.12, April 2016. [4]. H.J.Lad, Dr V.G.Joshi, "Vehicle parking management using the embedded system", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology, vol.2, Issue 4, July 2013. [5]. Abhirup Khanna, Rishi Anand, "IoT based Smart Parking System", 2016 International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA) Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune, India 22 Jan - 24 Jan 2016. [6]. Manish Chonde and Shubhangi Borkar, “Review on intelligent traffic control with no parking alert system”, International Journal of Computer Science and Application, vol. 8, No.1, Jan-Mar 2015. [7]. Muftah Fraifer, Mikael Fernstrom, "Designing an IoT Smart Parking Prototype System", Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin 2016. [8]. Sunil Chouhan, Sandhya P, “Internet of thing based car parking system", Asian Journal of pharmaceuticals and clinical research, 23 January 2017. [9]. Nam Pham T, Fengtai M, Nguyen D, "A cloud-based smart parking system based on internet of things technologies", IEEE Special Section on Emerging Cloud-based Wireless Communications and Networks. 2015 Sept. 1–11. [10]. M. Patil, V. N. Bhonge, “Wireless Sensor Network and RFID for Smart Parking System”, in IJETAE, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013. [11]. Aniket Gupta, Sujata Kulkarni, Vaibhavi Jathar, “Smart Car Parking Management System Using IoT”, American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology2017; 2(4): 112-119.
Gaikwad S. G., Prof. Kale S.D. "Smart Parking System using IoT" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.38-40 URL:
Target-following with mobile robots is a challenging problem and is needed in several applications such as in the industry, transportation system, home scenarios, stores and environments. Mobile robot will keep on the target in a certain distance irrespective of its intended final destination. In this paper, the target following mobile robots is constructed with both ON/OFF and PID control algorithms. The main focus of this research is to compare the response time for mobile robots using both these algorithms. Response time is described by using the received serial data from control circuit and plotted in MATLAB software.
- Page(s): 41-45
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2019
- Aye Su KhaingDepartment of Electronic, Technological University (Mawlamyine)
- Thet Naing SoeDepartment of Mechatronic, Technological University (Mawlamyine)
[1] K. Shin and N. McKay, (1985).Minimum-Time Control of Robotic Manipulators with Geometric Path Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 30, no.6: 531-541. [2] B. H. Cho, B. S. Choi, and J.-M. Lee,(2004). Time Optimal Trajectory Planning for a Robot System Under Torque and Impulse Constraints, International Journal of Control Automation and System 4, no.1: 10. [3] A. Georgiev and P. K. Allen, (2004). Localization Methods for a Mobile Robot in Urban Environments, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 20, no.5: 851-864. [4] J.-G. Ryu, H.-M. Shim, S.-K. Kil, E.-H. Lee, H.-H. Choi and S.-H. Hong,(2006). Design and Implementation of Real-Time Security Guard Robot Using CDMA Networking, Korea Polytech University: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, in Phoenix Park. [5] F. Capezio, F. Mastrogiovanni, A. Sgorbissa and R. Zaccaria,(2007). The ANSER Project: Airport Nonstop Surveillance Expert Robot, [6] University of Genova: Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, in San Diego.
Aye Su Khaing, Thet Naing Soe "Comparison of Response Time for Target-Following Mobile Robot between ON/OFF and PID Control Algorithms" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.41-45 URL:
In today's times the word environment, climate change have become ubiquitous across the globe, it has become a great challenge with the rise of rapid industrialization & urbanization to keep the environment under safe conditions. A large percentage of the population is also now becoming serious about issues like global warming, environmental pollution and its harmful effect. It is in this context that the term ‘Green marketing’ has been developed and is rather an essential part of business organizations today. It is considered a feasible option to have a sustainable development. This concept has opened vast opportunities for companies to have a separate line of products tagging the eco-friendliness for those desiring eco-neutral product. In this research paper the emphasis is made on the root concept, need in today's times and the initiatives taken in that direction by Indian Government and business houses. It also studies relevance of Green marketing .It is a research based on data collected from multiple sources. Various newspapers, company websites, articles on internet, research papers, and books have been referred to understand the relevance of Green Marketing. The paper aims to find out what actually Green marketing concept is and how adaption of the same by business shall make it competitive as well as help in protecting the environment. It deals with respect to Indian market scenario and explores the current practice adopted by companies, the challenges and opportunities businesses can have with green marketing and the role Green Marketing can play in future.
- Page(s): 46-53
- Date of Publication: 01 July 2019
- Pankaj Kulkarni Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute of Management & Research / Marketing Department, Mumbai University, India
[1]. Jacob Cherion, Jolly Jacob,” Green Marketing: A study of Consumer’s attitude towards environment friendly products”, Asian school of science, Vol 8, No.12, 2012 [2]. Rambalak Yadav, Govind Pathak,” Green Marketing: Initiatives in Indian Context, Indian Journal of Marketing, Oct 2013, V 43, 25-32 [3]. Jaya Tiwari, “Green Marketing in India: An overview “, IOSR journal of Business & management, Vol. 1, 33-40 [4]. Bala Krishnamurthy, “ Environmental Management “, Text & Cases , 2nd Edition 2013,p 25-26, Phi learning Pvt ltd [5]. Polonsky, Michael Jay,” Introduction to Green Marketing “, Electronic Green Journal 1 (2), 1994 [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. [17]. [18]. [19]. [20].
Pankaj Kulkarni "Green Marketing - A Need of Times for Business " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.46-53 URL:
In this paper, the effects of yoga intervention on occupational stress among IT employees is reported. The study was conducted among 60 IT professionals from the age group of 30 to 55 years old, who were not involved in any formal exercise program. They were randomly assigned to the yoga group or control group.The participants in yoga group received a weekly 60-minute yoga class for 12 weeks.Statistical significance of the change from baseline to end-program was evaluated with T-test. The differences in total occupational stress index (OSI) score between pre-test and post-test in the yoga group were examined by paired t tests. The mean value of the pre and the post test OSI score of yoga group are 135.8 and 121.1 respectively. The paired t-test showed a significant difference between the pre and the post tests (t = 6.0, p = 0.0), indicating the participants in the yoga group demonstrated a significant reduction in their work-related stress after the yoga intervention.The results imply that yogic practices have a highly positive impact in the management of stress related problem.
- Page(s): 54-57
- Date of Publication: 02 July 2019
- Pallavi Tiwari Lakulis Yoga University, Ahmedabad-382481, Gujrat, India
- Dr. Vivek Maheswary Lakulis Yoga University, Ahmedabad-382481, Gujrat, India
- Dr. A P Vajpeyi Independent Researcher
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Pallavi Tiwari, Dr. Vivek Maheswary, Dr. A P Vajpeyi "Effect of Yoga on Occupational Stress" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.54-57 URL:
Today India ranked fourth most powerful military in the world, same ranked in Naval and seventh rank in Air force, Seventh largest country in the world area wise and many more to add to its feather. But there is the other side also. India ranks 133 in happiness index, in poverty index countries like Nigeria had overtaken India, in terms of population soon India will take over China to be the world’s most populous countries. In such circumstances generation of employment will become one of the most tedious job of the GOI (Government of India). Under these circumstances Startup India was initiated by the Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Damodar Modi. Startup was the dream project of the Government of India. Startup India Standup India was a campaign launched by the GOI to encourage startups of India means youths of India towards the entrepreneurship by supporting them through bank financing for more jobs creation. A programme which was started to give self employment to millions which further will show the multiplier effect has not yet marked its presence. Government has made it almost a riskless venture but still there are many who are far away from this project. The present paper discusses the present scenario of startups from two different dimensions. One mentorship and the other are ranking.
- Page(s): 58-65
- Date of Publication: 03 July 2019
- Subhro Sen Gupta Management Department, Institute of Management Studies University Courses Campus, Ghaziabad, India
- Abhinav Kataria Management Department, Institute of Management Studies University Courses Campus, Ghaziabad, India
[1]. [2]. Grant Thornton Report- ‘Startup India’- An Overview,2017 [3]. Hindustan Times [4]. India filings Report, “Challenges faced by Startups in India”,2016 [5]. 19.02.18 [6]. Mittal Ashish, “ Indian Startups: Challenges and Opportunities”,Economic Times, 24.11.14
Subhro Sen Gupta, Abhinav Kataria "An Empirical Study of the Performance of Indian Startup with Respect to Different States" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.60-68 URL:
Excessive use of pesticides has been known to be hazardous to the environment, affect soil fertility as well may impart toxicity in living beings. This study is aimed at isolation of bacteria consortium that is capable of utilizing/degrading glyphosphate pesticide as a sole source of carbon using pour plate method and also to access the physiochemical characteristics of glyphosphate degrader of selected agriculture soil in Bauchi. Three pure bacteria isolate were identified and characterized based on their morphological and biochemical characteristics on the enhancement medium. The strains were presumptively identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilis, while six pure isolates were identified on the general purpose medium, the strains are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcous letus, Staphylococcus auerus, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas putida. The total heterotrophic bacteria count was 4.2×109 cfug-1 indicating that the density of the indigenous bacteria in the soil was adequate for effective bioremediation since it exceeded the minimal value of 1.00E+5 required. The physical and chemical properties/ parameters of the selected soil were analyzed. The result showed that the soil texture was loamy sand by employing the use of ATSM soil classification triangle. All other parameters (Soil pH, bulk and particle density, temperature, soil porosity and total organic matter ) analyzed fell within the acceptable limit required for microbial degradation except the soil moisture content and nutrients (carbon, nitrogen and Phosphorus) that needs to be augmented, these factors are limiting for effective bioremediation requirements for optimum growth and proliferation of microbes.
- Page(s): 66-69
- Date of Publication: 05 July 2019
- Adukwu Amedu Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University; PMB 0248, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
- Surajudeen Abdulsalam Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University; PMB 0248, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
- Babagana GuttiDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
- Idris Muhammad Misau Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University; PMB 0248, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
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Adukwu Amedu, Surajudeen Abdulsalam, Babagana Gutti and Idris Muhammad Misau "Physicochemical and Microbial Analysis of Glyphosate Degraders of Selected Agricultural Soil in Bauchi" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.66-69 URL:
Due to the high unpredictable human behaviour and social environment where the manpower system functions, there is need to study the manpower structure of any organization to avoid challenges such as short fall and surplus of skilled staff in the organization which has the potential of leading to costly staff capacity problem. This study examined the expected academic staff structure of selected Universities in South East Nigeria. The transition probability of the University grade levels were found to be stationary over the observed period and positive recurrent or strongly ergodic. The result of the prediction equation model found that at the beginning of the 2020/21 session (t=11), it is expected that the staff structure of the University Institution will consist of 336 Assistant Lecturers, 921 Lecturers II, 835 Lecturers I, 1654 Senior Lecturers, 460 Readers and 62 Professors; if the current recruitment and promotion policies in the institutions remains unchanged.
- Page(s): 70-76
- Date of Publication: 05 July 2019
- Ogbogbo, G. O.Department of Statistics, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria
- Olatayo, T. O.Department of Mathematical Science, Olabisi Olabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria
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Ogbogbo, G. O. and Olatayo, T. O. "Estimation of Expected Academic Staff Structure of Universities in South East, Nigeria: A Stationary Markov Chain Approach" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.70-76 URL:
As per recent studies, about 40% total power consumption of any building is for Heating Ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) purposes. However the steady increase in such power consumption can lead to a greater power crisis by mid of this century. Also as per Kyoto protocol it is expected to reduce 60% of total greenhouse gas emission recorded on the year 2000 by the year 2050. In such a scenario, effective uses of renewable resources especially for refrigeration purposes are of high importance. Imagine a Refrigeration system which uses zero electricity, 100% environmental friendly, silent operation and with a Coefficient of performance (COP) more than one. In countries like India, where solar energy is of abundance and cooling is much required, a conversion of these abundant energy into cooling effect is of high requirement. Hence this work ‘Solar Adsorption Refrigeration System Integrated with Heat Pipe’ deals with the fabrication and experimentation of a water chiller working with solar energy and adsorption refrigeration cycle with a capacity of 8 liters of cooling water. Parameters such as temperature and pressure readings of all components at various points of time are noted during experiment and COP (Coefficient of Performance), SCP (Specific Cooling Power) are calculated for the same.
- Page(s):77-81
- Date of Publication: 06 July 2019
- Nebu Jacob Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCT College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- Baiju V Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCT College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
[1]. Yousefi T., Veisy F., Shojaeizadeh E., ZinadiniS.,"An experimental investigation on the effect of MWCNT-H2O nanofluid on the efficiency of flat plate solar collectors, “Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science”, Vol. 39, pp. 207–212, 2012b. [2]. Saidur R., Meng T.C., Said Z., Hasanuzzaman M., KamyarA.,"Evaluation of the effect of nanofluid-based absorbers on direct solar collector", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer”, Vol. 55, Issues 21–22, pp. 5899–5907, 2012 [3]. Taylor R.A., Phelan P.E., Otanicar T.P., Walker C.A., Nguyen M., Trimble S., PrasherR.,"Applicability of nanofluids in high flux solar collectors, “Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 023104-1 to 15, 2011. [4]. Saidur R., Leong K.Y., Mohammad H.A.,"A review on applications and challenges of nanofluids, “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp. 1646–1668, 2011. [5]. Yousefi T., Veisy F., Shojaeizadeh E., ZinadiniS.,"An experimentalinvestigationontheeffectofAl2O3-H2Onanofluid on the efficiency of flat-plate solar collectors,“Renewable Energy”, Vol. 39, pp. 293-298, 2012. [6]. Sridhara V., Narayan Satapathy L.,"Al2O3-based nanofluids: A review,“Nanoscale Research Letters”, Vol. 6, pp. 1-16, 2011. [7]. Tiwari A. K., Ghosh P., SarkarJ.,"Solar water heating using nanofluids-a comprehensive overview and environmental impact analysis", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 3:ICERTSD 2013, pp. 221-224, 2013. [8]. Mahian O., Kianifar A. , Kalogirou S. A., Pop I. , Wongwises S.,"Areview of the applications of nanofluids in solar energy", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer”, vol. 57, Issue 2, pp. 582–594, 2013. [9]. Otanicar T.P., Phelan P.E., Prasher R.S., Rosengarten G., Taylor R.A.,"Nanofluid- based direct absorption solar collector, “Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 033102-1 to 13, 2010.
Nebu Jacob, Baiju V "Experimental Study on Solar Adsorption Refrigeration System Integrated With Heat Pipe" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.77-81 URL:
Springback is an important factor influencing the quality of formed sheet metal part in sheet metal forming process. Geometrical changes occur when the forming load is removed since the elastic deformation is recovered. Analytical methods have been used for analyzing parts of two-dimensional or simple three-dimensional geometry. However, for complex three-dimensional parts, it is almost impossible to apply analytical methods. Therefore, numerical simulation of finite element method (FEM) have been developed and widely used in sheet metal forming as a result of rapid progress of computational time and costs. The influence of numerical parameters such as friction coefficient, die corner radius and integration points on springback for the aerospace part is considered in this work. In order to characterize the materials, a mechanical test is conducted. That test include standard uniaxial tension test. Furthermore, since process conditions have an obvious effect on springback and one of the most important of these is the stabilization effect. The effect of anisotropy and combined hardening model was applied for the aerospace part and reasonable values are proposed.
- Page(s): 82-87
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2019
- Ba Nyar TheinDepartment of Airport Management, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University
- Winn Wah Wah AyeDepartment of Airport Management, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University
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Ba Nyar Thein, Winn Wah Wah Aye "Numerical Simulation of Springback for Transiting Part of Combustion Chamber" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.82-87 URL:
The pace of development in any developing economy is largely dependent upon the efficiency of stable financial system. Now a days, National prosperity and development lies ,in the efficient use of Information technology, Capital, Human resource, material, natural resources etc. For all the parameters mentioned above technological is perhaps the most significant and dominant factor. A new and scientific method plays a very dominant role in disrupting the traditional practices to perform day to day operations. Of late measuring the impact of this disruption plays a very significant role in the analysis and prediction of future in particular Industry like Banking. Present research paper is an attempt to check the impact of technology on Number of Branches and human resources with special reference to Banking Sector in India.
- Page(s): 88-92
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2019
- Abhinav Kataria Management Department, Institute of Management Studies University Courses Campus, Ghaziabad, India
- Subhro Sen Gupta Management Department, Institute of Management Studies University Courses Campus, Ghaziabad, India
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Abhinav Kataria and Subhro Sen Gupta "“Examining the Impact of Technology on Banking in Indian with Special Reference to Number of Branches and Human Recourse in Banking Sector”" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.88-92 URL:
Hydraulic brakes are widely used in automobile today. Hydraulic brakes are better than the mechanical brakes and air brakes because it is safe to use for the driver. Hydraulic brake system is economical to the user, it is easy to operate, maintain and repair. Now local automobile companies and manufacturers use hydraulic brakes in their automobiles. In this research paper, in accordance with the braking force, the length of the brake pedal and the size of master cylinder, the force acting on the brake shoe vary. Calculation of braking force, wheel cylinder forces, coefficient of friction, stopping distance, brake average torque and brake efficiency are mentioned. According to the design calculation, the master cylinder diameter for front wheel is 25mm and the master cylinder diameter for rear wheel is 31mm respectively. The master cylinder diameter is chosen as the greater master cylinder diameter, the greater the force on the braking system.
- Page(s): 93-95
- Date of Publication: 10 July 2019
- Win Lai HtweDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon Technological University
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Win Lai Htwe "Analysis of Braking Distance for Four Wheel Drive" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.93-95 URL:
Gears are a key component that is widely used in various rotating equipment in order to transmit power and change speed. Spur involute gears are in line contact at every instant, and therefore they are sensitive to the misalignment of gear axes. For this reason, it is necessary to localize their bearing contact, and this can be achieved by crowning the surface of one of the mating gears. It is preferable to crown the pinion tooth surface rather than the gear tooth surface because the number of pinion teeth is smaller than the number of gear teeth. The tooth profile of the spur gears is generated as an involute curve. The structure of this research is to design gear model in MATLAB, the first step is to find out the functions and the relationships of all the curves of the gear from mathematic and geometric point of view, and then use proper MATLAB codes and functions to programme it. So, after establishing the perfect involute gear models by MATLAB codes, MATLAB can offer a simple and convenient way to implement the tooth profile modification codes with the established gear models codes to obtain all kinds of modified gear models. Besides, for the tooth profiles are consisted by coordinates, users can decrease the gap between each nodes to improve the accuracy of modification.
- Page(s): 96-99
- Date of Publication: 10 July 2019
- Win Lai HtweDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon Technological University
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Win Lai Htwe "Graphic Design Generation of Gear Profile" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.96-99 URL:
Generation of wastes from wood pieces has resulted into underutilization in most timber markets, thereby creating environmental inconveniences. In this study, sawdust from Bauchi, Jos, and Rice husks was characterized. The results revealed that; Bauchi sawdust had pH 5.04 before and 5.14 after heating, Jos sawdust had 6.96 before and 6.91 after heating, Rice husks had 5.24 before and 5.34 after heating. Bulk densities are; 157kg/m3 Bauchi, 132kg/m3 Jos and 331kg/m3 Rice husks. Equilibrium moisture content; 40min oven and 180min non-oven drying for Bauchi sawdust, 25min oven and 150min non-oven drying for Jos and 20min oven and 90min non-oven drying for Rice husks. Percentage moisture content; 4.95% Bauchi, 2.24% Jos and 1.01% rice husk atoven drying, 5.12%, 2.64% and 0.29% at environmental temperature. This implies that the underutilized bio-based wastes materials could be a good source for particleboard productionas the drying time required inachieving reasonable properties atboth ambient and oven based temperature is favourable within the standard values. Work on determination of functional groups is ongoing.
- Page(s): 100-104
- Date of Publication: 12 July 2019
- Hamidu, L. A. J.Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute, Engineering Materials Research Department, North Central, Jos-Nigeria
- Aroke, U. O.Department of Chemical Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria
- Osha, O. A.Department of Chemical Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria
- Muhammad, I. M.Department of Chemical Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria
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Hamidu, L. A. J., Aroke, U. O., Osha, O. A. and Muhammad, I. M. "Characterization of Sawdust and Rice Husks Properties for Particleboard Production" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.100-104 URL:
The growing need of energy demand for consumer devices has become worrisome in developing countries like Nigeria. There is no adequate energy to charge consumer products due to lack of electricity. The spent lithium battery for laptop can be a solution to the energy demand by reconfiguration of these batteries for further used. In this paper, we collected spent lithium batteries and reconfigured them to produce a power bank of 12V/50000mAH. The lithium batteries were effective and efficient in use.
- Page(s): 105-109
- Date of Publication: 12 July 2019
- Chizea D. FrancisNational Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria
- Akachukwu M. ChichebeNational Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria
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Chizea D. Francis and Akachukwu M. Chichebe "Implementation of 12V/50,000mAH Power Bank for Portable Devices from Used Lithium Laptops Battery" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.105-109 URL:
This study examined the relative efficiency of two borehole maintenance cost model. The models considered in this study were the Agunwamba's borehole maintenance cost model and a proposed modified Agunwamba borehole maintenance cost model. Also, the linear and quadratic regression model were used to generated some of the parameters for the borehole maintenance model. The study used secondary source of data collection from records on borehole maintenance from two community commercial boreholes and two industrial boreholes in Anambra State. The findings of the study revealed that industrial borehole 2 has a strong adequacy of the model across the various categories of boreholes considered for both the linear and the quadratic regression model. The proposed method was found to recorded the least mean cost and the least standard error using the linear model with a value of ₦2,100,870.84 and ₦1,810,964.40 respectively while the Agunwamba's method found a mean cost of ₦20,654,123.76 and standard error of ₦38,988,729.88. Also, the proposed method recorded the least mean cost and standard error using the quadratic model with a cost value of ₦6,018,935.13 and ₦6,977,089.98 respectively while the Agunwamba's method found a mean cost of ₦20,756,556.66 and standard error of ₦39, 239,725.78. Hence, the proposed method was found to perform better than Agunwamba's method.
- Page(s): 110-120
- Date of Publication: 12 July 2019
- Ezekafor, S. C.Department of Civil Engineering, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State, Nigeria
- Agunwamba, J.C.Department of Civil Engineering, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State, Nigeria
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Ezekafor, S. C. and Agunwamba, J.C. "Determining a Relatively Efficient Borehole Maintenance Cost Model for Community and Industrial Borehole in Anambra State, Nigeria" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 6, June 2019, pp.110-120 URL: