Volume IV Issue I
O. P. Meena, Ajay Somkuwar January 2015 Page No.: 01-09
Dynamic spectrum sensing is a challenging and necessary task in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN). It can detect presence of primary user (PU) who is having legacy right on licensed spectrum. Secondary User (SU) continuously or periodically senses the PU’s spectrum and when it finds the spectrum idle it starts transmitting its own data. When the SU detects presence of the PU in the spectrum it stops transmission or switches to another idle frequency spectrum. The SU must maintain its transmission parameters like power level, frequency band used for data transmission etc., in such a way that it must not cause any interference in PU’s transmission. The spectrum utilization efficiency and throughput performance of SUs depend on robustness and accuracy of spectrum sensing algorithms. Hence, in this paper a survey of spectrum sensing algorithms for Cognitive Radio (CR) is presented with their merits and limitations. To improve spectrum sensing performance and accuracy, some cooperative sensing techniques have been developed where many SUs share their detected information. The cooperative sensing techniques also reduce shadowing and fading effects on spectrum sensing.
- Page(s): 01-09
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- O. P. Meena
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal-462051, India - Ajay Somkuwar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal-462051, India
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O. P. Meena, Ajay Somkuwar “Spectrum Sensing Methods for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Review” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.01-09 2015
Prabhu Prasad Das, H.K.Sahoo, P. P. Mohapatra January 2015 Page No.: 10-14
From the hydrochemical analysis of 89 representative groundwater samples along coastal Kendrapara district, Odisha, the current research establishes widespread occurrences of moderately hard to hard groundwater within the subsurface water bearing horizons. There exists a distinct belt of moderately hard ground water in both the Mahakalapara and Rajnagar blocks of the district whereas a specific patch of extremely hard water horizon does exist in the former block. The analysis also points to no specific interrelationship between the hardness of groundwater to that of the physical parameters including pH and electrical conductance .
- Page(s): 10-14
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Prabhu Prasad Das
Department of Geology,
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India - H.K.Sahoo
Department of Geology,
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India - P. P. Mohapatra
Department of Earth Sciences,
Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India
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Prabhu Prasad Das, H.K.Sahoo, P. P. Mohapatra “Premonsoonal Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Hardness: A Case study in Mahakalapara Block, Kendrapara District, Odisha, India” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.10-14 2015
Alagumeenaakshi Muthiah, Dr. S. Palaniswami January 2015 Page No.: 15-25
In a wireless sensor network (WSN) environment, a sensor node is extremely constrained in terms of hardware due to factors such as maximizing lifetime and minimizing physical size and overall cost. The different security challenges that may arise in integrating WSN to Internet of Things (IoT) are to be specially focused. High attention, however, is given to the routing protocols since they might differ depending on the application, path selection, network architecture and protocol operation. This paper surveys recent routing protocols for sensor networks and presents a classification for the various approaches pursued based upon the application and the available hardware motes. Enormous survey towards threats, vulnerabilities and various routing protocols has been done and a holistic overview of security requirements and issues for using IETF’s RPL routing protocol over 6LoWPAN is given. Along the way, effort has been made towards the classification and analysis of secure routing schemes in literature and the advantages and disadvantages in each category has been discussed. The open research issues in establishing secure routing over 6LoWPAN are envisaged.
- Page(s): 15-25
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Alagumeenaakshi Muthiah
Dept. of ECE,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India - Dr. S. Palaniswami
Government College of Technology, Bodinayakanur, India
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Alagumeenaakshi Muthiah, Dr. S. Palaniswami “Survey on Security Mechanisms for Routing Over 6LoWPAN ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.15-25 2015
PowarDigvijay D, Dr. G.Manavendra January 2015 Page No.: 26-30
Design, analysis and optimization of shell and tube heat exchanger using Bell Coleman Method and CFD. Design variables: tube outer diameter, tube pitch, tube length, number of tube passes, no of shell, shell head type, shell layout, baffle spacing and baffle cut are taken for optimization. Bell’s method is used to find the heat transfer area for a given design configuration. The optimal analysis be the one tube, sectional one tube and sectional heat exchanger.
- Page(s): 26-30
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- PowarDigvijay D
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bapuji Institute of Engineering And Technology, Davangere, India - Dr. G.Manavendra
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bapuji Institute of Engineering And Technology, Davangere, India
[1] Avinash D. Jadhav, A critical review on different heat exchangers used for heat transfer between two fluids, International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications June -2014,149-152.
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PowarDigvijay D, Dr. G.Manavendra “Comparative Thermal Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Bell Coleman Method and CFD ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.26-30 2015
Kadanakuppe S., Bhat P.K., Umesha, Nayak S.S January 2015 Page No.: 31-35
The science of informatics has transformed the healthcare profession by the extraordinary revolution in information technology, and continues to do so. Oral health profession is no exception to this and the discipline of dental informatics is influencing it in clinical care, education, and research. The scope of dental informatics has not yet been extended to the use of artificial intelligence expert systems in diagnosis and treatment plan, effective tutoring systems, and continuing dental education programmes and research. The exchange of information among different healthcare professionals through networked computing is bringing the world together as a true global village. This can help in improved communication among experts, besides forming an interdisciplinary collaboration. Dental teaching institutions need to reshape the dental curriculum encompassing the science of information technology (IT) and informatics to better equip students in their ability to use IT tools in their training as well as future clinical practice and research endeavours. Dental informatics is of enormous benefit to research in dentistry, which only indicates the tremendous changes it can impart to clinical care as well as educational research. Hence, it is inevitable to continue to embrace dental informatics effectively in all spheres of oral health education, research, and clinical care.
- Page(s): 31-35
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Kadanakuppe, S.
Department of Public Health Dentistry,
V. S. Dental College and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India. - Bhat, P.K.
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry,
Rajarajeshwari Dental College and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India. - Umesha
Department of Central Library,
V. S. Dental College and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India. - Nayak S.S
CRES, Department of Clinical Research,
Rush University, Chicago, IL.
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Kadanakuppe S., Bhat P.K., Umesha, Nayak S.S “Digital Revolution: Informatics for Oral Healthcare Profession” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.31-35 2015
Ghadle Kirtiwant P, Muley Yogesh M January 2015 Page No.: 36-39
Assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem, in which the objective is to minimized total cost by assigning ‘m’ jobs to ‘n’ machines. By using MATLAB coding and some modification in ROA method, optimal solution can be trace for assignment problem within seconds. MATLAB coding result has given for various orders of illustrations.
- Page(s): 36-39
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Ghadle Kirtiwant P
Department of Mathematics,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad -431004 (INDIA) - Muley Yogesh M
Department of Mathematics,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad -431004 (INDIA)
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Ghadle Kirtiwant P, Muley Yogesh M “New Approach to Solve Assignment Problem using MATLAB” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.36-39 2015
Bindushree M R, Vijayalaxshmi R Pati January 2015 Page No.: 40-42
Vehicular networking has become a significant research area due to its specific features and applications such as standardization, efficient traffic management, road safety. Vehicles are expected to carry relatively more communication systems, on board computing facilities, storage and increased sensing power. Hence, several technologies have been deployed to maintain and promote Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Recently, a number of solutions were proposed to address the challenges and issues of vehicular networks. Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) is one of the solutions. VCC is a new hybrid technology that has a remarkable impact on traffic management and road safety by instantly using vehicular resources, such as computing, storage and internet for decision making. The main contribution of this work is to identify a number of security challenges and potential privacy threats in VCs.
- Page(s): 40-42
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Bindushree M R
PG student, M Tech, CNE,
Dr.AIT, Bangalore, India - Vijayalaxshmi R Pati
Assistant Professor,
Dr. AIT, Bangalore, India
[1.] Gongjun Yan, Ding Wen, Stephan Olariu, and Michele C. Weigle” Security Challenges in Vehicular Cloud Computing” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 14, NO. 1, MARCH 2013
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[4.] Mario Gerla Computer Science Department, UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095 gerla@cs.ucla.edu, “Vehicular Cloud Computing”
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Bindushree M R, Vijayalaxshmi R Pati “Vehicular Cloud Computing and Its Security Challenges ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.40-42 2015
Chandrakant Rajpoot, Nirupma Tiwari January 2015 Page No.: 43-47
Network is increasing rapidly so, security is a major problem in networks. Internet attacks are growing, and there have been several attack approaches, consequently. Attack detection systems are using various data mining techniques to detect intrusions. In information security, attack detection is necessary because they attempt to compromise the privacy, reliability or availability of a resource. One of the primary challenges for intrusion detection is the problem of misjudgement, mis-detection and lack of real time response to the attack. In this paper, experiment results are calculated at the kddcup99 data set. Feature selection of the data set is executed using Information Gain (IG) and clear dissimilarity between normal and attack data is observed by using C4.5 decision tree algorithm.
- Page(s): 43-47
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Chandrakant Rajpoot,
M.Tech Scholar Department of CSE
SRCEM, Banmore, India. - Nirupma Tiwari
Assistant Professor Department of CSE
SRCEM, Banmore, India.
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Chandrakant Rajpoot, Nirupma Tiwari “Efficient Attack Detection using Information Gain, C4.5 and Decision Tree Algorithm” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.43-47 2015
D. B. Dhaigude, D. P. Patil January 2015 Page No.: 48-53
The aim of this paper is to study the symmetry of solutions of nonlinear elliptic differential equations of type Δu + V(|x|)eu = 0 in R3, which arise in geometry and various branches of physics. Symmetry of solutions is proved by applying method of moving planes.
- Page(s): 48-53
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- D. B. Dhaigude
Department of Mathematics
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India - D. P. Patil
Art’s, Sci, and Com.
College Saikheda Tal Niphad Dist Nasik.(M. S.) India
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D. B. Dhaigude, D. P. Patil “On Symmetric Solutions of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.48-53 2015
Minaaz Shaikh, Aiswarya Achary, Sneha Menon, Nambirajan Konar January 2015 Page No.: 54-59
Cloud storage provides online storage where data stored in form of virtualized pool that is usually hosted by third parties the partitioning method is proposed for the data storage which avoids local copy and reduces load on server. This method ensures high cloud storage integrity, security. To achieve this, remote data integrity checking concept is used to enhance the performance of cloud storage. To maintain this data efficiently, there is a necessity of data recovery services. We use a smart remote data backup algorithm, Seed Block Algorithm (SBA). The objective of proposed algorithm is to recover data ; first it help the users to collect information from any remote location in the absence of network connectivity and second to recover the files in case of the file deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason.
- Page(s): 54-59
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Minaaz Shaikh
Department of Computer Engineering
SKN-Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India - Aiswarya Achary
Department of Computer Engineering
SKN-Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India - Sneha Menon
Department of Computer Engineering
SKN-Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India - Nambirajan Konar
Department of Computer Engineering
SKN-Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
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Minaaz Shaikh, Aiswarya Achary, Sneha Menon, Nambirajan Konar “Improving Cloud Data Storage using Data Partitioning and Data Recovery using Seed Block Algorithm” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.54-59 2015
Monica Pradhan, Sidharth Swarup Rautaray January 2015 Page No.: 60-68
In current scenario,a computer system has been taken as the most efficient system to detect and overcome the limitations in any technical field.In this survey paper,object tracking is taken into consideration. As the number of cameras used in the wide area video surveillance increases, multi-camera object tracking plays a more important role in understanding and analyzing the scenes. It is challenging problem.An object tracking is simply a problem of finding the different positions of the object in each frame of a video. Object tracking quality usually depends on video scene conditions.If we are able to detect and find the solution to the limitations,object tracking process will be successful without any lacunas.
- Page(s): 60-68
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Monica Pradhan
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India - Sidharth Swarup Rautaray
Asst. Professor
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
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Monica Pradhan, Sidharth Swarup Rautaray “Current Scenario of Object Tracking: A Survey ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.60-68 2015
Gaurav Chandrakant Vispute, Pranay Raju Khare January 2015 Page No.: 69-72
This paper examines the benefits and cost of improving residential structures in middle-income developing countries such that they are less vulnerable to hazards during their lifetime. Since the challenges for cost benefit analysis are to express avoided losses in probabilistic terms, evaluate and assess risk, direct and indirect benefits, land use and climate. In detail, we examineearthquake risk. The purpose in undertaking these analyses is to shed light another benefits and costs over time, recognizing the bounds of the analysis, and to demonstrate a systematic probabilistic approach for evaluating alternative risk reducing measures.
- Page(s): 69-72
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Gaurav Chandrakant Vispute
Department of Civil Engineering,
Dr. D.Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charoli (BK), Lohegaon, Pune-412105 Maharashtra, India - Pranay Raju Khare
Department of Civil Engineering,
Dr. D.Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charoli (BK), Lohegaon, Pune-412105 Maharashtra, India
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Gaurav Chandrakant Vispute, Pranay Raju Khare “Economic Analysis of Residential Building Using Cost Benefit Ratio” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.69-72 2015
Veeresh H, Dr. Ashok Kusagur January 2015 Page No.: 73-79
This paper presents a ZCS/ZVS Push Pull DC /DC converter. The purposed converter that converts a value of direct current to another value of direct current that can produce 250V output voltage from 12V input voltage. Some of the components that use in this paper is a high frequency transformer, and full bridge rectifier. The MATLAB simulation implementation also usesMOSFETs as a switching device due to its high power rating and high switching speed. Consequently, the design circuit will deliver accurate output value with low power losses and small output ripples because this converter has its own filter. The voltage across primary side device is independent of duty cycle with varying input voltage and output power and clamped at rather low reflected output voltage enabling the use of low voltage semiconductor devices. Analysis, design, and simulation results are presented.
- Page(s): 73-79
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Veeresh H
Assistant Professor,
EE Dept, A.M.G.O.I, Kolhapur, Maharastra, India - Dr. Ashok Kusagurr
Associate Professor,
UBDTCE, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Veeresh H, Dr. Ashok Kusagur “ZCS/ZVS Push Pull DC/DC Converter” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.73-79 2015
Dr. Prafulla A. Pawar, Paresh P. Pande January 2015 Page No.: 80-83
Customers and sellers enter a business relationship over a period of time. Relationships are assumed to grow, deteriorate, and dissolve as a consequence of many interactions. Loyalty develops in the relationship owing to number of repeated transactions. Today, concept of loyalty is a key factor in business relationship. This paper tries to presents brief idea of loyalty in customer seller relationship. It focuses on what exactly loyalty is in customer seller relationship. It presents an economic perspective of loyalty. This is an attempt to contribute to a better understanding of how loyalty in customer seller relationship emerges, reasons for it and under what conditions, customer and seller move away from loyalty. Present paper firstly proposes an economic perspective of loyalty in customer seller relationship, then dynamics of loyalty is discussed followed by a virtuous cycle of customer value enhancement through loyalty then thresholds of loyalty and at the end it state reasons for moving away from loyalty.
- Page(s): 80-83
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Dr. Prafulla A. Pawar
Professor, Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA),
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune – 411007, (M.S.) India - Paresh P. Pande
Research Fellow, Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA),
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune- 411007, (M.S.) India
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Dr. Prafulla A. Pawar, Paresh P. Pande “Enhancing Total-Value Creation through Loyalty in Customer-Seller Relationships” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.80-83 2015
SanapSandip M. , Avhad Vinay S., Shewale Yogesh B., Doke Sagar G., Ware Rajendra January 2015 Page No.: 84-87
The fast increasing power of personal mobiledevices (Smartphone,Tabletsetc) provides social interaction to users in early life. Recently many mobile entertaining or media application have been launched but most popular apps like Facebook,Twitter,Youtube have larger demand among users. But these media application are limited by the unstable wireless connectivity & limited battery lifetime of mobile devices due to this problem a quality of service encountered by the users. To avoid these problems Cloud Computing technology has been used. In this paper we discuss the design of Cloud based novel Mobile Social TV (CloudMOV) which utilizes both PaaS(Platform-as-a-Service) and IaaS(Infrastructure-as-a-Service) cloud services to offers the living room experience of video streaming site like Youtube etc and invite their friends or family for watch video simultaneously. They can also chatting and social interaction with each other while watching the video.
- Page(s): 84-87
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- SanapSandip M.
Department of Computer Engineering
ShriChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Shrishivajinagar, India - Avhad Vinay S.
Department of Computer Engineering,
ShriChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Shrishivajinagar, India - Shewale Yogesh B.
Department of Computer Engineering,
ShriChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Shrishivajinagar, India - Doke Sagar G.
Department of Computer Engineering,
ShriChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Shrishivajinagar, India - Ware Rajendra
Department of Computer Engineering,
ShriChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Shrishivajinagar, India
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SanapSandip M. , Avhad Vinay S., Shewale Yogesh B., Doke Sagar G., Ware Rajendra “CloudMOV: Cloud Based Mobile Social TV” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.84-87 2015
Pooja Kengale, Rakhi Kadam, Rajkumar Chaudhari, Prof. Sagare Sir January 2015 Page No.: 88-91
In this paper, a robust substitution technique is used to implement proposed work of audio steganography. Steganography is an art and science methodology of writing hidden messages such a way that no one apart from the intended reciever knows the existence of the secret message data. This technique resolves the various inherent issues ,after that it increases the data hiding capacity while being also achieve robustness from various intentional as well as unintentional hacking attacks.like this it provides privacy to data. The strength of our algorithm is depend on the segment size and its used to achieve very high embedding capacity for different data type that can reach up to 25% from the input audio file size.We are developing two novel approaches of substitution technique of audio steganography that improves the capacity of cover audio which for embedds additional data. Using these methods, messages are embedded into multiple LSB bits. This technique utilizes up to 7 LSBs for embedding data. Results show that both these techniques improve data hiding capacity of cover audio by 25% to 85% These latest approaches for increasing capacity show better results as compared to the existing techniques.
- Page(s): 88-91
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Pooja Kengale
B.E Final Year,
Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Jaipur, Rajasthan - Rakhi Kadam
B.E Final Year,
Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India Jaipur,
Rajasthan - Rajkumar Chaudhari
B.E Final Year,
Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India Jaipur,
Rajasthan - Prof. Sagare Sir
B.E Final Year,
Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India Jaipur,
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Pooja Kengale, Rakhi Kadam, Rajkumar Chaudhari, Prof. Sagare Sir “Data Hiding In Audio by Using Audio Steganography” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.88-91 2015
Deepika . S, Lavanya . G January 2015 Page No.: 92-95
Unmanned Aerial Vehical (UAV) is an aircraft with no pilot onboard.UAV have great potential as a platform for acquiring very high resolution aerial imagery for disaster management. This paper presents the objectives to provide a summary of the current commercial, open source on UAV. It also describes the intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillances and real time applications of UAV in recent times.
- Page(s): 92-95
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Deepika . S
Final Year, Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW, Mysore, India - Lavanya . G
Final Year, Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW, Mysore, India
[1.] HaiYang Chao, YongCan Cao, and YangQuan Chen, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2010)
[2.] Andrea. S. Laliberte, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003
[3.] Albert Rango, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003,R H Wilde and C M Trotter, Landcare Research Private Bag 11-052New Zealand..
[4.] Vince Ambrosia, CA. State University-Monterey Bay, NASA-Ames.
[5.] “Air Force officials announce remotely piloted aircraft pilot training pipeline”, www.af.mil, June 9, 2010.
[6.] Jump up^ Pir Zubair Shah (June 18, 2009). “Pakistan Says U.S. Drone Kills 13”. New York Times.
[7.] Jump up^ Tice, Brian P. (Spring 1991). “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – The Force Multiplier of the 1990s”
[8.] Azoulai, Yuval (October 24, 2011). “Unmanned combat vehicles shaping future warfare”. Globes.
[9.] Jump up^ Levinson, Charles (January 13, 2010). “Israeli Robots Remake Battlefield”.The Wall Street Journal. p. A10. Retrieved January 13, 2010.
Deepika . S, Lavanya . G “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Applications using Image Processing” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.92-95 2015
Amol Gaykar, Prasad Nikam, Abhijit Velhal, Avinash Kharade., Prof. M.S.Dighe. January 2015 Page No.: 96-99
Text password is commonly used for the user authentication on websites due to its convenience and simplicity. However, users’ passwords are easily hack . Firstly, users often select weak passwords and reuse the same passwords across different websites. User continuously use same password causes a domino effect, when we will use one password, she will exploit it to gain access to more websites. Second, typing passwords into untrusted computers suffers password thief threat. An adversary can launch several password stealing attacks to snatch passwords, such as phishing, keyloggers and malware. We design a user authentication protocol named oPass which leverages a user’s cellphone and short message service to thwart password stealing and password reuse attacks. oPass only requires each participating own phone number, and involves a telecommunication service provider in registration and recovery phases. Through oPass, users only need to remember a long-term password for login on all websites.
- Page(s): 96-99
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Amol Gaykar
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Pune, Shri ChhtrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri, Shrishivajinagar, India - Prasad Nikam
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Pune, Shri ChhtrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri, Shrishivajinagar, India - Abhijit Velhal
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Pune, Shri ChhtrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri, Shrishivajinagar, India - Avinash Kharade
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Pune, Shri ChhtrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri, Shrishivajinagar, India - Prof. M.S.Dighe
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Pune, Shri ChhtrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri, Shrishivajinagar, India
[1] IEEE Transactions On Information Forensics And Security, Vol. 7, No. 2, APRIL 2012 :oPass: A User Authentication Protocol Resistant To password Stealing And Password Reuse Attacks.
[2] Industrial Engineering And Engineering Management, 2008. IEEM 2008. IEEE International Conference On ” An Application Of OR And IE Technology In Bank Service System Improvement”.
[3] Wireless Communications, Networking And Mobile Computing, 2007. Wicom 2007. International Conference On: “Study On Anti-money Laundering Service System Of Online Payment Based On Union-bank Mode” .
[4] www.wikipedia.com Bank services security
Amol Gaykar, Prasad Nikam, Abhijit Velhal, Avinash Kharade., Prof. M.S.Dighe. “Real Time Application Security by Using Opass Security Algorithm.” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.96-99 2015
Shishir A. Verma, Mayur D. Patil, Mangesh M. Sathe, Thakare D. Chetan, Prof.Mohit Dighe January 2015 Page No.: 100-103
This paper presents a business model for cloud computing on a separate encryption and decryption service. Cloud Computing is evolving and considered next generation architecture for computing. Typically cloud computing is a combination of computing resources accessible via internet. Historically the client or organizations store data in data centers with firewall and other security techniques used to protect data against intrudes to access the data. Since the data was confined to data centers in limits of organization, the control over the data was more and well defined procedures could be used for accessing its own data. However in cloud computing, since the data is stored anywhere across the globe, the client organizations have less control over the stored data. To build the trust for the growth of cloud computing the cloud providers must protect the user data from unauthorized access and disclosure. One technique could be encrypting the data on client side before storing it in cloud storage. Divide and rule can be one of the techniques, meaning dividing the responsibilities among different cloud services providers can benefits the client. Storing the data in encrypted form is a common method of information privacy protection. If a cloud system is responsible for both tasks on storage and encryption/decryption of data, the system administrators may simultaneously obtain encrypted data and decryption keys. This allows them to access information without authorization and thus poses a risk to information privacy. This study proposes a business model for cloud computing based on the concept of separating the encryption and decryption service from the storage service. Furthermore, the party responsible for the data storage system must not store data in plain text, and the party responsible for data encryption and decryption must delete all data upon the computation on encryption or decryption is complete.
- Page(s): 100-103
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Shishir A. Verma
Computer Engineering,
Pune University, Shri Chhattrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, India - Mayur D. Patil
Computer Engineering,
Pune University, Shri Chhattrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, India - Mangesh M. Sathe
Computer Engineering,
Pune University, Shri Chhattrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, India - Thakare D. Chetan
Computer Engineering,
Pune University, Shri Chhattrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, India - Prof. Mohit Dighe
Computer Engineering,
Pune University, Shri Chhattrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, India
[1] Gargee Sharma, Prakriti Trivedi, “A Model for Data Protection Based on the Concept of Secure Cloud” Computing,Volome:2, Issue: 3,March 2012.
[2] Vishakha Lokhand ,Prasanna Kumari P. “Efficient Encryption and Decryption Services for Cloud Computing”, Vol I Issue 2 December 2012.
[3] Jing-Jang Hwang and Hung-kai Chuang, Yi-Chang Hsu and Chein-Hsing Wu,”A Business Model for Cloud Computing Based on a Separate Encryption and Decryption Service”, 978-1-4244-9224-a/11/2011 IEEE.
[4] Mrs.I.Golda Selia, S.K. Madhumithaa, “CRM system in Cloud Computing with Different Service Providers”, ISSN:2250-3005.
[5] Rajiv R Bhandari, Prof. Nitin Mishra Cloud Computing A CRM Service Based on Separate Encryption and Decryption Usinf Blowfish Algorithm, volume: 1,issue: 4, ISSN 2321-8169.
Shishir A. Verma, Mayur D. Patil, Mangesh M. Sathe , Thakare D. Chetan, Prof.Mohit Dighe “A Business Model for Cloud Computing on a Separate Encryption and Decryption Service” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.100-103 2015
Gadhave Ashwini V., Patil Bhagyashri D., Surve Priyanka R., Patil Sneha B., Prof. S.J.Ghule January 2015 Page No.: 104-107
This paper presents designing a Color Barcode for Mobile Applications, 2D barcodes have gained popularity as one of the key pervasive technologies for mobile applications on smart phones. They can be used as shortcuts to URL links, a means to store contact information for easy transfer admission tickets or boarding passes and tokens for retrieving digital information, such as public transportation timetables or fresh produce production information, either directly from the barcode itself or through a networked database server. Most mobile applications use black-and-white 2D barcodes that carry only a limited amount of encoded data. A color barcode framework for mobile phone applications by exploiting the spectral diversity aborted by the cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y) print colorant channels commonly used for color printing and the complementary red (R),green (G), and blue (B) channels, respectively, used for capturing color images. Specifically, we exploit this spectral diversity to realize a three-fold increase in the data rate by encoding independent data in the C, M, and Y print colorant channels and decoding the data from the complementary R, G and B channels captured via a mobile phone camera. To mitigate the effect of cross-channel interference among the printcolorant and capture color channels, we develop an algorithm for interference cancellation. To estimate the model parameters required for crosschannel interference cancellation, we propose two alternative methodologies: a pilot block approach that uses suitable selections of colors for the synchronization blocks and an expectation maximization approach that estimates the parameters from regions encoding the data.
- Page(s): 104-107
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Gadhave Ashwini V
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Patil Bhagyashri D
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Surve Priyanka R
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Patil Sneha B.
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Prof. S.J.Ghule
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India
[1] Henryk Blasinski, Student Member, IEEE, Orhan Bulan, and Gaurav Sharma, Fellow, \Per-Colorant-Channel Color Barcodes for Mobile Applica tions: An Interference Cancellation Framework “, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 22, NO.4, APRIL 2013.
[2] Keng T. Tan Hong Kong Baptist University Douglas Chai, Hiroko Kato, and Siong Khai Ong, \Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science”, 1536-1268/12/31.00 2012 Edith Cowan University
[3] Marco Querini and Giuseppe F. Italiano H. Kato and K. T. Tan, 2D barcodes for camera phone applications “, vol.6, no.4, pp.7685, Oct. Dec. 2007.
[4] Antonio Grillo, Alessandro Lentini , Marco Querini and Giuseppe F. Italiano, \High Capacity Colored Two Dimensional Codes “, 709?716 ISBN 978-83-60810-27-9,2013 Email: grillo;lentini;italiano@disp.
[5] Homayoun Bagherinia,\A Theory of Color Barcodes”, Depart- ment of Electrical Engineering University of California, Santa Cruz hbagheri@soe.ucsc.edu
[6] Hao Wang, and Yanming Zou, \2D Bar Codes Reading: Solutions for Camera Phones”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering Vol:1 No:6, 2007
[7] Lekshmi JV, Ajusha AL, \QR Barcode tilt correction and recognition based on image processing”, ANALYSIS QR BARCODE Indian Journal of Engineering, Volume 4, Number 9, July 2013
[8] Priyanka Gaur, Shamik Tiwari, \2D QR Barcode Recognition Using Texture Features and Neural Network”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637.
Gadhave Ashwini V., Patil Bhagyashri D., Surve Priyanka R., Patil Sneha B., Prof. S.J.Ghule “Designing a 2D Color Barcode for Mobile Application” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp.104-107 2015
Prof. Ghule Sheetal, Ambre Vijaya, More Priti, Tiwari Utkarsh, Yadav Manoj January 2015 Page No.: 108-110
Nowadays, Smartphones are very powerful, and many its applications use wireless multimedia communications. The prevention from the outside dangers (threats) has become a big concern nowadays for the experts. Android operating system has become one of the most popular operating system for Smartphone; Android security has become a big problem nowadays. Because of the free application it provides and the feature which makes it very easy for anyone to develop it. However, there are many systems proposed to provide the security by number of researchers working to solve this problem. In this article, we focus on security issues related to Android Smartphone. Specifically, we discuss several new attacks that are based on the use of phone. We implement the attacks on real phones, and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of these kinds of attacks. Furthermore, we implemented a simple defense scheme that can effectively detect these attacks.
- Page(s): 108-110
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Prof. Ghule Sheetal
Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Ambre Vijaya
Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - More Priti
Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Tiwari Utkarsh
Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India - Yadav Manoj
Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Pune, Shri ChhatrapatiShivaji College of Engineering, Rahuri Factory. (Shrishivajinagar), India
[1] “Security Threats to Mobile Multimedia Applications: Camera-Based Attacks on Mobile Phones”, Longfei Wu and Xiaojiang Du, Temple University and Xinwen Fu, University of Massachusetts Lowell, March 2014 IEEE Communication Magazine
[2] R. Schlegel et al., “Soundcomber: A Stealthy and Context-Aware Sound Trojan for Smart phones,” NDSS, 2011, pp. 17–33
[3] N. Xuet al., “Stealthy Video Capturer: A New Video-Based Spyware in 3g Smartphones,” Proc. 2nd ACM Conf. Wireless Network Security, 2009, pp. 69–78.
[4] F. Maggi, et al.,“A Fast Eavesdropping Attack against Touchscreens,” 7th Int’l. Conference .Info. Assurance and Security, 2011, pp. 320–25.
[5] R. Raguramet al., “ispy: Automatic Reconstruction of Typed Input from Compromising Reflections,” Proc. 18th ACM Conf. Computer and Communication Security, 2011, pp. 527–36.
Prof. Ghule Sheetal, Ambre Vijaya, More Priti, Tiwari Utkarsh, Yadav Manoj “Permission Manager: Application to secure the Smartphone” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.4 issue 1, pp. 108-110 2015
Muthukumaran K., Kamal B., Sugumar S. , Gokulkarthik R., Kaviyarasu D. January 2015 Page No.: 111-115
Adsorption is one of the preferred techniques in recent years to remove the color and inorganics from waste water. Activated carbon derived from the agricultural byproduct, acts as an effective adsorbent for the removal of dyes from waste water. The removal of dyes and metal ions at different, contact time, adsorbent dosage, pH, initial dye concentration, column diameter, bed height, flow rate and temperature by different agriculture based adsorbent has been studied. The result shows that among the compared adsorbents, moringa oleifera derived adsorbent is effective for waste treatment. The adsorption data were well fitted by Freundlich isotherm model. Kinetic data were best described by pseudo-second order model.
- Page(s): 111-115
- Date of Publication: January 2015
- Muthukumaran K.
Professor., Department of Industrial Biotechnology,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India - Kamal B.
P.G Students., Department of Environmental Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India - Sugumar S.
P.G Students., Department of Environmental Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India - Gokulkarthik R
P.G Students., Department of Environmental Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India - Kaviyarasu D
P.G Students., Department of Environmental Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
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