Drilling is an important process for making and assembling components made from Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP). Various processes like conventional drilling, vibration assisted drilling and ultrasonic assisted drilling have been attempted in order to maintain the integrity of the material and obtain the necessary accuracy in drilling of GFRP. In conventional machining feed rate, tool material and cutting speed are the most influential factor in the machining of GFRP. This paper attempts to show effect of material thickness and ultrasonic machine parameters like amplitude and pressure on material removal rate while ultrasonic machining of glass fiber reinforced plastic.
- Page(s): 01-05
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- B. V. KavadMechanical Engineering Department, Dr. J. N. Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli, Gujarat, India.
- K. S. VaghosiMechanical Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
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B. V. Kavad, K. S. Vaghosi "Effect of Material Thickness and Ultrasonic Machine Parameters on Material Removal Rate While Ultrasonic Machining of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.01-05 2017
The aim of the current research is to extract the knowledge from stock market data to help investors make more profit. We have used NSE (National Stock Exchange) historical data for six years. We have also pre-processed stock market data. We have used hybrid method which consists of two widely used algorithms FP-growth to find frequent patterns and Discovery rule algorithm proposed by Agrawal’94 to get association rules for two different steps of association rule mining. The main focus in our research has been the accuracy of the rules. The goal of the research is to find dependencies among different stock companies in the stock market and generate rules from inter-day transactions that would benefit stock market traders. .
- Page(s): 06-15
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Pandya Jalpa P. Asst. Professor, UCCC & SPBCBA & SDHG College of BCA & IT, Udhna, Surat, India
- Morena Rustom D.Professor, Department of Computer ScienceVeer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India
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Pandya Jalpa P., Morena Rustom D. "A Novel Hybrid Method for Generating Association Rules for Stock Market Data" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.06-15 2017
Text mining technique is used to detect the required patterns from the text documents. The nature of text document is an unstructured format where the data is represented in an unstructured manner. The text mining can be used for information retrieval, information extraction, search, classification, and categorization. In this context, an application of text mining is proposed in this work. That effectively analyzes the context of word utilization and provides their context as class label. The proposed work is a model of text classification for detection of illegal use of words in text communication. Thus the proposed technique works in two modules first it trained with the different context of the text and then uses the features to classify the upcoming text as testing. During training, the word probability and the word’s domain wise probability is estimated. Additionally, this information keeps preserved in a database for testing purpose. In the next, phase the testing of the system initiated through the training database and a test set supplied by the experimenter. During this process, all the sentences in a testing datasets are evaluated for computing the sentence probability and correlation estimation. Further, both the parameters are used to compute the weights. These weights are converted into a different indicator named as weight transform. Finally, a threshold is computed for making a decision. The proposed objectionable content detection technique using probability model and correlation is developed using JAVA environment. The implemented model is evaluated and compared with respect to their classical version of objectionable content detection. Results show the improvement made on traditional work improves their ability in terms of accuracy. Thus the model is acceptable for real world applications too.
- Page(s): 16-22
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Divya GoyalResearch Scholar, Department of CSE, MITM, Indore, M.P., India
- Dr. Pramod S NairProfessor, Department of CSE, MITM, Indore, M.P., India
- D.Srinivasa Rao Associate Professor, Department of CSE, MITM, Indore, M.P., India
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Divya Goyal, Dr. Pramod S Nair, D.Srinivasa Rao "Twitter Text Objectionable Content Detection using Domain Based Probability and Correlation Model" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.16-22 2017
Natural rubber (NR) vulcanizates prepared using non-regulated nitrosamine generating accelerators such as tertiarybutyl benzothiazolesulfenamide (TBBS) and tetrabenzyl thiuramdisulfide (TBzTD) are reported to be safe and non-carcinogenic. The difficulties during processing of silica-filled NR compounds could be overcome by incorporating silane coupling agent to the silica-rubber mix to improve the interactions between rubber and silica. The work reported in this paper is an attempt to replace the expensive silane coupling agent (Si69) with a modified form of natural rubber, i.e. epoxidised natural rubber (ENR) in safe accelerators incorporated formulation. The silica-filled ENR modified NR vulcanizates show lower optimum cure time compared to silane modified vulcanizate. Silica-filled NR vulcanizates modified with ENR show improved mechanical properties compared to the unmodified silica-filled natural rubber vulcanizate.
- Page(s): 23-29
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Abhitha K.Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi –682022, Kerala, India
- Thomas KurianDepartment of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi –682022, Kerala, India
Abhitha K. and Thomas Kurian "Epoxidised Natural Rubber - A Substitute for Silane Coupling Agent in Safe Silica-Filled Natural Rubber Formulations" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.23-29 2017
As the interest for cloud computing keeps on increasing, cloud specialist organizations are confronted with the overwhelming test to meet the targeted SLA agreements, as far as dependability and convenient execution is concerned, while accomplishing cost and energy efficiency. This paper proposes Shadow Replication, a novel fault-tolerance mechanism for cloud computing, which flawlessly addresses fault at scale, while limiting energy utilization and lessening its effect on cost. Energy conservation is achieved by creating dynamic cores rather than static cores. Cores are created by the application of cloudlets. In other words proportionate cores are created. Core failure metrics are considered to be memory capacity, energy and power consumption. In case any of the parameter exceeded threshold value, core is supposed to be faulted and progress is maintained within shadow which is maintained 1 per VM. Progress of deteriorated core is shifted to next core within same VM. In case all the cores within the VM deteriorate, VM migration is performed. Results obtained by allocating cores dynamically reduce energy consumption, latency, cost and maximize fault tolerance rate because of reduced VM migration overhead.
- Page(s): 30-39
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Navpreet Kaur GillDepartment of Computer Engineering & Technology,Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, Punjab, India
- Kamaljit KaurDepartment of Computer Engineering & Technology,Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, Punjab, India
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Navpreet Kaur Gill, Kamaljit Kaur "Shadow Replication using Dynamic Core Allocation for Application Fault Tolerance in Virtual Environment" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.30-39 2017
The next generation of mobile communication is based on OFDM technology. It is an efficient method of data transmission for high speed communication system. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems have been proposed in the recent past years for providing high spectral efficiency, less vulnerability to echoes, low implementation complexity and resistance to non linear distortion .However the main drawback of OFDM system is high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of transmitted signals due to inter-symbol interference between the subcarriers as a result the amplitude of such a signal can have high peak values. Thus a power amplifier must be carefully manufactured to have a linear input output characteristics or to have large input output back-off. Drawback of high PAPR is that dynamic range of power amplifier and Digital to Analog (D/A) converter during the transmission and reception of the signal is higher. As a result total cost of transceiver increases with reduced efficiency. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Spreading is one of the schemes to reduce the PAPR problem in OFDM system by using different subcarrier mapping schemes. In this paper we proposed combination of DFT spreading technique with FEC coding to reduce PAPR in OFDM system. Performance evaluation carried out in terms of SNR (signal to noise ratio) BER (bit error rate).
- Page(s): 40-43
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Priyanka KarM.Tech Student, Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Odisha, India
- Jyotirekha DasAssistant Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Odisha, India
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Priyanka Kar, Jyotirekha Das "PAPR Reduction using DFT Spreading with FEC for OFDM Systems" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.40-43 2017
Ovality generally known as ‘Out of Roundness’ is one of the most common defects in pipe manufacturing. Ovality in early stages makes manufacturing process time consuming and less efficient. After dispatching, because of improper handling, ovality turns into barrier of proper welding of two pipes on site. In this paper, there is inclusion of causes of ovality, stages of ovality, drawbacks of oval pipes, manufacturing difficulties due to ovality and how to control it is included.
- Page(s): 44-46
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Kawaljitsingh RandhawaMechanical Department, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat, India
[1] Pipe or tube ovality calculator, Available: https://www.cmrp.com/dompdf/ovalitycalc.php [2] M. Balachandran (2015), ‘Ovality Correction Methods for Pipes’, International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER), Volume-3, Issue-1, pp. 33-38. [3] Chris Alexander (2012), ‘Evaluating the effects of ovality on the integrity of pipe bends’, 9th International Pipeline Conference, September 24 – 28, pp. 1-13. [4] A. V. Kale, H. T. Thorat (2014), ‘Control of ovality in pipe bending: a new approach’, 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), December 12-14, pp. 1-5 (192).
Kawaljitsingh Randhawa "Ovality in Pipes" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.44-46 2017
New bacterial strains were isolated, identified and screened for their naphthalene degradation ability from the soil contaminated with oil (lubricating oil, petrol and diesel etc.) of 3 different vehicle service station sites of Chandigarh, India. Enriched media (0.5% peptone and 0.1% w/v naphthalene in basal salt mineral medium) was used to isolate the naphthalene degrading bacteria and the concentration of peptone was decreased to 0.25g, 0.1g and to 0.0g during successive enrichments. After one month of enrichment, out of the total 59 strains screened, only 3 strains were found to be potent naphthalene degrader. These 3 strains were further sub-cultured for 10 days and on the basis of naphthalene degradation (in percent), strain IR1 was found to degrade 74.8% naphthalene supplemented in BSM medium at 0.1% concentration (w/v) as sole source of carbon and energy and was identified as Pseudomonas sp. Antibiotic sensitivity test revealed that the strain IR1 - Pseudomonas sp. was resistant to cefadroxil and ampicillin among the seven antibiotics tested. Plasmid curing of the isolate lead to complete loss of plasmid and the naphthalene degradation activity suggesting that the plasmid could have a role in naphthalene degradation activity.
- Page(s): 47-52
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Rajesh SinglaAssociate Professor - Microbiology and Head, Agriculture Department, S.S.D. College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra - 151201, Bathinda, Punjab, India
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Rajesh Singla "Naphthalene Biodegradation by Novel Soil Isolate of Vehicle Service Station Sites" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.47-52 2017
The issue of security is essential for secure software. Measuring security of software system at design phase may help software developers to improve the security of software system. A security estimation model for object oriented design fault perspective has been developed in this paper. The proposed model correlates the Object Oriented Design constructs with Fault and Security. The security estimation process can be achieved by controlling the fault issues at design phase. This paper presents a multivariate linear regression for establishing the security estimation model in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability as attributes of security criteria to evaluate security of class diagram. Security estimation model is empirically validated and statistical significance of the study considers the high correlation for model acceptance.
- Page(s): 53-57
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Anshul Mishra Research Scholar, School of Computer Application, BBDU, Lucknow, India
- Dr. Devendra Agarwal Director (Engg.) at BBDNIIT, BBDU, Lucknow, India
- Dr. M. H. KhanProfessor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, I.E.T, Lucknow, India
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Anshul Mishra, Dr. Devendra Agarwal, Dr. M. H. Khan "Security Estimation Model: Fault Perspective" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.53-57 2017
Data mining is the transformation of large sizes of information into expressive patterns and rules. It is approximately describing the former and calculating the near future by means of information analysis. Data mining is really a multi-disciplinary area which combines, equipment understanding, data, database engineering and synthetic intelligence. The full total aim of the info exploration method is normally to extract information from the info set and convert it into a good understandable framework for more use. To predict bank failure events, apply the random forests method to the analysis of bank-level financial data in order to identify hidden patterns that can distinguish active and inactive banks. This paper mainly focuses on on to classify the customers as fake or fraud and non-fake or fraud. . By using J48 and Neural Networks to improve the accuracy rate further for detection of fraudulent customers.
- Page(s): 58-62
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- MeghaDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
- Prof. Neena MadanDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
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Megha, Prof. Neena Madan "Providing Banking Loan to Customers Based on J48 Classifier Algorithm Combined with Neural Networks" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.58-62 2017
In this paper an endeavour is made to design and simulate SISO, MISO and MIMO OFDM systems. We have analysed and compared the performance of these systems for image transmission over AWGN and Rayleigh channels. The effect of LS channel estimation on the BER over a range of SNR for MIMO(2X2) systems is examined. We have also compared the performance based on various M-ary PSK modulation techniques for image transmission over Rayleigh channel in MIMO-OFDM system. The system performance is simulated in Matlab. The results of the simulation show that as the antenna diversity increases, the BER decreases and the channel capacity increases. Also, the BER obtained in MIMO-OFDM system is less when LS estimation is used.
- Page(s): 63-66
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Ami MunshiSVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME, Mumbai, India
- Srija UnnikrishnanFRCRCE, University of Mumbai, India
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Ami Munshi, Srija Unnikrishnan "Design, Simulation and Evaluation of SISO/MISO/MIMO-OFDM Systems " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.63-66 2017
Limestone slurry is highly effective wet scrub to reduce toxic emissions because it is cheap plentiful, limestone is the most commonly used reagent for this purpose. The slurry reacts well with the toxic sulfur dioxide and makes the waste less hazardous to the environment. The waste then may be dewatered and deposited safely in landfills or sold as an ingredient for the manufacturing of gypsum wallboard and cement. It may even be used as a fertilizer additive. Limestone stays only slightly soluble in water. The slurry needs regular agitation, otherwise, the suspended particles soon settle out and form a solid. A limestone slurry tank designed with the objective of keeping the slurry agitated for storage purpose. Besides structural stability, the internal pressure indicates the risk of leakage and failure of slurry tank, hence FEA is used to identify the critical zone and hence be manipulated it through a structural modification to make the system safe. .
- Page(s): 67-71
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Vinayak M. Patil Student of M.E. (Design Engineering), NBN SSoE, Ambegao -Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
- Prof. M.M. Joshi Faculty member of Mechanical Engineering, NBN SSoE, Ambegao -Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
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Vinayak M. Patil, Prof. M.M. Joshi "Finite Element Analysis of Lime Stone Slurry Tank" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.67-71 2017
Cricket is the second most watched sport in the world after soccer, and enjoys a multi-million dollar industry. There is remarkable interest in simulating cricket and more importantly in predicting the outcome of cricket match which is played in three formats namely test match, one day international and T20 match. The complex rules prevailing in the game, along with the various natural parameters affecting the outcome of a cricket match present significant challenges for accurate prediction. Several diverse parameters, including but not limited to cricketing skills and performances, match venues and even weather conditions can significantly affect the outcome of a game. There are number of research paper on pre-match prediction of cricket match. Many papers on building a prediction model that takes in historical match data as well as the instantaneous state of a match, and predict match results. We know in the cricket match with shorter version match result keep on changing every ball. So, it is important to predict the outcome of the match on every ball. In this paper, I have developed a model that predicts match result on every ball played. Using Duckworth- Lewis formula match outcome will be predicted for live match. For every ball bowled a probability is calculated and probability figure is plotted. For betting industry this model and the probability figure will be very useful for bettor in deciding which team to on and how much to bet.
- Page(s): 72-75
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Parag ShahDepartment of Statistics, H L College of Commerce, Ahmedabad, India
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Parag Shah "Predicting Outcome of Live Cricket Match Using Duckworth- Lewis Par Score" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.72-75 2017
This paper presents the non linear response of hybrid plate system consist of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and ferrocement act as shell for core Reinforced Concrete (RC) by using ATENA-3D software based on Finite Element Method (FEM). In this investigation, the load displacement response of RC plate system with internal stiffened beams was carried out in the first phase and in the second phase of study, analysis of different hybrid plate system reinforced with unidirectional basalt, unidirectional carbon and bidirectional glass fiber fabric as well with ferrocement sheet was presented. Hybrid plate system with unidirectional carbon sheet exhibited the maximum load carrying capacity. Also formation of cracks in the different plate systems was monitored and all systems failed in flexure with formation of cracks on positive moment region.
- Page(s): 76-79
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Inderpreet KaurResearch Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, India
- Hardeep Singh RaiDepartment of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, India
- Harvinder SinghDepartment of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, India
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Inderpreet Kaur, Hardeep Singh Rai, Harvinder Singh "Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Plate System " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.76-79 2017
Security concerns inhibit the fast adaption of RFID technology for many applications. the security and privacy in radio frequency identification (RFID) system are one of the main obstacles to be solved. therefore this thesis work has proposed the hybrid technique to prevent multiplicative RFID attacks using hybrid distance bounding (db) protocols and secure positioning protocols. the experimental results brings about the proposed technique that clearly shown the fact that proposed technique outperforms over the existing methods.
- Page(s): 80-85
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Deepika BainsM.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, RC Campus, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
- Er.Varinder Kaur AttriAssistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, RC Campus, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
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Deepika Bains, Er.Varinder Kaur Attri "Hybrid Technique to Prevent Multiplicative RFID Attacks using Hybrid Distance Bounding (DB) Protocols and Secure Positioning Protocols" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.80-85 2017
Object detection is a very important application of image processing. It is of vital importance for object dynamic surveillance and other applications. So far, object detection has been widely researched. It shows an efficient coarse object locating method based on a saliency mechanism. The method could avoid an exhaustive search across the image and generate a small number of bounding boxes. After that, the trained DBN is used for feature extraction and classification on sub-images. This paper represents that the a variety of strategies based on object detection and efficiency of object detection framework using a saliency prior and DBNs for remote sensing images. This research works proposed an efficient object detection using the ant colony optimization and deep belief networks. The motivation behind the proposed approach is easy and efficient.
- Page(s): 86-90
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Er. Amarjot KaurM.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar, Punjab, India
- Er. Navleen KaurAssociate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar, Punjab, India
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Er. Amarjot Kaur, Er. Navleen Kaur "Improved Object Detection Algorithm using Ant Colony Optimization and Deep Belief Networks Based Image Segmentaion" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.86-90 2017
Smart home innovation is developing quickly as an energizing new worldview. An extensive variety of perspectives that incorporates security, energy sparing, ventilation, shrewd kitchen is canvassed in this paper. The greater part of the above is executed with the assistance of keen gadgets, for example, remote control, security alerts, sensors and so forth. In this paper we exhibit the previously mentioned innovations and devices that can be incorporated in home frameworks which can give security energy optimization and other such keen parameters. Various scenarios in terms of case study is also present in this literature. Euclidean distance mechanism is used to analyse closest pairs with in smart home dataset for future abnormality predictions. Results in terms of energy consumption and time consumed show optimization through the energy conservation mechanisms incorporated.
- Page(s): 91-97
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Manpreet Kaur Department of Computer Engineering & Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
- Kamaljit Kaur Department of Computer Engineering & Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
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Manpreet Kaur, Kamaljit Kaur "Abnormality Detection of Sensors in IOT Controllers using Fuzzy Approach for Smart Home" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.91-97 2017
Recent challenges for fossil fuels, concerns over the environment issues and rising costs for energy demand encourages researchers to search for an alternate source of renewable energy . An attempt has been made to produce biogas from kitchen waste following anaerobic digestion process where the bacteria degrade organic matters in the absence of oxygen. Kitchen waste is used as the best raw material for the Bio-gas plant. Biogas contains around (55-85)% of methane (CH4), (30-40)% of carbon dioxide (CO2) , a trace of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and moisture (H2O).The calorific value of biogas is around 4700 kcal or 20 MJ. In this paper, different samples of biogas have been taken to optimize methane (CH4) content by controlling the pH value, Temperature, concentration of slurry, retention time, C/N ratio and rate of loading. This experiment was done in a floating drum type anaerobic digester of 1cubicmeter capacity and it is made of fiber material. The maximum pH level is maintained to 7.3, maximum fermentation process at (30-35)°C , maximum Bio-gas produced 0.950m3 and the maximum methane(CH4) is found to be 85%
- Page(s): 98-103
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Amar Kumar DasDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Gandhi Institute for Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha-752054, India
- Shovan NandiDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Gandhi Institute for Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha-752054, India
- Amit Kumar BeheraDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Gandhi Institute for Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha-752054, India
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Amar Kumar Das, Shovan Nandi, Amit Kumar Behera "Experimental Study of Different Parameters Affecting Biogas Production from Kitchen Wastes in Floating Drum Digester and its Optimization" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.98-103 2017
The Natural Language Processing (NLP) includes scope of computational methods for examining and speaking to actually happening writings at least one levels of semantic investigation with the end goal of accomplishing human-like dialect preparing for a scope of assignments or applications. For performing sentence structure investigation, the Fuzzy LALR (FLALR) parser is the best-known and most proficient parsing instrument. Really, the progressions of the setting free preparations are required to outline the well-working FLALR parser. In this paper FLALR parser, is presented, and its application to common dialect parsing is talked about. A FLALR parser is a move diminish parser which is deterministically guided by a parsing table. A parsing table can be acquired consequently from a setting free expression structure linguistic use. FLALR parsers can't oversee vague sentence structures, for example, common dialect syntaxes, on the grounds that their parsing tables would have increase characterized sections, which block deterministic parsing. FLALR parser, be that as it may, can deal with duplicate characterized passages, utilizing a dynamic programming strategy. At the point when an input sentence is ambiguous, the parser delivers all conceivable parse trees without parsing any piece of the information sentence more than once similarly.
- Page(s): 104-109
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- Suvarna G Kanakaraddi BVB College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli-580031, Karnataka, India
- Suvarna S NandyalPDA College of Engineering, Kalaburgi-585102, Karnataka, India
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Suvarna G Kanakaraddi, Suvarna S Nandyal "Fuzzy LALR Parser for Parsing Natural Language Sentences of English Language" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.104-109 2017
NOx is a major pollutant of atmosphere and hence to prevent the adverse effects that take place on life and property, it is necessary to keep NOx emissions in control in power plants. Boiler efficiency of a 210MW boiler is found by varying the operating process and obtaining the corresponding NOx emission. From these test data we will come to know that performance and NOx emissions of the boiler are considerably impacted by operating process. Tangential firing boiler burning Lignite with a high combustion temperature and high excessive air ratio creates the highest NOx emission among the tested boilers. Variation of lignite type and boiler operational parameters also have large effects on the boiler performance and the NOx emission. This project will demonstrate the NOx emission can be reduced by regulating the combustion conditions and also concentrates on the variation of the boiler efficiency on a day to day basis due to change in properties of lignite being inducted.
- Page(s): 110-116
- Date of Publication: 07 July 2017
- V. G. GanesanAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- S. Shyam SundarU.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- P. S. SivakumarU.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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V. G. Ganesan, S. Shyam Sundar, P. S. Sivakumar "Variation of Boiler Efficiency and NOx Emission Control Method Due to Excess Air in a Pulverized Lignite Fired Boiler of 210 MW Capacity" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 7s, pp.110-116 2017