Amanda Cicilato September 2013 Page No.: 01-03
This paper describes about local-area network (LAN) architecture. Ethernet uses a bus or star topology and supports data transfer rates of 10 Mbps. The Ethernet specification served as the basis for the IEEE 802.3 standard, which specifies the physical and lower software layers. Ethernet uses the CSMA/CD access method to handle simultaneous demands. It is one of the most widely implemented LAN standards.
A newer version of Ethernet, called 100Base-T (or Fast Ethernet), supports data transfer rates of 100 Mbps. And the newest version, Gigabit Ethernet supports data rates of 1 gigabit (1,000 megabits) per second).
- Page(s): 01-03
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Amanda Cicilato
Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE Waterdale Rd, Heidelberg, Australia
1.Gerald W. Brock (September 25, 2003). The Second Information Revolution. Harvard University Press. p. 151. ISBN 0-674-01178-3.
2. Cade Metz (March 13, 2009). Ethernet — a networking protocol name for the ages: Michelson, Morley, and Metcalfe. The Register. p. 2. Retrieved March 4, 2013.
3.Mary Bellis. “Inventors of the Modern Computer”. About.com. Retrieved September 10, 2011
4. Computer.howstuffworks.com/ethernet14.htm 5ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber =4382745.
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7. Douglas E. Comer (2000). Internetworking with TCP/IP – Principles, Protocols and Architecture (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-018380-6. 2.4.9 – Ethernet Hardware Addresses, p. 29, explains the filtering.
8 Iljitsch van Beijnum. “Speed matters: how Ethernet went from 3Mbps to 100Gbps… and beyond”. Ars Technica. Retrieved July 15, 2011. “All aspects of Ethernet were changed: its MAC procedure, the bit encoding, the wiring… only the packet format has remained the same.
10. webopedia.com/TERM/E/Ethernet.html.
Amanda Cicilato “Ethernet Network” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.01-03 2013
L.Stewart,Milessa Jong September 2013 Page No.: 04-06
A number of research studies have demonstrated the feasibility and advantages of Network-on-Chip (NoC) over traditional bus-based architectures. This whitepaper summarizes the limitations of traditional busbased approaches, introduces the advantages of the generic concept of NoC, and provides specific data about Arteris’ NoC.
- Page(s): 04-06
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- L.Stewart
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia - Milessa Jong
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
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[6] P. Guerrier and A. Greiner, A Generic Architecture for On-Chip Packet-Switched Interconnections, Proc. Design and Test in Europe (DATE), pp. 250-256, Mar. 2000.
[7] Douglas E. Comer (2000). Internetworking with TCP/IP – Principles, Protocols and Architecture (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-018380-6. 2.4.9 – Ethernet Hardware Addresses, p. 29, explains the filtering.
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L.Stewart, Milessa Jong “Network on a Chip” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.04-06 2013
Abhishek Agrawal, Dr. S.N. Verma September 2013 Page No.: 07-12
Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM), Total preventive maintenance and many other innovative approaches to maintenance problems all aim at enhancing the effectiveness of machines to ultimately improve productivity. Each of these concepts demands a unique decision support system for maintenance resources planning, and implementing each of them requires a radical restructuring of work. Introducing computer-aided maintenance resources planning (CAMRP) system is a major challenge because the maintenance operations environment is usually traditional and unfavorable to change. This paper presents a computer-aided planning system for a maintenance business unit that serves a number of manufacturing facilities, each consisting of a set of high-precision CNC machining centers. The workforce in the maintenance business unit is responsible for preventive as well as corrective maintenance activities of all CNC machines within the different manufacturing sites.
- Page(s): 07-12
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Abhishek Agrawal
Reserach Scholar,
DoME, University Institute of Technology,RGPV, Bhopal, India - Dr. S.N. Verma
DoME, University Institute of Technology,RGPV, Bhopal, India
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Abhishek Agrawal, Dr. S.N. Verma “Development of Computer-Aided Maintenance Resources Planning (CAMRP): A Case of CNC Machining Centers ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.07-12 2013
Rajendra Panday, C.Veeresh, Anil Kumar Chaudhary September 2013 Page No.: 13-17
The electrical power industry has grown rapidly and loads are changing from simple, non-electronic loads to electronic ones. These electronic loads draw a non-sinusoidal current even when the supply voltage is perfectly sinusoidal. In this paper PWM controller with dual feedback loop with simple single-stage single-switch input-current shaping circuit was designed, simulated and tested for AC/DC drives which generates input current harmonics due to its non-linear characteristics. A sinusoidal input current with nearly unity distortion factor was achieved through current harmonics reduction by using PWM boost regulator. The circuit utilizes the charging and discharging increments of boost inductor current to shape a sinusoidal input current. Inductor current was controlled by means of PWM controller. The controller accepts two feedback signals, the first is the inductor current and the other is the output voltage of the AC/DC drives. The simulation results of fast Fourier transform (FFT) show the great reduction in current harmonic which in turns tends to a great improvement in power factor and the sinusoidal shape of input current and hence overall performance of AC/DC drives.
- Page(s): 13-17
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Rajendra Panday
Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur, INDIA - C.Veeresh
Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur, INDIA - Anil Kumar Chaudhary
Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur, INDIA
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Rajendra Panday, C.Veeresh, Anil Kumar Chaudhary “Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Current Reduction in Dual Feedback PWM Controlled AC/DC Drives” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.13-17 2013
Deepak Gupta, S S Dhakad, A S Trivedi,Umesh Barahdiya September 2013 Page No.: 18-20
In recent years, a number of routing protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc wireless networks have been developed and have found many applications including multiple routing protocols. In mobile Ad-hoc network, multi-hop wireless links are popular applications as they are less routing overhead in order to reduce the network congestion as well as bandwidth Utilization Wimax stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. This technology is a telecommunications technology that offers transmission of wireless data via a number of transmission methods; such as portable or fully mobile internet access via point to multipoint links. In this paper, we investigate the evolution and performance of different routing protocol in 802.11 and 802.16 networks. The simulation results show that the Ad-hoc on demand Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) has the best performance in terms of the packet delivery fraction, network load, packet loss and E-E delay comparison with other protocols.
- Page(s): 18-20
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Deepak Gupta
Research Student in NITM Gwalior, India - S S Dhakad
Asst. Professor in NITM Gwalior, India - A S Trivedi
Principal in NITM Gwalior, India - Umesh Barahdiya
Asst. Professor in NITM Gwalior, India
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Deepak Gupta, S S Dhakad, A S Trivedi, Umesh Barahdiya “Analysis of Routing Protocols between 802.11 and 802.16 in MANET” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.18-20 2013
Gajendra Shrimal, Rakesh Rathi September 2013 Page No.: 21-25
IRIS recognition is advance replacement for traditional security system where IRIS biometric features of humans are used for the purpose of recognition. The stages of Recognition include image acquisition, localizing the iris, normalizing the localized iris from a captured image and pattern matching.In this paper the faster algorithm is perposed for iris segmentation using rectangular method. After the localization , normilazation and image enhance –ment, it is represented by a data set. The neural network is then used for training and classification purpose. Finally results are shown for effectiveness of the system.
- Page(s): 21-25
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Gajendra Shrimal
M.Tech. Pursuing
RTU, Rajasthan,India - Rakesh Rathi
Asst. Professor
(Govt. Engg. College Ajmer), Rajasthan,India
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Gajendra Shrimal, Rakesh Rathi “IRIS Identification based on Multilayer Feed forward Neural Network” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.21-25 2013
S. Vijaya Bhashkar Reddy, Gundala Srinivasa Rao, D. Nagaraju September 2013 Page No.: 26-34
A computer algorithm for optimal voltage control with voltage regulators, suitable for large radial distribution networks is given in this paper. An objective function concerning the total cost of the voltage regulators (investment and maintenance cost) as well as the cost of losses of the examined networks is developed and constitutes the base of the algorithm. This algorithm makes the initial selection, installation and tap setting of the voltage regulators, which provide a smooth voltage profile along the network, utilizing former algorithms suitably modified and optimized. Then it attempts to minimize the number of the initially selected voltage regulators as much as possible, by moving them in such a way as to control the network voltage at the minimum possible cost (maximization of the objective function). The algorithm is fast, efficient and reliable as its application to practical distribution networks shows.
- Page(s): 26-34
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- S. Vijaya Bhashkar Reddy
PG student, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India - Gundala Srinivasa Rao
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering ,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India - D. Nagaraju
Sr.Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering ,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India
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S. Vijaya Bhashkar Reddy, Gundala Srinivasa Rao, D. Nagaraju “Optimal Voltage Regulator Placement in Radial Distribution Systems using Fuzzy Logic” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.26-34 2013
Nitesh Kumar, P. Chaurasia September 2013 Page No.: 35-38
In this article, cross gap coupler (CGC) structures are introduced. These couplers were designed using silicon waveguide suitable for highly compact integrated optical circuits. The Si photonic wire waveguide is a channel waveguide consisting of a Si core with an extremely small cross section and a surrounding SiO2 cladding material. CGC’s were designed for three different angles namely 40, 50 and 60 degrees. The different structures of CGC were simulated by two-dimensional finite-difference timedomain (2-D FDTD) method. The splitting ratio and the excess-loss for these structures were analyzed for their comparative performance analysis.
- Page(s): 35-38
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Nitesh Kumar
Dept. of E.C.E
B.B.D.I.T, Ghaziabad, India - P. Chaurasia
Dept. of E.C.E
I.M.S.E.C, Ghaziabad , India
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Nitesh Kumar, P. Chaurasia “Comparative Analysis of Cross Gap Coupler for high index Contrast waveguides” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.35-38 2013
D Mariya Babu, Suresh Regatti, Gundala Srinivasa Rao September 2013 Page No.: 39-48
An Electronic Ballast is used for the Compact fluorescent lamp. The present work focus on development of an Electronic Ballast having almost unity power factor (UPF) improved power quality. The electronic ballast consists of a PFC (power factor corrected) Boost converter, which operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), and a high frequency DC-AC inverter. It overcomes the drawback of [1] operating the boost converter in open loop by operating the boost converter in closed loop to provide a constant power to the load within in the specified ratings irrespective of the changes in the load. It uses less number of inductors and capacitors which reduces the cost of the total equipment, especially at high voltage ratings capacitor and inductor cost becomes more and overcomes the drawback of [2] high cost at higher voltage ratings.
In the Series Resonant Parallel Loaded Inverter zero voltage switching is achieved by keeping the switching frequency more than the resonance frequency, which reduces the switching losses and improves the efficiency of the Electronic Ballast. The simulation of Power Factor Correction based electronic ballast is carried out in MATLAB SIMULINK software. The High Frequency Electronic Ballast consists of a Series Resonant Parallel Loaded Inverter (SRPLI) is used to feed constant current to lamp for specified voltage range applications. The power quality indices are calculated such as total harmonic distortion (THDi) of ac mains current, and power factor (PF) for the analysis of the behavior of Unity Power Factor Electronic Ballast.
- Page(s): 39-48
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- D Mariya Babu
M.Tech in Power Electronics,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India - Suresh Regatti
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering ,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India - Gundala Srinivasa Rao
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering ,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh, India
1. J.A.Alves and A.J.Perin, “An Electronic Ballast with high Power Factor for compact Fluorescent lamps,” IEEE Thirty-First IAS Annual Meeting. Vol.4, 6-10 Oct.1996, pp2129-2135.
2. Ashish Shrivastava “Unity Power Factor Electronic Ballast for Universal Voltage Applications,” PEDES & 2010 Power India, 2010 Joint International Conference on Digital Object Identifier., pp.1-6.
3. Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions, International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 61000-3-2, 2004.
4. J.Sebastian and J.A.Martinez, “Analysis of ZCS Quasi-Resonant Flyback, SEPIC and Cuk used as Power Factor Pre regulators With Voltage Follower – Control,” in Proc. Of IEEE IECON „94,vol.1,1994,pp.141-146.
5. M.K.Kazimierczuk and W.Szaraniek, “Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent Lamps”, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol.8 no.4, pp.386-395, Oct.1993.
6. D.S.Lsimonetti and J.Sebastion, “The Discontinuous Conduction mode SEPIC and Cuk power factor preregulators: Analysis and Design,” IEEE Trans. Ind.Electronics.,vol.44, pp.630-637, Oct.1997.
7. Jingquan Chen and Chin Chang, “Analysis and Design of SEPIC Converter in Boundary Conduction mode for universal line power factor correction Applications.” IEEE Confer. PESC2001, 32nd Annual, vol.2 June 2001 pp.742-747.
8. J.Marcos Alonso and Mohammad Rashid(Editor-in-Chief), Electronic Ballasts, Power Electronics Handbook. Chapter 21,Academic Press, 2001, pp.507-532.
D Mariya Babu, Suresh Regatti, Gundala Srinivasa Rao “An Electronic Ballast with UPF” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.39-48 2013
Anupam Yadav, Anil Kumar Chaudhary, C.Veeresh September 2013 Page No.: 49-56
Variable speed AC drives are finding their place in all types of industrial and commercial loads. One important application of these drives is in process control, controlling the speed of fans, compressors, pumps and blowers. However, there are many line (source) design parameters frequently overlooked.
A pipeline for transporting synthetic crude oil was installed in Argentina and variable frequency drives (VFD) were employed to control the centrifugal pumps, in order to provide flow and pressure control. During the commissioning and start-up program, the IITREE-LAT performed Power Quality measurements and EMC studies in the petroleum process plants. The first part of the paper deals with the problem of common- mode voltages and its mitigation. In the second part of the paper, the preservation of the reference levels for the supply voltage and emission limits for the petroleum plant as a customer is evaluated by measurements of harmonics content in both voltage and current. An LC resonance problem was found and a practical solution was implemented.
The fulfillment of power quality limits for both International and Argentinian standards is assessed.
Finally, the behavior of the VFD – in terms of PQ indicators under different load conditions is analyzed in detail.
- Page(s): 49-56
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Anupam Yadav
MIT, Mandsaur, MP, India - Anil Kumar Chaudhary
MIT, Mandsaur, MP, India - C.Veeresh
MIT, Mandsaur, MP, India
[1] F. Dewinter, B. Kedrosky, “The application of a 3500-hp Variable Frequency Drive for Pipeline Pump Control”. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applicatios. Vol. 25 Nº 6. Nov./Dec. 1989.
[2] Bin Wu, “High-Power Converters and AC Drives”. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2006. ISBN: 978-0-471-73171-9.
[3] Bimal Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”. Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. ISBN: 0-13-016743-6.
[4] Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, “Power Electronics”. 2 nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, 1995. ISBN: 0-471-58408-8.
[5] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonics Control in Electrical power Systems. IEEE Std. 519-1992.
[6] Frederick Hoadley, “Comparison of methods for the mitigation of line disturbances due to PWM AC drives”. Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 2007, Conference Record of Annual, pp. 78-92
Anupam Yadav, Anil Kumar Chaudhary, C.Veeresh “Power Quality Measurements and Mitigation of Problems Due to PWM AC Drives” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.49-56 2013
Jyoti Singhal, Dr. Bhubnesh Gupta September 2013 Page No.: 57-59
Women who make half the population of this world are always suppressed by the so called male dominated society. Why so disparity with them? An average women of this world are a victim of some or the other action of men. Why always women, we keep saying that the world is growing, its changing, women are becoming aware of their rights, but how many women are actually being benefited. The crimes like eve teasing, molestation,not only at homes but at offices is also on increase, with the increase of number of working women. The number of rape cases has increased many folds as compared to data available of previous years. Women have proved themselves in various fields, they are better managers than men, not only at homes but at work places also, but still lots of women are unaware of their capabilities.
- Page(s): 57-59
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Jyoti Singhal
Research Scholar,
SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India - Dr. Bhubnesh Gupta
SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
1) www.deccanherald.com/content/197720/india-home-unspeakable-crimes-against.html
2) articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-03-08/patna/37560490_1_international-women-s-day-womenempowerment-bhrc
3) Jump up India is fourth most dangerous place in the world for women, India Today
4) Jump up Afghanistan worst place in the world for women, but India in top five, The Guardian
5) Jump up Baldwin, Katherine (13 Jun 2012). “Canada best G20 country to be a woman, India worst – TrustLaw poll”. trust.org. Retrieved 29 Dec 2012.
6) Jump up to: a b Mishra, R. C. (2006). Towards Gender Equality. Authorspress. ISBN 81-7273-306-2.
7) Jump up Pruthi, Raj Kumar; Rameshwari Devi and Romila Pruthi (2001). Status and Position of Women: In Ancient, Medieval and Modern India. Vedam books. ISBN 81-7594-078-6.
8) Jump up Varttika by Katyayana, 125, 2477
9) Sunitibahl9.hubpages.com/hub/Upliftment-of-women
10) Womenoftheworld.org
11) vivekupreti0606.blogspot.in/2011/03/women-upliftment-in-india.html
12) undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/crisispreventionandrecovery/focus_areas/gender_equality_andwomen sempowerment/eight_point_agendaforwomensempowermentandgenderequality.
13) blog.oureducation.in/women-empowerment-a-true-story.
Jyoti Singhal, Dr. Bhubnesh Gupta “Upliftment of Women’s ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.57-59 2013
Gundala Srinivasa Rao, Naresh Ch, Narender Reddy Narra September 2013 Page No.: 60-68
This paper proposes a hybrid energy conversion system combing photovoltaic and wind turbine as a small-scale alternative source of electrical energy where conventional generation is not practical. The hybrid system consists of photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and storage batteries. The wind and PV are used as main energy sources, while the battery is used as back-up energy source. Two individual DC-DC boost converters are used to control the power flow to the load. A simple and cost effective control with DC-DC converter is used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and hence maximum power is extracted from the wind turbine and the photo voltaic array. The modelling of hybrid system is developed in MATLAB- SIMULINK.
- Page(s): 60-68
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Gundala Srinivasa Rao
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh,India - Naresh Ch
M.Tech(Power Electronics), Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh,India - Narender Reddy Narra
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, Andhra Pradesh,India
[1] L.-Q. Liu and Z.-X. Wang, “The development and application practice of wind-solar energy hybrid generation systems in China,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, no. 13, pp. 1504─1512, 2009.
[2] F. Valenciaga and P. F. Puleston, “Supervisor control for a stand-alone hybrid generation system using wind and photovoltaic energy,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 398─405, June 2005.
[3] I. S. Kim, M. B. Kim, and M. J. Youn, “New maximum power point tracker using sliding-mode observer for estimation of solar array current in the grid-connected photovoltaic system,” IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 4, 2006, pp. 1027- 1035.
[4] F. Valenciaga and P. F. Puleston, “Supervisor Control for a Stand- Alone Hybrid Generation System Using Wind and Photovoltaic Energy,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 398-405, June 2005.
[5] Nabil A. Ahmed and Masafumi Miyatake, “A Stand-Alone Hybrid Generation System Combining Solar Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine with Simple Maximum Power Point Tracking Control ”, IEEE Xplore 2006.
[6] Joanne Hui, Alireza Bakhshai and Praveen K. Jain, “ A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System: A New Rectifier Stage Topology”, IEEE Xplore 2010.
[7] Fernando Valencaga, Pablo F. Puleston and Pedro E. Battaiotto, “Power Control of a Solar/Wind Generation System Without Wind Measurement: A Passivity/Sliding Mode Approach”, IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 501-507, December 2003.
[8] Yi Goo, John N. Jiang, and Choon Yik Tang, “Nonlinear Control of Wind Power Generation Systems,” 2009 IEEE Xplore.
[9] C. C. Hua and C. M. Shen, “Study of maximum power tracking techniques and control of dc-dc converters for photovoltaic power system,” Proceedings of 29th annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, vol. 1, 1998, pp. 86-93.
[10] J. A. Gow and C. D. Manning, “Development of a photovoltaic array model for use in power-electronics simulation studies,” IEE Proceedings- Electric Power Applications, vol. 146, no. 2, 1999, pp. 193-199.
[11] W. D. Kellogg, M. H. Nehrir, G.Venkataramanan, and V. Gerez, “Generation unit sizing and cost analysis for stand-alone wind, photovoltaic, and hybrid wind/PV systems,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 70–75, Mar. 1998.
[12] T. Senjyu, T. Nakaji, K. Uezato and T. Funabashi, “A hybrid System Using Alternative Energy acilities in Isolated Island,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 406-414 June 2005.
Gundala Srinivasa Rao, Naresh Ch, Narender Reddy Narra “A MPPT Algorithm For Hybrid Photo-Voltaic And Wind Energy Conversion System” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.60-68 2013
Dayavanti Sisodia, Mukesh Kumar Gupta September 2013 Page No.: 69-74
Grid-connected photovoltaic power systems are power systems energized by photovoltaic panels which are connected to the utility grid. Grid-connected photovoltaic power systems comprise of Photovoltaic panels, circle method of optimization techniques, solar inverters, power conditioning units and grid connection equipments. Stand-alone photovoltaic power systems these systems have batteries. When conditions are right, the grid-connected PV system supplies the excess power, beyond consumption by the connected load, to the utility grid.[1].
- Page(s): 69-74
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Dayavanti Sisodia
Department of Electrical Engineering
Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - Mukesh Kumar Gupta
Associate Prof., Department of Electrical Engineering
Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
1. Elhodeiby, a.s.; metwally, h.m.b; farahat, m.a (march 2011). “performance analysis of 3.6 kw rooftop grid connected photovoltaic system in egyp”. international conference on energy systems and technologies (icest 2011): 151–157. retrieved 2011- 07-21.
2. Grid Connected Solar Electric – Photovoltaic (PV) Systems”powernaturally.org. Retrieved 2011-07-21.
3. Martin, Denizar C.; de Souza, Kleber C. A. (2008). “A SinglePhase Grid-Connected PV System With Active Power Filter”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS and SIGNAL PROCESSING 2 (1): 50–55. Retrieved 2011-07-21.
4. www.motherearthnews.com/renewable- energy/photovoltaicsystems-grid-connected-ze0z1202zhir.aspx
5. MATLAB/Simulink Based Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell Tarak Salmi Tarak Salmi et al., Vol.2, No.2, 2012
Dayavanti Sisodia, Mukesh Kumar Gupta “Modeling and Control of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System using MATLAB” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.69-74 2013
Dr. Chandikaditya Kumawat, Deepali Mahatma September 2013 Page No.: 75-78
There are is a stratagem used to study more about customers’ requirements and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. After all, good customer relationships are at the spirit of business success. There are many technological mechanisms to CRM, but thinking about CRM in first and foremost technological terms is a mistake. The more useful way to think about CRM is as a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trend.
This paper aims at exploring the hypothetical fundamentals of customer relationship management and its relationship to the marketing performance from the several perspectives and is to capture data about every contact a company has with a customer through every channel and store it in the CRM system to enable the company to truly understand customer action. CRM software helps an organization assemble a database about its customer that management, sales people, customer service provider and even customer can access information to access customer needs with product and offering.
- Page(s): 75-78
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Dr. Chandikaditya Kumawat
Sangam University, Bhilwara, India - Deepali Mahatma
Sangam University, Bhilwara, India
[1] Stone, M. & Woodcock N. (2001). Defining CRM and Assessing its Quality,‖ in Successful Customer Relationship Marketing, Brian Foss and Merlin Stone, eds. London: Kogan pp 3–20.
[2] Buttle, F. A. (2001). The CRM Value Chain, Marketing Business, (February), 52–55.
[3] Das Gupta, S. (2005). CRM: beyond technology. Network Magazine: Technology Decisions for the Enterprise: May 2005. Gosney, J. & Boehm, T. (2000). Customer Relationship Management Essentials. Indianapolis, IN: Prima Publishing.
[4] Payne, A. F. T. (2006). Handbook of CRM: Achieving Excellence in Customer Management, Butterworth Heinemann, Elsevier: Oxford.
[5]Peppers, D. & Rogers, M. (2007). Significant differences between customer experience management (CEM) and CRM. Search CRM.com, TechTarget network. Accessed online Oct 2008.
[6]Swift, R. S. (2000). Accelerating Customer Relationships—Using CRM and Relationship Technologies. Upper SaddleRiver, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[7]Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (1992). The balanced scorecard – measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review, vol 70, no.1,Jan/Feb 1992, pp 71-79.
[8]Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (1993). Putting the balanced scorecard to work. Harvard Business Review, vol 71 no 5, Sep/Oct 1993, pp134-147.
[9]ProductShare CRM implementation road map accessed online Jan 8th 2009.
[10]ProductShare Change Management Toolkit accessedonlineJan16th2009.
[13] www.microsoft.com/crm
[14] www.crmsolution.com
Dr. Chandikaditya Kumawat, Deepali Mahatma “A Prospective Evaluation of Customer Relationship Management with significance and Investigation” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.75-78 2013
Saurabh Vardani, Vijay Maheshwari September 2013 Page No.: 79-82
Web crawling is the process used by search engines to collect pages from the web. Fraudulent and malicious web sites pose a significant threat to desktop security, integrity, and privacy. This paper examines the threat from different perspectives. We harvested URLs linking to web sites from different sources and conducted a study to examine these URLs in-depth. For each URL, we extract its domain name, determine its frequency, IP address and geographic location, and check if the web site is accessible. Our study shows that users can encounter URLs pointing to fraudulent and malicious web sites not only in spam and phishing messages but in top search results returned by search engines. To provide better countermeasures against these threats, we present DCACA.
This paper describes WebCrawler, attacks on web crawler and how to prevent web crawl from attacks. WebCrawler has played a fundamental role in making the Web easier to use for millions of people. Its invention and subsequent evolution, from 1994 to 1997, helped fuel the Web’s growth by creating a new way of navigating hypertext: searching. Before search engines, a user who wished to locate information on the Web either had to know the precise address of the documents he sought or had to navigate patiently from link to link in hopes of finding his destination. As the Web grew to encompass millions of sites, with many different purposes, such navigation became impractical and arguably impossible. Web Crawler as a Web service to assist users in their Web navigation by automating the task of link traversal and creating a searchable index of the Web. Conceptually, WebCrawler is a node in the Web graph that contains links to many sites on the Web, shortening the path between searchers and their destinations.
- Page(s): 79-82
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Saurabh Vardani
Department of Computer Engineering
Shobhit University, Meerut-250110(INDIA) - Vijay Maheshwari
Department of Computer Engineering
Shobhit University, Meerut-250110(INDIA)
[1] Junghoo Cho and Hector Garcia-Molina. The evolution of the web and implications for an incremental crawler. In Amr El Abbadi, Michael L. Brodie, Sharma Chakravarthy, Umeshwar Dayal, Nabil Kamel, Gunter Schlageter, and KyuYoung Whang, editors, VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 10-14, 2000, Cairo, Egypt, pages 200–209. Morgan Kaufmann, 2000, (Cooley, Mobasher, & Srivastava 1997; Srivastava et al. 2000).
[2] Chiasen Chung and Charles L. A. Clarke. Topic-oriented collaborative crawling. In11th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, McLean, Virginia, November 2002, (Mobasher 2005; 2007).
[3] S. Brin and L. Page. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine. In Proceedings of the 7th World-Wide Web Conference (WWW7), 1998. Online at https://decweb.ethz.ch/WWW7/1921/com1921.htm, (O’Mahony et al. 2004; Lam & Riedl 2004; Burke, Mobasher, & Bhaumik 2005; Mobasher et al. 2005)
[4] S Chakrabarti, M M Joshi, and V B Tawde. Enhanced topic distillation using text, markup tags, and hyperlinks. In SIGIR, 2001, (Burke et al. 2005)
[5] Jon M. Kleinberg. Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment. JACM, 46(5):604–632, 1999.
[6] Junghoo Cho. Crawling the Web: Discovery and Maintenance of a Large-Scale Web Data. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 2001.
[7] Andrew McCallum.Bow: A toolkit for statistical language modeling, text retrieval, classification and clustering. Software available from https://www.cs.cmu. edu/~mccallum/bow/, 1998.
[8] Soumen Chakrabarti, Martin van den Berg, and Byron Dom. Focused crawling: a new approach to topic-specific Web resource discovery. Computer Networks (Amsterdam, Netherlands: 1999), 31(11–16):1623–1640, 1999.
[9] Filippo Menczer. Links tell us about lexical and semantic Web content. Technical Report Computer Science Abstract CS.IR/0108004, arXiv.org, August 2001. Online at https://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IR/0108004.
[10] S. Chakrabarti, K. Punera, and M. Subramanyam. Accelerated focused crawling through online relevance feedback. In WWW, Hawaii. ACM, May 2002.
[11] Michael Hersovici, Michal Jacovi, Yoelle S Maarek, Dan Pelleg, Menachem Shtalheim, and Sigalit Ur. The SharkSearch algorithm-an application: Tailored web site mapping. In 7th World-Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia, April 1998. Online at https://www7.scu.edu.au/programme/fullpapers/1849/com1849 .htm.
Saurabh Vardani, Vijay Maheshwari “Design of a Crawler against Crawling Attacks (DCACA) ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.79-82 2013
Prof.Ashu Bhardwaj September 2013 Page No.: 83-93
Sharon Pollock is one of the most renowned playwrights of Canada who has experimented with several new techniques of dramatization. Besides being didactic in her works , she has been extra careful in invoking a live discussion in the minds of her readers and audience about any issue. The psychological angles are the dimensions through which she has dissected the minds and the emotional conditions of her characters. Her works provide the enough evidence that the personality of a character depends on the situation, heredity and the experiences faced by her in life.
My Paper deals with the psychological outcomes of an individual due to the surroundings and experiences faced by her or him. The heredity, the emotional experiences, the people in contact and the situations or circumstances faced by a human being decided the personality of a character.
Happy experiences lead to the happy individual while the struggling experiences shape the individual to a pessimist or sad human being who always find a fight in her life. The circumstances and situations further strengthened her mentality. Sharon Pollock writes on the famous cases of social scene. She has successfully picked and developed the historical cases of Walsh, Blood Relations Doc etc in her writings.
The outcome of the characters’ personality forces us to believe the fact that they remain the victim of circumstances. The posed situations remained the main reasons of their particular behavior under particular situation. Lizzie Bordon , a famous character from Blood Relations is inspired from a real incident of twin –murder in actual life. Sharon Pollock has been successful in getting sympathy for her main character from the audience despite two murders. The situations and circumstances experienced by Lizzie leads further to make the audience understand that the personality of a character is the outcome and result of Circumstances, Heridity and Experiences faced by him. The behavioral patterns are decided and the mal-function of behavior are caused by some faults experienced by the individuals.
- Page(s): 83-93
- Date of Publication: September 2013
- Prof. Ashu Bhardwaj
Professor-Soft Skills
VIT- Campus, Jaipur, India
[1]. Allen, Bob. “Laughs Aimed at Politicians in a New Play Province.” 21 March 1975:35. Print.
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[3]. Anon. “AxMurder Theme for College Play.” Pinion: Douglas College, 26 January1976. Print.
[4]. Ashwell, Keight. “Playwright Pollock, se to score with Blood Relations” The Edmonton Journal, March 1980:D2. Print.
[5]. Bald ridge, Harold.“Canadian Theatre Review.”3 (1974). Print.
[6]. Benson, Engene and L.W. Conolly.English Canadian Theatre.Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987. Print.
[7]. Bessai, Diane. “Theatre Provocateur.”New West Review. 5.8 (April 1980). Print.
[8]. “Women, Feminism and Prairie Theatre.” Canadian Theatre Review, 43 (summer 1985): 4. Print.
[9]. Introduction: Blood Relations and Other Plays. Edmonton: New West Press, 1981. Print.
[10]. Brennan, Brian. “Tourist pamphlet inspired new Pollock Play.” CalgaryHerald, February 1983: HI. Print.
[11]. Bruyere, Christian. Walls. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1980. Print.
[12]. Conlogue, Ray. “Focus on Women at ATA Meeting.” Toronto: Globe and Mail, 5 August 1985:S13. Print.
[13]. Dunn, Mazrgo. “Sharon Pollock: In the Centre Ring.”Makara, 1.5(August September 1976): 2-6. Print.
[14]. Ferguson, Ted. A White Man’s Country. Toronto: Doubleday, 1975, Kareda, Urjo, Toronto Star 13 November 1973.
[15]. Grace, Sherrill. Making Theatre: a Life of Sharon Pollock. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2008. Print.
[16]. Hofsess, John. “Pollock is an Exception to Rule.” The Albertan’s Sunday Tab, 7 January 1979: T03. Print.
[17]. Laing, R.D. The Divided Self. London: Penguin Books, 1960. Print.
[18]. Nunn, Robert C. “Performing Fact: Canadian Documentary Theatre.” Canadian Literature.103 (Winter 1984). 55-56. Print.
[19]. “Sharon Pollock‟s Plays: A Review Article.”Theatre History in Canada (Historie du theatre au Canada). 5:1 (spring, 1984):72-83. Print.
[20]. Page, Malcolm. “Sharon Pollock: Committed Playwright.” Canadian drama/l’ArtDramatique Canadian. 5:2 (fall, 1979):104-11. Print.
Prof. Ashu Bhardwaj “SHARON POLLOCK: The psychological angles in her works” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 9, pp.83-93 2013