This study investigated the groundwater for drinking purposes in the Malwathu Oya tank cascade landscape using water quality index (WQI). A total number of twenty wells were selected, and two sets of samples were collected from each location in December (to represent the wet season) and August (to represent the dry season) in the study area. Based on the Sri Lankan drinking water quality standards and previous studies, the weights were assigned for each water quality parameter. Thereafter, relative weight was calculated and using the observed concentration and the relative weight of each parameter, the WQI values were computed. The elevated concentration of all the parameters was observed during the dry season compared to the wet season. Hardness and the alkaline nature of the groundwater were the main issues encountered in the collected samples of the study area. An excellent type of water for drinking was found only in the wet season. Eighty percent of the total area was categorized as good type of water during the wet season, and it was decreased up to 37.7% during the dry season. Moreover, the total area under the poor type of water was increased significantly during the dry season than in the wet season. Accordingly, the majority of the groundwater in the study area is not suitable for drinking without proper treatment. Hence, it is essential to install proper water treatment plants with proper management and maintenance practices.
- Page(s): 01-05
- Date of Publication: 19 August 2020
- M.K.N. Kumari Dept. of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
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M.K.N. Kumari "Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Index for Drinking Water in Tank Cascade Landscape" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.01-05 URL:
Vinyl chloride (VC) is a colorless, nonirritating gas at standard temperature and pressure; and highly stable in the absence of oxygen or sunlight. Vinyl chloride finds its primary applications in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which covers 12% of the total use of plastic in the world. The widest application of the PVC is the manufacture of plastic piping. Additional significant importance are found in consumer goods, electrical applications, transport sector and floor coverings. This paper is focused on synthesis of Vinyl chloride from Acetylene (vinylation) via Aspen HYSYS simulation. Second order regression models were developed in order to predict the statistical correlation between actual predictors’ value (acetylene and HCl flow rates, kgmole/hr) and the dependent variables (conversion of acetylene (%), conversion of HCl (%) and yield of Vinyl chloride (%)) from central composite design of response surface methodology. The reaction simulation process is found to be exothermic with reaction heat of -2.4 x 104 kcal/kgmole. The computer simulation results were analyzed statistically using response surface methodology of Design Expert 10.0.3. Optimum flow rates of 100 kgmole/hr of acetylene and 95.312 kgmole/hr of HCl gives optimum conversions (%) of acetylene and HCl to be 89.0238 % and 93.089 %, respectively; and the optimum yield of vinyl chloride is observed to be 45.7696 %. Hence, approximately equimolar flow rates of the two reactants is needed for maximum conversion and maximum yield in the vinylation process. Validating the second order regression models, against design values obtained from the computer simulation, it is observed that good agreement is achieved.
- Page(s): 06-12
- Date of Publication: 21 August 2020
- Akintola, J.T.Department of Chemical Engineering, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
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- Akintola, O.EDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
- Abdulkareem, Y.T.Department of Chemical Engineering, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
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Several situations of science, engineering, physics, biology, astronomy, radiology and statistics lead to Volterra integro-differential equations such as process of glass forming, diffusion problem, radiation transfer problem, growth of cells and describing the motion of satellite. In this paper, authors gave the application of Sawi transform for solving convolution type Volterra integro-differential equation of first kind. Some numerical problems have been considered and solved with the help of Sawi transform for explaining the complete methodology. Results of numerical problems show that Sawi transform is very effective integral transform for solving convolution type Volterra integro-differential equation of first kind.
- Page(s): 13-19
- Date of Publication: 28 August 2020
- Sudhanshu Aggarwal Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National P.G. College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Swarg Deep Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Nand Lal Singh College Jaitpur Daudpur Constituent of Jai Prakash University Chhapra-841205, Bihar, India
- Aakansha Vyas Assistant Professor, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India
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Sadik transform of error function (probability integral). Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, 6(6), 125-135. [56]. Aggarwal, S., Gupta, A.R., & Sharma, S.D. (2019). Application of Sadik transform for handling linear Volterra integro-differential equations of second kind. Universal Review, 10(7), 177-187. [57]. Aggarwal, S., & Bhatnagar, K. (2019). Solution of Abel’s integral equation using Sadik transform. Asian Resonance, 8(2), (Part-1), 57-63. [58]. Aggarwal, S. (2019). A comparative study of Mohand and Mahgoub transforms. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4(1), 1-7. [59]. Aggarwal, S. (2018). Kamal transform of Bessel’s functions. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 3(7), 1-4. [60]. Chauhan, R., & Aggarwal, S. (2019). Laplace transform for convolution type linear Volterra integral equation of second kind. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4(3&4), 1-7. [61]. Sharma, N., & Aggarwal, S. (2019). Laplace transform for the solution of Abel’s integral equation. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4(3&4), 8-15. [62]. Aggarwal, S., & Sharma, N. (2019). Laplace transform for the solution of first kind linear Volterra integral equation. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4(3&4), 16-23. [63]. Mishra, R., Aggarwal, S., Chaudhary, L., & Kumar, A. (2020). Relationship between Sumudu and some efficient integral transforms. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 153-159. [64]. Mahgoub, M.M.A. (2019). The new integral transform ''Sawi Transform''. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 14(1), 81-87.
Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Swarg Deep Sharma, Aakansha Vyas "Application of Sawi Transform for Solving Convolution Type Volterra Integro-Differential Equation of First Kind" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.13-19 URL:
Heart attack is the deadliest cardiovascular disease amongst others and is one of the major causes of death recently, both in developed or developing countries of the world. Most of the cardiac disorders arises as a result of irregular rhythm of the heart. As a matter of fact, irregular heartbeats often lead to abnormal PQRST values which can be traced from patient’s Electrocardiogram (ECG). The need to predict or detect this has been a major necessity for the improvement of human lives across the globe. This paper presents heart attack detection using ECG signal processing. The methodology adopted for this work is the Dynamic Software Development Methodology. The system was designed using Python programming language and it acquires ECG signal in the form of datasets, processes it and extracts important parameters like PQRST to detect heart abnormalities.
- Page(s): 20-25
- Date of Publication: 28 August 2020
- Grace O. DiriDepartment of Computer Science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria
- Ledisi G. KabariDepartment of Computer Science, Ken Saro-wiwa Polytechnic, Rivers State, Nigeria
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Grace O. Diri, Ledisi G. Kabari "Abnormal Heart Rate Detection Using Signal Processing" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.20-25 URL:
Volterra integral equation occurs widely in diverse areas of applied mathematics, physics, mechanics, statistics, biology, economics and theory of control systems. Many initial value problems associated with ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation can be transformed into a single Volterra integral equation. In this paper, authors determined the primitive of second kind linear Volterra integral equation using Shehu transform. In this work, authors have considered that the kernel of second kind linear Volterra integral equation is a convolution type kernel. Some numerical problems have been considered and solved with the help of Shehu transform for explaining the complete methodology. Results of numerical problems show that Shehu transform is very effective integral transform for determining the primitive of second kind linear Volterra integral equation.
- Page(s): 26-32
- Date of Publication: 28 August 2020
- Sudhanshu Aggarwal Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National P.G. College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Aakansha Vyas Assistant Professor, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India
- Swarg Deep Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Nand Lal Singh College Jaitpur Daudpur Constituent of Jai Prakash University Chhapra-841205, Bihar, India
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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1465-1470. [51] Aggarwal, S., Chauhan, R., & Sharma, N. (2018). Application of Elzaki transform for solving linear Volterra integral equations of first kind. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 6(12), 3687-3692. [52] Aggarwal, S., Sharma, N., & Chauhan, R. (2018). Application of Kamal transform for solving linear Volterra integral equations of first kind. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 6(8), 2081-2088. [53] Aggarwal, S., Asthana, N. & Singh, D.P. (2018). Solution of population growth and decay problems by using Aboodh transform method. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 6(10), 2706-2710. [54] Aggarwal, S., & Bhatnagar, K. (2019). Sadik transform for handling population growth and decay problems. Journal of Applied Science and Computations, 6(6), 1212-1221. [55] Aggarwal, S., & Sharma, S.D. (2019). 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Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Aakansha Vyas, Swarg Deep Sharma, "Primitive of Second Kind Linear Volterra Integral Equation Using Shehu Transform" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.26-32 URL:
There are growing numbers of countries in the world whose sources of their energy still largely depend on fossil fuels. Unfortunately, these are non-renewable fuels and their integrity is being questioned because of their high carbon emissions and the link they have with global warming. Researchers therefore find it necessary to find different energy sources that have no or low carbon emissions; and one of such alternative sources found to mitigate global warming syndrome is the use of biodiesel to either compliment or replace fossil fuels in Compression ignition engines. Also; emissions characteristics of CI engines have been found to be affected by fuel injection parameters, and this is specific for each type of fuel run on the engine. This work therefore employed the use of GT-Power computer simulation package to study the impact of varying injection timing on emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with Tropical Almond Seed based Biodiesel and its blends. At compression ratio of 17.5 and varying engine speed of 1000 rpm to 5000rpm; the study examined the impact over a Kirloskar four-stroke, single-cylinder, water-cooled, direct-ignition, compression-ignition engine fueled with tropical almond seed oil-based biodiesel and its blends B0 to B100 at 5% incremental step and four separate injection timings (21◦, 23◦, 25◦, 27◦CA BTDC). The results showed a considerable increase of CO2; and decrease in HC and CO and for tropical almond oil-based biodiesel and its blends at advanced injection timing of 27 bTDC. NOx emissions also slightly increased with the increase in biodiesel content and injection timing at higher speeds. For all blends tested, B35 provides the best result in terms of lowest HC for all investigated injection timings. The study therefore concludes that for better emission profile, Tropical almond seed oil-based biodiesel blend; B35 at 27◦CA BTDC CI engine injection timing provides a good mix.
- Page(s): 33-49
- Date of Publication: 03 September 2020
- N. B. JagunmoluDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NigeriaCentre for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- S. K. FasogbonDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
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N. B. Jagunmolu, S. K. Fasogbon "Modelling Performance and Emissions Characteristics of CI Engines Running on Tropical Almond Seed-Based Biodiesel" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.33-49 URL:
In this paper, work was carried out to investigate the impact of several parameters including tubing pressure, tubing fluid temperature, length of tubing, gas density, liquid density, tubing hold-up and total mass flow on mass fraction of tubing muds. Data points for this investigation were obtained using OLGA multiphase simulator. The results of the simulation (including the trend and plot data) were exported to MATLAB to develop a mud weight model (correlation) using the MATLAB regress function. The correlation was also validated using statistical techniques such as the R square and Significance F values. Comparison of the trend plots of the actual data points from OLGA and the predicted data points was also done to further prove the reliability of the correlation. The correlation predictions agreed with the OLGA results excellently with a relative error of less than 0.001 %. This study revealed that the tubing mud weight is significantly impacted on by variables like tubing holdup, tubing gas density, tubing liquid densities and the total mass flow. Where as the tubing pressure, fluid temperature, and the tubing length have insignificant effects on the tubing mud weight. From the trend plots of the variables, it was deduced that as the tubing pressure increased, the temperature and the mud weight also increased. While, the total mass and volumetric flows reduced with increased tubing pressure. The effect of input data uncertainties on the developed correlation were also tested by using 22 observation points to predict tubing mud weight and calculating the resulting residual values. Over 90% of the residual values were negative and the percentage difference in mud weight between the first and the last observation points was approximately 4%. Hence, the effect of input data uncertainties on the developed correlation is insignificant. This paper could serve as a template for drilling engineers, assisting them with a simple, fast and reliable technique for determining optimum drilling parameters with a minimum engineering effort and drilling experience.
- Page(s): 50-56
- Date of Publication: 03 September 2020
- Paul Tamaragaibi ElijahApplied Mechanics and Design/Production Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nigeria Maritime University, Nigeria
- Franklin OKOROClean Script Group, Nigeria
- Chinedum EgwuonwuUniversity of Port Harcourt, Nigeriaa
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Paul Tamaragaibi Elijah, Franklin OKORO, Chinedum Egwuonwu "Development of a Model for Accurate Determination of Fluid Density and Improvement of Borehole Stability Predictions using a Simulator" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.50-56 URL:
This research paper represents the experimental investigation and analysis of a flat plate collector which incorporates a moderate vacuum enclosure within the system. Flat plate collector with vacuum environment within the system provides various benefits as compared to ordinary collectors such as outstanding thermal characteristics, supreme optical features, highly versatile and also has a capability to provide pure energy which is efficient for basic household, industrial process and space heating application. This paper mainly emphasis on the design of the evacuated collector model in which a absorber plate (0.4 *0.3m) made of copper material which is entirely enclosed by vacuum layer that is installed within the system with supporting inlet and outlet ports for fluid circulation and the temperatures were calibrated at set intervals depending upon the constant mass flow rate. It demonstrated that with the help of employing magnets to create a strong repulsive force between the glazing and absorber surface the designed enclosure was successfully sustained by the overall imposed vacuum pressure and stresses The paper will also explore the various challenges, expectation, requirements and application of the collector model along with the brief discussion of the vacuum evacuated concept which is taken into concern.
- Page(s): 57-67
- Date of Publication: 03 September 2020
- Prathamesh V. Chinta(M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK)
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Today technology is changing every day and to stay updated with the society and to follow the trends business also need to update themselves with the new advancements of technology, nowadays business does not interact with customers the traditional ways they use digital media platforms to interact with customers which generate data, the customers are now changing they want the personalized experience to achieve that we need to understand every customer. Here is where the role of AI comes in analyzing, segmenting, delivering insights of customers which help businesses to cater to the customers with a personalized experience. AI is a self-learning system which uses data mining and big data analytics to learn, this helps the business in saving lots of time which would be used in analyzing and segmenting the data now they get these things done by AI in just a short period of time without any error, which not only saves them time but also saves cost to the company. In this paper, I have talked about how AI is helping businesses understand consumer behavior thus improving the consumer experience.
- Page(s): 68-71
- Date of Publication: 11 September 2020
- Achyut AwasthiChhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Achyut Awasthi "How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Helping Digital Media to Understand Consumer Behavior " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.68-71 URL:
In this study, ARIMA model was used to forecast six sigma level of the results of the examinations for the students of Kut Technical Institute. The time series data in our study was level of six sigma for the results of the examinations of the students in the Institute from academic year 2003-2004 to academic year 2017-2018. The researcher used Box-Jenkins methodology and noted there is a Trend Variation. To remove the non- stationary, the first difference was taken. Using statistical software EVIEWS 9, ARIMA (1,1,1) was the best model chosen based on the SSE, adj R2 , AIC, BIC, and H-Q criteria. A validation check for this model was performed on residuals series, were found white noise, normally distributed, and equal in variance. The predicted results from the selected model were compared with the original data to determine prediction precision. It found that the selected model predicted six sigma level with acceptable accuracy. These results will provide the Institute's managers with decisions on how to upgrade six sigma level.
- Page(s): 72-78
- Date of Publication: 11 September 2020
- Alla Hussein Omran AnsafAssistant Professor, Kut Technical Institute, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Alla Hussein Omran Ansaf "The Use of Box–Jenkins Method to Predict the Six Sigma Level for Kut Technical Institute Examination Results" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.72-78 URL:
In this world of 7.8 billion population, near about 7.5 million population requires wheelchair for their movement.By any means if a person gets physically handicapped, then they are dependent upon others for their day to day maneuvering and their movement gets restricted until and unless someone helps them in moving their wheelchair.Patients having problems such as quadriplegic, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis are dependent on others and due to this they don’t have the freedom of mobility and it sometimes become heart wrenching to see them in difficult situations. Till now many technologies has been developed and are available in the market to overcome this problem. In our work, we have designed a voice activated wheelchair system for physically disabled persons which can be operated via simple voice commands with the help of mobile app [1] and assist them completely without any hassle to reach their destination in comfort in which a permanent mapping has also been done with the help of ATmega328P processor used in Arduino in which wheelchair user can reach it’s destination on single command.
- Page(s): 79-84
- Date of Publication: 12 September 2020
- Sayan RoyElectronics & Communication Department, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
- Sourav GoswamiElectronics & Communication Department, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
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In this article, authors discussed the existence of solution of Diophantine equation 〖181〗^x+〖199〗^y=z^2, where x,y,z are non-negative integers. Results show that the consider Diophantine equation of study has no non-negative integer solution.
- Page(s): 85-86
- Date of Publication: 18 September 2020
- Sudhanshu Aggarwal Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National P.G. College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Swarg Deep Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Nand Lal Singh College Jaitpur Daudpur Constituent of Jai Prakash University Chhapra-841205, Bihar, India
- Aakansha Vyas Assistant Professor, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India
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Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Swarg Deep Sharma, Aakansha Vyas "On The Existence of Solution of Diophantine Equation 181^x+ 199^y = z^2" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 8, August 2020, pp.85-86 URL: