The huge cost associated with oil production in an oil reservoir cannot be over-emphasized, the great loss that will result if it fails to produce as expected after the deployment of resources can better be imagined than experienced, hence the need for detailed simulation studies on oil reservoirs. The Governing equations from the conservation of mass for flow was solved using the finite difference technique in the Implicit Pressure and Explicit Saturation (IMPES) scheme utilizing Visual Basics 6.0 language as the computer code. The model was used to predict reservoir pressure and saturation history for each of the phases (oil, water, and gas) in the reservoir for days between 30 and 510 days. A pressure plot of production and saturation history was then obtained. The results showed a continued reduction in the reservoir pressure with increasing production time, and a similar trend was observed for the oil saturation values too. The gas saturation and water saturation on the other hand increased with the production time. However at oil saturation value of 0.2, no further reduction was observed, from which it was concluded that a critical oil saturation of 0.2 exist below which there can be no more production of oil.
- Page(s): 01-07
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Olumide A. TowojuDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Adeleke University, Ede, Nigeria
- Ademola DareDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
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Olumide A. Towoju, Ademola Dare "Finite Difference Modelling of Fluid Flow in Oil Reservoir" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.01-07 2016
We develop a novel technique for resizable Hadoop cluster’s lower bounds, the template matching rectangular array of counting with counter summarization expressions. Specifically, fix an arbitrary hybrid kernel function f∶{0,1}n→{0,1} and let 𝑨Af𝒇 be the rectangular array of counting with counter summarization expressions whose columns are each an application of f to some subset of the variables x1, x2,…x3,x4. We prove that Af has bounded-capacity resizable Hadoop cluster’s complexity 𝛀(d), where d is the approximate degree of f. This finding remains valid in the MapReduce programming model, regardless of prior measurement. In particular, it gives a new and simple proof of lower bounds for robustness and other symmetric conjunctive predicates. We further characterize the discrepancy, approximate PageRank, and approximate trace distance norm of Afin terms of well-studied analytic properties of f, broadly generalizing several findings on small-bias resizable Hadoop cluster and agnostic inference. The method of this paper has also enabled important progress in multi-cloud resizable Hadoop cluster’s complexity..
- Page(s): 08-27
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Ravi (Ravinder) Prakash GSenior Professor Research BMS Institute of Technology Dodaballapur Road, Avalahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560 064, India
- Kiran MResearch Scholar School of Computing and Information Technology REVA University, Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064, India
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The Present paper aims significantly analyses the effect of transient hydro magnetic Coutte flow and heat transfer of an incompressible electrically conducting viscous fluid through a porous medium between two infinitely long horizontal parallel plates when upper plate is allowed to move in the presence of uniform transverse magnetic fluid normal to the plates whereas lower plate kept at rest taking injections/suction into account. The channel rotates about an axis perpendicular to the plates of the channel. The non-dimensional governing the transient momentum equation and the energy equation are solved analytically by applying the perturbation technique. The effect of various physical pertinent parameters is discussed on the flow field, the temperature profile numerically and presented by figures. The thermal slip at the lower plate is taken in account. The effect of Skin friction and rate of heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number is shown by tables. Our results reveal that the combined effects of magnetic field (M), rotation parameter (Ω), Prandtl number (Pr), permeability (Kp), injection/suction (Re), heat generation/absorption (S) and thermal slip have significant impact on the hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer. The Problem is very much significant in view of its several engineering, geophysical and industrial applications.
- Page(s): 28-45
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- V. G. GuptaDepartment of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Ajay JainDepartment of Mathematics Regional College for Education, Research and Technology, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
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V.G. Gupta, Ajay Jain "An Analysis of Unsteady MHD Couette Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Horizontal Channel with Injection/Suction" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.28-45 2016
Management of water quality is very important as demand is increases day by day. Water is the most important source for living things on earth which is threatenedon it’s quality and quantity.pH, DO, COD, BOD, Chloride and Hardness are basic water quality parameter. Management of water quality in University campus is important as it is the source of drinking for student’s hostels, departments and irrigation in campus.Deterioration of water quality receives more attention to mapping the current situation of water quality parameter provides the better management of resources. Water sample collected from various resources located in Dr.BAM University campus during dry period, whereas when entire Marathwada including Aurangabad under great water stress. Interpolation methods facilitate to estimate values for unknown point and create a continuous dataset to study the spatial distribution. The IDW (inverse distance weighted) and Spline tools are deterministic interpolation method and Kriging are based on a statistical model. Krigingthe best fit method of interpolation was used with help of Geographic Information System (GIS) software Arc GIS 10.2 to visualize the spatial distribution of above water quality parameters. This study has shown that kriging interpolation and statistical analysis perform better mapping of water parameter.
- Page(s): 46-50
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Mahesh Ramkrishna HuchheDept. of Environmental Science, Dr.BAM University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
- Dr. N. N BandelaDept. of Environmental Science, Dr.BAM University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
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Mahesh Ramkrishna Huchhe, Dr. N. N Bandela "Study of Water Quality Parameter Assessment using GIS and Remote Sensing in Dr. B.A.M University, Aurangabad, MS" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.46-50 2016
Naturally occurring radio signals from terrestrial lightning discharges produce weeks that can be potentially used in the diagnostic of middle atmosphere specially D-region because of its ability to propagate into the region. In the present study we have observed tweeks throughout in the month of July, 2012and have used as a tool in the estimation of medium parameters such electron density and ionospheric reflection height. D-region electron density estimated from cut-off frequencies of different modes ranged from 22.51 – 132.46 cm-3. The ionospheric reflection height varied from 80 – 94.4 km. The existing time of tweeks was found to be in the range of 10 – 55 milliseconds. We have also tried to interpret the relation between cut-off frequency and relative amplitude of tweeks.
- Page(s): 51-55
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Raghvendra SinghPhysics Department, University of Lucknow, Lucknow – 226007, India
- U. P. VermaPhysics Department, University of Lucknow, Lucknow – 226007, India
- A. K. SinghPhysics Department, University of Lucknow, Lucknow – 226007, India
[1]. Helliwell, R. A., (1965). Whistlers and Related Ionospheric Phenomena. Stanford University Press, Stanford, USA [2]. Carpenter, D. L., (1963). Whistler evidence of a 'knee' in the magnetospheric ionization density profile. Journal of Geophysical Research 68, 1675–1682 [3]. Singh, R. P., Singh, A. K. and Singh, D. K., (1998). Plasmaspheric parameters as determined from whistler spectrograms: a review. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 60, 495–508 [4]. Singh, A.K., Singh, R.P., (1999). Duct lifetimes at midlatitude. Periodica Polytechnica 43, 43-52 [5]. Hargreaves, J. K., (1992). The Solar-Terrestrial Environment. Cambridge University Press (USA) [6]. Igarashi, K., Murayama, Y., Nagayama, M., Kawana, S., (2000). D – region electron density measurements by MF radar in the middle and high latitudes. Advances in Space Research (UK) 25, 25-32 [7]. Bainbridge, G., Inan, U. S.,(2003). Ionospheric D region electron density profiles derived from the measured interference pattern of VLF waveguide modes. Radio Science 38,1077 [8]. Thomson, N. R., Clilverd, M. A., McRae, W. M., (2007). Nighttime ionospheric D region parameters from VLF amplitude and phase. Journal of Geophysical Research (USA) 112, A07304 [9]. Thomson, N. R., McRae, W. M., (2009). Nighttime ionospheric D region: Equatorial and nonequatorial. Journal of Geophysical Research (USA) 114, A08305 [10]. Singh, A. K., Verma, U. P., Singh, R., Lichtenberger, J., (2016). Remote sensing of D – region ionosphere using multimode tweeks. Indian Journal of Physics 90, 1-7 [11]. Shvets, A. V., Serdiuk, T. M., Gorishnyaya, Y. V., Hobara, Y., Hayakawa, M., (2014). Estimating the lower ionosphere height and lightning location using multimode “tweek” atmospherics. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics (UK) 108, 1-9 [12]. Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnar, L., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., (2008). Automatic whistler detector and analyser (AWDA) system network: Automatic whistler detector. Journal of Geophysical Research (USA) 113, A12201 [13]. Shvets, A. V., Hayakawa, M., (1998). Polarization effects for tweek propagation. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics (UK) 60, 461-469 [14]. Budden, K. G., (1961). Radio waves in the ionosphere. Cambridge University Press (USA) [15]. Reznikov, A. E., Sukhorukov, A. I., Edemskii, D. E., Kopeikin, V. V., Morozov, P. A., Raybov, B. S., Shchekotov, A. Y., Solovev, V. V., (1993). Investigations of the lower ionosphere over Antarctica via ELF-VLF radio waves. Antarct. Sci. 5, 107-113 [16]. Strobel, D. F., Young, T. R., Meier, R. R., Coffey, T. P., Ali, A. W., (1974). The nighttime ionosphere: E region and lower F region. Journal of Geophysical Research 79, 3171-3178
Raghvendra Singh*, U. P. Verma and A. K. Singh "Exploring Middle Atmosphere (D – Region) by Very Low Frequency (VLF) Waves" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.51-55 2016
Nowadays, Steganography has becoming a popular means of sending secret message over the internet without letting anyone know the existence of the secret message. Only the sender and receiver know about the contents of the message and also about its existence. Video Steganography is a form of Steganography where the secret message is hidden in a video file which is then sent over the internet to its intended recipient. The recipient also receives the means with which the secret message can be recovered. Thus, Steganography increases security to a high extent. It was mostly used by the army to communicate secret data over the internet. However, nowadays the use of Steganography has increased. Video Steganography can be implemented through several algorithms. Some of these algorithms include Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network. This paper includes a survey on how Video Steganography has been implemented by several researches using the above two algorithms. It focuses on the pros and cons of each of these algorithms.
- Page(s): 56-58
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Nikita PathakInformation Technology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
- Disa RayInformation Technology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
- Saroni SinhaInformation Technology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
- Prof. Uttam Kumar DashInformation Technology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
- Dr. Anindya Jyoti PalInformation Technology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
[1] Kousik Dasgupta, Jyotsna Kumar Mondal and Paramartha Dutta: Optimized Video Steganography Using Genetic Algorithm (GA) in Procedia Technology 10 (2013),pp. 131-137. [2] Richa Khare and Rachana Mishra: Data Hiding by Using Neural Network in Video File in IJETAE Volume 4, Issue 7 (July 2014),pp. 913-917. [3] Fozia R.Khan, Prof. Sujata Anandwani: Efficient and Improved Video Steganography using DCT and Neural Network in IJSRD Volume 3, Issue 10 (2015), pp. 432-434. [4] Heena Goyal, Preeti Bansal: Video Steganography using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in IJETIE Volume 1, Issue 9 (2015), pp. 7-14. [5] Rehana Begum R.D, Sharayu Pradeep: Best Approach for LSB Based Steganography Using Genetic Algorithm and Visual Cryptography for Secured Data Hiding and Transmission over Networks in IEEE Volume 4, Issue 6 (June 2014), pp. 114-119. [6] Dr. Ban A. Mitras, Dr. Nada F. Hassan: Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm in Audio Steganography in IJSS 25 (2013), pp. 150-164. [7] [8]
Nikita Pathak, Disa Ray, Saroni Sinha, Prof. Uttam Kumar Dash, Dr. Anindya Jyoti Pal "A Survey on Video Steganography Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.56-58 2016
This paper presents the design and fabrication of multiband fractal co-planer waveguide (CPW)-fed slot antenna having defected ground structure (DGS) which confirms the multiple wireless standards. Minkowski fractal geometry is applied on an octagon which provides a miniaturized design and generates multiple bands. Defected ground structure is used to improve the bandwidth and gain of the antenna. The slot loop formed is acting as a hybrid antenna as it performs both the task of antenna and also of a feed mechanism which is required by a dielectric slab to radiate. The proposed antenna exhibit multiple frequency bands, thus we can call it as multi-band antenna.
- Page(s): 59-66
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Sahil Gupta M.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Sukhwinder Kumar Professor, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Ramanjeet M.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
[1]. C. C. Chen, C. Y. D. Sim, and F. S. Chen, “A novel compact quad-band narrow strip-loaded printed monopole antenna,” IEEE Antennas WirelessPropag. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 974–976, Aug. 2009. [2]. R. A. Bhatti, Y. T. Im, and S. O. Park, “Compact PIFA for mobile terminals supporting multiple cellular and non-cellular standards,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 2534–2540, Sep. 2009. [3]. Y. Cao, B. Yuan, and G. Wang, “A compact multiband open-ended slot antenna for mobile handsets,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.Lett., vol. 10, pp. 911–914, Sep. 2011. [4]. S. I. Latif and L. Shafai, “Investigation on the EM-coupled stacked square ring antennas with ultra-thin spacing,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 3978–3990, Nov. 2011. [5]. K. Huang and T. Chiu, “Triband inverted-F antenna with stacked branched monopoles and a parasitic strip,” IEEE Antennas WirelessPropag.Lett., vol. 10, pp. 1208–1211, Nov. 2011. [6]. O. P. Falade, M. U. Rehman, Y. Guo, X. Chen, and C. G. Parini, “Single feed stacked patch circular polarized antenna for triple band GPS receivers,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 4479– 4484, Oct. 2012. [7]. C. T. P. Song, P. S. Hall, and H. G. Shiraz, “Shorted fractal sierpinski monopole antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 2564–2570, Oct. 2004. [8]. D. D. Krishna, M. Gopikrishna, C. K. Anandan, P. Mohanan, and K. Vasudevan, “CPW-fed koch fractal slot antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 389–392, Nov. 2008. [9]. C. Varadhanet al., “Triband antenna structures for RFID systems deploying fractal geometry,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.Lett., vol. 12, pp. 437–440, Mar. 2013. [10]. S. Dhar, R. Ghatak, B. Gupta, and D.R. Poddar, “A wideband Minkowski fractal dielectric resonator antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2895–2903, Jun. 2013. [11]. Y. Gao, B. L. Ooi, and A. P. Popov, “Dual-band hybrid dielectric resonator antenna with CPW-fed slot,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 170–172, Jan. 2006. [12]. Y. F. Lin, H. M. Chen, and C. H. Lin, “Compact dual-band hybrid dielectric resonator antenna with radiating slot,” IEEE Antennas WirelessPropag. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 6–9, Mar. 2009. [13]. K. M. Luk and K. W. Leung, Dielectric Resonator Antennas. Hertfordshire, England: Research Studies Press Ltd., 2003, pp. 55–92.
Sahil Gupta, Sukhwinder Kumar, Ramanjeet "Octagonal Shaped Fractal Slot Loop Antenna Loaded with Dielectric Resonator" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.59-66 2016
The CBR values of the soil which is one of the factors representing the strength characteristics of the soil will be significantly affected by the addition of waste plastic that is obtained by the shredding of waste beverage bottles. The percentage addition of plastic and the aspect ratio of the plastic strips provided with varying number of perforations, influence the results to a considerable extent. The CBR value of the soil increased with the increase in plastic content percentage and also as the aspect ratio and perforation numbers increased the CBR value considerably improved. The improvement in the CBR properties by the addition of plastic waste can be effectively made use of in the construction of landfill sites, making of pavement for light traffic conditions, in reducing the thickness of the pavement layer and for supporting foundation soils which possess low tensile strength etc. with a minimal cost factor and also facilitating effective reusage of plastic waste generated.
- Page(s): 67-70
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dr. S. GangadharaAssociate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, UVCE, Bangalore, India
- Vivek.SAssistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, JSSATE, Bangalore, India
[1]. INFLUENCE OF WASTE PLASTIC STRIPS ON ENGINEERING BEHAVIOR OF SOILS, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC-2014 December 18-20, 2014, Kakinada, India [2]. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CBR OF SOIL, REINFORCED WITH NATURAL WASTE PLASTIC MATERIAL, IJESR/June 2014/ Vol-4/Issue-6/304-308, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research [3]. EFFECT OF PLASTIC GRANULES ON THE PROPERTIES OF SOIL, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4 (Version 1), April 2014, pp.160-164, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications [4]. STABILIZATION OF SOIL BY USING PLASTIC WASTES, Issue 2, Vol.2 (March-2012), International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development
Dr.S.Gangadhara, Vivek.S "Experimental Study on CBR Properties of Soil Added With Perforated Plastic Waste" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.67-70 2016
Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. The solute is known as the dispersed phase and the solvent is known as the continuous phase. Other examples of emulsions include margarine, mayonnaise, cream, and salad dressing. A colloidal solution is when matter exists in a state of division in between a true solution, which is sugar in water, and a suspension, which is chalk in water. The characteristics of a colloid are small particle size, electrical charge, and affinity of the particles for water molecules. In milk, the whey proteins are in colloidal solution. Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization..
- Page(s): 71-74
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi. Pune, India
[1]. DGHS (2005). Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods – Milk and Milk Products. Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. [2]. FAO (2009). Milk Testing and Payment Systems Resource Book – A Practical Guide to Assist Milk Producer Groups. FAO, Rome. Pp. 38-43. [3]. Roy, N.K. and Sen, D.C. (1994). Rapid Analysis of Milk. In Textbook of Practical Dairy Chemistry. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. Pp. 85-118. [4]. Darshan Lal, Raman Seth, Rajan Sharma and Arun Kumar (2005). Approaches for detection of Adulteration in Milk Fat –An Overview. Indian Dairyman, 57, 10. Pp. 31-43. [5]. Gunnery, K.S. (1979). Additives in Milk and Their Detection. Indian Dairyman, 31, 9. Pp. 665 669. [6]. BIS (1960). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part I Rapid Examination of Milk (IS 1479 (Part I): 1960) [7]. BIS (1961). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part II Chemical Analysis of Milk (IS 1479 (Part II): 1961) [8]. BIS (2006). Indian Standard: Quick Methods for Detection of Adulterants/Contaminants in Common Food Products – Chemical Methods (IS 15642 (Part 2): 2006) [9]. Ferreira, I. M., & Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2003). Determination of Caseinomacropeptide by an RP‐HPLC Method and Monitoring of the Addition of Rennet Whey to Powdered Milk. J. Liq. Chrom. Relat. Tech., 26(1), 99-107. [10]. Panda, D. And Bindal, M.P (1998 B) Detection Of Adulteration In Ghee With Animal Body Fats And Vegetable Oils Using Crystallization Tests Indian Dairyman 50: 13-16 [11]. Kumar, R., Singh, D.K. And Chawla, N.K. (1998). Adulteration / Contamination Of Milk Demystified. Indian Dairyman 50: 25-33 [12]. Miralles, B., Bartolomé, B., Amigo, L., & Ramos, M. (2000). Comparison of three methods to determine the whey protein to total protein ratio in milk. Journal of dairy science, 83(12), 2759-2765. [13]. Kumar A., Lal, D., Seth, R. And Sharma, R (2002) Recent Trends In Detection Of Adulteration In Milk Fat A Review Indian J. Dairy Sci. 55: 319-330 [14]. PFA Act (1954) Prevention of Food Adulteration Act And Rules. Govt Of India Publication As Amended Upto Date. [15]. Sharma, S. K., Hill, A. R., & Mittal, G. S. (1993). An improved method to measure glycomacropeptides (GMP) in renneted milk.Milchwissenschaft,48, 71-73. [16]. Singhal, O. P. (1980). Adulterants and methods for detection. Indian dairyman, 32(10), 771-774. [17]. Ghodekar, D.R., Dudani, A.J AndRanganathan, B (1974). J. Milk FdTechn 37,199. [18]. Bordin, G., CordeiroRaposo, F., De la Calle, B., & Rodriguez, A. R. (2001). Identification and quantification of major bovine milk proteins by liquid chromatography. Journal of chromatography A, 928(1), 63-76 [19]. Dubey, P.C. And Gupta, M.P. (1986) Studies on Quality of Rabri. J. AgricSci Res 28:9-14. Milk Adultration: Methods Of Detection & Remedial Measures [20]. Ish Kumar Sawhney “Characterizing the engineering properties of skim milk powder and protein derivatives of buffalo milk” Department of Food Engineering and Technology Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology Longowal – 148106, Punjab February, 2011 [21]. Meisel H (1995) Application of fourth derivative spectroscopy to quantitation of whey protein and casein in total milk protein. Milchwissenschaft 50 247–251. [22]. Reid, J. R., Coolbear T., Ayers J.S., and Coolbear K.P.. (1998). The action of chymosin on k-casein and its macropeptide: effect of pH.and analysis of products of secondary hydrolysis, Int. Dairy. J., 7, 559-569,. 1998. [23]. Meisel, H., &Carstens, J. (1989). Vergleichende Untersuchungenzur Bestimmung des Molkenprotein-und Caseinanteils in Milchproduktenmittels Casein-Phosphor-Methode, SDS-Elektrophorese und Polarographie. Milchwissenschaft, 44(5), 271-277. [24]. Varadaraj, M.C. Mahadev, B.S. And Ahmed, Ashfaq (1983). Indian Dairyman 35: 301. [25]. Calvo, M. M. (2002). Influence of fat, heat treatments and species on milk rennet clotting properties and glycomacropeptide formation.European Food Research and Technology,214(3), 182-185. [26]. Bector, B.S., Ram, M. And Singhal, O.P. (1998) Rapid Platform Test for Detection / Determination Of Urea In Milk. Indian Dairy Man 50: 59-60. [27]. Varadaraj, M.C. KandNambudripad, V.K.N. (1982). J. Fd. Sc. Techn. 19: 53. [28]. Bitri L., Rolland M.P., Besancon P. (1993). Immunological Detection of Bovine Caseinomacropeptide in Ovine and Caprine Dairy Products, Milchwissenschaft, 48, 367–371. [29]. Subrahmanyam, M. (1981). Market survey of the quality of butter. Indian dairyman. [30]. Sharma G.S (1991) Quality Of Creamery Buller Marketed In Agra City M.Sc Thesis Submitted To Agra Univ. Agra [31]. Sharma M.B. Gupta M.P. (1982) Quality Of MawaBhurfi Sold In Agra City Asian J. Dairy Res 1: 165-168 [32]. Batis, V.K., Garg, S.K., Chander, H. And Ranganathan, B. (1981) .Indian Dairyman 33,435.
Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Detection of an Adulteration Present in Milk and Milk Products" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.71-74 2016
Curved beams represent an important class of machine members which find their application in components such as crane hook, c – clamp, frames of presses etc.The stress analysis of the critical section of the curved beam is a crucial step in its design. There are two analytical methods used for stress analysis of curved beams: a plane elasticity formulation and Winkler’s theory. The Winkler’s theory has long been the primary means of curved beam stress analysis in engineering practice.The paper describes the method of stress analysis of a U – shaped specimen, the base of which represents a curved beam using the standard Winkler’s theory and a follow on experimental stress analysis using strain gauges. The specimen is loaded such that a known bending moment is applied to it. The circumferential stresses along the critical section of the curved beam are determined using Winkler’s theory. During the follow – on experimental procedure, an aluminium U – shaped specimen is instrumented with several strain gauges along the critical section. The gauges are used to measure the circumferential strains along the critical section. The circumferential stresses are then calculated using Hooke’s law. Together, the analytical method and lab experiment illustrates many essential elements of experimental stress analysis of a curved beam.
- Page(s): 75-80
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Srinivasa Prasad K SAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Roshaan SubramanianGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Sanjay KrishnaGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Prashanth SGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
[1]. Mark E. Tuttle, “Illustrating Essentials of Experimental Stress Analysis Using A U-Shaped Beam” SEM Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 7-9 June 2010. [2]. Joseph Edward Shigley et al., “Mechanical Engineering Design” 8th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008. [3]. James W Dally and William F Riley, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, 3rd Revised Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1991. [4]. Professor Milivoje M Kostic, “Calibration of and Measurement with Strain Gauges”. Available: [5]. Joseph R Davis, “Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys”, Metals Handbook, ASM International, 1988.
Srinivasa Prasad K S, Roshaan Subramanian, Sanjay Krishna, Prashanth S "Experimental Stress Analysis of Curved Beams Using Strain Gauges" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.75-80 2016
An X-shaped multiband fractal antenna is presented.FR4 substratehas been used,having thickness of 1.6-mm on which fractal is fabricated.X-fractal has desirable radiation pattern and good reflection coefficient. The proposed antenna can be used for multiple applications such as WLAN, Bluetooth, IMT etc. Effects of different iterations of fractal antenna are separately discussed.By applying of slotted shape defected ground structure (DGS), return loss graph goes to a great extent. Design and simulation has been followed through Computer Simulation Technique (CST).
- Page(s): 81-85
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Ramanjeet M.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Sukhwinder KumarProfessor, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Navjot SinghM.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
[1]. J. P. Gianvittorio and Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Fractal antennas: A novel antenna miniaturization technique, and applications,” IEEE AntennasPropag. Mag., vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 20–36, Feb. 2002. [2]. D. H. Werner and S. Ganguly, “An overview of fractal antenna engineering research,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 38–57, Feb. 2003. [3]. L. Lizzi, F. Viani, and A. Massa, “Dual-band spline-shaped PCB antenna for Wi-Fi applications,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.Lett., vol. 8, pp. 616–619, 2009. [4]. L. Lizzi, F. Viani, E. Zeni, and A. Massa, “A DVBH/GSM/UMTS planar antenna for multimode wireless devices,” IEEE Antennas WirelessPropag.Lett., vol. 8, pp. 568–571, 2009. [5]. F. Viani, M. Salucci, F. Robol, G. Oliveri, and A. Massa, “Design of a UHF RFID/GPS fractal antenna for logistics management,” J. Electromagn.Waves Appl., vol. 26, pp. 480–492, 2012. [6]. F. Viani, M. Salucci, F. Robol, and A. Massa, “Multiband fractal ZigBee/WLAN antenna for ubiquitous wireless environments,” J.Electromagn.Waves Appl., vol. 26, no. 11–12, pp. 1554–1562, Aug.2012. [7]. R. Azaro, F. Viani, L. Lizzi, E. Zeni, and A. Massa, “A monopolar quad-band antenna based on a Hilbert self-affine prefractal geometry,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.Lett., vol. 8, pp. 177–180, 2009. [8]. C. Puente-Baliarda, J. Romeu, R. Pous, and A. Cardama, “On the behaviour of the Sierpinski multiband fractal antenna,” IEEE Trans. AntennasPropag., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 517–524, Apr. 1998. [9]. J. C. Liu, C. Y.Wu,C.H.Chen, D. C.Chang, and J. Y. Chen, “Modified Sierpinski fractal monopole antenna with Descartes circle theorem,” Microw Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 909–911, May 2006. [10]. D. D. Krishna, M. Gopikrishna, C. K. Aanandan, P. Mohanan, and K. Vasudevan,“Compact wideband Koch fractal printed slot antenna,” Microw., Antennas Propag., vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 782–789, 2009.
Ramanjeet, Sukhwinder Kumar, Navjot Singh "An X-Fractal Patch Antenna with DGS for Multiband Applications" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.81-85 2016
Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. The solute is known as the dispersed phase and the solvent is known as the continuous phase. Other examples of emulsions include margarine, mayonnaise, cream, and salad dressing. A colloidal solution is when matter exists in a state of division in between a true solution, which is sugar in water, and a suspension, which is chalk in water. The characteristics of a colloid are small particle size, electrical charge, and affinity of the particles for water molecules. In milk, the whey proteins are in colloidal solution. Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. This paper detects various types of adulteration present in the milk sample..
- Page(s): 86-89
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi. Pune, India
[1]. .DGHS (2005). Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods – Milk and Milk Products. Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. [2]. FAO (2009). Milk Testing and Payment Systems Resource Book – A Practical Guide to Assist Milk Producer Groups. FAO, Rome. Pp. 38-43 [3]. Roy, N.K. and Sen, D.C. (1994). Rapid Analysis of Milk. In Textbook of Practical Dairy Chemistry. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. Pp. 85-118. [4]. Darshan Lal, Raman Seth, Rajan Sharma and Arun Kumar (2005). Approaches for detection of Adulteration in Milk Fat –An Overview. Indian Dairyman, 57, 10. Pp. 31-43. [5]. Gunnery, K.S. (1979). Additives in Milk and Their Detection. Indian Dairyman, 31, 9. Pp. 665 669. [6]. BIS (1960). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part I Rapid Examination of Milk (IS 1479 (Part I): 1960) [7]. BIS (1961). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part II Chemical Analysis of Milk (IS 1479 (Part II): 1961) [8]. BIS (2006). Indian Standard: Quick Methods for Detection of Adulterants/Contaminants in Common Food Products – Chemical Methods (IS 15642 (Part 2): 2006) [9]. Ferreira, I. M., & Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2003). Determination of Caseinomacropeptide by an RP‐HPLC Method and Monitoring of the Addition of Rennet Whey to Powdered Milk. J. Liq. Chrom. Relat. Tech., 26(1), 99-107. [10]. Panda, D. And Bindal, M.P (1998 B) Detection Of Adulteration In Ghee With Animal Body Fats And Vegetable Oils Using Crystallization Tests Indian Dairyman 50: 13-16 [11]. Kumar, R., Singh, D.K. And Chawla, N.K. (1998). Adulteration / Contamination Of Milk Demystified. Indian Dairyman 50: 25-33 [12]. Miralles, B., Bartolomé, B., Amigo, L., & Ramos, M. (2000). Comparison of three methods to determine the whey protein to total protein ratio in milk. Journal of dairy science, 83(12), 2759-2765. [13]. Kumar A., Lal, D., Seth, R. And Sharma, R (2002) Recent Trends In Detection Of Adulteration In Milk Fat A Review Indian J. Dairy Sci. 55: 319-330 [14]. PFA Act (1954) Prevention of Food Adulteration Act And Rules. GovtOf India Publication As Amended Upto Date. [15]. Sharma, S. K., Hill, A. R., & Mittal, G. S. (1993). An improved method to measure glycomacropeptides (GMP) in renneted milk.Milchwissenschaft,48, 71-73. [16]. Singhal, O. P. (1980). Adulterants and methods for detection. Indian dairyman, 32(10), 771-774. [17]. Ghodekar, D.R., Dudani, A.J AndRanganathan, B (1974). J. Milk FdTechn 37,199. [18]. Bordin, G., CordeiroRaposo, F., De la Calle, B., & Rodriguez, A. R. (2001). Identification and quantification of major bovine milk proteins by liquid chromatography. Journal of chromatography A, 928(1), 63-76 [19]. Dubey, P.C. And Gupta, M.P. (1986) Studies on Quality of Rabri. J. AgricSci Res 28:9-14. Milk Adultration: Methods Of Detection & Remedial Measures [20]. Kumar M., Rao, Y.S And Gupta, M.P. (1981) Chemical Quality Of Milk Based Sweets Sold In Agra And Mathura Cities. J. AgricSci Re 23:13-17 [21]. Meisel H (1995) Application of fourth derivative spectroscopy to quantitation of whey protein and casein in total milk protein. Milchwissenschaft 50 247–251. [22]. Reid, J. R., Coolbear T., Ayers J.S., and Coolbear K.P.. (1998). The action of chymosin on k-casein and its macropeptide: effect of pH.and analysis of products of secondary hydrolysis, Int. Dairy. J., 7, 559-569,. 1998. [23]. Meisel, H., &Carstens, J. (1989). Vergleichende Untersuchungenzur Bestimmung des Molkenprotein-und Caseinanteils in Milchproduktenmittels Casein-Phosphor-Methode, SDS-Elektrophorese und Polarographie. Milchwissenschaft, 44(5), 271-277. [24]. Varadaraj, M.C. Mahadev, B.S. And Ahmed, Ashfaq (1983). Indian Dairyman 35: 301. [25]. Calvo, M. M. (2002). Influence of fat, heat treatments and species on milk rennet clotting properties and glycomacropeptide formation.European Food Research and Technology,214(3), 182-185. [26]. Bector, B.S., Ram, M. And Singhal, O.P. (1998) Rapid Platform Test for Detection / Determination Of Urea In Milk. Indian Dairy Man 50: 59-60. [27]. Varadaraj, M.C. KandNambudripad, V.K.N. (1982). J. Fd. Sc. Techn. 19: 53. [28]. Bitri L., Rolland M.P., Besancon P. (1993). Immunological Detection of Bovine Caseinomacropeptide in Ovine and Caprine Dairy Products, Milchwissenschaft, 48, 367–371. [29]. Subrahmanyam, M. (1981). Market survey of the quality of butter. Indian dairyman. [30]. Sharma G.S (1991) Quality Of Creamery Buller Marketed In Agra City M.Sc Thesis Submitted To Agra Univ. Agra [31]. Sharma M.B. Gupta M.P. (1982) Quality Of MawaBhurfi Sold In Agra City Asian J. Dairy Res 1: 165-168 [32]. Batis, V.K., Garg, S.K., Chander, H. And Ranganathan, B. (1981) .Indian Dairyman 33,435. [33]. IS:1479.(1960). Methods of test for dairy industry. Part 1. Rapid examination of milk Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. [34]. Roy, N.K. and Sen, D.C. (1991).Rapid analysis of milk In: Textbook of Practical Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 1. Chemical analysis of fluid milk Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India. [35]. Manual in Dairy Chemistry (1964, Revised in 1979).ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Sub-Committee on Dairy Education, ICAR, New Delhi.
Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "To Test an Adulteration Present in Milk Sample" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.86-89 2016
The present project focuses on solving the problem faced by the farmers in separating the seeds from the sunflower. Farmers use the manual methods due to unavailability of suitable machinery for sunflower threshing. During manual sunflower production, the most time and labor-consuming operation is the threshing of sunflower by beating the sunflower heads with a stick, rubbing wear heads against a rough metal surface or power tiller treading machine. The aim of the project is to fabricate a machine which will separate the seeds from the sunflower. The main components required to fabricate the machine are Blades, Shaft, Pulley, Disk plates, Blower, Hopper, Tray, Sieves, Motor, V-Belt and Pillow Block Bearings. The sunflower threshing unit operates on the principle of axial flow movement of the material. The sunflower is threshed in a closed threshing unit by rotating blades where the seeds are separated from flower and husk of the flower is removed through blower. Finally the cleaned seeds are collected in a Tray.
- Page(s):90-97
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Azharuddin KaziAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Mir SafiullaProfessor and Head R&D,, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Narasimhan M ManoharAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
- Pavan Kumar GGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT BSC, Bangalore – 560 100, India
[1]. Amir Hossein Mirzabe, Gholam Reza Chegini, JavadKhazaeiand Farbod Mokhaberia “Determination picking force of sunflower seeds from sunflower head”,. Department of Agrotechnology, College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Tehran - Iran. [2]. S. Sudajana, V.M. Salokhea and K. Triratanasirichaib “Effect of Type of Drum, Drum Speed and Feed Rate on Sunflower Threshing”,. Agricultural & Aquatic Systems and Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. [3]. Somposh Sudajan, Vilas M. Salokhe Somnuk Chusilp and Vichian Plermkamon “Power requirement and performance factors of a sunflower thresher”,.Agricultural & Aquatic Systems and Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. [4]. Anil J, Guruswamy T, Desai SR, Basavaraj T, Joshi A, “Effect of cylinder speed and feed rate on the performance of thresher”,. Journal of Agricultural Sciences,4, 1120–1123. [5]. ”.Bansal N K, Agarwal S, Sharma T R ,“Performance evaluation of a sunflower thresher. A paper presented at the XXIX Annual Convention of India Society of Agricultural Engineering, India, February 10–12, 1994. [6]. Jadhav R V, Deshpande J S, “Development and performance evaluation of a pedal-operated sunflower thresher”. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 21(3), 30–32. [7]. Naravani N B, Panwar J S ,“Effect of impact mode of threshing on threshability of sunflower crop”. A paper presented at XXIX Annual Convention of India Society of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India. [8]. Rizvi S H A, Amjad N, Shaheen M A , “Comparative performance of different threshing drums for sunflower”,Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and LatinAmerica, 24(1), 23–27. [9]. Sudajan S, “Development of a sunflower thresher”. Tech. D. Eng. Dissertation No. AE-02-2 (unpublished) [10]. El-Raie, A. S, G. E. M. Nasr, F.G. EL-Ebaby and WMEL-Adawy, “Development and evaluation of a threshing machine of sunflower crop”. Misr J. Ag. Eng, 15(4): 117-136. [11]. Helmy. M. A, I. S. Yousef and M. A. Badawy, “Performance Evaluation of some sunflower threshers” by. Egypt. Agric Res78 (2): 959-974. [12]. ”Hamada El-Khateeb, Husain Sorour and M. I. Saad ,“Operating factors affecting using two different threshing machines for threshing sunflower heads. The 15th Annual Conference of the Misr Society of Ag. Eng., 12-13 March, 2008. [13]. Garg T.K, Sharma V.K. and J.S, “Development and field performance of an axial flow thresher”, Journal of Research, Punjab Agricultural University, 36:1-2, 102-108. [14]. Naravani N. B. and J. S. Panwar, “Effect of impact mode of threshing on threshability of sunflower crop”. A paper presented at XXIX Annual Convention of the India Society of Agricultural Engineering, Hissar India, February 10-12. [15]. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Department of Agricultural Technical Engineering, University of Tarbiat Modarres, Tehran, Iran. [16]. Gupta R.K, Gopika A, Sharma R. J , “Aerodynamic properties of sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus L)” by. Food Eng.79, 3, 899–904. [17]. Amir Hossein Mirzabe, Javad Khazaei and Gholam Reza Chegini, “Physical properties and modelling for sunflower seeds”,.Department of Agrotechnology, University of Tehran, College of Abouraihan, Tehran, Iran. [18]. K. Mahadevan and K. Balaveera reddy “Design Data Hand Book”, 4th Edition, CBS publishers.
Azharuddin Kazi, Mir Safiulla, Narasimhan M Manohar, Pavan Kumar G "Design and Fabrication of Sunflower Seed Extracting Machine" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.90-97 2016
Microstrip Patch Antenna is generally used in modern communication devices due to its low cost and small area. But have narrow bandwidth so they have limited applications. Bandwidth enhancement is done by using various slot shapes in combination with different feed geometries. The slots can be of various shapes such as ‘U’ shaped, ‘E’ shaped and rectangular shaped slots. Here, the proposed wide-slot antennas employ E-shaped slot. The E-shaped radiating slot is etched on a rectangle substrate with a relative dielectric constant. A substrate of low dielectric constant is selected to obtain a compact radiating structure that meets the demanding bandwidth specification. The characteristic impedances of the microstrip lines are nearly 50Ω. This design is simulated using ‘‘Integral Equation three Dimensional’’ (IE3D) software package of Zealand. The simulated results show that the antenna resonates at 2.66GHz and has bandwidth upto 12%.
- Page(s): 98-102
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Sharada N. OhatkarDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunications, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune-411052, IndiaSavitribai Phule Pune University
- Utkarsha S. BanaraseDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunications, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune-411052, IndiaSavitribai Phule Pune University
- Ashwini V. BorkarDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunications, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune-411052, IndiaSavitribai Phule Pune University
- Sonali H. GundDepartment of Electronics and Telecommunications, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune-411052, IndiaSavitribai Phule Pune University
[1]. Ram Singh Kushwaha, D.K.Srivastava and J.P.Saini,”A Multi-Slotted Wide Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Frequency” (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 3 (2), 2012, 3523-3525 [2]. D.Sugumar, Shalet Sydney, Dhanaraju Athina, T.Joyce Selvahephzibah “Bandwidth Enhancement of Coaxial Feed U Slotted Microstrip Antenna Modeled with FDTD Algorithm” Department of Electronics and Communication Karunya University Coimbatore 641114, Tamil Nadu, India [3]. Indrasen Singh, Dr. V.S. Tripathi, “Micro strip Patch Antenna and its Applications: a Survey” Indrasen Singh et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (5), 1595-1599 [4]. Kin- Lu Wong, “Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002. [5]. Kumar, Girish and Ray.K.P. “Broadband Microstrip Antennas” Artech House, 2003. [6]. R. J. Chitra, “Design of Double L-slot Microstrip Path for WiMAX and WLAN Application,” Science and Technology (CREST) Journals, vol 2, pp. 2–5, 2012 [7]. M.Almaghazi, “WIMAX Spectrum.” National Telecom Regulatory Authority Egypt, 2011 [8]. Aliakbar Dastranj and Habibollah Abiri, “Bandwidth Enhancement of Printed E-Shaped Slot Antennas Fed by CPW and Microstrip Line”, Vol. 58, no. 4, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, APRIL 2010 [9]. Kapil Goswami, “Study of Microstrip Slotted Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement”, Volume 12 Issue 9 Version 1.0, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Year 2012 [10]. Kai Fong Lee and Kwai Man Luk, “Microstrip Patch Antenna”, Publisher: Imperia College Press, September 2010. [11]. Constantine Balanis, “Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc Hobocen, New Jersey, 2005 [12]. Vikram Thakur and Sanjeev Kashyap, “ A review paper on techniques and Design for Microstrip Patch Antenna”,Vol. 04, Issue 2, International Journal Of Advance Research In Electrical, Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering, February 2015 [13]. “IE3D user manual”, Mentor Graphics, version 15.3, 2010-2013.
Sharada N. Ohatkar, Utkarsha S. Banarase, Ashwini V. Borkar, Sonali H. Gund "Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Slot Antenna" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.98-102 2016
Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. The solute is known as the dispersed phase and the solvent is known as the continuous phase. Other examples of emulsions include margarine, mayonnaise, cream, and salad dressing. A colloidal solution is when matter exists in a state of division in between a true solution, which is sugar in water, and a suspension, which is chalk in water. The characteristics of a colloid are small particle size, electrical charge, and affinity of the particles for water molecules. In milk, the whey proteins are in colloidal solution. Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Methylene blue Reduction test is used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk. This test works on the principle that the methylene blue indicator is present in an oxidized form, but in the presence of bacteria, leads to the reduction of this indicator in a comparatively short span of time. The blue color developed on addition of the indicator to the milk will change to white color within a short period indicates the presence of bacteria in the milk and thus denotes improper pasteurization..
- Page(s): 103-105
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College, Vadgaon, Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College, Wagholi, Pune, India
[1]. DGHS (2005). Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods – Milk and Milk Products. Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. [2]. FAO (2009). Milk Testing and Payment Systems Resource Book – A Practical Guide to Assist Milk Producer Groups. FAO, Rome. Pp. 38-43 [3]. Roy, N.K. and Sen, D.C. (1994). Rapid Analysis of Milk. In Textbook of Practical Dairy Chemistry. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. Pp. 85-118. [4]. Darshan Lal, Raman Seth, Rajan Sharma and Arun Kumar (2005). Approaches for detection of Adulteration in Milk Fat –An Overview. Indian Dairyman, 57, 10. Pp. 31-43. [5]. Gunnery, K.S. (1979). Additives in Milk and Their Detection. Indian Dairyman, 31, 9. Pp. 665 669. [6]. BIS (1960). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part I Rapid Examination of Milk (IS 1479 (Part I): 1960) [7]. BIS (1961). Indian Standard – Methods of Test for Dairy Industry. Part II Chemical Analysis of Milk (IS 1479 (Part II): 1961) [8]. BIS (2006). Indian Standard: Quick Methods for Detection of Adulterants/Contaminants in Common Food Products – Chemical Methods (IS 15642 (Part 2): 2006) [9]. Ferreira, I. M., & Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2003). Determination of Caseinomacropeptide by an RP‐HPLC Method and Monitoring of the Addition of Rennet Whey to Powdered Milk. J. Liq. Chrom. Relat. Tech., 26(1), 99-107. [10]. Panda, D. And Bindal, M.P (1998 B) Detection Of Adulteration In Ghee With Animal Body Fats And Vegetable Oils Using Crystallization Tests Indian Dairyman 50: 13-16 [11]. Kumar, R., Singh, D.K. And Chawla, N.K. (1998). Adulteration / Contamination Of Milk Demystified. Indian Dairyman 50: 25-33 [12]. Miralles, B., Bartolomé, B., Amigo, L., & Ramos, M. (2000). Comparison of three methods to determine the whey protein to total protein ratio in milk. Journal of dairy science, 83(12), 2759-2765. [13]. Kumar A., Lal, D., Seth, R. And Sharma, R (2002) Recent Trends In Detection Of Adulteration In Milk Fat A Review Indian J. Dairy Sci. 55: 319-330 [14]. PFA Act (1954) Prevention of Food Adulteration Act And Rules. Govt Of India Publication As Amended Upto Date. [15]. Sharma, S. K., Hill, A. R., & Mittal, G. S. (1993). An improved method to measure glycomacropeptides (GMP) in renneted milk.Milchwissenschaft,48, 71-73. [16]. Singhal, O. P. (1980). Adulterants and methods for detection. Indian dairyman, 32(10), 771-774. [17]. Ghodekar, D.R., Dudani, A.J AndRanganathan, B (1974). J. Milk FdTechn 37,199. [18]. Bordin, G., CordeiroRaposo, F., De la Calle, B., & Rodriguez, A. R. (2001). Identification and quantification of major bovine milk proteins by liquid chromatography. Journal of chromatography A, 928(1), 63-76 [19]. Dubey, P.C. And Gupta, M.P. (1986) Studies on Quality of Rabri. J. AgricSci Res 28:9-14. Milk Adultration: Methods Of Detection &Remedial Measures [20]. Kumar M., Rao, Y.S And Gupta, M.P. (1981) Chemical Quality Of Milk Based Sweets Sold In Agra And Mathura Cities. J. AgricSci Re 23:13-17 [21]. Meisel H (1995) Application of fourth derivative spectroscopy to quantitation of whey protein and casein in total milk protein. Milchwissenschaft 50 247–251. [22]. Reid, J. R., Coolbear T., Ayers J.S., and Coolbear K.P.. (1998). The action of chymosin on k-casein and its macropeptide: effect of pH.and analysis of products of secondary hydrolysis, Int. Dairy. J., 7, 559-569,. 1998. [23]. Meisel, H., &Carstens, J. (1989). Vergleichende Untersuchungenzur Bestimmung des Molkenprotein-und Caseinanteils in Milchproduktenmittels Casein-Phosphor-Methode, SDS-Elektrophorese und Polarographie. Milchwissenschaft, 44(5), 271-277. [24]. Varadaraj, M.C. Mahadev, B.S. And Ahmed, Ashfaq (1983). Indian Dairyman 35: 301. [25]. Calvo, M. M. (2002). Influence of fat, heat treatments and species on milk rennet clotting properties and glycomacropeptide formation.European Food Research and Technology,214(3), 182-185. [26]. Bector, B.S., Ram, M. And Singhal, O.P. (1998) Rapid Platform Test for Detection / Determination Of Urea In Milk. Indian Dairy Man 50: 59-60. [27]. Varadaraj, M.C. KandNambudripad, V.K.N. (1982). J. Fd. Sc. Techn. 19: 53. [28]. Bitri L., Rolland M.P., Besancon P. (1993). Immunological Detection of Bovine Caseinomacropeptide in Ovine and Caprine Dairy Products, Milchwissenschaft, 48, 367–371. [29]. Subrahmanyam, M. (1981). Market survey of the quality of butter. Indian dairyman. [30]. Sharma G.S (1991) Quality Of Creamery Buller Marketed In Agra City M.Sc Thesis Submitted To Agra Univ. Agra [31]. Sharma M.B. Gupta M.P. (1982) Quality Of MawaBhurfi Sold In Agra City Asian J. Dairy Res 1: 165-168 [32]. Batis, V.K., Garg, S.K., Chander, H. And Ranganathan, B. (1981) .Indian Dairyman 33,435.
Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Detection of Adulteration Present in Milk Products" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 6, pp.103-105 2016
Microstrip patch antennas are useful in antenna wireless applications because they are simple, lightweight and cheap to fabricate, and compatible with printed-circuit technology. A small and compact triple-band microstrip-fed antenna with defected ground plane for Bluetooth (2.4 GHz), International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT-4.5 GHz) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN-2.4/5.2 GHz) is designed.The proposed antenna consists of a rectangular radiating metallic patch with symmetrical maze shaped slots and defected ground plane. The proposed antenna is small (15×15×1.6 mm3) when compared to general multibandpatch antennas. The antenna proposed is designed and simulated using computer simulation technology (CST). The simulation and measurement results show that the designed antenna is capable of operating over the 2.4–2.5 GHz, 4.4–5.0 GHz, and 5.1–5.39 GHz frequency bands. Radiation pattern and acceptable antenna gain are achieved over the triple operating frequency bands.
- Page(s): 106-110
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Navjot SinghM.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Sukhwinder KumarProfessor, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
- Sahil GuptaM.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech. University, Patiala Punjab, India
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Navjot Singh, Sukhwinder Kumar, Sahil Gupta "Compact and Small Planar Monopole Rectangular Patch Antenna with Symmetrical Maze-Shaped Slots for BLUETOOTH/WLAN/IMT Applications" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.106-110 2016
This project aims to Design and fabricate pneumatic arm for pick and place of cylindrical objects. The handling of materials and mechanisms to pick and place of objects from lower plane to higher plane and are widely found in factories and industrial manufacturing. There are number of pneumatic arms are available which consists of so many mechanisms hence becomes expensive. The designed pneumatic arm consists of two cylinders, a shaft works with lead screw mechanism capable of converting motion of piston to rotational motion of arm with help of using compressed air. The designed processes are carried out based on integrated information of kinematics dynamics and structural analysis of the desired robot configuration as whole. The highly dynamic pneumatic arm model can be easily set at intermediate positions by regulating the pressure using the flow control valve. It can be used in loading and unloading of goods in a shipping harbour as the movement of goods is done from lower plane to higher plane.
- Page(s): 111-116
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Santosh CAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT-BSC, Bangalore-560100, India
- Manoj C SGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT-BSC, Bangalore-560100, India
- Akshay PeddarajulaGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT-BSC, Bangalore-560100, India
- Abhishek R ShettyGraduate Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PESIT-BSC, Bangalore-560100, India
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Santosh C, Manoj C S, Akshay Peddarajula, Abhishek R Shetty "Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Arm for Pick and Place of Cylindrical Objects" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 6, pp.111-116 2016
When we talk about mutual funds, putting all our eggs in a single basket is never a wise decision. This is due to the market volatility and the risks involve in it. But one can minimize risk by distributing his investments among various financial instruments, industries and many more options. Here the intent is to maximize returns by investing in diversified areas, where each would react differently to the same event. This not only buffers the impact of a market downturn, but also allows for more potential rewards by offering a broader exposure to various stocks and sectors. A mutual fund is a pool of money from various investors who wish to save or make money. Investing in a mutual fund can be more easier than buying and selling individual stocks and bonds on our own. Investors can sell their shares when they want. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the financial performance of SBI mutual funds.
- Page(s): 117-121
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Garvit DhingraAssociate, ZS Associates, Gurgaon, India
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Garvit Dhingra "Financial Performance of SBI Mutual Funds" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.117-121 2016
Liver is the largest organ of body, located in the upper left of abdomen and performs various important functions like clearing toxins from the blood, production of blood proteins and bile to help in digestion. However, liver diseases are one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. Liver diseases like cysts, hepatitis, tumors need to be detected and diagnose at early stages. In this study we have developed a CAD system which will analyze textural characteristics associated with Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) statistical parameters for CT Scan DICOM Images of Liver which will be further useful to classify the liver as healthy or diseased.
- Page(s): 122-126
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dipti MohadikarElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Swati DeshmukhElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Dr. A. M. SapkalElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Dr. R. R. ManthalkarElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering, SGGSIET, Nanded, India
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Dipti Mohadikar, Swati Deshmukh, Dr. A. M. Sapkal, Dr. R. R. Manthalkar "Analysis of Textural Characteristics Associated with Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Statistical Parameters for CT-Scan Images of Liver" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science vol.5 issue 6, pp.122-126 2016
Milk and milk products form a significant part of the diet and a substantial amount of our food expenditures goes on milk and other dairy products. Milk is very valuable food, readily digested and absorbed. It consists of nutrients, which are needed for proper growth and maintenance of body. Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. This paper detects various types of adulteration present in the milk.
- Page(s): 127-129
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi. Pune, India
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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "To Detect an Adulteration Present in Milk" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.127-129 2016
Far too many ideas die in lost notes and cleaned up whiteboards. This paper explains how we can capture every “eureka moment” just the way it hits us, and take it through to execution. The paper proposes to create a desktop client (called, Innovation Management Software-IMS) that allows a user to register his/her ideas along with attaching images or URL to explain the idea just by clicking on an icon in the system tray. The system will have a provision of user profile creation and idea details submission form. The users can view their own ideas and also the repository of the ideas submitted. The industry concept of collaborative idea management will be implemented in the system by suggesting similar or complementary ideas to the user via notifications. This is achieved by matching of keywords from the user's idea with those from ideas of other people. Upon successful matching owner details are displayed to the user and emails are sent to both the parties to foster collaboration amongst them. As a future enhance-ment, the IMS aims to integrate with systems that can track the realization of an idea into a product after expert evaluation. Hence, the IMS aims to ensure that the "right ideas" actually end up meeting an organization's relevant innovation needs..
- Page(s): 130-132
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Prof. Aparna HajareDepartment of Computer Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Harshita SrivastavaDepartment of Computer Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Poonam GosaviDepartment of Computer Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Prabha KumariDepartment of Computer Engineering, Cummins College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Prof. Aparna Hajare, Harshita Srivastava, Poonam Gosavi, Prabha Kumari "Innovation Management Software: A Platform to Innovate More Effectively" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.130-132 2016
In this paper we developed Complex demodulator with application in mind as Ultrasound Imaging. The main objective is to model in MATLABTM, hardware architecture implementation in Verilog HDL adopting 1.15 fixed point data representation and synthesizing using XILINX ISE® Spartan6 FPGA as target. The developed architecture consists of input memory, LUTs, Mixers and FIR filters which convert complex modulated signal stored in 1.15 format into in-phase (I), and quadrature-phase (Q) channel outputs each of signed 32 bit. The hardware based results have been compared and validated with entire demodulator modeled in MATLAB® and finally the error values are calculated. The maximum working frequency of the design can be as high as 151.777MHz with minimum period of 6.589ns utilizing 8 clock cycles per symbol and proved to be simple, convenient as well as hardware resource saving than other conventional implementation methods.
- Page(s): 133-138
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Neema RajanDept. of Electronics & Communication, Calicut University, India
- Jayaraj U KDept. of Electronics & Communication, Calicut University, India
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Milk has been a good source of various nutrients including lactose and casein. We check quality of milk and detection of lactose and casein present in the milk. In this paper various milk samples was analyzed and found that Casein and Lactose values were negligible as compared to its World Health Origin value.
- Page(s): 139-142
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi. Pune, India
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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Detection of Lactose and Casein in Different Milk Samples" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.139-142 2016
Nowadays, twitter has become one of the most prominent platform for information sharing and information exchange. It is beneficial for the people using Social Media to get relevant information about what is happening around the world. Sometimes, the information obtained is faster than the information obtained through news channels and newspapers. However, the amount of information stored inside the database can create a situation of quandary and often it becomes a mammoth task for users simply reading the tweets to extract the exact sentiment behind the tweet. If it was possible to classify the exact sentiment behind the tweet, various decisions regarding prediction and classification can be taken based on the analysis. In this paper, we will analyse the recent tweets based on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and will co-relate the results of the analysis with the actual stock and the Index prices.
- Page(s): 143-145
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Raj PatelDepartment of CSE, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
[1]. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques By Jiawie Han and Micheline Kimber [2]. Lallindra De Silva, Ellen Riloff. User Type Classification of Tweets with Implications of Event Recognition [3]. Ellen Riloff. User Learned Extraction Pattern for text Classification
Raj Patel "Stock Market Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis: Testing The Method‟s Accuracy and Efficiency" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.143-145 2016
The purpose of image restoration is to “compensate for” or “undo” defects which degrade an image. Image restoration is a most significant technique that processes a high-level image and it handles the image by recovering the original image. Applying numerous algorithms and methods in a cleared sharp image. Most of the times while capturing pictures process degradation i.e. degradation in picture happens. It is essential for corrupted data to get the original sharp image. Image restoration and deblurring is required in digital pictures dealing. This paper contains the existing research works methodology, pros & cons, performance etc. It also includes the comparative analysis between various techniques and the basic abstraction properties of the previous methods..
- Page(s): 146-150
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Usha Kiran TiggaDept. of CSE/IT MITS College, Gwalior, India
- Prof. Jaimala JhaDept. of CSE/IT MITS College, Gwalior, India
[1]. Shuaijia, jie wen “motion blurred image restoration” 2013 6th international congress on image and signal processing (cisp 2013). [2]. Jinshan pan and zhixun su “fast-regularized kernel estimation for robust motion deblurring” IEEE signal processing letters, vol. 20, no. 9, september 2013. [3]. Rupali yashwant landge and rakesh Sharma “blur detection methods for digital images-a survey” international journal of computer applications technology and research volume 2– issue 4, 495 - 498, 2013, issn: 2319–8656. [4]. Woo jin jeong1, jinwook park1, dong-seok lee2, wonju choi2, and young shik moon1 “weighted linear motion deblurring with blur kernel estimation using consecutive frames” IEEE isce 2014 1569948611. [5]. Ratnakar dash, banshidhar majhi “motion blur parameters estimation for image restoration” 125 (2014) 1634– 1640. [6]. Shamik tiwari, v. p. shukla, and a. k. singh “ review of motion blur estimation techniques” journal of image and graphics vol. 1, no. 4, december 2013. [7]. Noppadol chumchob “vectorial total variation-based regularization for variational image registration” IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 22, no. 11, november 2013. [8]. Binbin hao, jianguang zhu, yan hao “iterative total variation image deblurring with varying regularized parameter”, 2014 sixth international conference on intelligent human-machine systems and cybernetics. [9]. Weisheng donga, lei zhangb, member IEEE “image deblurring and super-resolution by adaptive sparse domain selection and adaptive regularization”, corresponding author: work is supported by the hong kong rgc general research fund (polyu 5375/09e). [10]. Fenge chen, yuling jiao, guoruima, qianqing qin “hybrid regularization image deblurring in the presence of impulsive noise”, j. vis. commun. Image r. 24 (2013) 1349–1359. [11]. Joao p. oliveira, member IEEE “parametric blur estimation for blind restoration of natural images: linear motion and out-of-focus”, IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 23, no. 1, january 2014. [12]. S.oudayacoumall, p .rajesh and s. sadanandam@siva balaji “image restoration using filters and image quality assessment using reduced reference metrics”. [13]. Sinafirouzi, chris joslin “motion estimation in blurred frames using phase correlation” 2013 international conference on signal-image technology & internet-based systems. [14]. Justin varghese, mohamed ghouse, saudia subash, madappa siddappa, mohamed samiulla khan, omer bin hussain “efficient adaptive fuzzy-based switching weighted average filter for the restoration of impulse corrupted digital images” image processing, issn 1751-9659, doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2013.0297. [15]. Zayed m. ramadan, member IEEE “a new method for impulse noise elimination and edge preservation une nouvelle method pour elimination du bruit impulsifet la preservation des contours”, canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering, vol. 37, no. 1, winter 2014. [16]. lelegard a, m. bredif a, b. vallet a, d. boldo b “motion blur detection in aerial images shot with channel-dependent exposure time” vol. xxxviii, france, september 1-3, 2010. [17]. Dileep kumar sahu “image deblurring algorithm for motion blur & feature restoration” proceedings of bitcon-2015 innovations for national development. [18]. N.umadevi “an efficient method for image restoration from motion blur and additive white gaussian denoising using richardson lucy deconvolution and fuzzy de-noising” ijcsns international journal of computer science and network security, vol.14 no.12, december 2014. [19]. Zhiqiang wei1, caiyan duan2, shuming jiang1, yuanyuan zhang1, jianfeng zhang1, lianpeng zhu1 “the improved winner filter image restoration based on partition” 2013 sixth international symposium on computational intelligence and design. [20]. Peixuan zhang and fang li “a new adaptive weighted mean filter for removing salt-and-pepper noise” IEEE signal processing letters, vol. 21, no. 10, october 2014. [21]. Yifan zhang “an em- and wavelet-based multi-band image restoration approach” proceedings of the 19th international conference on digital signal processing 20-23 august 2014.
Usha Kiran Tigga, Prof. Jaimala Jha "A Survey: Performance Based Experimental Analysis of Image Deblurring Techniques" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.146-150 2016
Introduction After the approval of the licenses to the 11 new Private Payment Banks1 by Reserve Bank of India, one question emerges that “Can the new generation Payments banks really make a dent in the current payment ecosystem?” This is the major concern for this paper studying the future of the payment banks and the various challenges faced by both the traditional and payment banks in increasing the customer penetration for providing the financial inclusion.
- Page(s): 151-155
- Nipun AggarwalDepartment of Physics, Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
- Dr. Dyal Bhatnagar2School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
[1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. Services/Payment Banks: The „Challenger‟ banks in India.
Nipun Aggarwal, Dr. Dyal Bhatnagar "The Growth of Payments Bank in India: A Road Ahead" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.151-155 2016
Radiators are a type of heat exchangers used to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for the purpose of cooling and heating. Upwards of 33% of energy generated by the engine through combustion is lost in heat. Insufficient heat dissipation can result in the overheating of engine, which leads to the breakdown of the lubricating oil, metal weakening of engine parts, and significant wear between engine parts. To minimize the stress on the engine as a result of heat generation, automotive radiators must be redesigned to be more compact while still maintaining high level of heat transfer components. This lead to the increased demand on the power packed radiators, which can dissipate maximum amount of heat for any given space. This project aims to do a comparison between ordinary straight tube radiator and a new helical tube radiator. The modelling is done using SolidWorks. The fluid flow analysis is done with Ansys Fluent.
- Page(s): 156-160
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Rinu SathyanAssistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, SCT College of Engineering,Trivandrum, Kerala, India
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Rinu Sathyan "Analysis of Automobile Radiator Using Computational Fluid Dynamics" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.156-160 2016
Porous carbon foam is considered as a suitable material to enhancement of convective heat transfer results from the passage of fluid through the open, interconnected void structure, exposing the fluid to large surface area. This was proved experimentally by comparing a bare copper pipe and copper pipe wrapped with porous carbon foam. With the same heat input; porous carbon foam has shown a noticeable enhancement (30 to 55%) in convective heat transfer. The various properties of porous carbon foam, their different applications and its production processes are also discussed. The results are presented with the help of suitable graphs and the phenomenon of heat transfer enhancement is explained in detail. A brief discussion presents in this paper on the application of using porous media (e.g., Carbon foam) to enhancement of convective heat transfer results are found in good agreement with each other and experimental results are comparatively shown with the help of suitable graphs.
- Page(s): 161-165
- V. B. VaidyaAsst. Professor, K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
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V. B. Vaidya "Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for Natural Convection through Porous Carbon Foam" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.161-165 2016
Milk may contain some harmful microorganisms like bacteria along with some potentially beneficial microbes. Microbiological analysis of milk is carried out to determine the degree of bacterial contamination in milk and to understand the chemical changes brought in milk as a result of microbial action. Pasteurization is done to destroy such harmful bacteria. If pasteurization of milk is not carried out properly there will be presence of larger count of bacteria in the milk. Milk contains many other nutrients and the carbohydrate lactose. An emulsion is a suspension of droplets of one liquid into another liquid. Milk is an emulsion of fat in water. Butter is an emulsion of water in fat. Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many diseases. The solute is known as the dispersed phase and the solvent is known as the continuous phase. Other examples of emulsions include margarine, mayonnaise, cream, and salad dressing. A colloidal solution is when matter exists in a state of division in between a true solution, which is sugar in water, and a suspension, which is chalk in water. The characteristics of a colloid are small particle size, electrical charge, and affinity of the particles for water molecules. In milk, the whey proteins are in colloidal solution. This paper detects various types of adulteration present in milk products.
- Page(s): 166-167
- Date of Publication: 30 June 2016
- Dadasaheb NavaleSinhgad Jr. College Vadgaon. Pune, India
- Shelley GuptaParvatibai Genba Moze Engineering College Wagholi. Pune, India
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Dadasaheb Navale, Shelley Gupta "Analysis of Adulteration Present in Milk Products" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 6, pp.166-167 2016