Publication for Volume 8 Issue 4 is in process..
The concept of IoT (Internet of Things) gives an idea of remotely connecting and monitoring real world objects through the Internet. When it comes to our house or offices, this concept can easily be incorporated to make our house much smarter, safer and automated. This IoT project mainly focuses on developing a smart and wireless home automation system which can easily sends some alert messages to the owner by using Internet like if any unauthorized persons are entering in our premises the action can be detected and raises an alarm optionally by making use of the some set of sensors connecting to the controller. The leverage obtained by preferring this system over the similar kinds of existing systems is that the alerts and the status sent by the WI-FI connected microcontroller managed system can be received by the prescribed user anywhere, any time and from any distance through the use of IoT API (Application Program Interface). The microcontroller used in the current prototype is the Raspberry pi board which comes with an embedded micro-controller and an onboard Wi-Fi shield making use of which all the electrical appliances inside the home can be controlled and managed.
- Page(s): 01-07
- Date of Publication: 13 April 2019
- Irfan M TrasgarM.Tech Student, VLSI Design and ES, KLE Dr. M.S.S CET, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
- Dr. H P. RajaniAssociate Professor (ECE), KLE Dr. M.S.S CET, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
- Prof. S F. MurgodAssistant Professor (ECE), KLE Dr. M.S.S CET, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
[1]. Hari Charan Tadimeti, Manas Pulipati, “Overview of Automation Systems and Home Appliances Control using PC and Microcontroller”, Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2013. [2]. Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms 1st Edition by Rajkumar Buyya, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi (Editor). [3]. R. Piyare and M. Tazil, "Bluetooth based home automation system using cell phone," Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2011 IEEE 15th International Symposium on, Singapore, 2011, pp. 192-195. [4]. S. Sen, S. Chakrabarty, R. Toshniwal, A. Bhaumik, “Design of an intelligent voice controlled home automation system”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 121, no.15, pp. 39-42, 2015 [5]. Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with pyhon Paperback – Import, 1 Jan 2013, by Simon Monk. [6]. Gas Sensing Fundamentals by Kohl, Claus- Dieter, Wagner, Thorsten. [7]. Sensors and Transducers, Third edition, by Ian R. Sinclair. [8]. An Introduction to the Python Computer Language and Computer Programming (Python, Python 3, Python Tutorial) Kindle Edition by Jason Cannon. [9].
Irfan M Trasgar, Dr. H P. Rajani, Prof. S F. Murgod "IoT based Home Automation Using Raspberry-PI" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.01-07 URL:
Brand Positioning is about competitive visibility, recognition and consequent distinctive perception in the mind of the customer. In a market where intensity of rivalry and competition are increasing through dynamic disruptions in technology, buyers have a greater variability in the choice and perception of a brand even through the way they affect their purchase(s). Limitations of time and congestions in travelling and parking have propelled ecommerce to work as a wonderful tool to upscale a brand’s intrinsic value. The consequent dynamics of consumer behaviour has resulted in positioning as an act of occupying a distinctive but fluid value proposition where the brand can no-longer lease but at the most rent the mind space of the most brand loyal customer(Kotler,2006,Aaker,2011). The question is by associating with a huge service brand like Amazon, does an established brand(let alone the store brands and start-up brands)uplift its positioning statement in terms of value, personality and salience, identity and equity? Additionally because of the aggressive penetration through re-enforced logistics, a lot more customers are able to carve a realistic positioning for upmarket brands in tier two Indian cities as well as many rural areas, where they were unable to access the brands because of non-availability in local stores. The retail e-commerce model allows customers to think more about differentiation in products and servicesfrom the convenience of his laptop/desktop/mobile phone. When it comes to e-commerce the popular notion is to assume that customers are deprived of getting the feel of the product. Information to make the purchase and to be able to make comparisons with alternative offers plays an important role in the absence of sales staff and the inability to see and try the product (, 2003). Word of mouth recommendation and social influence, as well as the unconditional guarantee offered by Amazon, is an important determinant to influence online purchase. The huge Brand Equity of retail e-commerce also accentuates further to leverage on these determinants. The interesting fact is that customers rely on Amazon for product reviews more than they do on Google.
- Page(s): 08-15
- Date of Publication: 13 April 2019
- Prof. Sushant NandaUniversal Business School, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Kalapi DattaUniversal Business School, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Beard, G. & Joel, W., 2017. The Verge. [Online] Available at: [Accessed Saturday February 2019]. [2]. Bhasin, H., 2018. Marketing strategy of Amazon – Amazon marketing strategy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed Thursday February 2019]. [3]. Corbitt, T. a. Y., 2003. [4]. David aaker, 2011, Building strong brands, 2011, ISBN-9781451674750 [5]. Govindrajan, V. & Warren, A., 2016. Harvard Business Review. How Amazon Adapted Its Business Model to India. [6]. Popomaronis, T., 2017. Forbes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed Sunday February 2019]. [7]. Richter, F., 2018. Free shipping is Amazon Prime's key feature, s.l.: Statista. [8]. Richter, F., 2018. Prime day is a big win for Amazon, s.l.: Statista. [9]. Sharma, N., 2018. This is why Amazon hasn't beaten Flipkart in India yet, s.l.: BloombergQuint. [10]., 2018. [Online] Available at: Amazon has embraced certain procedures which has helped the organization to position itself separated by providing services like guaranteed one day delivery, exclusive deals, video and music streaming by giving Amazon Prime membership annually at an osten [Accessed Wednesday February 2019]. [11]. Wadhwa, B., Vashisht, A. & Kaur, D., 2017. Business Model of Amazon India - A Case Study. ResearchGate. [12]., 2019. E-Commerce, s.l.: IBEF.
Prof. Sushant Nanda, Kalapi Datta "Brand Positioning – A Study on “Amazon” And Its Consumer Perception" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.08-15 URL:
The aim of this project is to design a prototype model of floor cleaner is very much useful in cleaning floors in hospitals, houses, auditorium, shops, computer center etc. It is a very simple in construction and easy to operate. Anybody can operate this machine is easily. It consists of moisture cotton brush, cleans the floor and dried with aid of small blower. The time taken for cleaning is very less and cost is also very less. Maintenance cost is less. Much type of machine is widely used for this purpose. But they are working under different principles and cost is also very high. It performs two operations Sweeping and Mopping.With the advancement of technology, automated floor cleaning machines are getting more attention of researchers to make life of mankind comfortable. This is capable of performing cleaning of floor and corners effectively, semi-automatic water spray, dry as well as wet cleaning tasks. The machine will work on electricity. This work can be very useful to improve the life style of mankind.
- Page(s): 16-19
- Date of Publication: 13 April 2019
- Himani Patel Electrical Engineering, Neotech Institute of Technology, Virod- Harni, Vadodara Gujarat Technology University, Gujarat, India.
- Mahima PatelElectrical Engineering, Neotech Institute of Technology, Virod- Harni, Vadodara Gujarat Technology University, Gujarat, India.
- Swapnil SharmaAssistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Neotech Institute of Technology, Virod, Vadodara Gujarat Technology University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
[1]. M. Ranjitkumar N. kapilan Design and analysis of manually operated floor Cleaning machine, international journal of engineering and technology, 2278-0181, volume 4, Issue 04, April – 2015 [2]. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development(Technophilla-2018)-Volume 5, Special Issue 04, Feb-2018(UGC Approved) Literature Review on Manually Operated Powerless Floor Cleaning Machine. [3]. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology(IJMET)- Volume 8,Issue 5, May-2017,pp. 656-664, Article ID : IJMET_08_05_072. Reference site [4]. [5]. [6]. www. [7].
Himani Patel, Mahima Patel, Swapnil Sharma "Wireless Multi -Purpose Floor Cleaning Machine" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.16-19 URL:
Crime is a serious issue which greatly affects all vital aspects of any country; tourism, economy, education, etc. Thus, it is inevitable to measure it. There are several methods to estimate crime within a certain place, For example, through surveys, official reports, or international non-official index. This paper will propose a multi-components index to estimate the criminality degree within any urban area. First, this paper will gather comprehensive urban components which do affect crime. Second, all effective cases of each component (weather deterrent or stimulus) will be mentioned. Then, a proposed index (criminogenic urban index) will be formulated depending on these effective cases to estimate the criminality degree of any urban area by an index of value ranging from zero to one. Thereafter, the proposed index will be applied on areas within Newark city. Finally, results, conclusions, and recommendations will be listed.
- Page(s): 20-29
- Date of Publication: 14 April 2019
- Salma Anas PhD Candidate, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
- Ehab Okba Professor of Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
- Mohga Embaby Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
- Maged Aboul-elaLecturer of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering-Fayoum University Federal Bureau of Investigation, Egypt
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Salma Anas, Ehab Okba, Mohga Embaby, Maged Aboul-ela "Criminogenic Urban Index A Multi-components Index to Estimate the Criminality Degree of Urban Environment Analytical Case Study: Eastern Part of Newark City" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.20-29 URL:
This paper is going to answer the question of the main problem poses by defining Total Quality Management and identifying areas in Libyan Ceramic Industry where and how it can be implemented. Further, it going to identify how total quality management can be used to save on time, money and resources that are wasted on Ceramic projects due to poor quality control during and after Ceramic production process.
- Page(s): 30-33
- Date of Publication: 14 April 2019
- Salem ElsaraitiUniversity of Singidunum, Serbia
- Ayoub NasrUnion Nikola Tesla University, Serbia
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Salem Elsaraiti, Ayoub Nasr, "Libya: Implementing Total Quality Management in Ceramic Industry" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.30-33 URL:
In Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) designs, Parallel Prefix Adder (PPA) have better delay performance. A parallel prefix adder involves the execution of the operation in parallel which can be obtained by segmentation into smaller pieces. The binary addition is the basic arithmetic operation in digital circuits and it is essential in most of the digital systems including Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), Microprocessor and Digital Signal Processors (DSP). At present, the research continues in increasing the adder’s delay performance. In this paper the investigation of Kogge Stone Adder (KSA) using Carry Look-ahead Adder (CLA) is done. These adders are implemented using Cadence Virtuoso Platform in both the front-end and back-end design.
- Page(s): 34-36
- Date of Publication: 15 April 2019
- Alfiya KouserUG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
- Harshitha DUG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
- Karotiya RishabhUG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
- Lakshmi NarsimhaUG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
- Prof. Tanya MendezDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Alfiya Kouser, Harshitha D, Karotiya Rishabh, Lakshmi Narsimha, Prof. Tanya Mendez "Review Paper on Design and Implementation of Kogge-Stone Adder Using Cadence Virtuoso " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.34-36 URL:
This study presents the development and application of two Non-linear Programming (NLP) models / plans for the seasonal optimal allocation of resources to maximize the annual return of the Tumaria canal command of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. This area comes under Tumaria Extension Main canal which originates from Tumaria dam. There are two distributaries and fourteen minors in the Tumaria extension canal network. The length of the main canal, distributaries and minors, and total length of canals of the study area are 10713, 25214 and 35927 meters respectively. The CCA of canal command is 14070 ha. Total 11 crops were included in the optimization plan. Plan1; the crop-wise proposed area of all crops in the command was less than or equal to existing area of a crop except fodder crops which was equal to existing crop area under fodder crops in command. Plan 2; the crop-wise proposed area of major crops in the command was greater than or equal to area required for the production of food for minimum consumption of population in the command while the crop-wise proposed area of fodder and vegetable crops were equal to existing area of a crop in the command; the crop-wise proposed area of minor crops in this Plan 2 was less than or equal to the area required for the production of food for minimum consumption of population in the command. Existing available groundwater was considered as the average of five years groundwater draft through minor irrigation structures (2010-2014). Twenty five percent, fifty percent, seventy five percent and hundred percent of the five years average of groundwater available for irrigation corresponding to semi-critical groundwater utilization development stage (90% of net groundwater recharge) as calculated in Table 1, was added to the existing available groundwater and the programme for Plan 1 and Plan 2 was run for these four additional levels of groundwater availability. The net annual return for existing cropping pattern, Plan 1 and Plan 2 with 100 percent of additional available groundwater; were obtained as Rs. 912.57 Million, Rs. 635.98 Million and Rs.708.36 Million, respectively. The proposed crop plan includes wheat, masur, pea, mustard, sugarcane and potato in Rabi; paddy, maize, urad, sugarcane and soybean in Kharif, and summer rice and sugarcane in Zaid season. The production function for different crops were taken from the existing literature.
- Page(s): 37-49
- Date of Publication: 18 April 2019
- Mantu KumarDepartment of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, (U.S. Nagar), Uttarakhand, India
- Yogendra KumarDepartment of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, (U.S. Nagar), Uttarakhand, India
- Shiv KumarDepartment of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, (U.S. Nagar), Uttarakhand, India
- Harish Chandra SharmaDepartment of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, (U.S. Nagar), Uttarakhand, India
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Mantu Kumar; Yogendra Kumar; Shiv Kumar; Harish Chandra Sharma "Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Waters Using Non-linear Optimization in the Tumaria Extension Canal Command of Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.37-49 URL:
Crime is a social stimulus and in many ways our society suffers. Crime is one of the most important and traumatic factors of our society, and prevention is an important function. Any research that will help you solve crimes will soon be paid. This system was influenced by the Criminal Record of the Indian Online Portal last year, which listed various crimes, such as murder, kidnapping, robbery, rape and other crimes. Crime analysis is a systematic method of investigating and investigating crime models and trends. This job helps local police station to suppress crime. With the rise of computerized systems, criminal data analysts can help law enforcement officials to speed up the crime-solving process. Use data mining concept. Due to increasing crime rates over the years, we have to deal with a large number of criminal data stored on the warehouse, which is difficult to manually analyze, and now one day, criminals are making technological advances, so advanced technology is required to keep police. They are. The main purpose of examining the algorithms and skills to identify criminals in this article.
- Page(s): 50-52
- Date of Publication: 22 April 2019
- Milind NayakStudent of Information Technology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Vikas YadavStudent of Information Technology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Yamini PatilFaculty of InformationTechnology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Dr. Zakaria Suliman Zubi , Ayman Altaher Mahmmud, Using Datamining Techniques to Analyse Crime patterns in the Libyan National Crime Data, Recent advances in image, audio and signal processing. ISBN: 978-960-474- 350-6 [2]. Shiju Sathyadeven, Deven M.S, Surya Gangadhara. S, Crime Analysis and prediction using data mining, IEEE, 2014 [3]. Ubon Thansatapornwatana, A Survey of Data Mining Techniques for Analyzing Crime. [4]. Mugdha Sharma. “Z - CRIME: A Data Mining Tool for the Detection of Suspicious CriminalActivities Based on Decision Tree”, International Conference On Data Mining and Intellegent [5]. HarshTaneja1, Anupam Dewan2, Vineet Bhardhwaj3, “Pre-Release Success Quotient Prediction of Movies”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 [6]. Babita M. Jangid1 , Chaitali K. Jadhav2 , Swati M. Dhokate3 , Grish M.Jadhav4, Prof. G.M.Bhandari5,” Survey on Movies Popularity Prediction System Using Social Media Feature”, (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 4, Issue 9, September 2016. [7]. Prashant K. Khobragade and Latesh G. Malik. “Data Generation and Analysis for Digital Forensic Application using Data mining”, Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2014.
Milind Nayak, Vikas Yadav, Yamini Patil "Crimerate Prediction using Datamining" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.50-52 URL:
Sign language is wide employed by people with handicap to speak with one another handily exploitation hand gestures. However, non-sign-language speakers notice it extremely onerous to speak with those with speech or handicap since it interpreters don't seem to be promptly on the market the tiniest quantity bit times. several countries have their own language, like English language (ASL) that is significantly used inside the u. s. and so the blabber mouthed a vicinity of North American country. The planned system helps non-sign-language speakers in recognising gestures utilized in Indian language. The system represented throughout this paper is enforced exploitation PYTHON & OPENCV. throughout this approach, firstly, the signs unit of mensuration captured employing a camera. photos|the pictures|the photographs} captured unit of mensuration then processed any and so the alternatives unit of mensuration extracted from the captured pictures from the information. this method can modify non-sign-language speakers to higher perceive and communicate with those with impaired hearing.
- Page(s): 53-55
- Date of Publication: 22 April 2019
- Arjun Bapusaheb Pawar Student of Information Technology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashta, India
- Gautam Ved Student of Information Technology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashta, India
- Muzammil Shaikh Student of Information Technology Department, KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashta, India
- Uday Kumar Singh Faulty of Information Technology Department , KC College of Engineering, Thane, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Sunitha K. A, Anitha Saraswathi.P, Aarthi.M, Jayapriya. K, Lingam Sunny, “Deaf Mute Communication Interpreter- A Review”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Volume 11, pp 290-296 , 2016. [2]. Ashish Sethi, Hemanth ,Kuldeep Kumar,Bhaskara Rao ,Krishnan R, “Sign Pro-An Application Suite for Deaf and Dumb”, IJCSET , Volume 2, Issue 5, pp-1203-1206, May 2012. [3]. Nasser H. Dardas and Nicolas D. Georganas, “Real-Time Hand Gesture Detection and Recognition Using Bag-of-Features and Support Vector Machine Techniques,” IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, volume 60, no. 11, pp.132-137 November 2011. [4]. Priyanka Mekala, , Asad Davari“Real-time Sign Language Recognition based on Neural Network Architecture” 978-1-4244-9592- 4/11/ ©2011IEEE. [5].
Arjun Bapusaheb Pawar, Gautam Ved, Muzammil Shaikh, Uday Kumar Singh "Deaf and Dumb Translation Using Hand Gestures " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.53-55 URL:
This paper presentation and approach for smart agribot to integrate with computer vision web server and cross platform mobile services this project aim to increase the agricultural sector after a large extent it focus on during pharmacy technology that they can approach and increase the productivity we normally used microcontroller and tiny computer subsystem into this project this cloud platform and open source design will help farmers to grow for a prosperous country Particular given technology is already being used in some advanced sectors it is time to be used in in India An Atmospheric Water Generator is an appliance that employs dehumidification/condensing technology that extracts water from the humidity in the air. The water is then filtered and purified through several filters including carbon, and reverse osmosis, and UV sterilization lights. The result is pure drinking water from the air. An Atmospheric Water Generator Works on the same principle as a refrigerators and air conditioners i.e. on the principle of cooling through evaporation. The Atmospheric water generator works by converting atmospheric air to pressurized air using a Compressor and then this air is then passed through Condenser pipes which decreases it’s temperature to dew point. The air condenses to liquid and is passed through afiltration system and it is then stored in a tank. The major aim or objective of our project is to provide safe and clean drinking water to those areas which are facing water shortage problems or where water transportation through regular means is expensive (especially rural areas). Our project hopes to reduce this problem by providing an atmospheric water generator that will runviabicycle-geararrangement stand-alone renewable source of energy i.e. either solar or wind.
- Page(s): 56-59
- Date of Publication: 23 April 2019
- Prof. Sumita Gupta Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Rajeshbabu Adala Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Sahil Borade Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Vimal Maurya Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
- Sunil Swarnkar Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
[1]. Greg M.Peters; Naomi J.Blackburn; Michael Armedion, ”Environmental assessment of air to water machines-triangulation to manage scope uncertainity”, Springer-Vsuccumbed Berlin Ileidelberg 2013, vol 18, pp. 1149-1157, 27 March, 2013. [2]. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 5 Issue 4, April- 2016. [3]. M. J. H. B. T. A. M. K. T. Baig, M.Q., “Artificial intelligence, modelling and simulation (aims), 2014 2nd international conference on,” pp. 109– 114, November 2014.
Prof. Sumita Gupta, Rajeshbabu Adala, Sahil Borade, Vimal Maurya, Sunil Swarnkar "SMART AGRIBOT" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.56-59 URL:
The Karanja Reservoir is one of the major drinking water sources for the Bidar district is under threat by the disposal of effluents from the industries such as Sugar, Paper and distilleries. To study the effect of effluent disposal on this reservoir, correlation study among physico chemical and Biological characteristics of reservoir where carried out. It is observed that the distribution of TDS, TSS, EC, Cl, TH, Mg, DO, BOD, COD, NH4-N, TKN, OP, DP TC and acidity were significantly correlated (r > 0.4) with total solids (TS) in most of the sampling points. Hence, in the present study the correlation between total solids with other variables is discussed in detail.
- Page(s): 60-68
- Date of Publication: 24 April 2019
- Dr. B. B. Kori Professor and Head of the Civil Engineering Department, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar (KS), India
[1]. Water quality index of some Indian rivers. By Rama Karan Singh. indian jr. env . helth vol -38 no-1. 21-34 (1996) [2]. Water quality and pollution status of Chalakudy River at kathikudam, Kerala. By Riney joseph., Nature environment and pollution Technology. Vol-9 no-1. 113-115 (2010) [3]. Correlation characteristics of the limnological properties of Ebonyi River, Nigeria. By E.F. Ude et, al. Eco. Env. cons. 15(2). 201-204 (2009). [4]. Kodge B. G. and Hiremath P. S, Geographical Information System of Bidar district, , http://
Dr. B. B. Kori "Correlation Study among Physico-Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Karanja Reservoir" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.60-68 URL:
Digital image require 3MB of storage and 2 minutes for transmission, utilizing a high speed, ISDN line. If the image is compressed, the storage requirement is reduced to 300KB and the transmission time drop to less than 6seconds. Digital image compression compresses and reduce the size of image and also perform decompression decompress and regenerate the original image from the compressed image. Two methods are used for compression one is lossless compression and lossy compression. Lossless compression techniques produce image with no loss in the quality of the image. Lossy compression techniques are one which produces a minor loss of quality to the output image. Digital image compression helps in saving a lot of memory space and hence is extensively used for compression of photographs, medical imaging, art work, map, etc. image reduced in size by digital image compression can be sent, upload or download in much lesser time and thus it make sharing of image lot easier. Researchers use artificial neural network as an image compression approach are adaptive learning, fault tolerance and optimized approximations. A survey about different image compression and decompression has been done. From that observation recently used artificial neural network is multilayer feed forward network due to its efficiency.
- Page(s): 69-73
- Date of Publication: 24 April 2019
- Ashwini Dalavi B Tech. Student, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur, Maharashtra, India
- Priya Jadhav B Tech. Student, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur, Maharashtra, India
- Harshada Joshi B Tech. Student, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur, Maharashtra, India
- Sneha Kolhe B Tech. Student, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur, Maharashtra, India
- Asavari Parit B Tech. Student, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur, Maharashtra, India
- Akhilesh Mokashi Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT, RIT Islampur Maharashtra, India
[1]. Mrs. Shreeja” Image Compression: An Artificial Neural Network Approach” in IEEE Transaction On Image Compression,Vol.2. [2]. R. P. Lippmann, “An introduction to computing with neural network”, IEEE ASSP mag., pp. 36-54, 1987. [3]. SUNIL BHOOSHAN and SHIPRA SHARMA “Image Compression and Decompression using Adaptive Interpolation”. [4]. M.M. Polycarpou, P. A. Ioannou, “Learning and Convergence Analysis of Neural Type Structured Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network, Vol 2, Jan 1992, pp.39-50. [5]. Ms. C. V. Yadav, Ms. S. R.Gaikwad, Ms. N. N. Jakhalekar, Mr. V. A. Patil” Image Compression and Reconstruction Using Artificial Neural Network”,Vol 03, Jan Issue:02|Feb-2016
Ashwini Dalavi, Priya Jadhav, Harshada Joshi, Sneha Kolhe, Asavari Parit, Akhilesh Mokashi "Image Compression and Decompression Using Artificial Neural Network" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.69-73 URL:
Authentic ancient Tamil food contains a wealth of erudition on health sciences. Ancient Tamil peoples beliefs ”Unavemarundhu” which means “Lets cooking be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. At changed stages of a life, the constitution of creature corpse changes and requires exceptional ingestion routine to sustain typical physiological functions. As indicated by these diverse changes Tamil ancestors had poles apart foods that were beneficial and nutritionally dense. This review article introduces the curative significance of antiquated Tamil foods and evidenced through Tamil literature review. This article expand discusses about various land of ancient Tamil Nadu with and their medical respect food customs.
- Page(s): 74-78
- Date of Publication: 24 April 2019
- K.P.YuvarajPh.D. Research Scholar, University of Madras, India
[1]. Traditional and ayurvedic foods of Indian origin byPreetam Sarkar a, Lohith Kumar DH a, Chanda Dhumal a, Shubham Subrot Panigrahi a,Ruplal Choudhary b, [2]. [3]. FOOD CULTURE IN TAMIL NADU- A STUDY by Akmal. S, Suneetha.V,School of Bio-Science and Technology and School of Chemical Engineering, VIT University, ISSN: 0975-766X,International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology,Accepted on: 12.11.2016 [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. Kalanjiyam- An International Journal of Tamil Studies is a quarterly, bi-lingual journal in Tamil and English-sangakala unavu muraigal byka. Puvaneswari. [8]. Chef Alaparthy Rao, Professor at Dr. M.G.R institute of Hotel Management and Catering technology,chennai.Interview by K.P.Yuvaraj on25th Feb2019. [9]. [10]. Kolukattais for health and taste by Mr. Shrikumar article published in Hindu paper on28th August2014. [11]. Chef Radhakrishnan, Assistant professor, Srikrishna arts and science college, coimbatore. Interviewed by K.P.Yuvaraj on12th Feb2019. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. Chef ravichnder reddy, Assistant professor, Garden city college, coimbatore. Interviewed by K.P.Yuvaraj on14th March2019. [16]. IDLI, AN INDIAN FERMENTED FOOD: A REVIEWN. R. REDDY S. K. SATHE M. D. PIERSON First published: June 1982 [17]. [18]. Agricultural Practices as gleaned from the Tamil Literature of the Sangam AgebyT M Srinivasan* (Received 01 June 2016) [19]. What ancient tamils ate by A. Shrikumar in The Hindu news paper may2018 published in madurai edition.
K.P.Yuvaraj "Medicinal Value of Ancient Tamilnadu Authentic Food- A Detail Study" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.74-78 URL:
The essential aim of this paper is to check the system, which is used for ATM access to money withdrawal with lot of security. In this system, Bankers will collect the customer finger prints and mobile number while opening the account then only customer can access ATM machine. The system will start working when our customer goes at ATM center. there will be a switch for entry at first place. After getting entry customer has to places his finger on the finger print module. Then system will check for user identity and checks validity of finger if it finds as a valid then ATM machine will ask to customer for 4 digit ATM pin, which is fixed. If that 4 digitcode match with entered pin code then system will automatically generates another different 4 digit code i.e.OTP. And that code will be sent to the customer’sregistered mobile number through GSM modem. Here customer has to enter this code again .After entering OTP, System will checks whether entered OTP is a valid or not. And if it is valid, the customer is then allowed for further procedure. ATM will show options like cash withdrawal and cash deposit. Also purpose of victimization temperature detector and tilt detector is to supply security for ATM Terminal
- Page(s):79-82
- Date of Publication: 24 April 2019
- Prof. Sumita Gupta Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
- Siddhesh KadamStudent, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
- Sidhika VijayvergiyaStudent, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
- Aishwarya PhadatareStudent, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
- Chandrashekhar KanavalliStudent, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane (W), Maharashtra, India
[1]. Signals, Systems and Computers, 2004 Conference Record of the ordinalAsilomar Conference on Publication 7-Nov-2004 Volume: one on page(s): 577-581 Vol.1. [2]. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2012. [3]. International Journals of Biometric and Bioinformatics, Volume (3): Issue (1). [4]. R. A. Fisher Biometrics, Vol. 20, No. 2, In Memoriam: Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890-1962(Jun., 1964), pp. 261-264.
Prof. Sumita Gupta, Siddhesh Kadam, Sidhika Vijayvergiya, Aishwarya Phadatare, Chandrashekhar Kanavalli "ATM Security System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.79-82 URL:
Electricity is one of the basic requirements of human beings, which is widely used for domestic, commercial and agricultural purposes. There is a great demand for electricity and it is increasing day by day, also there are lots of problem regarding its distribution and metering. The electrical supply line extends over millions of kilometers depending on the consumer and it’s a tedious job to collect the information related to the energy consumption from each consumer. The meter reader has to travel all the way and collect the required data. The collected data must be processed in the central database. In this paper a wireless method is proposed which puts emphasis on Intelligent Energy Meter reading and bill generation using Arduino Mega and Ethernet Shield. The monthly generated bill will be sent to the consumer through SMS using GSM900. In case of failure of payment by a consumer the controller wirelessly using the concept the Internet of Things (IOT) can disconnect the power supply using a relay of the consumer.
- Page(s): 83-87
- Date of Publication: 24 April 2019
- Prof. Mrs. Aditi KambleK C Collage of Engineering, Thane (E), Maharashtra, India
- Tejas J SawantK C Collage of Engineering, Thane (E), Maharashtra, India
- Manthan A MoreK C Collage of Engineering, Thane (E), Maharashtra, India
- Prachi V ThoratK C Collage of Engineering, Thane (E), Maharashtra, India
- Geeta BhaleraoK C Collage of Engineering, Thane (E), Maharashtra, India
[1]. Prof. M. S. Sujatha, Dr. M Vijay Kumar Dept. of EEE. “On-line monitoring and analysis of faults in transmission and distribution lines using GSM technique”, E-ISSN: 1817-3195. Vol. 33 No.2, 30th Nov, 2011. [2]. Ms. Devjani Banerjee, Prof Dr. Mrs. N. R. Kulkarni Electrical Engineering Department. “Three PhaseParameter Data Logging and Fault Detection Using GSM Technology”, ISSN 2250-3153, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013. [3]. Andrea Zanella, Senior Member, IEEE, Nicola Bui, Angelo Castellani, Lorenzo Vangelista, Senior Member, IEEE, and Michele Zorzi, Fellow, IEEE, “Internet of Things for Smart Cities”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 22-32, February 2014. [4]. PoonamBorle, AnkithaSaswadhar, DeepaliHiwarkar, Rupali S Kali, “Automatic Meter Reading for Electricity”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, no. 3,pp. 982-987, March 2013.
Prof. Mrs. Aditi Kamble, Tejas J Sawant, Manthan A More, Prachi V Thorat, Geeta Bhalerao "IOT Based Intelligence of Electric Meter" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.83-87 URL:
The fishermen of Rameswaram and Tuticorin are taken as captives for crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) by the Sri Lankan navy. Positively no remedies were found for this well-known social issue. A system has been proposed which involves a scientific approach in which the boat is fitted with GPS which senses the current position. By comparison, if the vessel is at 100m, a warning signal is transmitted to the boat as well as to the control centre located offshore. By moving further, i.e. at 50m, the boat stops and starts reversing its direction. At the front portion of the boat, a gun is fixed along with a wireless camerawhich acts as a protection mechanism for the fisherman. In case if there is any attack by the opposite side, the system senses the change and the camera turns on automatically. Thus, the entire scenario can be recorded and it can be monitored by the control centre which controls the mobility of the gun based on the camera’s view. Thus, any sort of attacks can be retaliated by using this system. Apart from that, instead of GPS, Fisher Friend, a mobile app developed by M.S.S.R.F have been used as it acts as a real time GPS assist and it provides exact position of the fisherman.
- Page(s): 88-91
- Date of Publication: 26 April 2019
- Padmanaban VAssistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. India
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Padmanaban V "Adaptive Modernised Military Assistance and Establishments Forsri Lankan Captives" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.88-91 URL:
When many advanced problems of probability, statistics, physics and engineering like heat conduction problems, vibrating beams problems express mathematically then error function appears frequently in these problems. In this article, we find the Mahgoub transform (Laplace-Carson transform) of error function. In application section, some numerical applications of Mahgoub transform of error function are given for evaluating the improper integral, which contain error function.
- Page(s): 92-98
- Date of Publication: 26 April 2019
- Sudhanshu AggarwalAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Naional P.G. College Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India
- Anjana Rani GuptaProfessor, Department of Mathematics, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India
- Swarg Deep SharmaAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Nand Lal Singh College Jaitpur Daudpur Constituent of Jai Prakash University Chhapra-841205, Bihar, India
- Raman ChauhanAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India.
- Nidhi SharmaAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida-201306, U.P., India.
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Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Anjana Rani Gupta, Swarg Deep Sharma, Raman Chauhan, Nidhi Sharma "Mahgoub Transform (Laplace-Carson Transform) of Error Function" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.92-98 URL:
This paper deals with the study of transfer properties of knitted fabrics produced with structurally modified micro-pore ring spun viscose yarn. The micro-pores within the yarn and fabric have been created by dissolving the PVA fibres in hot water at a temperature of 900 C. The micro-porous yarns with varying packing densities and level of pore volumes are produced by changing the PVA fibre blend proportion, yarn twist multiplier(TM) and spindle speed at ring spinning machine.A three variable factorial design technique proposed by Box and Behnken has been used to study the interaction effects of these variables on the transfer properties of fabrics.The results shows that the air permeability and thermal conductivity of fabric decreases with the increase in PVA proportion and increases with the increase in spindle speed and yarn TM.The water vapour permeability and wickability of knitted fabric increases with the increase in PVA proportion and decreases with the increase in spindle speed and yarn TM.The OMMC of knitted fabric increases with the increase in PVA blend proportion and decreases with the increase in spindle speed and yarn TM.
- Page(s): 99-109
- Date of Publication: 29 April 2019
- V.ChandrasekaranDepartment of Apparel Technology, PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- P.SenthilkumarDepartment of Textile Technology, PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- T.KarthikDepartment of Textile Technology, PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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V.Chandrasekaran, P.Senthilkumar and T.Karthik "Transfer Properties of Single Jersey Knitted Fabrics Made from Structurally Modified Micro-Pore Ring Spun Viscose Yarns" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.99-109 URL:
The projects aim is to control the speed of dc motor by using the PID controller in Lab VIEW. It combines the advantage of proportional, derivate and integral control action. DC motors are used extensively in industrial variable speed applications because of most demanding speed torque characteristics and are simple in controlling aspects. The motor speed is kept constant in this experiment. The simulation result of the experiment shows that a motor is running approximately at a constant speed regardless of a motor loop. It is concluded that a PID controller is a successful tool for controlling the motor speed in presence of load disturbances. The rpm of the dc motor is sensed and given as an input to the DAQ by the proximity sensor.
- Page(s): 110-113
- Date of Publication: 29 April 2019
- G. PradeepaAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- N.T.ElakkyaDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- J.JayashreeDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- S.MadhumithaDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
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G. Pradeepa, N.T.Elakkya, J.Jayashree, S.Madhumitha "Speed control of DC motor using LabVIEW" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.110-113 URL:
This study focused upon Online Food Ordering Apps available for Amravati City. As, the Online Ordering systems have newly introduced in the City, this study tries to judge people’s perception about it on primary level. Researcher have made an effort of considering few demographic presumptions and restrictions to get valid data from the sample size.
- Page(s): 114-116
- Date of Publication: 29 April 2019
- Ninad GawandeDepartment of Management Studies (MBA), Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati (MH State), India
- Gajanan PachaghareDepartment of Management Studies (MBA), Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati (MH State), India
- Ashish Deshmukh Department of Management Studies (MBA), Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati (MH State), India
[1]. Suryadev Singh Rathore and Mahik Chaudhary (2018), Consumer's Perception on Online Food Ordering, published at International Journal of Management & Business Studies, Vol. 8, Iss ue 4, Oct - Dec 2018 ISSN : 2230-9519 [2]. Dr. Neha Parashar & Ms. Sakina Ghadiyal (2017)i, A Study on Customer’s Attitude and Perception towards Digital Food App Services, Amity Journal of Management, Jan-2017. [3]. Soham Trivedi (2018), Consumer Perception about Online Sales of Food in Indian Consumer Market, Published at the Proceedings of Academics World 99th International Conference, Paris, France, 25th-26th September 2018. [4]. Nimbus Matrix (2017), Online Food Ordering System That Actually Works (And Why?),
Ninad Gawande, Gajanan Pachaghare, Ashish Deshmukh "A Study of Customer Perception about Online Food Ordering Services in Amravati City" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.114-116 URL:
The world's attention is now moving towards raising the environmental development to limit the environmental deterioration of the Earth. Since cities are responsible for more than 75% of the carbon emissions, the research focuses on studying the methodology of assessing the environmental impacts of cities on the planet by measuring the urban footprint of cities. The urban footprint is considered an important indication to assess the man's activities, practices and outputs in those cities. It also helps to understand the relationship between human activities and natural resources in the environment. This is through studying and analyzing several different cities regarding ideologies and urban characteristics. In order to get rid of environmental deterioration. According to what is stated above, the research proposal is based on finding out methods or criteria that should be put in consideration while cities planning or when tending to sustainability of cities such as: attention to the urban fabric, the urban patterns and uses, roads networks planning, residential density, construction ratio, the followed lifestyle in the city and handling of consumption outputs either gases or wastes. The previously mentioned part includes elements that must be put in consideration while planning the sustainable cities and there is no doubt that they are the most important factors influencing the urban footprint value of cities someway and thus their sustainability.
- Page(s): 117-130
- Date of Publication: 01 May 2019
- Ehab OkbaDepartment of Architecture –Fayoum University / Engineering Collage, Egypt
- Mohga EmbabyDepartment of Architecture –Fayoum University / Engineering Collage, Egypt
- Shaimaa AlsayedDepartment of Architecture –Nahda University/ Engineering Collage, Egypt
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Ehab Okba, Mohga Embaby and Shaimaa Alsayed "Sustainable Cities Improvement by Applying Novel Urban Footprint in Different Cities" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.117-130 URL:
Content centric network (CCN) totally transform the host centric network architecture to content centric network architecture. Different researchers studied CCN for Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) for efficient communication. MANET in CCN faces various issues of flooding of interest packet and data packets, broadcasting on broken edges, power consumption, and reestablishment of the connection with mobile nodes. In this paper, we proposed an efficient multicasting and collision avoidance (EMCA) protocol in content centric MANETs (CCMANETs). It minimizes the interest packet and data packet flooding in the network by applying check on the content store (CS) and pending interest table (PIT). EMCA also maintains the unique routing table (RT) at each node. RT extracts information from interest packets. If the path breaks during the data packet unicasting then data packet custodian node uses RT entries to select the second best path for unicasting. The simulation results of EMCA shows better results than AIRDrop because AIRDrop uses broadcasting on broken edges. EMCA achieves high throughput with less network load and minimum battery consumption. It also minimizes packet flooding in the network to ensure less packet collision rate. EMCA provides better content based communication protocol and ensures more successful communication in dynamic topology. In this project, we present an efficient multicasting and collision avoidance (EMCA) protocol in content centric MANETs (CCMANETs). Our proposal is based on a tone system to provide more efficiency and better performance. The protocol consists of a new construction method for mobile nodes using a clustering approach that depends on distance and remaining energy to provide more stability and to reduce energy consumption. In addition, we propose an adjustment to the typical multicast flow by adding unicast links between clusters.
- Page(s): 131-137
- Date of Publication: 01 May 2019
- Srinivas Babu NAssistant Professor, ECE dept., Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F, Karnataka, India
- Pomila Srinivasa MurthyStudents, ECE dept., Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F, Karnataka, India
- Sainath P AStudents, ECE dept., Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F, Karnataka, India
- Vishnu J KStudents, ECE dept., Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F, Karnataka, India
[1]. HUANG Tao1, LI Jiangxu, LIU Jiang1, ZHANG Yunyong2, LIU Yunjie1, “Mobility Support for Content Source in ContentCentric Networking”, March 2015. [2]. J.Kuang, “CSAR: A Content-Scent based Architecture for Information-Centric mobile ad hoc networks,” Comput. Commun., vol. 71, pp. 84–96, 2015. [3]. Z. Xu, Z. Su, Q. Xu, Q. Qi, T. Yang, and J. Li, “Delivering mobile social content with selective agent and relay nodes in content centric networks,” Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl., pp. 1–9, 2016. [4]. G. Carofiglio, M. Gallo, L. Muscariello, M. Papalini, and S. Wang, “Optimal multipath congestion control and request forwarding in information-centric networks,” Comput.Networks, vol. 110, pp. 104– 117, 2016. [5]. MarouaMeddeba and Amine Dhraief, ”Producer mobility support in named data internet of things network” 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs. [6]. HaoJin, Dan Xu, Chenglin Zhao and Dong Liang, “Information-centric mobile caching network frameworks and caching optimization: a survey”,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2017). [7]. SafaeRahel, AbdellahJamali and Said El Kafhali, “Energy-efficient on caching in Named Data Networking: A survey”, 2017 IEEE.
Srinivas Babu N, Pomila Srinivasa Murthy, Sainath P A, Vishnu J K "Packet Collision Avoidance in Energy Efficient CC-MANETs" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.131-137 URL:
This work is to study how effective the Case-based Reasoning (CBR) method is to solve the forecasting stock share problem. Stock price forecasting is the act of determining the future value of a company stock on time series historical data. In real world, forecasting stock prices is not an easy task because this forecasting is based on variety of many financial conditions and it cannot be decided accurately. The system starts with inputting details of future stock share price. It is then matched with previous stored cases and retrieved the most similar cases. The local-global principle is applied to match cases and the similarity percentages are shown as a result. If the new attribute need to modify the previous case, the system can consider increasing the stock share with some financial factors. Finally, CBR generates a forecasted stock share result to increase or decrease. The results are to increase/decrease percentage amount of stock price.
- Page(s): 138-141
- Date of Publication: 01 May 2019
- Zarni SannFaculty of Computer Systems and Technologies, University of Computer Studies (Mandalay), Myanmar.
- Thi Thi SoeFaculty of Computer Science, University of Computer Studies (Mandalay), Myanmar .
- Khaing Myat NweFaculty of Computer Systems and Technologies, University of Computer Studies (Mandalay), Myanmar.
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Zarni Sann, Thi Thi Soe, Khaing Myat Nwe "Stock Share Prices Forecasting System using Case-Based Reasoning" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.138-141 URL:
The popularly known crypto currency is a type of digital currency. It works as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure financial transactions. Cryptography helps to keep the data secure. All data about the transactions are kept secure in a distributed ledger system called Block Chain. Crypto currencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking system. Block chain serves as a public financial database system. Bit coin was the first introduced crypto currency, in 2009, by Satoshi Nakamoto. According to him, it is a Peer-to-Peer electronic cash system and further, it is decentralized with no server, or central authority. This paper focuses on the issues and challenges of crypto currencies.
- Page(s): 142-144
- Date of Publication: 01 May 2019
- Chandrasekaran GMCA Department, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India
- Murugachandravel JMCA Department, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India
- Neethidevan VMCA Department, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India
[1]. Ashish Mohod, Anmol Mannarwar, Kaustubh Badukale, “What is the future of Cryptocurrency in India”, International Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2018 [2]. Marcel Morisse, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, “Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins: Charting the Research Landscape”. [3]. Satoshi Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” [4]. Mauro Conti, Sandeep Kumar E, Chhagan Lal, “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of Bitcoin”, Deecember2017 [5]. Dr. Zeynep Gurguc, Prof. William Knottenbelt, “Cryptocurrencies: Overcoming Barriers to Trust and Adoption”. Imperial College, London [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10].
Chandrasekaran G, Murugachandravel J, Neethidevan V "Crypto Currencies: Issues and Challenges" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.142-144 URL:
Three phase induction motors are the most rugged and the most widely used machines in industry and agriculture. These motor are frequently started by connecting them directly across the supply line. It draws a large starting current from the supply line, about 5 to 7 times of the motor rated current. If this causes appreciable voltage drop in the supply line, it may affect other loads connected to the line. In addition, if a large current flows for a long time, it may overheat the motor and damage the insulation. Therefore, the motor bus voltage should be maintained at approximately 80 % of the rated voltage while starting. In this paper, ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) is employed to investigate whether the starting motor can be successfully started under the operating conditions without starter. Moreover, one more objective of motor starting analysis is to present the use of VFD (variable frequency drive) and auto-transformer that devices can maintain the bus voltage and reduce the large starting current while motor starting on the system.
- Page(s): 145-149
- Date of Publication: 03 May 2019
- Dr. Aung Zaw LattDepartment of Electrical Power Engineering, Technological University (Maubin), Maubin, Myanmar
[1]. DR. P. C. Sen, Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., USA, 2014. [2]. Velimir Lackovic, Char. Eng, Introduction to Motor Starting Analysis, Course No.E05-008 [3]. B. L. Theraja, A. K. Theraja, Electrical Technology, Multicolour Illustrative Edition , S. Chand. Ltd, 2005.. [4]. A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr., Stephen D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Sixth Edition, Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc, New York, 2003. O [5]. K. C. Agrawal, Electrical Power Engineering Reference& Applications Handbook, First Edition, ISBN:0-7506-7351-6, USA, 2007. [6]. Technical document, ETAP Motor Acceleration Analysis, Operation Technology, Inc., 2009.
Dr. Aung Zaw Latt "Three Phase Induction Motor Starting Analysis Using ETAP " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.145-149 URL:
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of spatial distribution of sensors which co-operatively monitor the environment for certain phenomenon of interest such as temperature, humidity, pressure etc, and send their sensed data through multi-hop route to the sink. These nodes may vary between hundreds to thousands depending on the size and nature of data (signals) to be detected. Wireless sensor networks are expected to operate over long periods without being attended to. The range of this period may span from some months to even years. However due to its resource constraints i.e. limited battery power, low bandwidth, limited sensing range and low memory, it is pertinent that its resources must be optimally utilized. This paper addresses a secured routing protocol to a specified sink in a multi-sink scenario. It is a subset of a novel algorithm required to securely route data to multiple mobile sinks in WSN. It employs reinforcement learning paradigm and in particular (Q-learning) while the transition (action) is modeled as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process.
- Page(s): 150-162
- Date of Publication: 08 May 2019
- FAGBOHUNMI Griffin SijiComputer Engineering Department, Abia State Polytechnic Aba, Abia State, Nigeria
- ENEH I. I.Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
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FAGBOHUNMI Griffin Siji, ENEH I. I. "A Reinforcement Learning Based Secured Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.150-162 URL:
Distributed database system is very useful for controlling data which is distributed over different machines on multiple locations. One of the design issues of distributed databases is how to make decisions about the placement of data and programs across the sites of a computer network as well as possibly designing the network itself. The best way of data allocation is to place the data fragments to the sites from which they are most frequently accessed to reduce the total data transfer cost while executing a set of queries in the realistic dynamic environment, where the access pattern of fragments from different sites change over time. In this paper, a group-based strategy for partial-replicated dynamic fragments allocation in distributed database system is proposed. The proposed algorithm has been used to dynamically reallocate the fragments by considering group-based in partial-replicated distributed database system. The proposed approach is implemented on a sample distributed database system provides better response time and will improve the overall of distributed database system performance.
- Page(s): 163-169
- Date of Publication: 08 May 2019
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- Tin Myint Naing Faculty of Information & Communication Technology, University of Technology (Yadanarpon Cyber City), Myanmar
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Nang Khine Zar Lwin, Tin Myint Naing "Balancing Fragment by Using Group Based Approach for Partial-Replicated Dynamic Fragment Allocation in Distributed Database System " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.163-169 URL:
Web page clustering plays an important role in providing intuitive navigation and browsing mechanisms by organizing large sets of web pages into a small number of meaningful clusters. Clustering is a very powerful data mining technique for topic discovery from web pages. Partition clustering algorithm, K-means, is reported performing well on web page clustering. They treat the clustering problem as an optimization process of grouping web pages into k clusters so that a particular criterion function is minimized or maximized. The bag of words representation used for these clustering is often unsatisfactory as it ignores relationships between important terms that do not co-occur literally. So, this system proposes the semantic based web page clustering system by using both the K-means clustering algorithm and word sense disambiguation method. For semantic analysis, this system uses the WordNet as lexicon and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier as the word sense disambiguation method. Based on the semantic logic, this system supports the more accurate about the web page clustering process.
- Page(s): 170-175
- Date of Publication: 11 May 2019
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- Hnin Hnin HtunFaculty of Information and Communication Technology, University of Technology (Yatanarpon Cyber City) PyinOoLwin, Myanmar
- Aye Mon YiFaculty of Information and Communication Technology, University of Technology (Yatanarpon Cyber City) PyinOoLwin, Myanmar
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Ei Ei Moe, Hnin Hnin Htun, Aye Mon Yi "Semantic-based Web Page Clustering System using K-means Algorithm " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.170-175 URL:
A level control rig for real time data acquisition was realized using the ultrasonic sensor. The major issues necessitating the need of the study is that the cost and complexity of data acquisition system is high. The project is aimed at designing a low cost real time data acquisition system for level measurement and also maintaining set point of level. The research work is built round a PIC microcontroller and Ultrasonic Sensor.
- Page(s): 176-182
- Date of Publication: 11 May 2019
- Enweliku David MaledoDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun Delta State, Nigeria
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In order to save people from the biggest problem in this world that is obesity, we should be first concern about our food. In this paper a practically approach is mentioned to tackle the problem of being fat. Keto diet has the effective way and possible way to get rid of the obesity. This paper verifies the reliability of all type of keto food used in keto diet to lose weight . Practically results demonstrate that in the keto diet by eating our favourite food suchas Butter and cheese we can be fit.
- Page(s): 183-185
- Date of Publication: 11 May 2019
- Akash AgrawalSmt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, India
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The ecological footprint is a signal or indicator to measure the effects of man's activities on the environment, and therefore it is considered a bell to the extent of human impact on the environment and depletion of its resources. As cities are the container that contains these activities and are the direct drain of environmental resources, that valuable tool should be adopted (ecological footprint) to measure environmental resources consumption in cities. Therefore, the research focuses on simulating the method of ecological footprint to measure the sustainability of cities by finding equations to calculate the ecological footprint of the city components to give the overall value of the urban footprint; this means that the impact of urban areas on the environment is calculated. Therefore, the research aims at accessing the tools of new equations to calculate the urban footprint of each sector of the city to identify its impact on the environmental resource’s consumption and identify the imbalance or shortage of resources consumption accurately as well as to identify the city possibilities. Thus, that gives the opportunity to take the necessary measurements to deal with them.
- Page(s): 186-199
- Date of Publication: 12 May 2019
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Shaimaa Alsayed, Ehab Okba and Mohga Embaby "Urban Footprint as a Tool to Measure the Sustainability of Cities Concept, Elements and Calculation" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 4, April 2019, pp.186-199 URL:
Diaspora implies the movements of ideas, images and people, who carry mem ' with them. The notion of diaspora as a concept of 'emigration' a voluntary movement away from an original center towards a specific chosen destination, is based on the hope for a better life in that destination rather than `dispersion' forced removal from a locus, implying lack of choice and resulting in widespread wandering, as in the dispersion of the Jewish peoples. The original diaspora has evolved to signify an identity space that words such as 'exile', `migrant', 'immigrant', 'alien', 'refugee' and 'foreigner' cannot claim. So, we will discuss about Mukherjee in this paper.
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